Current Track: Blabb

“You lazy, good for nothing-LENKA!” Jurek called for his brother, fuming that he was being forced to pack everything into the moving truck by himself. Despite the extra work of loading boxes alone, the Rottweiler was happy. He was finally moving out of his childhood home and he it couldn’t contain himself, but thankfully the devil-may-care attitude of his brother tempered any additional joy he felt.

“LENKA!” he shouted once more, but instead of his brother, an older Rottweiler came to the open door bearing a strong family resemblance and thick beard.

“Jurek, why are you shouting?” Arseni asked calmly, his voice deep and even and thick with Russian inflection.

“Sorry  father, just Lenka isn’t hel-”

“Bah, Let me help! I am much stronger then both of you anyway.” Said Arseni with a proud smile as he lifted and carried two boxes labeled ‘Heavy’ under each of his brawny arms.

“Show off…” Jurek snorted as his father made a little show of handing him the boxes one at time before he stacked them neatly against the others already in the truck.

“It not my fault if boys too busy playing video games to strengthen themselves.” Arseni proved his point by curling an arm and paw, making his bicep bugle impressively. Jurek just shook his head and prodded his father in stomach, the surface pliable and rounded. The older dog let out a short bark then as deep, rumbling laugh as he rubbed over the spot.

“Yeah yeah, you’ve gotten a little soft around the middle too, father.” Said Jurek, smiling a little as he check over what was already in the truck. “Well, If Lenka isn’t going to help me load up my things, he can do his stuff by himself.”

“Jurek…” The older rottie placed a heavy paw on his son shoulder. “You should not think about brother that way…”

Jurek sighed and shook his head. “But he is just so…Ugh!” The younger Rottweiler bared his teeth in frustration as he tried to form the words.

“I know, but Lenka is family, and you love him, da?” Jurek was silent, his father growled.

“Yes, I love him.” Jurek looked down and sighed begrudgingly. “Why did you make him move out with me though, can’t he just do that on his own? He’s clearly not ready.”

Arseni smiled warmly at his son and squeezed his son’s shoulder before speaking in his native tongue. <I made your brother move out with you because you can help him become an adult.>


<Let me finish. We both know Lenka is a little…Irresponsible at times, but that’s okay because you’ll help him grow up, better than I could.>

“But you’re his father, not me.” Whimpered Jurek, his ears lowering a little.

<I know that, but I can only teach him so much, he needs to be out in the world to learn, and he needs you there with him.> Arseni punctuated his point by pressing his forehead against his son’s. Jurek whined once more then nodded, pulling his head away from his father’s with a bitter sweet smile.

“Alright,alright…” Jurek started. “’I’ll help him.”

“Good boy, I go get Lenka to help.” The older rottie said cheerfully before heading back into the house.

 Arseni’s home was large, it had to be, with two young Rottweilers in addition to himself, he couldn’t skimp on square footage and it tugged at the great man’s heartstrings to know that soon he would be by himself. Sure, with the boys gone it would be quiet and peaceful, but after nineteen years of shouting, loud music, arguing, laughter, and rough housing, Arseni wasn’t sure if he liked the idea of peace. The sound of a shrill crash and several Russian expletives coming from Lenka’s room made the man’s ears perk and brought a content smile to his muzzle.

“Aww man…” Lenka groaned, looking down at the pile of messily packed boxes that just tumbled to his feet and running his paw through his blue mohawk.

“You dropped something.” Said Arseni with a deep giggle, rubbing his between his son’s ears before putting a few boxes up right again.

“Yeah thanks, dad.” Lenka couldn’t help but smile at Arseni’s attempt at humor, nuzzling up against his father’s paw. “So, Jurek still out there mad at me?”

Arseni smiled and shook his head. “No, he just need help, but I take care of it.” The older dog’s eyes wandered around the box filled room, then to his son. Lenka was the mirror image of his brother, at least in the face anyway. The boys were identical twins, although their shared genetics seemed to be where the similarities ended. Lenka was more toned and athletic were as Jurek was thicker and brawny, though neither boy compared to their father in build or height. Arseni once again rested his heavy paw on Lenka’s head, mussing up the already disorderly Mohawk.

