Current Track: Blabb
\n Author's note: part 3 :D well i think its going good so you think? i hope so :P. its still in free style format so i don't know where this story will go as of now (still)  i might plan it out from now on but that is still buzzing around in my mind XP.well comment, rate and fave cuz i would really appreciate it alot. And thank you for reading ^.=.^
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\n  As me and Jonathan walked farther away from the forest as he was holding my paw...wait when did this happen? anyway i started to worry a bit so i asked "um....mind telling me where we are going exactly?"
\n "huh? oh well were going to find the biggest rock we can find or a very huge bolder." he replied not turning around and still pulling me along.
\n "but i cant go too far. my friends might get worried and so will everyone else." i told him, trying to think of some random excuse not to take me too far from the forest.
\n "oh...well lets try this one here. it looks big enough." he said as  we stopped near this boulder that was as tall as at least one charazard. which is pretty big to me.
\n "do you think i can break that?" questioning his methods. thinking 'I am so not going to break that at all.'
\n "you'll be fine. trust me ok?" he said with a soft, calm, and sensitive voice that made me feel all mushy inside....wait what? why am i feeling like this...oh well.
\n as he motioned me to the boulder i just stood there looking at how big it is, how small i am and also how am i going to break this thing. all these thoughts rushed through my mind and i sort of felt dizzy at one point.
\n "hey are you ok?" Jonathan asked worried and giving a concerned look.
\n "just fine. feeling a tad dizzy but other than that I'm good." i told him trying to keep my balance.
\n "well ok if you say so." he said while stepping back away from me and keeping a good distance.
\n "why are you going so far? is something going to pop out or something?" i asked getting a bit scared.
\n "huh? no no no. its ok ill get closer. just stop worrying Jake its going to be ok." Jonathan said getting closer and putting his paw on my shoulder which made me stop being scared all of a sudden and i just got this burst of confidence.
\n "ok I'm ready! whats first?" i said with my new inner strength. i never felt this rush before and i didn't want it to go away just yet.
\n "well first off concentrate on the boulder first off. then keep concentrating while controlling your will see why young grasshopper." Jonathan said in a sensi type of voice. i rolled my eyes as i did what i was told i stared at the boulder and concentrated really hard. then for some reason my heart started beating faster and i felt my pulse quicken. then i started to rock back and forth ever so slightly. Jonathan saw what was happening and grabbed me by the shoulders keeping me steady and whispered in my ear.
\n 'now think of the move and how its done then conserve the energy till you can't any longer. then attack the boulder.'
\n 'ok ok...' i whispered back. then i closed my eyes and started thinking about my iron tail attack and how its charged up with a white glow and tail turns to iron for a split second. then i started to send all my energy to my tail without breaking my tempo of breathing in through my nose and out my mouth. then all of a sudden i started feeling a sensation that i never felt before and then my tail started feeling weird.
\n "good now just attack the boulder and you will see how all these steps pay off." Jonathan said....he sounded so distant as if he was really far away. i took a step back, open my eyes and charged for the boulder. with intense speed i ran for it and swung my tail with all my might. it hit the rock with a huge bang and a flash of light and for a split second i saw my tail was actually iron. the boulder was no match for it and shattered in a million pieces.
\n when i landed i was shocked and amazed by what i have done. it was the most awesomest thing i have done and the very first time i even came close to even charging that attack. even Jonathan was shocked by what Ive done. his jaw was down in awe.
\n "i....i...did i do that?!?!" i said my voice getting pitchy and high again.
\n "yes you did! i cant believe you did it." jonathan said surprised and excited. i was so happy i turned around and ran towards him and tackled him and hugged him really tight,  he hugged back of course. he smelled so nice and his smooth skin on my fur felt so right for some reason.
\n "well whats all this then?" Jonathan said a tad surprised. i realized what i was doing and i quickly let him go. "aww why did you let go?"
\n i noticed his cheeks were red again and this time it wasn't because he was tired or anything. 'i think he liked that....more than me complimenting him.' i thought as i turned around trying to not look at him since i was blushing too. well you cant notice it since my cheeks are always red but the color can spread out of it ya know.
\n "what? am i suppose to hold on to you?" i said waiting till the heat of my cheeks cooled off.
\n "well no but still you didn't have to let me go like that." Jonathan said wit a hint of sadness in his tone.
\n "sorry.....well how about a real hug right now?" i said thinking as i turned around 'maybe he wont notice. might as well give him a real one.'
\n "really? well ok." he said with open arms. so i walked up to him in a awkward sate and gave him a huge tight hug. and he hugged back tighter and for some reason it felt right again and i didn't want to let go. i guess Jonathan felt the same way since he fell back on the soft grass and fainted.
