We were flying for such a long time, maybe about a few hours after we all left the city. The wind still rushing at me, blowing my hair. I looked down beside Rain's body, seeing how fast we're flying over the trees below us. I looked straight ahead again and smiled.
Man, this really feels amazing.
Honestly, if any human back then before they forget that dragons are humanity's friends had a chance to ride on a dragon, they'd be lucky.
And I am the one who feels lucky. This is the second time this is happening to me and I love it. Love every minute of it.
Then mom's face came to me again, while the wind was still rushing at my face. Mother...
I don't know if you're still with Gerry still, or if you've finally built the guts to get rid of him, but....I still wish that I didn't leave you alone with him.
Because you would have loved being with the dragons, living in the dragon city with me, meeting Rain, meeting Wayne, meeting everyone else that I like being with.
I kinda miss you, not to mention a bit worried about you too.
A slight twitch of guilt tugged at my heart and I placed my hand over it. I let out a sigh, the wind muffled my sigh so Rain wouldn't hear it. I hope that Gerry didn't abuse you so much that it'd be enough to kill you.
I don't know if I...I...
I shook my head. Now Brandon, remember what Rain told you a couple of nights ago.
If mom died, it wouldn't be your fault, it'd be Gerry's. Not yours, HIS. You're a good kid, you just had to get away from the abuse and the drama. Besides, if you stayed in Leon, then Gerry probably would've killed YOU. If he was so drunk and crazy enough, he'd kill you.
But....I hope mom doesn't die, because of him. I don't want to lose her, just like dad.
God, he died in a fire, and what she'll die from, is a lot different and worse than a fire.
I hope that she leaves him, I hope that me leaving her alone with him would finally open her eyes and see that he's no good to her. I hope she gets it.
Just like it has more than once before, hope tugged at my heart. I'll see you again. Someday, I will.
Then an idea popped up in my brain. Wait! That's it!
Since all of us are out of the city for a couple of days, maybe I'll ask Rain to take me back to Leon.
Maybe I'll see if mom's still with Gerry, or if she's alone now. That way, I won't have to worry and feel guilty anymore.
Yes! I'm glad I came up with the idea. Now I just need to find the time to ask Rain to take me there. I don't want to go there straight away.
I want to have some time and fun with my friends, then I'll go to mom.
Don't worry mother...I'll come back.
But I won't talk to you if Gerry's still with you. I don't want to talk to him.
Please for your only child, if he's with you, leave him.
I trailed my eyes to all my friends flying along with me and Rain. I looked at Wayne and Cody first, then Sebastian, then Neal and Amanda, and lastly Frankie and Jessie. I smiled at Jessie riding on Frankie's back.
She hasn't been afraid anymore, ever since she got used to the flight. I'm real glad she's liking this. Liking all of this.
But then a thought crossed my mind about her. I still never knew why she left her home, left her parents behind, left her rich life behind. I still didn't really know the reason.
I hope that Jessie would find the time to tell me. I'm still rather curious about it.
I can bet, it wasn't as bad as my life was. But she did say it was complicated. I wonder what's complicated? That living a rich life is complicated?Oh, I don't know, I guess I'll find out.
I looked straight ahead again. Rain flapping her wings. Where we're going, we're heading to where Jessie's car is at in the woods. That's nearby Rain's cave, where me and Jessie first met her. That's where we'll be staying at for a couple of days. Seems like a perfect place to camp at anyways.
I giggled to myself. Now I'm beginning to wonder since it's been days since Rain kidnapped us, nature has probably claimed Jessie's car.
Boy, I'd imagine Jessie's face about nature claiming her car.
I can't even tell if we're close to that area now, but I'd bet Rain knows where we're at from up in the air. She traveled to that place more than once I'm sure.
And my hunch is correct, because Rain hollered at everyone this, "We're almost there!"
Neal was glancing at her, hollering back, while flapping his wings, "Alright!"
And after about a few minutes later of more flying, Rain started to circle around in this particular area over the trees. I think we're over the spot. I looked down and saw that there's an opening in the trees, that Rain and the other dragons can glide down to the ground.
I looked to my left and to my right and saw that Neal, Cody, Frankie and Sebastian are circling too, getting ready to land. Soon enough, Rain was the first one to glide down to the ground, flapped her wings twice to slow herself down. And when Rain got close enough to the grass, she landed on her hind feet first, then her front feet. Rain curled her wings on her back and let out a sigh. She looked over her shoulder at me and said with a smile, "We're finally here."
I nodded and smiled back, "Whew. Talk about a long flight."
Rain lowered her body to the ground and she remarked, "I certainly hoped you enjoyed it, despite being a long flight."
I started to swing my leg over her back, to get ready to dismount her, "Oh, I enjoyed it. Big time." Then I slid down off of her and landed my feet on the grass. After sitting on her for a long time, I shifted my bag over my shoulder and I started to stretch my legs.
Rain raised her body off the ground and giggled at me, "Tired of sitting on me?"
I groaned a bit and answered, while my back's turned to her, "Feels like I've been riding in a car for several hours."
Rain raised a brow at me, "You do know that I'm not a car, I'M A DRAGON."
I let out a chuckle and turned to face her, "I KNOW THAT. I was just saying, even I need a break from riding on you. I don't fly all day like you do."
She shot up her head, "Course you don't, you're just a puny little human who can't fly."
I placed my hands to my hips and shot back at her with a teasing voice, "Well thanks for mocking my kind, you scaly show off."
Rain burst out laughing and so did I. Soon after that, Neal glided down and landed on the grass near Rain, with Amanda still on his back. After him, Cody and Frankie came down from gliding too. After them, lastly came Sebastian. Sebastian landed on all fours at the same time, letting out a sigh and curling his wings on his back.
I jogged to Sebastian after he landed, and I asked as I got closer to him, "You doing alright?"
Sebastian glanced at me, after starting to relax after flight, "Oh yes. I am." He started to grin at me, "And what about you?"
I chuckled and said, "You're asking me, if I'm doing alright?" I spread out my arms and exclaimed, "I've never been more alright in my life! I love flying for a few hours!"
Sebastian still had his grin on his face, "Oh, I knew that you were alright. Flying always makes us happy."
I nodded in agreement, "Course it does."
Sebastian looked up at the trees, his eyes and head trailing around the area, "Hmmm, nothing much changes here in these woods. But I can certainly tell that it has been such a long time since an old drake like myself has been here."
I placed my hand on his body, just in case he was still feeling nervous about all this, "Is that a bad thing? Not feeling nervous about this?"
Sebastian let out a small giggle and looked down at me, "Oh I'm feeling fine, and no it's not a bad thing. The woods...Always seem peaceful to me." Then he had a flash of anger and let out a bit of a growl, "When there aren't a bunch of dragon slayers trying to kill this drake." He pointed a claw at himself.
I shook my head and let my hand fall to my side, "Oh, there are no more dragon slayers in this world. So I wouldn't worry about it."
Sebastian let his anger wash off his face and he started to smirk at me, "I know that pretty much, there are humans like you who are nice to drakes like me." He shook his head at me, "You wouldn't hurt this drake, not ever."
My face lit up after that, "I'm glad you know that." Sebastian lowered his head to my level and I gave his sensitive nose a hard rub.
Sebastian giggled at my rub, "Watch it, kid. Dragon's noses are sensitive you know."
Neal came up to us, along with Amanda strolling beside him. He said, "You better hope that a human doesn't slap your nose so hard. Or it'll sting and your eyes will water."
