Current Track: Blabb

Dante’s dark eyes stay trained on an empty spot on his desk, fingers folded over his muzzle while he slumps deeper into his seat. His normal veil of relaxed confidence was ripped away and a scowl of fury and frustration took its place. Lenka was on his mind, the Rottie had been ever since he met him that first night. It was like his someone had given him a gift but a big, annoying guard dog was keeping him from it. Jurek was too quick and cautious to be manipulated, but his twin brother, he might have had a better chance with him, if only he got the chance.

The raccoon looked up and opened the calendar on his laptop, this was rare, a Friday night and he didn’t have any plans. No openings, no galas, no social events at all.  It was an odd feeling for him. Free time wasn’t something he was offered a lot when he was younger, between his mother’s numerous ‘Look How Rich We Are’ parties and his father’s ridiculous insistence on taking him to every international business trip in an effort to make him more cultured, he wasn’t left much in the way of idle hours.

He pushes his past out of his mind, he was gone, and he didn’t have to deal with his parents…As much anymore. Dante continued to roll ideas and schemes around in his head but all roads to Lenka’s pants had Jurek standing in the way. He needed a drink. His eyes widened as a plan formed, along with a dark smirk. The raccoon leaps from his chair and bursts out of his bedroom door, donning his normal, cool smirk as he walks into the living room. The twins were on the couch watching something that didn’t interest him, but the sight of them cuddled together made the blood boil in his veins. Lenka’s head rested in his brother’s lap while Jurek rubbed as his belly. He should have been the one in Jurek’s place, not his meat head, overprotective, guard dog of a brother, who even sits cuddled up with their brother like that. He didn’t have time to worry about that now, he had a plan to enact.

“Lenka, Jurek.” He said after getting their attention by clearing his throat loudly. “I think we should celebrate our new roommate-hood and go out for drinks.”

“Uh, we’re only nineteen.” Jurek said flatly, his eyes narrowing as he gave the unusually cheerful raccoon a skeptical look. “And isn’t a little late to celebrate?”

Dante wanted to kick Jurek in the head for speaking up first, but he held his tongue. “It’s never too late to celebrate. As for your age, I think I can solve that.” Dante walked around to the front of the couch, nearly in front of the television. “My father owns a club; well, several clubs, and I think I can talk you guys inside.”

“What kinda club?” Lenka finally piped up and Dante put on a genuine grin for him.

“That’s a surprise, but get up and put something nice on, I’ll drive us.” Dante said quickly, not giving Jurek a chance to argue again.

“I can be D.D If you need me to.” Jurek offered, his floppy ears pinning back against his skull.

The raccoon shook his head as he walked back to his room, calling after himself. “Don’t worry about it, if we get too drunk I’ll call a cab.” The sound of a slamming door ended the thought better than a period. Jurek felt a nasty chill go up his spine but against his better judgment, sat up, taking his brother’s head from his lap.

“Come on, we might as well get out of the house for a few hours and have a few drinks.” Jurek said with low sigh, padding to his room.

“Last time I got drunk, it was the last night before we left home. Remember, dad made us drink that huge bottle of vodka with him?” Lenka followed after his brother, already peeling his t-shirt off.

“Yeah I remember, barely though.” Jurek shook his head, but groaned as his brother followed him into his room. “You aren’t wearing my clothes this time, Lenka.”

Lenka’s ears instantly fell, whimpering pathetically.  “But but! I don’t have anything really nice like you! What if I have to wear a tie?”

“You won’t have a wear a tie; it’s a club not a graduation. Didn’t I make you buy some button up shirts anyway?” Jurek said with a roll of his eyes, already looking though his closet for something small enough to fit his brother.

“You have…Better taste?” The younger dog said with a grin of victory as his brother handed him a fitted, black shirt.

“Don’t get anything on it. Do you have some not awful looking jeans to go with it?”

Lenka just nodded excitedly before running back to his room, leaving his discarded t-shirt behind. Jurek shook his head once more, but this time a smile on his muzzle. His brother was annoying at times, but still family. Family he clearly had to look after when people like Dante were skulking about. The rottie’s eyes narrowed again, that same chill running down his spine now. He wanted to accuse the raccoon to being up to no good, but he had no proof and unfounded allegations like that would only come back to bite him. Jurek pulled his phone from his pocket and scrolled though the names until he reached Shag Carrson. His thumbs tapped out a message to the bison, a grin tugging at his edges of his muzzle.

“Busy tonight? I have something that needs taking care of and seems like it a job for a bison of your caliber.” The text read, smirking as he sent it off and beginning to dress himself while he waited for the answer. He didn’t have to wait long though; he was in the middle of fastening the fly on a new pair of jeans when his phone buzzed.

