Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Closer Forthy


Conversations were echoed
around me as I focused my attention upon the outer window. A small smile
escaped my lips at how easy this 'party' had lured our targets forth. As I soon
chuckled upon the results of our hard planned worked, my ears flickered upon
the footsteps coming close towards me. I shifted my head towards the left,
spotting Kyro with a smile upon his face. “I cannot believe that actually
worked! Our culprits fell right for it!" I just nodded straight onto his face,
saying nothing more than a smile in response while he chuckled again. Turned
his head to the window and spoke towards me, “You got a good look upon them?
Ling?" “Vary." I say after him. Kyro grinned afterwards, “Good. Cause Yang
wanted us to tail them afterwards."


I blinked at him. Then
closed my eyes slowly, exhaling a breath. I just nod at the red dragon then
pulled my attention back towards the room we were in. A slow afterparty it was
however. With many officers just leaving the room, dwelling our numbers while
they talked about the results of the experimental party that we had launched. I
had heard from many, how easy they were to lured and how gullible they were to
arrive forth inside. This had did put a smile upon my face, but that faded afterwards
as I got up onto my feet. Stretched my arms high above my head before settling
them down shortly afterwards. A clap of my claws, drawn my unit to face me as
the soon remaining shifted their heads over to me too.


“Alright guys." I say
while heading to the large group closest towards the table adjacent to them
where perhaps most were already going for the punch bowl. “We need to be on the
move now. Our culprits were snarled and are attempting to escaped through the
borders. Perhaps southward straight into VIrkoal forest. Or somewhere else. We
need to tail them now." “Come on Ling!" Complained Zander with a frown, “At
least hold the pursuit until some of us gets a drink already." “Why do you even
need a drink, Zander? When you already have a sport bottle kept inside the
storage room in the basement?" Someone pipped up which I was led to believed
was Zanunk. I had forgotten that he was a newly recruited officer like Rivrock
behind him. Shy he was however and kept quiet most of the time. I was starting to
like him more than Zander.


I exhaled a stress sigh
while the rest of my unit tries to defuse the situation settling before them
and held both Zanunk and Zander apart from one another. While the two was
bickering about against one another and throwing fists into midair, I growled
at the pair of dragons as they turned towards me. A darkened face befell upon
me as their angerment was chased away, revealing the white fear that lingered
in as reality seeped into their souls with the quietness of the atmosphere room
loomed over us. For with the silence, I motioned towards my unit who released
both Zanunk and Zander at the same time just as I motioned forth towards the
black dragon. Grabbed onto him I had done with a tightened arm against the side
of his body, pulling him along straight towards the exit room whereas the rest
of the officers followed me out.


Silence was kept around
us as we walked the hallway, down the stairs into the previous floor below
before heading out the door. The sun was already sinking, sending its orange
red rays out into the opened where the taller buildings never blocked against
it. Thus, with a breath again, I turned my attention towards Zander while the
others flexed their wings jolted with surprise as I settled my eyes towards him.
“What did I tell you about your provoked anger." “He should say he was sorry!"
Zander growled at me, setting his claws onto my chest as I looked to him with
bewilderment. Neither officer said anything at all; nor did the others outside
of the conversation too. For silence was kept surrounding us as I spoke;
whispering towards him. “You know you should kept your anger-" “Just drop it
Ling. Zander knows enough." Started Natty stepping forth between us as I cut my
tongue and glance over to the pink dragoness. For a nod responded unknowingly
at her as she smiled back upon me, before reminding me about the large gap
between us and the culprit however.


My wings were suddenly
raised at the thought of the culprits and a small smile appeared upon my face.
With my eyes closed, I gave a responsive nod. Then glared with a hardened look
while I looked at every officer in turn. “Alright. So we got the culprits' ID
and know their purpose based upon the party that we had just threw." “Now we
just have to find the idiots." Zander interrupted and yet stole my order while
Kyro and Natty just smiled to themselves. Ozkun facepalmed with a sudden
vibrated growl inside his throat. And Zander? He just fist pumped into the air.
A slight smile escaped my lips before I echoed his excitement, then flapped my
wings into the air. Lifting me up into the skies while I ordered everyone.