Sebastian laughed and raised his head to gaze at Neal, "I take it that Amanda here." He motioned his snout to her and then gazed back to Neal, "Slapped your nose when you made her angry?"
Neal rolled his eyes at the question, "Yes. And trust me, you don't want this girl angry at you."
Amanda raised her eyebrows and said, "That's right, old man. If you make mwah angry." Then she held out one hand to prove her point, "I will slap your nose."
Sebastian was just grinning down at her, "Oh I definitely won't, its just Neal here needs to learn not to make a female like you angry."
Neal shrugged his shoulders, "Not my fault, she can't take my jokes real well."
Amanda placed both hands to her hips, shooting a glare at him and exclaimed, "You keep telling me that I have good curves."
Neal tossed back his head at her statement, "They are good curves!"
Amanda's glare went away in an instant and she started grinning at him, showing her teeth, "You bet your red ass, that my curves are good. At least, you know I'm not fat."
Neal hummed a bit at the last part, "Well..." He rolled his eyes to his left and said, "I wouldn't say that."
Amanda's glare came back on her face and she threatened, "Neal, if you EVEN say that I'm fat, I'm going to freakin kill you." I started to giggle at her threat.
Neal lowered his head to her level, his nose almost touching hers and replied with a grin of his own, "Aw, you wouldn't kill me. You know me all too well."
She crossed her arms, that glare still on her face, "Then take it back."
Neal's grin was replaced by a frown, "Take what back?"
"Take back that you called me fat."
Neal started to giggle, "But I didn't call you fat, there's nothing to take back."
Amanda jabbed a finger at his nose and exclaimed, "Ah ha! You just called me fat! Now take it back!"
Neal groaned and rolled his eyes, "I didn't literally call you fat, I was stating the fact."
Amanda then without any hesitation whatsoever, reached up with her right hand to grab his ear and twisted it. He yelped in pain, "Ow! Amanda, let go!" He let out a squeak from his voice.
Amanda still had his ear in her grasp and she pointed at his eye with her left hand, "Not until you take it back."
She twisted his ear again and he cried out, shutting his eyes from the pain, "Ah, I take it back! Truce!"
Amanda gave a smile after that, "Thank you so much, my handsome friend." She let go of his ear and Neal raised his head real fast above her level.
He let out a huff and glared down at her, "Amanda, that hurt!"
Amanda shot at him, her voice rising a bit, "Next time, don't call me fat."
Neal reached up his head with his paw and started rubbing his twisted ear, "Ancestors, girl. First you kicked my stones at the Drake's Tooth two nights ago, now THIS." He lowered his paw to the ground after that, "Seriously? Why am I the one who's suffering all the pain at the hands of one human girl lately? Because this is a little bit much for me."
Amanda laughed at that, and Wayne and Cody came up to us after that. Cody said with a big tooth filled grin, "Perhaps you shouldn't have called her fat, you know females don't like it when you call them fat."
Neal shot an annoyed glare at Cody, "I didn't call Amanda fat, you little green runt."
Cody was shooting a glare back at Neal, "I'M NOT LITTLE!"
Neal's glare melted away and he was giggling, "At least, I don't have a certain purple dragoness who's fat."
Cody flared his wings and bared his teeth, "My mate's not fat."
Neal shrugged his wings and shoulders, "Look pretty fat to me."
Cody shook his head slowly at that, "I swear, if Eleanor heard you say that, she'll be twisting your ear for that."
Amanda added with a nod, "Also, punch your stones. Because I'd know how she feels when you call her that." Then Cody and Amanda laughed real hard at that.
Neal let out a defeated sigh, "I'll be getting back at both you, I swear to the ancestors, I will." He held up his head and declared, "I shall have my revenge!"
Amanda shook her head, "Tsk, tsk. If you try to have your revenge, I'll kick your eggs again." Then she raised a finger and added, "Or slap your nose, whichever comes first."
Neal gave her a pleading look, "Can you just slap my nose? My stones still feel sore from that night"
All of us burst out laughing at that, and Amanda then said, "Just don't take me back to the tavern to have me watching two dragons screwing each other, as your revenge plan."
Neal's eyes went wide and he gave her a devious grin. Amanda's eyes widened up too, realizing she made a mistake, "Oh no, I just gave this devious drake an idea."
Neal nodded a bit, "Yep, you did." Then Neal said in a taunting tone, "Say Amanda, do you want to go to the tavern with me when we get home?"
Amanda flashed her eyes at him with anger, her cheeks flushing, "Don't you even dare. You big red scaly pervert."
Neal tossed back his head and laughed, "Oh, I love it when you're turning red!"
Then Amanda slugged his body at that, "Shut up, already!"
Wayne laughed along with Neal and remarked, "Gosh guys, no matter how long the years go by, you'll never change."
Amanda pointed a finger at Wayne, "And I know that YOU have a devious mind too, Wayne. So don't act all innocent."
Wayne nodded and rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, I know."
Amanda added and pointed at me, "Ha! I can see the new guy in our group is innocent. You and Neal should be more like him!"
I waved both hands at her, "Hey, don't put me in this!"
Frankie and Jessie came over to us and Frankie remarked, "Yeah, don't put him in this, his dragonhood's small!" He tossed up his head and laughed.
I shot a glare up at him, "Shut up!" Then I raised a foot off the ground, "Or I'll be giving your eggs a good kicking."
Frankie chuckled some more and taunted me, "Try it then. See if you have a big dragonhood."
Rain tapped his neck with her wing tip, making him look at her, "Brother, lay off him. You know that my best friend, hates it when you sat he doesn't have a big dragonhood."
I let out an exasperated sigh, "Thank you, Rain! Thank you for defending me!"
Rain looked down at me with a smile, "Had to make it up to you for not defending you this morning."
Sebastian shook his head with a grin, while rolling his eyes, "Sweet ancestors, all of you crack this drake up." Then he started to wander away from us.
I giggled and asked Jessie, who's standing beside Frankie, "So, how was the flight? Did you really enjoy it?"
Jessie's face lit up and nodded profusely, "Oh gods yes!" She patted her hand on Frankie's leg, "Frankie here was a real gentleman in flight." Then she flashed a grin up at him, "I knew there was a reason why I trust him."
Frankie smiled down at her, then he lowered his head and nuzzled his chest, "You're very welcome...My friend." Jessie started scratching the bottom of his chin and Frankie moaned.
Rain gave her brother a big smile, "Aw, look who is enjoying someone's touch."
I reached out my hand to her and asked, "Want me to scratch your chin next?"
Rain turned to look at me and hummed in thought, "How about...Later?" But then she added with a look of suspicion, "Besides, you might try to tickle my wings again."
I laughed at that, "Oh, give me a break!"
Wayne and Amanda laughed at that. Then Amanda said, "Now, that gives me an idea." Then she looked back at Neal, "If a certain red drake, does anything else that's totally embarrassing and devious, I'll go and tickle his wings."
Neal shot a glare at me, "Damn it, Brandon. You gave this girl a new idea to torture me!"
Amanda wiggled a finger at him, "Next time, don't call me fat, or I will tickle your wings."
Neal let out a sigh, "Will you let it go already? You know you can't hold that grudge against me forever."
Amanda crossed her arms and said, "Then apologize."
Neal gave her a quizzical look and she said with an impatient tone, "For calling me fat. Apologize for that."
