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Aelius 3.0
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I'm an otter now!
Truth be told, I've felt a connection to otters for quite a while, though was hesitant to change. While I have no qualms about the fennec, I feel I share far more traits and a deeper connection with this playful, easy-going, water-loving mammal that's native to my home. After all, there are few pleasures I enjoy more than gliding through the waves, fast and free! After being a canid for over a decade, this will be a unique shift, but one that feels right for me.
Of course, characters like Khalil, Kaili, and Ellie won't be going anywhere (they've got their own stories to tell), and I still love foxes! Fennec-me will remain in the roster of fursonae just like wolf-me from before then, along with others like Ikaia the dolphin and Arjuna the gazelle, but otter-me is the me I shall be! Like otters, I love water and swimming, I kind of already am in a constant state of play, I remain close to my family and friends, and I'm just as small. Plus, some of my friends can attest that I DO squeak :p I've got a ref sheet coming up, but until then, here's to new beginnings!
I will admit, however... I'll miss the ears.
© Aelius
Truth be told, I've felt a connection to otters for quite a while, though was hesitant to change. While I have no qualms about the fennec, I feel I share far more traits and a deeper connection with this playful, easy-going, water-loving mammal that's native to my home. After all, there are few pleasures I enjoy more than gliding through the waves, fast and free! After being a canid for over a decade, this will be a unique shift, but one that feels right for me.
Of course, characters like Khalil, Kaili, and Ellie won't be going anywhere (they've got their own stories to tell), and I still love foxes! Fennec-me will remain in the roster of fursonae just like wolf-me from before then, along with others like Ikaia the dolphin and Arjuna the gazelle, but otter-me is the me I shall be! Like otters, I love water and swimming, I kind of already am in a constant state of play, I remain close to my family and friends, and I'm just as small. Plus, some of my friends can attest that I DO squeak :p I've got a ref sheet coming up, but until then, here's to new beginnings!
I will admit, however... I'll miss the ears.
© Aelius
4 years ago
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