“That depends, am I fucking someone up or just fucking someone? I’m fine with both right now. I need to let off a bit of steam.” Jurek could hear the bison’s southern drawl in his head as he read the message.

“Fucking someone, plus I’ll buy your drinks.” He knew he had Shag with that one, it didn’t take long for a response.

“I’m in. Just tell me where and I’ll lay the charm on thick.” The Rottweiler chuckled to himself as he typed back.

“That’s my bull. I’ll give you the details soon.”

“Moo.” Was all Jurek got back, the simple message made his ears go hot and his pants feel slightly tighter. With his back up assured, Jurek finished getting dressed with a smirk plastered on his maw. Dante might have been crafty, but he had friends and there was only so much the raccoon could do alone.


“So where are we going, Dante?” Jurek asked flatly, watching the neon signs and night owls pass by as the raccoon navigated the downtown streets.

“A place called ‘The Roman’, just a little hole in the wall place, nothing too fancy.” Dante lied, his normal cocky smirk returning in full force.  Jurek rolled his eyes but discreetly took his phone from his pocket and forwarded the name to his fellow saboteur. The older dog glanced into the back seat, smiling inwardly as he watched his brother stare intently out the window, the colored lighting streaking over his face.

“And there it is.” Dante motioned to a lofty building modeled in its namesake roman style. Pillars that looked to be made of marble stood tall, holding up a triangle shaped roof while spot lights with hued filters danced over the structure’s alabaster surface. The twin’s attentions were instantly drawn to it, Jurek didn’t want to be impressed but Lenka had enough enthusiasm for the both of them.

“Jeez…How big is it?” Lenka asked, turning his interest away from the club to toss a glance at Dante, still noticing the line going around the block.

“Four stories.” The raccoon resisted the easy joke. As expected, Dante pulled into a parking spot with a velvet rope around it and his name hanging from a placard, causing Jurek to roll his eyes once more. The trio were escorted from the car to the front of the line, garnering hateful looks and hushed insults from the people stuck outside in the night air, which Dante soaked up like a sponge.

Jurek’s ears flattened against his head the moment they passed the threshold, the walls must have been impressively sound proof to contain the earth shaking house music. Is was a sensory overload, bodies, mostly male, danced and gyrated and a raised dance floor, lights twisted and spun to rhythm to the heavy bass, and scents from every edge of the animal kingdom assaulted the rottie’s sensitive canine nose. Lenka, on the other hand reveled in the new sights and sounds, his tail stub wagging franticly as the raccoon lead them though the crowds.

Dante spared a look back at the elder dog, a dark grin crossing his face as he got to their reserved booth, once again roped off with velvet, he enjoyed watching the normally strong Jurek reel and attempt to keep his composure.

“It looks like you need a drink, Jurek.” The raccoon offered sweetly, motioning for a private waiter as he flopped down into the plush, leather seat. 

“We aren’t twenty-one.” Jurek groaned, smoothing his shirt down as he took a seat himself, his brother sliding close beside him.

“I told you that doesn’t matter here, I pretty much run this place.” Dante wanted to scowl when he Lenka sat out of reach but, he bite back his emotions. “You’re Russian, I’m sure you aren’t shy to the harder stuff. Two vodkas for the rotties here and a gin and tonic for me.” The raccoon said to the slender iguana waiter who only nodded and slunk his way to the bar.

 Jurek wanted to be pissed off at the stereotype, but his phone buzzed in his pocket, another message from Shag he hoped. Tugging the device out, the screen read Lenka. He wanted to look at his brother, but he settled for opening the message.

“Relax and try to have some fun okay? When is the next time you and I are going to get into a place like this?” Jurek smirked a bit before tapping his knee against his little brother’s and replacing the phone.

“Not all Russian people drink vodka, Dante. Some of us are dead.” Jurek chuckled at his own morbid joke, getting a laugh from Lenka beside him. The raccoon was taken aback by the sudden change in demeanor, suspicious but convincing himself his plan was working already.

The iguana had returned with their drinks, gingerly placing the three glasses before their owners. Jurek smiled warmly and winked up at the reptile before taking his drink, watching the small man blush under his jade scales before disappearing to his post once more.

“A toast then! To new…Old roommates!” Lenka said as he lifted his glass with the other rottie and raccoon following suit, smiling wide as the distinct clink was heard over the pounding rhythm.

“To new, old roommates.” Dante and Jurek repeated in unison, taking the first celebratory sip.

“What sorta toast is that?” A deep voice bellowed. Jurek didn’t have to look up to know who it was, the huge bison having a talent for sneaking up on people.