Neal let out a snort, "Alright, fine. I AM SORRY. Happy now?"
Amanda nodded, "Yes I am. Thank you for asking."
Neal shook his head with a hiss and said this in a quiet tone, "You fat bitch."
Amanda actually heard him say that and she gave him a furious look in her eyes, "What was THAT?"
Neal's eyes widened and he squeaked in fright, "Eeep, uh....Nothing."
Amanda nodded, "Better be freakin nothing." She turned her eyes to Jessie and said to her, "In case you have the same problem as I am with Neal, but only with Frankie here, either kick Frankie in the stones or slap his nose. He'll behave better if you do that."
Jessie laughed, while Frankie was still nuzzling her chest and nodded at the idea, "Thank you for the pointers."
Frankie growled a bit at Jessie, then he said, "Girl, if you kick my eggs or slap my nose, I'll kill you."
Amanda let out a gasp and commanded Jessie, "See that! You should do one of those things right now!"
Jessie backed away from Frankie and shot a glare at him, "I think you need to apologize to me now, please."
Frankie shook his head and simply said in one little word, "NO."
Jessie gave him a mischievous grin, "Okay." And without warning, she slapped his nose so hard, Frankie jerked his head up away from her. Frankie cried out in pain and grabbed his nose.
Frankie said this through his paw, "That hurt!"
Amanda cheered and exclaimed, "Yay! That'll teach him." She came over to Jessie and patted her shoulder, "Good job, Jess. Don't let any drake treat you that way. Always teach them a lesson."
Frankie lowered his paw off his nose and said in a sneering tone at Jessie, "Great, now I'm already regretting being your friend."
Rain chuckled and said to him with her nose nuzzling his cheek, "Oh, you don't mean that. She's just showing you not to give her attitude. Just behave yourself when you're with her."
Frankie apparently had a devious plan in mind, because he started to show it on his face with a smile, "I'll be getting back at you, Jess."
Jessie crossed his arms and asked, "And how do you propose you do that?"
Frankie pointed at the woods with his claw, "Turn around, I think I saw something."
Jessie did as he told her and turned her back on him, her eyes filled with curiosity, "See what?" Then Frankie raised a paw and slapped Jessie's butt real hard. She yelped real loud and whirled around to face him. Frankie was laughing his head off after that.
Neal was laughing too, "Now that was classic!"
Jessie was glaring at him while rubbing her butt cheeks, scolding him, "Frankie!"
Frankie shot down at her, "There, we're even now." He pointed a claw at himself, "You slap me." He pointed the same claw at her now, "I slap YOU." He gave her a giggle after that.
Jessie shouted angrily at him, "That hurt!"
Frankie lowered his head down to her level, "How do you think I feel when you slapped my nose?"
Jessie was getting ready to slap his nose again, "I'm going to do it again!" She tried to slap his nose, but he was raising his head, dodging her slap.
Frankie was chuckling at her failed attack, "We're even now. Do it again and I'll slap you again."
Jessie was just glaring at him and she let out a sigh, "Fine! We're even." But then she added with a threat, "Next time if you do that first, it'll be my foot against your stones!"
Frankie gulped and curled his tail around him protectively, "You better not try it, or I'll rip you leg off."
Jessie finished this with a angry shout, "Then don't slap my pretty little ass, and I won't!" I laughed at that. Ha! Pretty ass. And with that, Jessie stormed off in fast strides into the woods, trying to figure out where her car's at.
I said to Frankie after she left, "I think you pissed her off."
Frankie nodded in agreement, while she looked at the spot where she walked off to, "I suppose, I did."
Rain said this while strutting away from us, "C'mon, lets go find my cave. Then after that, we'll find your car, Brandon."
I nodded at her plan, "Ok." Then all of us strode along with her, walking through the woods. I don't see Jessie just yet and Sebastian too. Since they both wandered away from us. I'm sure they're together right now.
For about a minute, we came across the cave. I recognized it right away. Yep, that's pretty much the same cave that I went into. The same cave where I've found Rain. All of us are now standing in front of it.
I looked up at her with a smile. Rain....I'm glad that I was the one who found you that day.
Memories of that day came back to me. Man, how I was hiding behind that big wooden shelf to hide from her for hours and she never knew I was in there with her. Not to mention, how I was about to sneak away from her while she was sleeping. Also chasing me out of there, chasing me all over the woods, finding me with Jessie as soon as I've found her.
If I didn't wander in her cave that day, me and Jessie wouldn't be standing here right now.
And I can still imagine how lonely she would still feel, if I never met her at all. All alone in her cave, thinking about Tommy. How she'll never go back to him. That all she did was watch over him like she's his angel.
I'm glad you don't feel alone anymore, Rain. Because I'm here with you.
I started to giggle and she looked down at me. Rain cocked her head, "What?"
I waved her off, "Oh nothing." I looked at the mouth of the cave, "I was just thinking about...That day. You know, how we first met."
Rain got the idea and giggled shyly, "Yeah, I didn't exactly give you and Jessie a very warm welcome. I didn't really trust you guys at all." She looked at the mouth of the cave and mentioned, "The very cave that I was staying in. Thinking about Tommy all the time. I leave this cave during the day to watch over him and by nightfall, I come back to this place and rest." She sighed at the sad memory, "I always wanted him back. But I also didn't want to be alone either. All alone in that dark lonely cave. Just like....Sierra."
I turned my gaze to her, "Hey, lets put at it this way." Rain looked down at me and I went on, "At least, you met me and Jessie. Because me and her wouldn't be here, if it wasn't for you."
Rain started to smile at that and she lowered her head to my level. Gazing into my eyes, those loving, caring eyes, "Thank you." Then she moved her head close to my chest and started nuzzling it with her cheek. I stroked under her chin with one hand and embraced her head with my other arm.
Wayne was giggling and I looked at him with a frown, "What?"
Wayne answered as he took a few steps toward me and Rain, "I find it funny that Rain said that this cave is hers, but it wasn't at first. Not for a long time."
Rain was laughing a bit and she raised her head above our levels, "It is my cave, Wayne."
Wayne crossed his arms and gave a mock expression, "Oh really? That's not what I heard, because I've been here before."
I was looking at him with a curious look, "What do you mean? Did Rain show you this cave before?"
Wayne was giggling again and said, "Rain never told you, did she? Actually, this was the cave that I basically wandered into years ago. This is the cave where I've met Sierra."
My eyes went wide, "Really?"
Wayne nodded, "Yeah, I can actually recognize the entrance of it, not to mention what this part of the woods looked like. Basically a little too familiar to me. So yep, I've been here before."
I looked up at Rain and placed both hands to my hips, "Rain, you told me that this cave was yours."
Rain shot up her head, "It is my cave!" She waved her paw at it, "Sierra doesn't live in it anymore, and since I thought about living in it years ago, it's now mine."
Wayne rolled his eyes and teasingly said, "Sierra claimed it before you did, so it was hers first."
Rain laughed at Wayne's statement and she looked down at him, "Sorry, it didn't have her name on it, so it's mine!"
Neal was laughing too, "Well Sierra did say it was a good cave and I always agreed with her on it." Then he had a sad look on his face, "You know....When Sierra left the city years ago, I'd think that she'd come here. I mean after all, it's not the first time she ran off without saying goodbye to me."
Wayne sighed for his sad pal and said, "Yeah, I'd think that as well. But when Rain comes back home after being gone for months, she'd tell me that Sierra's not here."