“You shouldn’t give brother such hard time though.”

“I know, but he needs to lighten up once in a while, you know?” Lenka huffed, looking at the still unloaded boxes in.

“Da, Jurek is a little too serious for age, but as bother you need to help him have fun.” Arseni smiled wide, patting Lenka on the head warmly. <You’re good at that, right?>

Lenka nodded a little half heartedly then shrugged. “I ‘dun know.”

<Of course you know! I haven’t seen anyone make Jurek laugh like you can!> The elder rottie said excitedly. Lenka’s docked tail began to wag.

“Alright, dad.” Lenka’s ears perked. “I can do that.”

“Good, good.” Arseni rubbed behind Lenka’s ears lovingly. “Now go help brother, the faster you work the faster you can leave.”

Lenka nodded once more before taking a few of the lighter boxes out to truck. Arseni found himself already missing his boys, looking at the many pictures that hung on the walls and listening to their idle conversation as Jurek and Lenka worked in tandem. He wanted to break down, ask them to stay for a little longer but, he knew that would only make their inevitable parting that much harder, so he wore a smile for his boys. It was hard to keep his smile and their framed memories together only made the fight harder. Arseni had to bite his lip hard as he happened upon his favorite picture. It was of him and his boys, Jurek and Lenka couldn’t have been any older than four and he looked rather young himself. They were all sleeping, the twins settled into the crook of each of his arms and their muzzles pressed under his. It took everything he had to keep from losing his composure, but thankfully the sound of a motor jarred him from his trance. Arseni wasn’t sure how long he was staring at the photos but the boys were already done loading the moving truck full of their effects and giving their rooms the final once over.

“Alright father, I think we have everything ready.” Jurek started with a happy sigh, finding his father standing in the living room. “Did I miss anything?”

“No, I do not think so.” Arseni muttered.

“Sooo…This is it I guess?” Lenka appeared alongside his brother.

Jurek elbowed Lenka in the side and snorted. “We’ll still visit, father and call every day, right?” The bigger twin shoot sharp glance to his brother.

“Of course! We love you, dad.” Lenka nudged Jurek roughly in return.

Arseni’s eyes lit up as he yanked his sons into a crushing hug, burying his muzzles between them as he nuzzled and licked them both enthusiastically. The twins yelped, then complained and struggled in unison to free themselves. Arseni mercifully loosened his grip after he had his fill.

“Ah, I am proud of boys, going out into world on your own. Together anyway.”  His thick arms were still around their chests. “Take care of each other, da?”

“We will, dad” Lenka started.

“Promise.” Jurek finished.

“Good pups.” Arseni kissed their foreheads and finally let them go. “Alright, you will call when you have everything unpacked?”

The twins nodded and their father smiled, turned them around and pushed them out the door, hiding the tears welling in his warm golden eyes. “I cannot miss sons if they do not leave!”

Before either could answer, the front door closed behind them followed by Arseni’s deep, bellowing laugh. Jurek just smiled and Lenka spoke.

“Sooo, seeing as you have to drive the moving truck, I’ll drive your car!”

“Fat chance, little brother.” Scoffed Jurek, digging a set of keys out of his pocket and making his way to the van.

“I’m only eight seconds younger and why not?! You can’t drive both.” Lenka started to whine as he flopped on the hood of already humming moving truck, staring at his bother on the drivers side. “I’ve driven it before.”

“Because, it’s my car.” Jurek said curtly. “And you never fill it up anyway.”

“Fine, I’ll drive the very big moving van filled with all our worldly possessions then.” Lenka was much faster than his brother, leaping in the cab and sliding behind the wheel before his Jurek could even get in. The bulkier rottie glared at his smug bother before begrudgingly handing over his own keys.

“Just…Don’t hit anything alright?” Lenka had already snatched the keys out the Jurek’s paw and ran to the black sedan.

Still inside the house, Arseni watched the little display with tears in his eyes and a smile on muzzle. He would miss his boys, but it warmed his big heart to know that they at least would look out for each other.