Current Track: Blabb
\n Author's note: i decided to do another story but im free styleing this one so yea i have no idea how all of this is going to turn out. if you like it then by all means faveorite this and vote. sorry if its short but i had to post it early due to my computer getting its memory formated D: .
\n _______________________________________________________________________________
\n 'run faster you stupid legs!!!' was all i would think of in my head. i mean i like to run but to this extent, is really tiresome. in case you haven't noticed i am running away. from who you may ask i don't know. as long as they don't catch me i am safe.
\n As I'm running through the forest trees dodging every tree trunk and bush so they wont slow me down or make me stop, i start to wonder how everything went wrong in the first place.
\n 'hmmmm...i don't hear anything.' i think to myself as i slow down to a stop to listen to whats going on around me. my ears twitch with each sound that floods inside them.
\n "*pant* finally..*pant* i can take a breather" i said to myself but i knew i said that too soon.
\n suddenly my ears twitch to my left as a big shadowy figure jumps out and attacks. normally i would run but it was too fast for me to even move a muscle.
\n "I got you now my Lil mouse." the figure said as it tackled me to the ground. its paws pressing up against my little arms and body.
\n  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\n now your thinking 'whats going on?' and 'who are you?' and stuff so ill start from the very beginning.
\n My name is Jake. I'm a pikachu who lives in a little forest not far from azalea town but close enough to the ilex forest. i live with a village of pichu's, pikachu's and raichu's. its not a big village but at least it's home. since we are sort of like family we look out for each other since were all orphans either abandoned or some trainer took our parents. so the village population is like about 85 pokemon or something like that i dont keep track. anyway our village consists of hollowed-out tree trunks so that we could in them like houses...only better, and in the center village is a big hole where the village elder lives. the hole was made by digletts and dugtrios before but its empty now so the elder lives there. only he knows how deep that thing really is.
\n anyway before i ramble on about anything else i better start saying the events that led to all of that running. i was sleeping (i think it was early morning) till i was woken up by one of my friends.
\n "hey Jake wake up. its time to find out what are duties are today" Jorge said. he's a pikachu but just one year older than me and boy is shall i put this..."fluffy". i mean he is energetic but can be tuckered out pretty easily. we been friends since we were pichu's and its been a great friendship so far.
\n "meh...give me 5 more minutes." I groaned as i wanted to nap more.
\n "humph....PIIIIKAAAA..." Jorge said trying to charge a attack.
\n "Ok Ok I'm up." I said as i jumped from my sleeping spot trying to dodge the attack only to find out he wasn't going to attack.
\n "HAHAHA gotcha" he said laughing as we jumped from platform to platform. Its funny how each tree has a platform inside it. oh well who ever made them i appreciate them to that day.
\n "Not funny!" I said as we reached the bottom.
\n "oh come on. you know i wont hurt you. anyway here i found this on my way here" Jorge presented me a apple that was sitting outside the tree.
\n "wow. thanks. it looks good" I said. I took a big bite off the apple. it was so sweet and crunchy and really ripe. "Do you want some?" I offered.
\n "SURE!!!!" Jorge said litteraly almost attacking me for the apple i almost fell down. as i composed myself we ate the apple taking bites off it as we walked up to the village center. then when the apple was down to the core i took it and made a little hole in the ground and put the core in and buried it. at least it would be turned to dirt and a apple tree would grow. as we walked more we were stopped by another pikachu.
\n "hey fellas. what took you so long. sleeping late again were you Jake?" said Vanessa.
\n She's really nice and my very best friend who i met last year since she was a new addition to the village. next to her ear is a rare black flower tied up by thin vines that her mom gave her when she was little. Rumor has it that whoever find that type of flower is lucky throughout their lives....but i don't believe in that type of stuff that much anyway.
\n "yea i had to fake a attack in order to get him up" Jorge said grinning.
\n "shut up both of you. at least I'm up now." I said sort of crossed.
\n "well come on we don't want to be late now." Vanessa said.
\n "well lets go then I'm not going to get yelled at again for being late ya know" i said running ahead of them.
\n "hey wait for us!" Jorge and Vanessa said in unison running after me.