Neal and Amanda standing beside him both had glum looks on their faces. So has Cody.
I looked up at Rain and she had one as well. Frankie however was just looking at the mouth of the cave. While I was looking at my sad looking friends, I really felt sorry for them. They all miss Sierra. Their friend.
I know she has been gone for years, but a big part inside me thinks she'll come back.
I don't know why I think that, I just do. After all, anything is possible.
They've searched for her, but they never found her body. So that means, she's alive. And she's out here somewhere.
I know she'll come back. I know she will. I can just...Feel it. For some reason, I feel it. And I'll be meeting her. I'd love to meet her. Wayne does say she's beautiful. Just like Rain.
I went to Wayne and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. I said to him in a comforting voice, "It'll be okay, pal." I assured to everyone around me, "It'll be alright, everyone. You'll see her again."
Amanda giggled and said to me, "Look who's being an optimist."
I laughed, letting go of Wayne's shoulder and said to her, "I have to be. I don't think Sierra dies easily." I gestured my thumb to Rain nearby, "If she's anything like Rain. I'm sure she'll be back, when you least expect it."
Amanda looked like she was about to burst into tears and she ran to me, to hug me tight. My eyes bugged out of my skull at the hug and Amanda said to me, "Thank you." Then I heard her sniff her nose and her body trembled.
Oh man...I never saw her cry before. She let me go, and Amanda backed away from me. She said to me while her eyes were just welled with tears, "I'm sorry." She raised a finger for a second and said while about to cover her mouth with her hand, "Excuse me." Amanda then walked away in fast strides through the mouth of the cave and I heard her sobbing.
After I watched Amanda walk away, I looked at Wayne and Neal for an answer, "She really liked Sierra, didn't she?"
Neal strolled to me and Wayne and Neal said, "Well, she and Amanda were pretty close."
I asked, "How close?"
Neal lowered his head to my level, "Lets just say they were having a mother and daughter relationship. Amanda...Always treated Sierra like she's her mother."
Now that struck my heart hearing that. Amanda...
Neal said this while raising his head, "I need to comfort her, we'll meet you guys later." And with that, he strutted to the mouth of the cave, his figure and tail disappearing in the cave.
I had a guilty look on my face and said to Wayne and Cody, "I'm sorry guys. I...I didn't know Amanda felt that way about Sierra, I-"
Cody came to me and shook his head, "Oh, don't be sorry. You just didn't know. But you do now. Amanda will be fine. And still...Thank you for saying that she'll come back. Because we all have to think that she'll come back." He looked at Rain, "Just like Rain here."
Rain smiled and shook her head, "Can't stay away from my friends forever."
Frankie came over to stand beside Rain, then he leaned his head to nuzzle her, "Can't stay away from your only brother either."
Rain nuzzled back into him, "Nope, can't stay away from you either."
I nodded at all of them, my guilty look washed away, "Well okay, lets go find Jessie and Sebastian. Jessie's car has to be around here somewhere."
Rain stopped nuzzling her brother and said this while taking point in front of us, "I think I remember where it's at, so follow me." And with that, she started leading the way to Jessie's car. At least she knows what the woods are by mind and heart. Because compared to me, I'd just get lost.
So for about a few minutes after trekking through the trees and bushes, we all saw Jessie's car up ahead. Just sitting there in the same spot, after Rain kidnapped us. I giggled to myself. I remember when I was walking on the side of the highway while I was running away from home, Jessie pulled over and picked me up. We drove all night, until Jessie decided to park here.
At least no one never wandered in the woods and stole the car. Jessie would probably freak!
But of course, she can't exactly drive the darn car all the way back to the dragon city, so what's the point in keeping it? She's probably thinking the same thing as well.
And speaking of the devil, I see her and Sebastian standing near it, chatting with each other. Jessie seems to be not in a bad mood right now. Guess, Sebastian brightened up her mood. I looked up at Frankie strolling beside me along with Rain. He better tread lightly with her. After all Frankie, you spanked her butt. And oh boy, she did not liked to be spanked!
We emerged from the woods and came strolling to Jessie and Sebastian, they both heard us and turned their gazes at us. Sebastian beamed when he saw us, "About time, you came here!" He gestured a paw to Jessie, "I just found this girl, all alone in the woods and thought I helped her find this...Car, she speaks of."
He looked at her car and said, "I never even seen a....Car before. Is that what humans use these days? I thought humans used horses and you know, stuff like that?"
I laughed and said, "You never really left the city when both our kinds got united back then, have you? You never even went to a human town or anything like that?"
Rain shot up her head, "Ha! Probably too drunk to even fly out of the city, to do that."
Sebastian tossed back his head and laughed, "You're probably right!" Then we all laughed.
Frankie strutted up to Jessie and lowered his head to her level, giving her this puppy dog look, "Hi...You still pissed off at me?"
Jessie giggled at the look he gave her and reached out to gently rub his nose, "I can't exactly stay mad at you, can I?"
Frankie chuckled a bit and answered, "Nope. Just like I can't stay mad at you either."
Jessie pulled his head close to her chest and embraced it, wrapping her hands around his head, "I knew it." Frankie had a big smile on his face when she did that.
Cody is just close to Jessie's car, his eyes fixated on it, "Wow, so that's your car?"
Wayne stood in front of the hood of the car, "Yeah, nice ride."
Jessie removed Frankie from her embrace, looked at them as Frankie rose his head above her level and nodded, "Thanks guys. At least, I used a good car to run away from home with."
Wayne laughed at that and nodded, "I think you had a nice pick."
Neal and Amanda came out of the woods after we did, apparently Amanda seems to be feeling better.
I had an apologetic look on my face and I started rubbing the back of my neck shyly. I said, "Uh...Amanda, about-"
Amanda put on a smile as she was right in front of me and waved me off, "Don't worry, Brandon. I...Sometimes get emotional when things are really personal."
I smiled a bit back at her, "I know the feeling."
Amanda looked up at the blue sky and let out a unhappy sigh, "I still think about her. Up to this very day, for years, I still think about...My mother."
I went up to Amanda and hugged her, "It's okay, Amanda. I certainly bet that, Sierra's thinking about you too. And...Look I know that I never met her before, but I know that she misses you. I can just imagine it."
Amanda giggled at that and said, "Yeah well...At least I have Neal to have company with." I let go of her as Neal lowered his head to her. Amanda reached for his cheek and stroked it, Neal was leaning into her touch. Then they were peering into each others eyes, giving each other this look.
I was frowning at that look. It's the exact look again. That....Non best friend kind of look. The romantic way of looking at each other.
Am I not crazy after all? Are they....?
Brandon, don't get all cuckoo on yourself. They just adore each other, they're not in love.
Or...Are they? Now I'm really confusing myself.
Well besides that Rain said last night that Amanda and Wayne are actually together. But now that I REALLY think about it, I never even seen them kiss, not to mention flirt with one another. I keep seeing Amanda being so close with Neal.
Brandon, cut it out or you're going to drive yourself crazy!
Their look was interrupted when Cody and Wayne came up to them, all giggles. Wayne asked with a mock expression, "And what about me? Am I not good company?"
Cody snorted and giggled too, "Yeah? Aren't we not good enough company for you?"
Amanda and Neal laughed, then Amanda turned her head to look at them and answered, "Oh, I love being with you guys, too." All four of them laughed together.
Rain came and sat down on her haunches beside me. She lowered her head beside my head and asked, "Does this remind you of anything?"