“Shag?! What are you doing here?” Lenka jumped from his seat, tossing his arms around the bovine’s chest, his tail stub wagging faster than before. Dante glanced up at the bison and then scowled at the guard who clearly wasn’t doing a good enough job at guarding.

“Oh ya know…Here ta see my favorite D.J.Uh….That guy.” Drawled Shag, pointing up at the polar bear on stage, headphones covering his ears while he focused intently on his turntable.

“Well, sit down with us! Man I haven’t seen you in forever, how have you been?” Lenka tugged the heavy bison into the booth beside him, forcing Jurek to move closer to the Dante. “Oh, this is Dante, our roommate. Dante, this is Shag, he’s like our older brother.” Lenka’s introduction was quick and curt, more interested with catching up with his friend.

“Hi there.” Dante said with a bitter sneer. If Jurek wasn’t enough of an obstacle, now he had to contend with his newcomer cow, a newcomer that Lenka was instantly engrossed in.

“Heya, nice ta meet ya. “ Were the only words Shag said to Dante before he was suddenly hit with more questions from Lenka, the younger dog nestling himself against the bison’s side.


Jurek couldn’t restrain a drunken grin as watched Dante seethe in his seat but he managed not to break is cover. With a few drinks in them Lenka and Shag became even more tactile than normal, their hands only leaving the other to pick up their glass or to emote during their conversation.

“Hey guys, I think it’s about time to head off, events seem to be winding down.” Dante proposed sharply the moment the bison’s and Rottweiler’s lips touched, the first words he had uttered after his sour introduction.

“G’idea, you sober enough to get home, Shag?” Jurek glanced up at the bison whose thick hand was cupped right under his younger brother’s tail stub.

“Nah, I haven’t downed that much booze in a while.” The bison laughed deeply when Lenka’s prodded his side.

“I told ya to slow down.” Mumbled the younger rottie, his tail stub wagging from the bellowing laughter.

“Like I was sayin’ I’ll get a cab home.” Shag tickled under Lenka’s arm, causing the dog to fidget and bark loud enough to gather the attention of another party.

The whole sickeningly sweet display between the pair made Dante’s stomach turn. Jealousy burned in his face, urging him to speak up but, if he showed his hand too soon then his plan would fall apart before it had a chance to get him close to what he wanted.

“Think I’ll take the pup home though. Don’t mind do you dawg?” Dante’s ears flicked forward and the grip on his glass tightened enough to cause a small crack near the rim.  Shag’s words were clear as day despite his drunken drawl.

“Sure, have him back by morning in one piece.” Jurek shrugged a bit before tossing his brother a wink. The raccoon’s heart raced in his chest, the insides of his ears turning beet red as he turned his darken glare at Jurek before speaking up.

“Excuse me, have to use the restroom.” Dante said halfheartedly, his voice like poisoned honey that only Jurek was sharp enough to catch as the raccoon stalked away. The older rottie smirked a bit at Shag, who just nodded and tugged Lenka against his side, whispering something into his ear. Jurek guessed that whatever was said was dirty enough to excite the smaller dog because a short lick over his jaw and a drunken giggle good night was all the older twin got before the pair exited the dying club.

Jurek was thoroughly pleased with himself, so much so he took a moment to bask in the sense of accomplishment. Dante was put in his place, Lenka was going to be very happy that night and he went home with the satisfaction that his brother would be safe for a while longer. 

“Your friends left you?” Jurek was snatched out of his thoughts by the surprisingly pleasant voice of the jade scaled iguana that had been serving them drinks for the night. The rottie smiled and shook his head at the slightly anxious reptile.

“Not exactly, but this booth is looking pretty empty now, huh?” Jurek said gruffly, patting a spot beside him with a heavy paw. The iguana grinned a bit and slid next to the bigger man. Jurek would be going home with a sense of satisfaction but, he didn’t have to be going home with that feeling alone.



Dante’s dark eyes stared at himself in the washroom mirror, feeling blindsided by the appearance of an unforeseen factor, a bison sized wrench was thrown into the works and totally ruined his chances with Lenka. He cupped water in his paw and vigorously scrubbed it though his facial fur attempting to wash off the failure. It was all too convenient; the only person who would have had the wherewithal to scheme against him was…Dante wanted to rage and shout and lash out against the Rottweiler but, he knew that if he laid a hand on Jurek, he would be on the ground in matter of moments. Dante smoothed his fur back into place, adjusted his shirt and walked out of the restroom right to his car. He couldn’t fight Jurek but, he sure as hell didn’t have to give him a ride, besides, he needed to ‘clear his head’ a phrase his dealer used often.