Current Track: Blabb

This user has not posted any statuses yet

Seems that the import broke all of my story formatting, and since SFX doesn't seem to accept anything other than html tags (and even then not really) you'll all just have to deal with the jank until they fix it.


I'm an older fur, been at this for a while! Seriously, in my 40's now. Woo~

I'm a writer, have been for over 25 years now. Nothing published. I'm a nerd, a gamer, a weeb, an idiot, and a wise-ass.
I exist only by the good graces of my wonderful benefactor known as Coffee.

A warning, though: I'm a bitter, middle-aged asshole with a VERY dark streak. A lot of my stories can get very extreme, and I don't give a shit. I clearly label everything, so you can avoid what you hate.
Everyone is a piece of shit deep down. I am no exception.

I don't really RP anymore.
I will not share my Discord.

See this journal for commission info.

Commissions are currently: closed.
See here for more details

- I may like dark, fucked up shit, but I have my hard limits.
Will not do:
-Vomit (Actual vomit. Spiting up blood / cum is fine, but no throwing up)
-Fat (obese or extreme)

What I'm iffy on:
-Herms / Shemales
-Feral / Non-anthro
(Probably more, will edit later)

I am gender-fluid. This is still a little new for me... accepting this. Forgive me if I'm awkward about it
I have two sides. Male and Female.
Male: Jenaric AKA Aric
Female: Jenasys AKA Jena

I also post on FurAffinity and InkBunny
If anyone cares, I have a Tip Jar
If you would like early access to stories and other bonus content, please consider subscribing to my Subscribestar
A huge thank you to my top tier subscribers: booleangemini352 | Sedyna | Kaden22 | jafferroshak | RoleplayCentral | Tierr | akinkyyfox

[sub]Please note: I do not condone, promote, or endorse any REAL actions of self-harm, harm on others, rape, violence, or any other illegal actions.
These stories are fantasy. Please keep them there.[/sub]