“Zander and Ozkun; Come
with me. Kyro and Natty head eastward. We will head westward." I say, “Do you
think that the culprits are in one of the two directions?" Kyro questioned me,
I nodded my head “If by chance they are not in the intended directions, then we
will meet up at South. Closest to Virkoal Forest." “I just hope that the pack
does not mind us staring at their home momentarily." Ozkun commented with a
grim darkened face as his wings vibrated lively and frowned, “You know how
wolves are with their territory." “Much like the wolves from a certain video
game." Zander commented, “Yeah." I agreed while a short silence came between
us. For with that, we spread out amongst ourselves. Everyone into their
intended directions. I was literally surprise that everyone had split very
quickly after the short silence that I thought I would be alone upon the
entrance of the station behind me.


By leveling my wings, I headed
westward with Ozkun and Zander. The two said officers trailed behind me,
keeping silence as their wings flapped upon the calm lazy winds. Lowering their
heads and glancing upon the rooftops of buildings, staring down onto their
emptiness. “Quiet evening." I commented, trying to get things along between us
as Zander huffed and Ozkun said nothing responding to me. I frowned after them,
shook my head as I lowered my head. Glancing too at the road beneath me for a
few seconds before raising it again towards the horizon before me. 'Its going
to be one of those days… is it?' I thought with a frown. But sadly it was not
and I was secretly excited for it to be. For by the time we heard Ozkun and
Zander quickly noticing something at the grounds we crossed with, they peeled
themselves from me as I turned around towards them trying to attempt to make
conversation. As I followed them along, tucking my wings against my body diving
to the roads beneath, we three landed upon hard grounds.


White footsteps laid
before our eyes. Ozkun and Zander smiled suddenly. I nodded before folding my
wings, “Guess we found where they were heading." I say “Westward. Guess they
are heading back to Chaos." “It does not make any sense." Ozkun growled
interrupting me and Zander as our heads turned towards him, “Why were they
heading westward? Were they not aquatic animals or something?" I shook my head,
“No, Plus you have been reading into the future plotlines however. We are on
the case about the canines in Chaos. Heading forth towards our party room
center of Vastertown. Did you not hear Yang debrief us on the subject at hand?
Or-" “Guys it leads towards a building." Zander sudden spoke, cutting me off as
both me and Ozkun turned to the black dragon. Already noticing that he was
heading forth towards one of the buildings whereas the white footsteps was
leading him into.


A clap of claws came from
Ozkun as he tailed the black dragon. I frowned but said nothing afterwards as I
followed Ozkun. Soon shortly regrouping with Zander just as he opened the door
to the building. We started inside; having noticed how dark it was inside. I
frowned whispering towards the two dragons questioning about bringing
flashlights. Yet the two came prepared and held theirs high up upon my order.
Pressing a button, their lights shined upon the larger empty room we were in.
Just as we three had started forth the center of the place. I looked around;
noticing that three different opening doors were before us. Two to my left. One
on the opposing side. All three leads into tunnels that was filled with squeaks
and other noises inside. I looked over to Zander who shrugged as he held his
light up. Glancing down onto one of the tunnels before us as his eyes widened
suddenly. Mines and Zander did so too however.


We were surprise by how
infested the tunnels were. Hundreds of mice and mouse were found filling the
floor beneath them. Their squeaks echoed the empty tunnels, bouncing it along
towards the ends as they continued their infestation. I groaned, “Anyone got a
gun?" Zander nodded, “Do not forget that you have one too." “Need it for
emergencies." I countered, “This is one." I growled at him annoyingly but
admitted that he was right after all. All three of us started pulling our
pistols; held to the front of us before squeezing the trigger. A series of
shots rang through the silence of the tunnels as the scattering of mice and
mouse disappeared before us. “Almost like magic." Commented Ozkun who chuckled
at our silent agreement. Yet Zander never followed through and just nodded at
me while I take the lead first.


I led them down the
tunnel we had just clear. Feeling the dirt and other stuff squeeze underneath
my feet as my face wrinkled upon the dirty smell inside the atmosphere. Zander
gagged. Ozkun frowned and held his breath; nearly gagging suddenly upon being
hit with such a smell. We continued forward through the tunnel despite it all
however. Thus reaching the very end of the tunnel, we found ourselves faced to
face with a white door. It had seemed that the door was locked however. 'No way
on getting inside through normal means.' I thought to myself as I stare at the
door for a moment then shift my attention towards the two other officers who
nodded at me. We raised our feet; kicking the door hard. It had taken three times
for the door to bend backwards for us and crumbled before our combine might.


