Current Track: Blabb

\n The Two Brass Rings


\n (Part 2)


\n The lion silently glanced down admiring one of his Grandfathers rings, placed tightly around his ring finger. He couldn't really do much of anything with it, and without its mated pair he couldn't think of any other option but to wear it. At times his mind would wonder about Thad and about what he had, what he would do with it, how disrespectful he would be toward it. Then out from among his resentful thoughts emerged a vision of Thad carrying a football and wearing nothing but a jockstrap. Jake was gay after all, and there was no denying it. Thad was the hottest boy in school. Jake smiled a bit as he deviated onto one of his more desirable fantasies with the wolf.


\n "Hey Jake" A familiar voice rang out. Jake quickly came back to reality, he immediately closed the locker door and turned his head to face the direction Rick was coming from. Rick's long tail waged behind him, and his large fox ears stood straight up as he ran toward the beaming lion. "Jake...I've... wanted to see you" The fox panted between breaths "Did you get my message last night?" Jake just shook his head. The fox could only sigh.


\n "Tonight, the new Triangle game comes out, you know, The Last Fantasy. I can't believe you forgot." Rick stated a little exasperated.


\n "I'm sorry man ..." Jake began to say with a sheepish look to his face.


\n "Is that your grandfather's ring?" Rick interrupted. Jake was a little surprised at the fox's reaction as he immediately looked over at his hand.


\n "Yeah, why not...It's not like..." Jake started to explain but he would not have a chance to finish his thought as an otter came up from behind him and push him forward into Rick. The force alone was enough to launch Jakes book bag, pencils and pens.  As a loud crash reverberated through out the hallway, as his supplies scattered themselves across the floor. Rick and Jake idly stood by as they watch nothing but sheer chaos encompass the hallways. The fox and the lion tried to react quickly, kneeling down, reaching their arms out to do their best to organize the mess, ignoring the obvious laughter coming from the otter above them.


\n "Well, Well, look at the fucking fag, and poor excuse of a butt buddy" The otter said with a big grin. Jake hated days like this, he was tired of being on the receiving end of humiliation and too weak to do anything about it. In anger and disgust, the lion peered at the otter.


\n "Jake" The fox whispered with urgency. "You know as well as I do that how much we hate it, its better that we just gather our stuff up and head to class. There's nothing we can do about it."


\n "You better listen to your friend, pussycat" The otter then stated as he crossed his arms and gave a stern stare at the lion.

\n Jake didn't know what to say at the time, his mind was a buzz with a thousand different insults that he could fling at this incessant water rat, but he's been through this same song and dance routine before and he could only guess how it would end. Then, out of the corner of his eye he saw the most dreadful thing that he could see. Rick could only stare at Jakes blank face, as he feared to turn the direction that Jake was looking at. Though ever so carefully he did and saw that Thad was walking at a fast pace down the hallway with a pissed off look. It seemed that their school time persecution knew no ends and Thad was ready to take advantage of this opportunity. The otter of course was oblivious until he saw their faces in sheer terror and with one swift turn of his head looked behind him to see the tall built football player heading in his direction.


\n "Ah, Thad care to take part in...ehh" The otter spoke up thinking he found an ally. Unfortunately to the otter's surprise and fortunately to the fox and lions surprise, Thad pushed the otter rather forcefully against the wall and with a mean glare, looked at him square in the eye.


\n "What the Fuck Thad?" The otter shouted as he looked into Thad's eyes. Jake and Rick couldn't really believe what was happening.


\n "DID I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO SPEAK?!...Now why the fuck are you bothering my friends" The wolf said very loudly.


\n "L..Look I..I'm sorry man, if I had known I would never have fucked with them" The otter said as his voice cracked and a curious look formed on his face.


\n "Good, you better keep your word!" The wolf smiled and then leaned in closer to the otter's ear, while bringing his hand close to his throat. Jake did his best to listen but all he could get was "If I ever..." The look of horror that came on the otters face was nearly priceless as the bell rang to signify that classes had begun. As the wolf let him go, his two feet carried the otter far away from where he was. The wolf then knelt down and started picking up some stuff.


\n "Hey Guys, I'm glad we got that bozo out of the way" The wolf said with a smile at the two petrified creatures next to him. Rick and Jake both looked at each other in confusion as if to silently coordinate who was going to talk to him first. Jake finally looked over at Thad.


\n "Thaaad?"


\n "Yes Jake?" the wolf said almost immediately as he held a bunch of pencils in his paws, reaching over to grab Jakes book bag.


\n "Are you okay?" Jake finished.


\n "Never better, why do you ask?"


\n "Because you were about to beat us up yesterday," Rick stated a little livid. Thad looked over at the fox with a very confused look on his face.


\n "What are you talking about; I would never do that to you guys. You guys are my best pals." Thad said with the most sincere tone as he began placing the pencil in the proper compartment on the book bag. Jake looked amazed as he watched Thad in awe, feeling strangely safe around him. "So are we hanging out today?" Thad ask curious. Jake and Rick both looked at each other in some confinement.


\n "Well, today is when the video game me and Jake have been looking forward to comes out" Rick replied.


\n "Oh I see..." Thad said with a disappointed look on his face.


\n "But you can come and hang out anyway" Jake said in response noticing the wolfs reaction."


\n "Great, I can shift my workout schedule, go right after school, and I could at least hang out with you later tonight at Jakes house perhaps."


\n "Sure Thad, we would love to have you come over tonight" Jake responded. Thad's ears perked up and his tail began to wag as he heard Jake's seal of approval.


\n "Thanks guys, I'll see you at 6:30 at Jakes" Thad said as he finished up collecting the stuff off the floor and handed it over to the lion. Jake slowly reached out his hand to take it from the wolf, as they began to stand up. Jake's eyes finally met with Thad's who had a very soft glow on them. "Oh shit, look at the time. We'll be tardy for class guys. I promise I'll see you tonight!" Thad said as he turned and started walking down the hall. Rick only caught a glimpse of it, but he did notice the faint refraction of light coming off of his right ring finger.


\n "That was odd. Why..."Jake began to say as he started to slowly turn toward Rick.


\n "He was wearing your grandfather's ring" Rick said suddenly interrupting Jake. Quickly he grabbed Jakes right paw and peered at the ring a little closer, as if to read the inscription on the item. "Dom...Dominus" Rick said silently.


\n "Dom... Dom What?" Jake said more confused than ever.


\n "It's Latin..." Rick said again with very little emotion.


\n "Latin for what?" Jake stated, this time more irritated and a little more confused. As Rick's eyes were distant and deep in serious thought. Then slowly the fox turns and looks straight into Jakes eyes, simply saying one word.


\n "Master"