I giggled and turned my gaze to her, "Yeah, me and Jessie being friends with you and your brother." I reached out to touch her nose, then she gave a lick to the palm of my hand with her tongue. I giggled a bit.
Jessie, Frankie, and Sebastian came over too and Jessie said, "Hey guys, you in the mood for eating? I'm kinda hungry."
Neal shot up his head proudly, "Sure! I could use some wildlife to eat."
Frankie tossed back his head and exclaimed, "I guess we'll see who'll be the best hunter in these woods, I bet I'll catch something first!"
Neal laughed at that, "Oh really? You think you can best me in a hunt?"
Cody strutted away from us and exclaimed with his head held up high. Looking regal with each step he took, "What are you guys talking about? I can hunt better than the two of you!"
Wayne laughed and Neal snorted at Cody raising his head above Amanda's level, "You? A little green runt, good at hunting?" He shut his eyes tight and burst out laughing.
Cody looked back over his shoulder with a narrowed gaze and snorted, "You may have called me THAT for a millionth time ever since I've met you years ago, but this time, I'll show you who's the best hunter! I've hunted out here before!"
Sebastian strode away from us too, "You kidding me? I've lived for years and I'll show you what hunting really is!"
I laughed at all this and held out my hands to them, "Alright, big guys. This isn't a competition."
Frankie let out a sigh, "What do you know? A human with a small dragonhood, telling us drakes that hunting is not a competition."
I narrowed my eyes at him, while balling my hands into fists, "Why I outa-" Then I hissed through my teeth.
Rain laughed and asked, "You really want to kick his stones, huh?"
I answered without looking at her, "Oh yes."
Rain nodded at that, her gaze not taking off of me, "Remind me not to piss you off."
I only rolled my eyes to look at her, "You hardly ever do." Rain then gave my cheek a lick with her tongue.
Cody continued to stroll away with his head held high and said to all of us, "Well all of you can go be with the ancestors! I'm going to get something for us to eat!" Then he started flapping his wings and took to the skies.
Neal and Frankie ran away from us at the same time and said in unison, "No one bests me!" Then they were flapping their wings with a running start and took to the skies too.
Amanda cupped her hands to her mouth and hollered at them when they took off to the sky, "Don't do anything stupid boys!"
Sebastian giggled and started flapping his wings too, "See you all later!" And with that, he took to the skies as well. Flying after Neal, Frankie, and Cody.
Me, Jessie, Wayne, Amanda, and Rain all watched them from down on the ground, until they both disappeared. Jessie let out an amazed sigh, "Geez....Talk about boys full of egos."
Rain chuckled and said to her, "That's what drakes usually are. I did remember what my brother was like back then. Always being competitive."
Amanda had an annoyed look, "Well Neal better get a good meal for me and cook it. I will not eat anything that's RAW."
Wayne reached up and rubbed her shoulder, giggling while he was at it, "Oh, I certainly remember my first meal with Sierra. I remember that she tried to feed me a deer, that's actually raw. I thought it was gross, not to mention it smelled a bit."
I made a disgusted face, "Yuck, she tried to make you eat that?"
Wayne nodded, "Yep, well she didn't trust me around that time. So after I told her I didn't want to eat anything raw, she just cooked it right on the spot." Then he thumbed back behind him at the direction of the cave, "My first meal with Sierra, was in her cave."
Rain held up a claw stating, "Which it's now MY cave."
Wayne narrowed his gaze at her, muttering, "Enough already." Rain laughed after that.
I let out a breath and said to them, "Well, come on guys, lets try to do something to kill the time waiting for the boys to come back."
Amanda raised her hand and suggested to herself, "I'll get some firewood."
I gestured to her by offering this, "I'll go with you."
Wayne said this as he got close to Rain and Jessie, "I'll stay here with those two."
Rain said this to me and Amanda, "Both of you stay out of trouble."
Amanda laughed and asked with a shrug of her arms, "How are we going to get in trouble in the woods?"
Rain started to smile deviously, "I'm sure there are ways."
Amanda rolled up her eyes and shook her head, "You have a devious mind. Just like Sierra."
Rain giggled and then she used her paw to spank my butt. I yelped in surprise and Rain ordered, "Chop, chop, human! Bring out the firewood."
I looked at her to give her a glare, "Rain, one of these days, I'm going to spank yours for that."
Rain grinned, got off her haunches and she started to walk away from me, swaying her haunches with each step she takes, "You can try, Brandon. You can try."
I saw my chance to do that, while she was strutting away with her swaying haunches. I ran up behind her, raised my hand and gave her haunch a spank. She yelped, reared back her head in shock and surprise, her eyes real wide and looked over her shoulder at me. I only just gave her an innocent look, "I didn't do anything."
Rain gave me a hiss, and rolled her eyes, "I should have seen it coming."
Wayne shrugged his arms, "You did say 'you can try, Brandon.' That's what you just said to him."
I held up my head smugly and exclaimed, "That's right and I did it. It's like what Frankie said, you slap me, I'll slap you back."
Rain was playfully narrowing her gaze right at me, "Curses human. Curse you and your tactic."
I laughed and said to her, "I bet Tommy never did that before, had he?"
She answered, "Actually, yes he did."
I was laughing again and I slapped my knee, "I knew it!"
Rain muttered, "Oh, shut up, you little shit. Both of you have done the same thing to me, so get over it."
Jessie came over to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. I glanced right at her face and Jessie said with a smirk, "Don't let the critters stop you from gathering wood."
I started blushing a bit after the kiss, "...Y-....Yeah." Jessie giggled at my shyness.
Rain hollered to me and Jessie over her shoulder, while she went back to strutting away, "Oh just do it already!"
I knew what she was talking about and I hollered back, "Mind your own business!"
Rain hollered again, as she sat down on her haunches beside Wayne, who's sitting on a big log, "I'll mind it, once you and Jessie are finally full on mates!"
Not long after Rain said that, both me and Jessie's cheeks were turning into a deeper shade of red. Then I awkwardly pulled my bag off my shoulder and handed it to Jessie and said, "See you later."
Jessie nodded twice real fast like, while carrying my bag with both hands, "Yeah, talk later." And with that, she jogged to Rain and Wayne nearby. I waved and whirled around to see Amanda's already walking away, ready to search for the firewood. I was thinking about Jessie as I was walking away.
Well since we're not in the city right now. I wonder if I'll tell Jessie how I feel? Or would we just try to kiss, like we've tried twice before?
I think I have enough time to think about that later. Maybe I'll find the right moment to do it.
But for now, it's time to gather firewood.
While Amanda and Brandon are walking away from Wayne, Rain, and Jessie, the lone dragon was hidden away in the trees, watching them from a distance.
It's gaze is now held directly onto Wayne, who's sitting beside Jessie on the log. While Rain is sitting on her haunches on the grass beside them.
The lone dragon was just staring at Wayne for a few moments. Then the lone dragon slowly looked back at Brandon and Amanda, they were already in the woods, but it can still see them.
The lone dragon was trekking its way through the bushes and trees quietly. Not taking its eyes off of Brandon. It let out a small quiet growl, its gaze fierce.
Jessie pointed in one direction as she rode on Frankie's back, "Go that way!"
Frankie snorted at her order, "Get mounted by a drake, woman. I'm not going that way."
Jessie let out a huff and crossed her arms, "Now, now, that's no way to treat your rider. I'm giving you an order."
