Honestly, some days are worse than others. Like today for example. I woke up in an unfamiliar place, in the bed with a stranger, ran around like a chicken with its head cut off, found out I have been deliberately brought here for who knows what, and I am currently fighting off an angry African American girl while another, whose ethnicity I can’t place, screams like she is in a horror movie. Doesn’t Tuesdays suck. “I will rip you from limb to limb you perverted shit!”
“Please this is a misunderstanding.”
“Misunderstanding my ass, how do you misunderstand you hiding in the closet you fucking pervert!” We thrashed around, bumping into everything in the living room. we continued this even when it led us into what I assume was a kitchen. “you think you could,” she coughs, “get away with,” she coughs again. Her grip on me loosen enough to break free. She dropped to the floor, struggling to breathe. I only glanced back as I ran out the back door.
Millia rushed into the cabin, “what’s going on?” There were two girls in the room, one of them was crouched on the floor when the other was besides her. “Tiffa,” she ran to the girl on the floor, “Cel go get her inhaler.”
“yeah,” the other girl ran past me to the stairs.
“T, take slow deep breaths. I’ll count you out. One, two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four, five.” Millia put her hand on the blacks’ girls back, helping her keep straight.
“I got her inhaler,” the other girl and handed the black girl her inhaler.
The girl on the floor used the inhaler a few times and started to breathe easy. “I’m going to kill that fucker,” she yelled.
“Tiffa, what happen?” Millia help Tiffa into a chair.
“Some asshole was hiding in our closet and he got away!”
“Someone crazy enough to come in here? They must have a death wish,” I said. Ash stays in this cabin while she’s here and she isn’t exactly the nicest wolf around, “anyway MIllia who are these two?”
“I never introduce them to you.” She pointed to the girl standing off to the side, “that is Celica, she just started to turn a few months ago.” Celica waved as the stroked her black hair. “The one in the chair is Tiffa, one of the Handlers I’m training.”
“Yeah, introductions are over, now let gets that bastard.” Tiffa tried to get out of the chair.
Millia stopped her, “you shouldn’t move so much. Just tell us what happen.”
“I told you, some sick pervert was in our closet and he escaped! He’s probably jerking off somewhere just thinking about what he saw.” Tiffa has no chill.
While Millia was talking to Tiffa, I went to the closet the ‘pervert’ was hiding in. The closet itself was hardly ever used, just an empty space. There was a faint smell in it but I couldn’t tell what it was. I guess he wasn’t in here for long. He probably just stumbled in here half asleep or something. “Do you remember what he looked like?”
“he was a guy wearing a shirt but no paints.” It’s the morning after a full moon, most guys would be walking around half naked in the morning.
“I mean body type, hair color, something distinctive.”
“Excuse me,” Celica stepped forward, “I clearly remember him having red hair. I think he was the same height as Tiffa too.”
Wait, “was he kind of skinny?” I asked.
Celica paused fidgeting with her hair, “I think so. Is that important?”
“Do you have an idea who it was?” Millia looked me square in the eyes, analyzing my face.
“I’ll tell you outside,” I excused myself and headed out the back door.
Millia followed me outside, “Let me guess, you think they saw Elliot.”
“Yep, I don't think anyone in the pack is a red head, unless there’s other people I haven't met yet.”
“Nothing comes to mind to me. it's not like we can remember every single member of a pack of this size. Hector might know but…”
“You called,” a gruff voice spooked us. We both knew who it was without looking. Hector was behind us, wilder looking than normal. You would think his thick body hair was dirt if you didn’t know him.
“Yeah we want to ask you something,” Milla tried to avoid looking directly at Hector. He never had any shame showing off body, bordering exhibitionism. He may be a respected Beta, but he is also one of the most perverted people i know.
“So, shoot,” he took a bite out of some meat he was holding, probably deer, “what do you want to ask?”
I stared directly at Hector, “Do you know any red-haired people in the pack?”
“That's an odd question to ask.”
“Well you were one of the first Betas when this pack was formed, so you should know most of pack.”
“While I am flattered you think that, we have way too many people too be able to remember each by name.” Hector bit his meat again, “you might just want to go through the files or something.”
I mean we can do that wait. I just remember what i am supposed to be doing, “sorry but have you seen a redhead twink around.”
“What is it with you and redheads today, Chester?”
“Long story short, we rescued a new wolf last night and he's lost at the moment. He has red hair. Also, Celica and Tiffa said they found a red-haired person in their closet and he escape before we got there.”
“So, you want to think they are two different people instead of one person.” I nod, “Well I did see someone odd on my way here. He was hiding, quiet poorly really, around the parking lot. I only saw his behind really, it looked nice. Anyway, can’t say if he’s your guy or not.”
“That’s fine, it better than wondering around. Thanks Hector.”
Hector leaned close to me and whispered, “there’re better ways to thank me than words Chester,” I blush.
Millia grabbed my arm and dragged me away, “Okay, let's go look before he leaves.”. She continued to drag me till we were out of sight of Hector, “jeez, how can you deal with him?”
“He not a bad guy when you know him,” I never really understood Millia hatred of Hector. “Sure, he is a pervert, but that doesn't mean he is a bad person.”
“Please, when have you ever seen him with clothes on outside of meetings. He’s a nudist swinging his dick everywhere and asking for a blowjob from anyone old enough!”
I shook loose from her grip, “look if that is your problem with him just tell him yourself, he is much more reasonable than you think he is.”
Millia backed away, “Look Chester, this isn’t something to get angry about.”
Did I sound angry just now? “Sorry, but Hector is a great guy. He helped me out a lot growing up.”
“Look let’s just find Elliot, and take him to the Alpha okay.” MIllia dropped the subject as we approached the parking lot.
Seriously what is wrong with these people walking around half naked like it is nothing? Even if it was nothing, why so many people. I try to hide as I head to the cars. One wrong doesn't make a right, but it will get me out of here. The parking lot was filled with gravel, the stone hurt my feet as I walk on them. “I really hope one of these cars are,” I stop myself as I stared forward. I approached the car and went around behind it. I read the license plate, “This is my car.” I pulled on the drivers’ handle, “locked, why did I think otherwise?” I thought about what I needed to do. Guess I’m going to steal my own car. I bring my elbow down on the window.
The second it connected, the car alarm activated. Shit. I’ll have to come back later with actual tools next time. As I try to escape, I bumped into a person and landed on my ass, “Elliot, there you are.”
I looked up, it was the guy from that cabin. I grabbed a fist full of dirt and rocks and threw it at him. The universe, not tired of tormenting me, sent a strong wind to blow the dirt back into my eyes. “Shit!”
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