Current Track: Blabb

The Jacakl's Song

Chapter 2: A Dangerous Night

As the night went on, Senu performed a second time. Using his long horn and a dance he'd learned as a child, this performance went much better, and he was able to use some minor illusory magic to add extra flair. Based on the approving looks he got from the tavern owner, he was fairly certain he'd saved his “job" at the Stag. That was good because he very much needed the practice if he was going to have a chance at the Grand Theater performance. But even he knew that he needed to find a way to make a splash that didn't rely on his mediocre musical ability.

Andrus never returned that night, and though Senu had some vague curiosity about what the annoying dragon was up to, he eventually retired to his small apartment located a few blocks away from the Stag. He'd first tried to negotiate for a room there, but he had had no luck.

As he walked, Senu reflected on his journey so far. He loved performing, but the constant struggle to stand out was wearing on him. He needed something more, something that would truly make him shine.

He'd been told that this street was dangerous to travel alone at night, but so far he'd avoided any trouble. His large stature and obvious nature as a jackal seemed to be a powerful deterrent to muggers. That was until tonight.

“Give me your money!" a rough voice demanded.

Senu didn't realize the gruff bear in the alley was talking to him until he moved forward and brandished a gleaming knife in the dark. The jackal tilted his head.


“Yes, you. Give me your jewelry and coin purse and no one gets hurt."

Senu sighed. “I'm afraid you'll be as disappointed as I was," he said, handing over his very light purse. There was barely enough in there to buy a mug of ale.

The bear frowned and grabbed the purse from his paw.

“Is that all?"

The jackal shrugged and slid off the thin gold chain from around his wrist. It was valuable, but he didn't need it.

“Here. Take it and go."

“What about that?" he gestured to the lyre case slung around his shoulder.


The bear growled. “I wasn't asking. Give it over." He pushed the knife closer.

Senu's frustration boiled over. He was tired of feeling like he was just surviving, barely making a mark. Maybe it was time the people of this city re-learned why jackals had been creatures of legend for so long.

“Do you really want to do this?" Senu asked, his voice low and dangerous. “You don't know who you're dealing with."

The thug sensed the shift in Senu's intent and slashed at the jackal with his knife. Fortunately, his hand slipped and Senu was able to take advantage of the moment to knock it free of the would-be mugger's paw.

A second later, he had stepped back and pointed in his direction. A sharp crack sounded through the air as a beam of shimmering prismatic light shot from his finger and directly at the thief. The blast caught the bear in the chest and he let out a grunt of pain, but the burly figure didn't back down.

Quickly snatching up his dropped dagger, he once again closed on Senu and slashed with renewed focus.

Senu gasped in pain and shock as the blade found purchase, slicing through his fine coat and silk shirt and cutting deep into his flesh.

“I warned ya," the bear growled. Senu was helpless to stop the brutal follow-up as the bear's massive hand drove the blade into his stomach.

A simultaneous sense of shocking cold and searing heat passed through him before he felt any pain. His legs lost their strength as if some unseen strings had been cut, and he found himself slumping against the bear.

“I fuckin' warned ya," the bear said again, his voice shaking now. He half-guided, half-dropped the jackal to the ground, and Senu barely noticed as his lyre was snatched up. The thug ran back into the alley he'd come from.

Clutching at his wounds, Senu stared at the flowing blood in disbelief. He tried to draw in breath so he could speak. Utter the words of a healing spell, or at least call for help, but it was all he could do to gasp. He was dying. Just like that.

Jackals were ageless. Nearly immortal. They weren't supposed to bleed out in some unnamed alley in a city so small it wasn't even listed on most maps.

When a figure appeared from the shadows and placed a hand on his chest, Senu briefly thought it was the Seelie come to take him.

“Oh, Senu," came the familiar voice, his tone warm. “What have you gotten yourself into now?"

Senu tried to speak, but the words were lost as blackness started to creep in around the edges of his vision. He heard Hake let out a sigh. “You're fortunate that I haven't exhausted my mana elsewhere."

A surge of warmth passed through him. The younger jackal gasped as he suddenly was able to catch his breath and the weakness in his limbs washed away along with most of his pain.

“There," Hake said, helping the jackal to his feet. “That mistake was simple enough to fix at least. I will speak to the guards about finding who did this, but for now..."

He pulled Senu into a tight hug and the young jackal's eyes widened. It was a rare thing for his brother to display affection like this.

“I've missed you, Senu. Gods, you're lucky I found you when I did."

Senu returned the hug, letting out a small sigh of his own. An hour ago, he would have been terrified to see his brother. If he was here, it meant that someone back home had finally decided to send someone to fetch him. Now, he felt like a small child once again, sheltering from noises in the dark behind the reassuring presence of his older brother.

“I was trying, you know," he murmured. “I was doing my best. I'm just... not very good. Not yet."

“I know. I saw you performing."

Senu froze, feeling his heart leap into his throat.

“You did?"

Hake laughed. “Of course. It's part of why I'm here. Mother wanted me to see if you'd grown tired of this yet. How did she put it?" He thought for a moment, then pitched his voice up in a good imitation of their mother. “'If he's finally done with this little dalliance of his, bring him home.'"

“She said that?"

Hake nodded. “She's worried about you, Senu. They all are. Your letters haven't been reassuring."

Senu let out a soft huff, but couldn't find the words to answer.

“We could leave now," Hake suggested. “We could be back home in less than a week."

“No!" Senu yelped.

Hake laughed. “Oh, good. To be honest, I just got here, and I was rather looking forward to a few nights in a soft bed."

“Why would you stay? Aren't you going to drag me home?"

“Come on, Sen. You know me better than that. If I'm going to take you home, it's going to be your choice."

“It's not. Not yet."

“Hmm. Maybe I shouldn't have healed you all the way. A little reminder of the dangers you're facing out here might have been a good idea."

He rubbed at the torn front of his shirt. There were now only a pair of thin lines in his fur. The wounds had knitted together, but the fur would take some time to grow back. “Trust me, I remember just fine." He sighed, looking back into the alley. “I have some old armor and a longsword back in my room. I don't suppose you'll help me get my lyre back?"

“I could..."

Senu groaned. “You're going to make me do it myself, aren't you?"

“I'm tired, Senu. It's been a long day and my feet hurt."

Senu sighed. “Fine. Fine. I guess I can track the bastard down."

“There's my baby brother."

Hake walked the short distance towards the inn, then turned back. “I'm at the Stag in the noble suite. Come find me if you get stabbed again."