Frankie shot up his head and laughed, "Ha! You? Giving me orders?" He held up his head, looking smug, proud and regal, "I don't take orders from any female."
Rain added this after that, while strutting beside him, "Except me. You're sister."
Frankie shot an annoyed glare at her, "Not even YOU, Rain."
I laughed at that, while Rain was just narrowing her eyes at him, "Well go mount yourself, BROTHER!" All of us laughed as we continued to walk through the woods.
It has been an hour and a half since Frankie and the other drakes came back with dead wildlife in their paws. All of them actually killed their prey and brought it back to us. Which that brings a total of four deer from them. They really know how to hunt!
Well they're dragons, so of course they know how to hunt!
Before they even came back with the food, me and Amanda already brought the firewood back to where Rain, Wayne, and Jessie are at.
Basically after Neal and the others came back, Neal lit the pile of fire wood on fire by breathing fire at it and soon we all started cooking the deer that they all brought back.
See Neal and Frankie were using their claws to cut off a couple of deer legs here and there and placed it all in the fire. Which I think deer leg is enough to fill a human's stomach. Of course for Rain and the other dragons, they wanted to eat ALL the deer. They have bigger stomachs than we do!
Amanda was just chastising Neal for not chewing with his mouth closed. But all he did was give her a snort. Amanda laughed after that.
So we were all eating and Jessie came up with the idea for all of us to do.
That we should go swimming.
So now, after eating for awhile, we're all heading to go to a nearby pond, that Rain has seen many times during her months of staying here.
And the funny part right now is that, Jessie wanted to ride on Frankie's back, since she liked riding on him and plus she feels powerful now when she does it. Like she's just some human overlord with a dragon for a pet. Which I think Frankie doesn't like being called pet at all.
Ha, she's even giving him orders, but he ain't doing what that girl is telling him to do! He's pretty macho and self righteous! Which I think that's what Jessie gets for thinking she can control a dragon. Let alone Frankie!
Neal grumbled to himself and remarked, "I hope that I don't have any annoying females riding on my back, barking orders at me."
Amanda put both hands to her hips and narrowed her eyes up at him, "I hope you're not referring about me, you big red scaly pervert!"
Neal put on a tooth filled grin and replied, "Nah, I didn't mean you Amanda. I'm talking about Jessie, or any other female human who'd ride on my back."
Frankie smacked Neal's neck lightly with his wing tip and said, "Perhaps I should have Jessie ride on you. See how you feel."
Neal hissed at Frankie, "How about, no way?" Then he gestured to Jessie with his snout, "That female's all yours."
Jessie nodded at that, "Thank you, big red dude." She started rubbing the back of Frankie's neck, "I'm all his."
Frankie let out a sigh while shaking his head and looking at the ground while walking, "I'm regretting this. I'm freakin regretting this."
Sebastian laughed his head off and said to him, "I think you guys are cute together. A dragon giving a human a ride in the forest. Now that's quite a sight!"
Frankie snorted at him, "Then you give her a ride, old man."
Sebastian shook his head, "No, thank you. I don't want to get in the way of your relationship that you two have."
Frankie's eyes went wide and asked in a high annoyed voice, "What relationship? I have a human female, riding on my back, barking orders at me!"
Jessie said, "Humans ride on horses all the time and they always tell them where we need to go."
Frankie looked over his shoulder to shoot a glare at her, "I'm not a damn horse."
Jessie shot a glare back at him, "Frankie, quit being such a grouch ass."
Frankie formed a smile across his snout, "I'm not being a grouch, I'm being macho!"
Jessie exclaimed, "Same difference!"
I laughed and said to Frankie, "Hey, don't go blaming on Jessie. You didn't decline her offer, so you brought this upon yourself."
Frankie looked ahead muttering, "Like I said, freakin regretting this."
Jessie playfully asked him, "Aw, who's the big grouchy drake who cares about his little human friend?"
Frankie rolled his eyes at her question, "I find you annoying right now, so how can I call you my friend?"
Rain scolded him with a glare, "Frankie, be nice! She's only having fun on top of you!"
Frankie let out a sigh and looked back over his shoulder at Jessie, "I'm sorry for being a grouch ass."
Jessie smiled at him, "I'll never hate you, even when you're being a grouch ass."
Frankie smiled back and said, "Thank you. Because I can never change my personality."
Jessie laughed and remarked, "Neither can I! I'll never change!" They both laughed in unison.
Rain let out a pleasant sigh, "Well, at least I got my brother on his best behavior."
Then straight ahead, we can all see the pond. And talk about a beautiful pond that is. Very big and round by the looks of it.
We all walked out of the trees to get closer to it. Then Frankie lowered his body to the ground and said to Jessie on his back, "Alright, hop off. Ride's over."
Jessie whined a little, "Aw, and I was just having fun." She slid off of him and landed on the ground.
Frankie said this as he rose off the ground, "Don't worry, since we're best buddies there will be plenty of rides I could give to you. After all, I love giving rides."
Rain said this with a snort, her air blowing at Frankie's face, "Frankie, I'm the one who likes giving rides, not you. You stole that from me."
Frankie gave her a grin, "You're right, I did steal that from you." He shrugged his shoulders, "But hey, can I at least get some credit for giving Jessie rides?"
Rain rolled her eyes, "Seriously? If you gave many other humans rides, then yes you deserve the credit. Not just one human."
Frankie groaned with a question popping out his snout, "And what other human should I give a ride to?"
I raised my hand and Frankie saw it and snorted at me, "No thank you. I don't want a human with a small dragonhood riding on my back." They all laughed except for me.
All I did was let out a grr and my cheeks were flushing with embarrassment, "Frankie! Enough about my dragonhood!"
Jessie let out a frustrated sigh, "Seriously?" She raised both her hands and shouted the question, "WHAT THE FUCK IS A DRAGONHOOD!?"
Frankie gave her a devious grin and said to her, "Oh, you'll be finding out what that is real soon. I'm sure of that."
Jessie raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean by that?"
Frankie held up his head and replied, "You'll see."
Wayne sighed at the sight of the pond, walking closer to the edge of the water, "Boy, we found it, now lets get to swimming."
Cody smiled big at the idea from Wayne, "Right o, brother!"
I laughed and gestured to the big green dragon strutting past me, "I see you're excited about it."
Cody looked back at me after he rushed past me and said, "I love swimming. In fact, I've been swimming since I was smaller. Since I was a teenager to be exact." He looked up at the trees, recalling the memory, "I remember the fist time it happened. On that sunny day. I can actually remember how apprehensive I was."
Wayne nodded and said, "Yeah, you were just nervous thinking about getting into the water."
Cody nodded and went on with his tale, "But if it wasn't for you, Sierra and everyone else in that water, I would never got over that fear of swimming. Because now I can!"
Jessie sighed and swung her swimsuit over her shoulder, "Well guys, I'm going to change into this, so be back in a minute."
Frankie lowered his head to her level, "What's that?"
Jessie knew what he was getting at and answered, "My swimsuit. I wear it when I'm swimming. I'm just glad that I've packed this while I was running away from home. I don't even want to swim naked in public."
Frankie just cocked his head at her, "Why would swimming naked bother you?"
Jessie narrowed her look at him, "Because I'm a girl and I don't want anyone looking at my breasts."
Frankie shot up his head and said, "Who cares? We're dragons and we're naked all the time!" Neal, Rain, Sebastian, and Cody all laughed at his statement.
Jessie placed her hands to her hips, making an argument with him, "I don't want to take off my clothes and swim naked, Frankie."
