Current Track: Blabb

\n The Two Brass Rings


\n (Part 1)


\n His hands couldn't remain still as the two brass rings moved about between his fingers. He couldn't quite understand why his father would receive such an inheritance. His dad and his grandpa were never close, so it was surprising that he got anything from him in the first place.


\n "Hey Jake, what are you doing?" a voice suddenly came from nowhere. Looking up, he then noticed a tall young fox headed over in his direction. Jake smiled.


\n "Nothing much Rick, Just spending some time admiring the scenery" Jake said with a hint of sarcasm. The fox then turned his direction out onto the field noticing the football team running through their afternoon practice.


\n "Enjoying the scenery huh? Look Jake, you don't have to lie to me. Behind your studios attitude and quite personality you're just like every other male lion out there. You're a horny bastard" Rick said with some laughter in his voice.


\n "Except this horny bastard likes males"


\n "Maybe, but that's just a minor discrepancy" Rick said as he sat himself down next to Jake. Jake felt lucky to have Rick as a friend since it seemed as if he was the only decent person who was okay with his sexual lifestyle.


\n "Have you told your father your little secret yet?"


\n "Hell no! What do you think; I want to do commit suicide? Rick, I know that you want me to tell the truth but I can't be honest with him, he's just too...I don't know..."


\n "Pig headed"


\n "'Stubborn' would be the word I would have chosen" Jake said a little frustrated as his tail began to wiggle around a bit. Ricks head turned just slightly as he caught a glimpse of Jake's ever moving hands.


\n "Hey, what do you have that what I think it is?" Rick stated looking at Jakes right hand. Jake had almost forgotten about them as he looked down at the rings himself.


\n "No I doubt that, they were my grandfathers, he was a traditionalist. As you know he never believed in marriage, and felt that lions still needed to have a harem"


\n "Really, never figured that your grandfather would hold that opinion, especially knowing your father"


\n "I don't know, but dad didn't care for the present and gave the rings over to me" Jake said as took each ring into his hand and began looking at them.

\n "Hey, is that writing on one of them?" Rick said as he peered closer at the ring in Jakes right hand. Jake then started to examine the ring a little more closely now noticing some small insignificant writing on the surface of the brass.


\n "That's something I've never seen before" Jake said curiously and without thinking he took his left hand and put one of the rings into his jacket pocket while still holding on the other ring.


\n All of a sudden, as if appearing out of thin air, a looming shadow fell over Jake's face just before a football hit him squarely on the forehead. The lion was caught off guard and before he knew it, he fell backward off the bleachers, the ring that he was still holding fell to the ground. Rick winced a little knowing that he shouldn't look behind him. Jake unfortunately couldn't help but lay there hoping to hear one encouraging word from his friend.


\n "Hey fella's look was the cat dragged in, or should I give my proper respects and say a lion" A voice echoed mockingly. Rick knew who it was; he couldn't try to pretend anymore that they weren't there. The prone lion couldn't avoid it now, this was his curse and what seemed to be the most unfortunate thing about being gay is that not all males appreciate the fact that you appreciate them.


\n "So how are you doing Thad" Rick said a little sheepishly. Thinking to himself that he should at least say something to break the unnerving silence of the situation, hoping that being a canine would entitle him to some leniency.


\n "It's none of your fucking business, jerk wad" Thad growled at Rick. The fox could only smile nervously as he saw the faint white sheen of Thad's sharp fangs. Rick looking behind the large football player could see his over muscled Tiger friend Grady and a lanky Hyena who Thad calls Rook. Thad's entourage and what seemed to be his personal bodyguards, or at least they were at school.


\n "So why the mighty Thad would be coming down from mount Olympus to mingle among the peasant folk" Jake said as he finally picked himself up, not really thinking about anything else as he stared at Thad bright yellow eyes.


\n "Fuck you and all your fancy talk. I thought I told you not to come here"


\n "Jake is that true..."


\n "Did I give you permission to speak, you no excuse for a canine" Thad immediately interrupted, giving Rick an evil glare.


\n "Look as far as I can tell..."


\n "No, you fucking dumbass. I don't want any excuses, get your ass off of my damn field or your will severely feel some pain." The wolf yelled immediately at the lion. Rick could only sit and watch, he had never seen Thad in this kind of mood before. Jake could feel his whole body shake as his eyes met with Thad.


\n "Hey Thad, look at this" Grady exclaimed as his eyes caught a glimpse of something underneath the bleachers. Bending down the tiger picked up a very dull and tarnished brass ring. Rick noticed what it was and immediately turned toward Jake with a horrible glare. Grady could only smile as he stood back up again. Thad looked over at the object that was now being held in Grady's hand.


\n "Do you think this could be worth something?" Grady stated as he began to inspect and appraise the ring. Thad looked at the ring and then snatch it out of Grady's hand.


\n "Hey" Grady reacted.


\n "I will give it back, let me take a look" Thad responded as Rick and Jake both looked at the wolf who now held the ring and both held their breath. Then without really thinking about it, Thad put the ring on his hand and started to examine it on his finger.


\n "Damn you Wolf. You said you would give it back." The tiger said under his breath as the hyena next to him gave a slight chuckle.


\n "Damn it, Grady, you know I'll keep my word, we'll go to a jeweler and get it appraised there and I'll give the rest of the money to you. I don't know who this baby belongs to, but I don't think they'll be missing it now." The tiger gave an irritated look as he crossed his arms. The wolf then looked down at the silent fox and lion who sat there watching.


\n "What are you two fags looking at, get out of my field!" The wolf said with a commanding presence as both scramble to collect their things and proceeded to leave. The wolf could only smile as little words was exchanged between the two as they left the bleachers and headed back toward the campus. Then all of a sudden the wolf went blank as he felt something strange begin to envelope his mind.


\n "Thad? Thad, are you okay?" The tiger yelled a little at him. Thad just snapped at the Tiger.


\n "What?!"


\n "Don't "what" me. You've been standing there for about a minute now staring into space" Grady responded.


\n "It was a little scary" Rook said, laughing a little.


\n "Fuck, my head..."

