Current Track: Blabb

Sienna Sylvertine (The Unnamed Snow Leopard

Is our beautiful Snow Leopard news anchor from ZNN. She was born into a well to do prominent family in Zootopia.  Even with that being said her life growing up wasn't easy outside the home.

In school she was always picked on for being a rich kid, and being able to have whatever she wanted from her family. Whereas other students weren't so lucky with their school supplies. However she never let it show that it bothered her, and she didn't mind sharing her supplies with those she felt close to in school.

In high school things took a sharp left for her. The close friends she had turned their backs on her and began to call her names, just for being the rich student in school. It hurt to say the least, but she continued onward. Shortly there after she went to her parents, because she was feeling down and needed some advice. They asked her about what, and she was nervous about saying it. She finally came out and said it to them. She wanted to make her own money and not have to relay on their help to get the things she would need to help her get ahead in life. To her surprise her father was proud of her for wanting to go in this direction and helped her with advice and allowance. This way she could learn about money on her own.

With renewed determination on wanting to know how the world worked. She became very successful in school and started making new friends. One's she never gave a second look to before, but now started to understand them better as her life changed. Over the years after high school and through college she came to a decision that she wanted to go into journalism. She worked hard with both school and an internship at ZNN, but ever though there were days it wore her out, she stuck with it and graduated with flying colors.

She moved out of her parents home, and picked a nice community to live in. Her down to earth personality made her a beloved member of her community, and on her days off would help other working families by babysitting for them. On the job though she was completely different. Hard hitting and very sure of herself to be able to get the truth out of all those she interviewed. She wasn't afraid to ask the really hard questions, and put the screws to someone when she thought they were hiding something. In a lot of ways her style of interviewing reminds you of Diane Rehm from NPR.

Over the years of working with Peter Moosebridge she developed a professional relationship with him, not to mention a quiet crush on him. It was the only thing she was to shy to bring up to him so she stayed quiet about it. She enjoyed her work at ZNN, and was glad to have been picked as his co-anchor on the evening news after a few years on the job. Her family is quite proud of her.