Frankie shot back, "Why is it that humans are so modest about their bodies? I don't get it. Dragons are always naked and we don't hide our bodies."
Jessie shouted at him, "Because I'm not a dragon, you big black dork!"
Frankie shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, "Still don't understand why humans are modest. It's ridiculous."
Jessie groaned and said, "We just don't like getting naked in front of others, alright?"
Frankie gave her a devious grin, "So then how do you humans mate? I'm sure there had to be a way. I'm sure you have to take off your clothes sooner or later."
Jessie's eyes went wide and she was blushing, "Frankie!" Frankie just laughed as she was blushing. I was just giggling a bit at her blush. Oh boy, talk about the most embarrassing thing Frankie could say to a person. If I was in Jessie's place, I'd be blushing too!
Jessie then went up and slapped his nose real hard. Frankie cried out and rose his head real high up. He hissed at her through the pain, "Curses, human. You hit me again!"
Jessie said this while she was still blushing, "I'll do it again, if you keep this up!"
Frankie gave her a growl and sighed, "Fine, whatever. Don't show off your body to everyone around you."
Jessie pointed at him, "You can show off your body all you want." Then she thumbed at herself, "And as for me, I'm going to be as modest as possible."
Frankie rolled his eyes, "Fine, go ahead."
Jessie whirled around on his and started walking back into the woods. Before she could walk all the way back in there, Frankie said, "You have nice curves!"
Jessie stopped in her tracks and whirled around to face him. She had a fierce gaze on him, "You big black scaly pervert!"
Neal was laughing and he exclaimed when he shot up his head, "Yes! I'm not the only one who's being called a big scaly pervert!"
Amanda then said this to him, while walking back to the woods with Jessie to change her clothes, "Shut up, you big red scaly pervert!"
Neal's expression changed to glum and he shouted to himself, "Damn it!" Then all of us laughed, except Neal and Frankie. They were both grumbling.
Sebastian then hollered at Jessie and Amanda, asking this, "Am I a big scaly pervert, ladies?"
Jessie and Amanda both smirked at the old drake. Jessie replied, "No, you're a sweet old man."
Cody asked as well, "What about me?"
They both said this in unison, "You're ok, too."
Cody shout up his head proudly, "I knew it!"
Both Frankie and Neal said this at the same time, "Damn it!"
Jessie and Amanda laughed and whirled around to walk in the woods.
I gestured to Wayne after they left, "Aren't you going to change?"
Wayne shrugged his shoulders, "Actually, I'm not going to change."
My eyes went wide at his answer, "Uh....Why?"
He said, "Because I didn't bring my swimming trunks with me. Besides." He gazed around at his dragon friends, "They wouldn't care if I'm swimming naked with them. Right guys?"
Rain answered, "No."
Cody said, "Nope."
Neal shook his head, "Nada."
Sebastian said this, "I wouldn't mind it. We're all equals in the group."
Frankie just grumbled under his breath. Since he's still pissed off at Jessie.
Wayne giggled and pointed at me, "What about you? I didn't see you bringing swimming trunks with you."
I was about to blush at his question. Actually, when I ran away from home, I didn't bring any trunks with me. I just packed up my clothes and left. I...I didn't think about them.
Rain giggled at me as she lowered her head to my level, "What's the matter, Brandon? Having problems talking now?"
I tried to form words, but I was feeling embarrassed to not say anything.
Then Frankie knew what's going on and said with a teasing remark, "Ha! He didn't bring his swimming clothes just like Wayne here and he's afraid to show his dragonhood." He smugly grinned to himself, "I knew it, my theory about you was correct."
I was blushing now, my cheeks just turning red. Rain nuzzled me with her cheek and cooed, "Aw, don't fret, my friend. There's nothing to be ashamed of." She pulled back and looked into my eyes, "There's nothing wrong with swimming naked with us. Besides, I know what a public pool is that you humans use. This isn't public at all, so you can at least do that." She winked at me after all that, "I won't judge how big or small your dragonhood is."
Suddenly while I was looking at her face, my confidence came to me because of her. Just like last night, when I was on stage at the Braveheart. I...I'm starting to not feel so nervous about this anymore.
Jessie and Amanda came back with their swimming clothes on and Jessie asked, "What did we miss?"
I looked right at Jessie and saw how good looking she looked wearing that swim suit. Wow, she's beautiful.
Wayne started taking his pants off and answered while looking over his shoulder, "Nothing much. Just getting ready to swim in the water without you."
Amanda slapped Jessie's back and said with a big smile, "What are we waiting for, Jess? Lets go!" Jessie turned her head to her and nodded with a grin too. Then they both sprinted to the water, screaming happily and they both jumped in the water at the same time. Both of them made a loud splash, and the water made so many ripples caused by them.
They emerged from below the surface, taking a big gulp of air, and each of them were brushing their long wet hair off their faces.
Amanda beckoned all of us to get in the water, "Come on in! The water's great!"
Rain laughed and was strolling to the edge of the pond, "I'm coming ladies, I'm coming." And Rain started taking her first few steps into the water, until she started walking into the pond, just chest deep below the surface.
Wayne already took his clothes off and jumped in the water after them, Jessie didn't see that he was naked in time before he jumped in there. He made a loud splash after that and he resurfaced.
Neal hollered at Cody nearby, "Ready, buddy?"
Cody nodded, "You bet! I haven't swam outside the city for a long time!"
And with that, Neal and Cody started to waddle in the water with everyone else, until they were chest deep. Amanda giggled as Neal got closer to her. She said to him while she was close to his chest, "Hey big guy." She patted his chest.
Neal lowered his head and gave her forehead a lick, "Hi there. The water warm enough for you?"
Amanda splashed some water at his chest, "As a matter of fact, yes!"
Neal smiled at her answer, "Thought so."
Jessie and Rain looked at Frankie who hasn't got into the water yet. Rain tossed back her head, telling him to come on, "Come on, brother. If my scales are wet, yours is wet too!"
Jessie laughed and beckoned for him with her hand, some water splashing by her hand, "Yeah! Come on, Frankie!"
Neal and Amanda started chanting his name, "Frankie! Frankie! Frankie! Frankie!"
Cody was joining in along with Jessie and Rain, "Frankie! Frankie! Frankie! Frankie!"
Frankie shouted at everyone, "Alright! I'm coming!" He took fast strides toward the water and waddled his way into the pond, grumbling to himself.
Jessie tried to stifle a giggle when she heard him grumbling, "God, are you grouchy even when you're swimming? I thought the water will cool you down."
Wayne remarked with a laugh, "Yeah, maybe even cool down your attitude."
Frankie splashed the pond with his paw, splashing water on Jessie and Wayne. They both shrieked and Frankie said to them in a taunting voice, "Ha! Take that!"
Rain swooped up some water with her paw and splashed it against her brother. He cried out as some water almost hit his face, "Hey, cut it out!"
Rain laughed and said, "You cut it out!" Then she looked at me, who's not in the water yet.
I knew she was going to holler for me in a second and I raised one finger, "Just a second!" I looked at Sebastian who's not in the water either. I asked him, "Aren't you going to swim?"
Sebastian shook his head and laid down on his stomach, "No thanks, Brandon. I'm just going to watch you guys have some fun. I'm too old for swimming."
I asked again, "Are you sure? You're just going to miss out all the fun."