For once the path before
us opened up; the white footsteps led us straight into a short hallway onto the
otherside. Low humming echoed into our ears. Zander was the first to comment on
this. Yet no one heard him however. As I motioned everyone, I led the unit
forth through the halls. Quickly I had noticed how crowded the place was. I
nearly sneezed upon the amount of dust that however in the air surrounding me.
Zander and Ozkun held their noses as we continued forth until we had reached
the very end of the tunnel. Whereas the loud humming noise grew louder into our
ears till it was rather unbearable to ourselves. As my fangs gritted and
narrowed upon the loud unbearable sound, I turned towards the horizon. Spotting
what seems to be a large machine in front of us. Two tubes were connected on
either side of it. The rotten smell rose from the machine, lingering onto the
ceiling as my eyes narrowed in thought towards it. Zander and Ozkun walked to
the machine in silence; setting their claws to the surface of it.


Smoothing out the dust
that accumulated upon such said machinery, Ozkun was the first to speak upon
the loud silence “This is the machine that they are using? Why put it here?" “A
very good question." Zander commented glancing over to me for clarification,
“Lets question the blue dragon behind us for anything useful." “Guys." I spoke,
a bit annoyed by their conversation as I held both claws against my waste,
looking to them as I exhaled. Shuffling my wings while I walked towards the
right, fixing my attention to the two tubes that interconnect towards the tank
before running alongside it towards the brown wall to my left. The machine
continued humming loudly in our ears. Focusing on that humming, I started
hearing something swished inside which made me pause to think. Although I did
unknowingly comment towards the two dragons behind me, “Did you guys hear a
sudden swish sound?"


“Was it small and
unnoticeable?" Questioned Zander as I nodded at me, “Then yes. We heard it."
“Guess it is indeed some sort of liquid inside." Started Ozkun turning his head
to the machine before them, “What is it doing?" “That question can be answered
through many ways, Ozkun." I say towards him as he nodded in silence, shift his
attention back to the machine and frowned. Indeed, there are many answers
towards that question that Ozkun had blurted out. It could be dragon bodied
fluids, dragon bodies, scales, wings, water, any sort of drinks, etc. I just
frowned, knowing that there be more than one however. As we were kept to the
silence, watching the machine before us continuing its way happily without
acknowledging of our presence. I exhaled a breath and shook my head suddenly
while motioning towards the two other dragons. Who turned their heads away from
the machine and met my eyes, they nodded in agreement. Seeing though nothing
else would be here however and we left it to its work. Escaping to the tunnels
and back towards the room once again.


For there, we had met up
with Kyro and Natty. Both of which were surprise upon being here. Although
their backs were towards us; glancing forth towards the tunnel that they had
entered into, they turned their heads away and glance towards the other
tunnels. Upon our arrival, Kyro questioned me about the tunnel that I just
entered into with my unit. I answered him truthfully and he just nodded without
anything else as the quells of silence fell upon us. It was short because Natty
commented afterwards. “Say, we found a red button on our side of the
investigation. We tried pressing it and it shut of the machine upon the room we
were just in. As well as opening a door right afterwards." “A button?" I
questioned Kyro and Natty as their heads nods upon me, repeating the answer
before answering back at me. “What you think the button does?" “That could be
anything however." Ozkun remarked, pipping into the conversation at he turned
towards us.


“But it did had one
purpose however…" Kyro trailed, setting his claws upon his chin while his head
turned to Ozkun for a moment before looking towards me, “ 'Shut off the
machine', just like you said it would." I commented, echoing his words with the
red dragon nodded afterwards as he scratched his head with a frown appearing
upon his snout. “None of it made sense." Kyro commented again with no
hesitation. Although the silence fell shortly after him as I exhaled a breath
and shook my head. “No used trying to figure this out with so little clues
however. At least we found the machines that they were using." “But for what
purpose do they hold?" Questioned Natty, glancing up meeting my eyes while I
looked into her and gazed away, “No idea." “Have we tried them before?" “Was
there a button inside that room too, Ling?" Sudden question by Zander after
listening to our conversation. I glance at the black dragon suddenly and shook
my head afterwards, “No. But we did not see the entire picture of the room
however. Go ahead with Kyro, I bet you two will find something there."