\n "holy crap are you ok?!?!" i said getting off of him and seeing if he was all right. his cheeks and some parts of his face were really red and he was smiling. don't know if that's good or bad so i did the only thing i could. i started charging my cheeks for an electric attack but i put my finger on it to transfer the charge and weakened it, its a trick Jorge taught me since he kept waking me up with that trick. so i took my electrical charged finger and touched his foot.....that was not a good idea.
\n instead of the attack being weak as i thought it was, it was powerful enough to jump his heart about 10 times over. he was electrocuted and when the charge was gone he looked singed and burnt as he puffed out smoke from his mouth the words he said was: "wow. what a connection." as he fainted again.
\n "oh no what did i do?!?!? i gotta get him something and fast."i told myself. i ran to my rock hiding all my berries as i searched for something that wasn't a berry. when i found it it was still yellow and it still glistened in the late evening sunlight. 'found it.' i thought to myself as i rushed back to Jonathan's side. 'hope this revive still works.' i gave it to him as he ate it whole. i waited and waited and nothing happened.
\n "oh come on work already!" i yelled to his limp body. then the best thing happened. he started twitching his foot, then his arms, then finally his eyes opened.
\n "yes!!!! it worked." i said running to him and helping him up.
\n "oww....what happened?" he asked if as if he didn't feel that attack.
\n "um....lets just say u fainted and i tried to wake you up and well the rest you can see for yourself when you get near some water or something." i told him while trying not to be over excited over on how he looked which was a bit funny if you ask me.
\n "no worries. i get what you mean. besides i am a water Pokemon so I'm my own water fountain." Jonathan said and as he said that he cocked his head upwards and shot out a water gun attack which went up and then landed on him washing off the soot and ashes, he became clean again and his blue skin was good as new.
\n "well I'm sorry at the least...i forgot electric attacks were super effective on water types." i said feeling really sorry and felt like i needed to make up for it.
\n "its ok. really. i understand completely but i think you should head back home now. its getting late and i think your family will get worried." Jonathan said. i cringed at the word 'family'. "did i say something wrong?" he said.
\n "um no no I'm fine." i said avoiding the conversation. "anyway your right i do need to get home soon. will you be here tomorrow?" i asked
\n "sure if you want to practice a new move." he said
\n "ok then but i don't need to practice a new move anytime soon." i said turning to the forest and giving him a wink. Jonathan smiled and turned to head home or something and i did the same. running back into the forest and about half way home i ran into Jorge who was carrying berries back to be stored for the winter.
\n "oh man sorry dude i wasn't seeing where i was going." i said helping him he's so heavy.
\n "naw its ok. besides now that your here you can help me out for a bit" Jorge said as he started picking up berries.
\n "fine but give me a second i have an idea." i told him as i went to a tree that was really, really tall. i searched the ground for a leaf and i found the biggest one and took it to Jorge. "see with this leaf we can carry twice as many berries and get the job done faster."
\n "ha ha! and we can get some for us later." Jorge said putting the berries he picked up on the leaf.
\n "i like your thinking Jorge. lets get started already." i said already picking berries from the small trees all over the place. as we collected the pile of berries began growing and soon it was so tall we couldn't put anymore on the leaf or stack it up any higher.
\n "i think that's enough for now." Jorge said as he grabbed the stem of the leaf and started to pull. the leaf as if it was light started moving as if he wasn't even trying or wasting energy.
\n "ok how are you doing that?" i said dumb-founded and in awe. man i cant believe how strong he really was.
\n "what? this? its not that hard now hurry up." Jorge said. when he is concentrated on something he can be pretty serious about it at times. it even scares me to think what would happen if he got mad....which is rare and i never saw.
\n "fine. but dont put all the berries in. some are for us ya know." i said following him and grabbing berries that fell of the leaf. when we reached the tree that all the food goes to we dumped the load and took whatever was left back to my tree and sat outside eating.
\n "do you know what i really want right now?" Jorge said after eating half the pile. "i so crave for that exotic fruit we found and ate back 3 years ago."
\n "you mean the banana? man that was so good and so sweet too. Too bad they dont grow here at illex forest. supposedly they grow where its always hot. someday when I'm old enough ill travel and see the sights and taste the food." i said thinking about the day when the banana fell down from the sky and we ate it after the elder told us what it was and the brief history that it had.
\n "so now you want to travel? remember what happened last year. one step out of the forest and you came back running." Jorge said laughing at the thought.
\n i growled at him, blushing slightly and threw a berry at him. i missed as always as it hit the ground with a soft thud. "well its getting late Jorge, you should head back home in time for dinner."
\n "shut up. i do not eat that often. besides its really late i think u should go to bed now." Jorge said brushing off the seeds that fell on him as he ate, then he opened his arms and gestured for a hug. of course i got up and walked up to him and gave him a hug. as i was hugging him a caught his scent while taking a breath and for some reason he smelled so nice. i guess he was thinking the same as he whispered 'you smell different but nice.....' there was a long pause. it was really akward 'cause he didnt let me go. then i knew waht he was talking about when he said 'different'.