Sebastian nodded and smiled, "I'm sure." Then he motioned his head and one paw toward the pond, "Now get in the water, human. They're all waiting for you."
I nodded and sighed, "Ok." I looked at the others and then I was starting to feel nervous again about....What I'm about to do.
I'm about to get naked in front of everyone. Even....Jessie.
Jessie's just staring straight at me, which honestly it's not helping me at all. But then I started looking at Rain and she gave me a confident smile. Telling me that I can do it and there's nothing to be ashamed of.
I started to feel confident again, just by looking at her. Then I let out a confident breath. Oh, the hell with it. If Wayne can do it, then I can do it too. And since dragons are naked, I'll be naked too.
Screw it, I'm taking them all off!
I reached under my shirt and pulled it off of me, tossing it aside. Then I took my shoes off and then my pants, tossing them near my shirt, also taking off my socks. I was left with my underwear on.
I was about to, but my hesitation got to me again. I let out a very nervous breath and I heard Frankie's shout, "Well, what are you waiting for? Show us your dragonhood!"
That's when Jessie's eyes bugged out of her skull, "Wait, THAT'S what a dragonhood is?!" I laughed as she finally figured out what a dragonhood is and so did everyone else.
Jessie hollered at me and asked with her cheeks flushing, "You knew about it all along!"
I hollered at her, while she crossed her arms, "We warned you that you wouldn't like the answer!"
Rain giggled and said, "Yep, we did warn you. So don't say we didn't warn you."
Jessie splashed water at Rain's scales, "You bitch!"
Frankie hollered in impatience, "Show us your dragonhood already!"
Neal hollered too, "Yeah, show that drake that your dragonhood's big!"
I looked at Rain, who looked back at me, after talking to Jessie. My confidence came back again. I smiled at that. Alright, I can do this.
I gripped my underwear and just pulled it down slowly, until my legs were free of them. I tossed my underwear to my clothes, fully bare now. I started walking to the edge of the water and Jessie's eyes went wide, as she looked at it. She said while she was dumbstruck, "Wow....Not small if you ask me."
I blushed a bit at her statement by the girl that I like and said, "Glad you like it." Hold moly! She says she likes it! Boy, if my mother was here to see this, she'd freak out! If I see her again, I better leave THAT out of the conversation!
Then I looked at Frankie and asked, "Well, what do you think?"
Frankie slightly cocked his head, "If you ask me, it still looks small."
I gave him a mock gasp and expression, "What?! I just showed you and you say it's small?! What's wrong with you?!"
Rain laughed at my questions and answered for Frankie, "He's in denial!"
Frankie whirled around in the water and strode to the middle of the pond, "Whatever. I'm swimming now. So ignoring you now."
Jessie started to swim after him, "Hey, wait for me!" She was doing fast strokes in the water.
Frankie said this while she's swimming after him, "Nuh uh! I'm not in the freakin mood right now!"
Neal and Cody both looked at me, then Cody said with a grin, "I think it's big. Not small at all!"
I waved at him in gratitude, "Thank you, my green friend!"
Rain tossed back her head, urging me to get in the water, "Get in, the water's great!"
I nodded and backed away from the edge of the water and said to Rain, "I'm ma coming!" Then I sprinted and made a big jump to the water, making a big splash after I went through the surface.
I resurfaced a few seconds later, taking in a big gulp of air. I let it all out in a very slow breath. Rain was waddling to me, making ripples in the water with each step, "Hey there, little guy. About time you made it."
I looked up at her, "Sorry to keep you waiting. Just got pretty nervous...Taking off all my clothes."
Rain giggled and lowered her head to me, "Makes you feel like a dragon now, huh?"
I reached out to pet her cheek, "I'll tell you this much. Just like last night, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be singing on that stage." I giggled and added, "And now if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have the guts to take off my clothes."
Rain cocked her head at me with a frown, "Really? I gave you the confidence to take off your clothes and show us your dragonhood?"
I laughed and nodded, "Pretty weird, huh?"
Rain rose up her head and smiled down at me, "Well, I'm very flattered that I gave you the confidence to do this. I feel pretty humbled. And I'm glad that you believe in yourself, because of me."
I said to her in full gratitude, with a smile of my own, "Thank you, Rain. Thank you for everything."
Rain nodded down at me, "Anytime...Brandon." She glanced away with what appears to be a glum.
I had a concerned look on my face, "What's wrong?"
She wiped the glum look of her scaly face and put on a smile, "Nothing. Nothing to worry about."
"You sure? You looked kinda-"
Rain insisted, "I said, I'm fine." She widened her smile, showing me her teeth.
Wow, wonder what's up with her? She's acting weird.
Is something on her mind and she doesn't want to tell me?
She looked sad, so is it about Tommy? Or is it something else?
If it was something else, then what could it be?
Maybe I should ask her later, or just let it go. It's probably nothing really. So better let it go.
I decided to play a joke on her and I pointed near her, "Hey, is that a big ugly toad swimming near you?"
Rain's face went wide and she turned her neck to follow the direction of where I was pointing, "Where?!" But she didn't see anything and I laughed and slapped at the water's surface, making a splash.
Rain shot a glare at me, while I was laughing, "Not funny!!"
While I was laughing like a gremlin holding my ribs, Rain slammed her paws into the water, making a big wave of water wash upon me. I cried out like a girl, as all the water came down on me. I heard everyone else in the water laughing and so was Sebastian on dry land.
As I was wet by all the water, I was narrowing my eyes at her and Rain was laughing in triumph, "That's for making me think there was a toad! You little twerp!"
I splashed water at her chest, laughing again, "Take that!"
Rain then lowered her head toward my body and used her head to lift me off the water. Now I was just dangling on her head, with my eyes bugged out of my skull. I screamed, "Put me down!"
Rain giggled mischievously and she said, "Ok." Then she titled her head and I fell off of her with a shriek. I landed hard into the water, my water stung my body a bit. I resurfaced afterward and Rain was laughing again.
I gave her a fierce look, "That's it! I'm going to tickle your wings again!"
Her eyes went wide again, she let out a shriek and she whirled around in the water again, "You'll have to catch me first!" She started to move away from me in the water. I heard Wayne and the others laughing again, and I was swimming after her, catching her tail in the process. I was being dragged by her now, giggling like a little kid having the time of his life!
All of us laughed and cheered, as we all played in the water together.
The lone dragon was watching Brandon and the others play in the water nearby, under the cover of the trees. It was watching from afar, so no one would see the dragon.
It turned its gaze slowly, its eyes trailing on one human and dragon at a time in the water. It first looked straight at Jessie, while she's on Frankie's back, screaming out this with her hand shot up in the air, "I'm queen of the dragons!" She let out a laugh after that.
The lone dragon looked at Neal, Amanda and Cody, they were just swimming together.
The lone dragon looked at Wayne, who made a dive in the water, then resurfaced after that. Spitting water out of his mouth.
The lone dragon lastly looked at Rain and Brandon, who's still dragging Brandon with her tail across the surface of the water. The lone dragon saw Brandon was giggling like a maniac.
The lone dragon slowly moved its gaze toward dry land near the pond and it saw Sebastian laying on his stomach on dry land, his tail curled close to his body.
The lone dragon turned its gaze slowly back to the pond now, looking directly at Brandon, who is not being dragged by Rain's tail anymore. He was now swimming in one spot, grinning at Rain, while she came back to him. It narrowed its gaze right directly at Brandon.
Gazing intently at him, like Brandon's its prey.
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