“Shall we report this to
Yang?" Started Natty as the red and black dragons left our sights. I nodded at
her with my wings spreading so suddenly, “Lets head out first before heading
back home." She nodded silently, but kept her eye upon Zander and Kyro just as
they exited from the tunnel behind me. Regrouping with us again, both officers
smiled faintly and silently as I turned towards them suddenly and questioned,
“What have you found inside?" “There was indeed a button. But it is hiding
behind a small square glass. Words were written onto it; yellow and black
stripe pattern was behind it. I pondered over the information received from the
red dragon and I frowned before turning to Natty who held a neutral glance at
me. “Hold your wings." I say to the silence surrounding us as quietness echoed
upon the room. “Lead me there." I growled at Kyro who suddenly nodded at me
before leading be forth. Back upon the room once again where he showcased the
button just as he had left it.


I gaze at it momentarily
and nodded quietly before fixing my gaze towards Kyro who went to silence
suddenly as his wings inched and shuffled. The button was indeed as Kyro had
described it as and while I walked to it. Grabbing and lifting up the glass,
exposing the button before me. I pressed it with no hesitation and waited for a
bit. Pressing the button a few more times yields no results as the quelled
quietness settled upon us. I turned towards Kyro “Is this a dud or something?"
I asked him, he rose his shoulders in response. I said nothing responingly but
kept my eye back upon the button before pulling myself off and leading
ourselves back upon the room once again.


The other officers were
here. Lingering and awaiting for our presence. For upon our arrival was the
time that everyone jolted to their feet. I saw Natty and Ozkun jumping onto
their feet; and Zander flexing his wings upon seeing me submerged from the
shadowy tunnels behind us. “Finally." He said with a short pause at the
beginning, “Have you found anything there? Maybe that button that Kyro was requesting
about too?" He smirked additionally, making Kyro growled threateningly at him.
I nodded silently at the black dragon but provided nothing more than the flick
of my tail. Thus everyone followed me down, through the tunnels and rooms.
Until we were back outside once again. Upon our submerged onto the surface
lands, I had not noticed that the moon hanged above us with the stars already
painting the night skies. I exhaled a stress sigh before spreading my wings.
Everyone did the same and flew into the nightly cold air. Eastward, back
towards the station at hand.


Upon our arrival, Kyro
tried the door. He gripped the knob with two claws; tightly pulling away as he
grunted. Grounding his fangs as he attempted to do so. We all stayed behind
him, watching with rather uninterest while he continued. Thus pulled off his
claws from the knobs before shaking his head, answering our silent question
while I exhaled a breath. “Should not Yang be inside there already? She should
be the last of the officers to come home before the morning shift how-" But
before I could finish that sentence, we saw the door unlocked. Out came Zanunk
who glared at us suddenly before pushing the door outright and allowing us
inside. After I entered through the doors was the time that he closed it behind
me, crossed his arms and glared suddenly as he whispered to us “Took you guys
long enough, where is the report?" “We were just about to give it to her. Where
is she?" I questioned him after answering his as Zanunk stayed silent for a period
before shaking his head suddenly and in response before commenting at me, “She
is at home." “Great…" I trailed deadpanning with a groan as Kyro and Zander
chuckled at this creating confusion at Zanunk as he looked at the pair before
towards me.


“What is funny?" He asked
with the shaken heads of Kyro and Zander while I glared angrily at the two said
dragons before responding to him again, “Nothing. Just two idiots teasing me
about something." “About Yang?" He questioned, I nodded at him with the following
silence shortly afterwards. For with that, I turned about and started for the
door with Zanunk being confuse as to what was going on and a couple of chuckles
coming from Kyro and Zander. But just as I reached for the door, I stopped so
suddenly and smirked at the two as if getting back upon them. “Quiet you
clowns." I say drawing each word like a snake, “Or I will let her know to have
your heads for later." This silenced them as the door opened and allowed me