Current Track: Blabb

The Jackal's Song

Chapter 1: A Discordant Melody

With his lyre, Senu played a favorite tune. It was an old Jackal folk song his mother had sung to him when he was just a pup. Despite his love for the song and the precise movements of his fingers, he knew he wasn't doing it justice. The timing was wrong in several places, and his lyre kept falling out of tune no matter how he adjusted it. The audience noticed, and even with the flourish of dancing lights and flashy but harmless magic thrown into the mix, only a smattering of applause marked the end of his performance.

Senu stepped down from the stage of the Royal Stag, trying not to let his disappointment show. He made room for the next performer, fighting back a pang of jealousy as the attractive female fox almost immediately drew more enthusiasm from the crowd than he'd managed in weeks.

Until very recently, jackals were practically a myth in this part of the world. That had earned him some early fame and attention from the locals, but after several months of performing, the novelty had worn off. Now, he had to rely solely on his skills as a performer, and it was becoming increasingly obvious that he was lacking.

Standing at nearly eight feet tall, Senu's slender frame was covered in short, meticulously maintained black fur. His striking appearance was accentuated by the traditional jackal fashion he adhered to. Golden kohl lined his eyes, giving him a look reminiscent of Anubis from popular culture. His long headfur was tied back with a gold band, and his ears were pierced with gold earrings. He wore a billowy white shirt with a violet and gold sleeveless overcoat with long tails, dark trousers with gold embroidered trim, and a thin gold chain on his wrist.

Despite his efforts to not call attention to himself, Senu's violet eyes met those of Andrus, an anthropomorphic dragon, another rarity in the beast world, but one who had become a thorn in the jackals side. Andrus, with his copper scales and androgynous male figure, stood over six feet tall. His dragon heritage afforded him natural abilities and inherent magic. He was also a talented bard and dancer, and he used his rarity and skills to his advantage in ways that Senu couldn't hope to imitate.

"Oh dear, Senu. If you want to get a crowd's attention, you really need to up your game."

Senu didn't look at him. "I'm trying."

Andrus gave a soft laugh. "Well, if you want a little advice..."

"Not from you!" Senu snapped, then glanced around, embarrassed. A few people were looking at him, curious about his outburst. He forced a smile and waved at them, and they turned away.

"I was only going to say, there are a couple of tricks I could teach you," Andrus said.

Senu let out a low growl. "Like what?"

Andrus smirked, his golden eyes gleaming. "A lot of people will love a cute little pup like yourself. Use that."

"I'm 34."

"As I understand it, you're barely an adult by jackal standards. Besides, you have that tall, slender body. You should use it more."

Senu took a deep breath, then flagged down the barkeep to get a mug of ale. The wolf saw the hesitation there. A free drink was supposed to be part of his compensation for the night, but Senu could tell the wolf was losing patience. At first, Senu had been able to rely on the novelty of his appearance. Jackals rarely left their hidden cities. But ever since the war with the humans and their ultimate resettlement, the Beast World had grown more used to the presence of the ageless, fey-blooded creatures among them. The novelty faded quickly. As did his income.

"That puppy dog look is just pathetic," Andrus said, and Senu felt his cheeks grow hot.

"Leave me alone."

Andrus grinned, his tail flicking with amusement. "But why would I want to do that? You're my favorite toy, Senu. You're always so much fun."

When the mug was set in front of him, Senu wasted little time in bringing it to his muzzle. The honeyed mead was sweet and warm, and it helped to soothe the lump in his stomach.

As he took several long swallows, the tavern's owner stepped up to the stage as the fox girl finished her song.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" he called. "I have an exciting announcement! The Royal Stag is hosting an open audition tomorrow night for a special performance at the Grand Theater. All performers are welcome to showcase their talents, and the winner will get a chance to perform before the city's elite!"

The room buzzed with excitement, and Senu felt some of his frustration fade. This could be the opportunity he's been waiting for. Andrus chuckled, "Oh, Senu. Do you really think you have a chance?"

He ignored the taunts, but his eyes were soon drawn to a figure in the back corner: a wolf in a colorful doublet who was watching them intently. Upon being noticed, he stood and approached Andrus.

Andrus straightened up, a look of surprise briefly crossing his face before he masked it with his usual smirk.

"Count Alaric," Andrus greeted, his tone ingratiating. "To what do we owe the honor?"

The wolf's eyes flicked towards Senu for a moment, a fleeting smile playing on his lips before he returned his attention to Andrus. "I was in the area and thought I might enjoy a performance," he replied, his voice smooth and cultured. "I must say, it has been quite the evening. However, I was hoping to speak with you about a matter of some... academic interest."

Andrus's smirk faltered, replaced by a cautious curiosity. "Academic interest, you say? I'm all ears."

The count leaned in slightly, lowering his voice just enough to keep their conversation private, though Senu could still catch bits and pieces. "I've heard rumors of certain... manuscripts that have resurfaced. Documents thought lost, tied to an ancient enemy of our realm. I believe you might have some insight into this."

Andrus's eyes widened, and he glanced around nervously. "This isn't the best place."

Alaric chuckled softly, a sound that seemed to carry both amusement and a hint of danger. "One never knows where important information might surface."

Senu's ears flicked. He wasn't sure he should be overhearing this, but he had to admit some curiosity. He'd never seen this Alaric person in the Stag, but he seemed like he must be a wolf of some importance.

Andrus's tail lashed anxiously, but his expression remained carefully composed. "I have... a passing familiarity with such manuscripts. Perhaps we could discuss this further, somewhere more... private?"

Alaric's eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of warning in his tone. "Perhaps."

The count turned and strode away, his cloak billowing behind him. Andrus watched him go, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Well, Senu, it seems like I'm needed elsewhere," Andrus said, his usual smirk back in place.

"Yeah, yeah, go play with your new friend," Senu muttered.

Andrus's tail lashed again as he followed after the count. "Oh, I intend to."

Senu was left alone, his mind whirling.