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Austin Komori
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This is Austin Komori, cousin to Belle (the glowbat I posted a few days ago). Another character that may be involved in an upcoming story I'm working on. He is her father's brother's son. While only 19, almost 20 years his cousin's younger, he has a similar passion for science and wants nothing more than to be her lab assistant, much to his parents' dismay (Belle and her direct family are something of a pariah in the family). He hopes to learn as much as he possibly can under his cousin's tutelage, even if much of what she can teach is... less than legal.
Unlike Belle, Austin is not genetically modified in any way. He does hope that if he can successfully prove himself to her, then she might give him some kind of enhancement of his own, though he knows it is unlikely to be anything as dramatic as her glowing.
Belle does see much potential in the young bat, reminding her of herself at his age. She mostly tasks him with minor duties, such as organizing various test results, recording data into the computers, and generally keeping the lab tidy. However, she has given him one new task recently: to acquire some unique... "sample" for study.
This is another base that was colorized. While the colorist wishes to remain anonymous, I'm told the base is from Tidehardt so give them some love.
Austin and Belle Komori are owned by me.
Unlike Belle, Austin is not genetically modified in any way. He does hope that if he can successfully prove himself to her, then she might give him some kind of enhancement of his own, though he knows it is unlikely to be anything as dramatic as her glowing.
Belle does see much potential in the young bat, reminding her of herself at his age. She mostly tasks him with minor duties, such as organizing various test results, recording data into the computers, and generally keeping the lab tidy. However, she has given him one new task recently: to acquire some unique... "sample" for study.
This is another base that was colorized. While the colorist wishes to remain anonymous, I'm told the base is from Tidehardt so give them some love.
Austin and Belle Komori are owned by me.
2 years ago
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