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Otter Ael!
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I've been informed it's Species Change Week, so I decided to become an otter!
We share a sense of playfulness and love for water, plus I love how streamlined they are as they glide through the currents. As for why he's blue... well, I like that color more than the brown shade that most every other otter out there already is :p
Though this is only a temporary change, it's a fun one to try out for a little while. And after Species Change Week is over? Well, I'm sure I'll find something for him. Knowing me he'll probably end up another Sage or superhero XD
Otter Ael (c) Ael (me)
We share a sense of playfulness and love for water, plus I love how streamlined they are as they glide through the currents. As for why he's blue... well, I like that color more than the brown shade that most every other otter out there already is :p
Though this is only a temporary change, it's a fun one to try out for a little while. And after Species Change Week is over? Well, I'm sure I'll find something for him. Knowing me he'll probably end up another Sage or superhero XD
Otter Ael (c) Ael (me)
9 years ago
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