Current Track: Blabb

Refliction: Hard First

"Why must school exist?" I sometimes asked myself
where my eyes gazed upon the entrance of the school building before of me. I
tried to think of another thought to help me get through this day, but I
couldn't and with a sigh, I shake my
head. Starting to walk, I grabbed my school bag and headed forth towards the doors of the school. For once
I had entered in, I stopped gazing around. All of the cats that were walking
about all looked at me as if I was some kind of foreign exchange student or
something. I ignored them resuming my walk. Gazing my eyes to what was in front
of me, my ears flickered and I heard some whispers shot around in the dark.
"Whose this girl again?" "Why does she looked ugly with that
dirt spot on him?" I picked up the pace hoping to avoid them. But I did
not look as to where I was going.

I heard several snickers as new sentences and quotes began
to creep up to my ears. Flattered and embarrassed, I began to make my way out from
their sights heading unknowingly down the hallway constantly trying to avoid
more stares. I turned the corner and headed into the darker side of the halls;
when I realized this, I stopped calming myself down before looking around. The
lights above me have dimmed others were
completely busted. Doors were all opened so I was sure that someone would be
able to see a cat walking about. I continued despite everyone staring down at me, as I made my way to one of my homerooms
and entered inside. I had seen that the
entire class was nearly full without me. Surprised by this, I walked off
towards my seat which was by the window so I'll be able to see what's going on

Despite my arrival, I once again heard many cats whispered
about me and their eyes fixed on me as I
walked about. Finally sitting in the
chair, I fold my paws and take a quick look at
those who had wanted to stare at me. Of
those, however, they turned back as if they were afraid to even have a staring
contest to which I had chuckle without any response. Smiling upon my victory, I
turned back and looked up at the
blackboard before me staring at it. My
homeroom was small fitting perhaps only twenty or more cats, kitties about. The
chairs and desks were arranged in a
rectangular formation like the ones you see your everyday classroom, although
if not then I do not know I suppose.

The room was silent although a couple of cats were speaking
about. Their eyes shifted to me then returned to their friends. I felt uneasy
because of that, but keeping my posture I take a sigh as the door swings opened
again after seconds the room was quelled and all eyes gazed to our homeroom
teacher who walks calmly to her desk putting down her green book that had
yellow words upon it. I squinted my eyes and frowned, hoping to know what that
was. Shortly after the room got quiet; the teacher began calling out names
towards us. It went on for a few more seconds until she started calling me a name.
"Gowan?" Some student cats started snickering, I rose my paw upward
and glared at those as they return a smirk back to
me. Yes, my name is Gowan. I am a Scottish Fold regaining in Scotland or at
least that's where I came from honestly.

My fur is gray; I am kind but quiet. This kind of
personality allows other breeds of cats to walk all over me. Call me names and
tried to physically threaten me with their best grooming looks. But really I do
not really care for all of them, for I had a goal that I always keep to myself.
"Get through high school and be done with it." Now this goal was
through your minds, dear readers, when you are also attending high school like
me or just finished high school and is in college.  If not and you actually like school; well…
Don't read this then. As the crowd went silent, all eyes turned to our homeroom
teacher who momentarily put her green
book down. She lifted her eyes up at us. No one said anything to one another. So;
as the bell rang a few seconds later, everyone got out from their seats and
headed to their first-period class. I, on
the other hand, groaned and sometimes wished to just stay in the homeroom
forgetting I had a schedule.

"First on my schedule…" I thought to myself as I
began to make a beeline towards my first class. When I entered in, it was the
science room. Half the cats were here readying themselves to go as I headed to
my desk. I sat down onto my desk and promptly gazed upward at the science
teacher who somehow gotten new glasses. The cat was white with brown spots
about even on his forehead. His whiskers were long but thin, it was almost
impossible to see if even if I were up close holding up a magnifying glass.
This cat also had a weird jolly personality, like Santa clause without the red
christmas hat. Ho, ho, ho. Ah; I crack myself up at times.

He was talking about something with electricity after the
bell had rung starting the first period class. As he was talking, I gazed
upward at the ceiling bored out of my mind. All around me were other cats
scribbling frantically or furiously in their notes. Hard to tell if they were
either not listening to the teacher or putting in the effort to jot down some
notes. I gave a quick sigh and said nothing while the teacher went on. Often
times he stop talking and throw his eyes across the classroom, looking about to
see who he'll be able to call to. He's always doing this sometimes hoping to
catch students who weren't paying any attention. Call it, the teacher awareness
test or something along of that line I think. "Gowan." The teacher
called, I jolted myself to awake and gazed back onto the teacher. Heat started
to emerged from my back as if I was in trouble. I was sweating beads of guilty
as the teacher repeated his question to me.

All around me, cats began snickering about. I thought I
heard someone adjacent to me whispering to his friend "What a
dumbass…" "I know right"; the other spoke, but their
conversation swam away from me like a fish in an ocean. Here I am placed onto
the spotlight by the science teacher, with no way out. I knew I had two choices
right from the start. Either answer- But someone else spoke interrupting my
thoughts as all eyes turned to him who was smiling cheerfully confident in his
answer as the teacher nodded in response. I sighed and smiled swiftly and the
teaching resumed right from my awkward silence as I began to swiftly returned
to the ceiling and watched. However deeply into the first period, I began to
noticed something. The lights above us started flickering and I was unsure why
at first. The other students took noticed; fear was risen from everyone but I
kept calm and watched it flickered repeatedly.

Some students wondered if someone was pranking them, but no
one was by the light switch. The lights had continued onward and the teacher
tried to get our attention from the distraction, as he like to call it, and
turned to the blackboard once again. Without hesitation, there were movements
all around me. Students began to reach for their bags, talking began to fill
the quiet room once again. But shortly after all this, the audience fell
silence once again with the teacher begun his next instruction darting his eyes
over to me. I blinked, wondering what's up. But he chose not to speak anymore
as he turned his back to us starting to write on the board once again.

He began scribbling something down, perhaps it was related
to a scientific term or equation that I was unsure of. But nevertheless, I
began to listen to him despite my brain telling me not to while the teacher
paced himself starting to speak towards us as if he was in some kind of
military school. I groaned and leaned back desperate to get out from this room
having been seating and listening for almost a good twenty minutes or so.
Wishing to know what time this ends, I began to dig through my bag. Some cats
took noticed, their eyes shifting to the side as I felt their gazed upon me.
When I brought out the schedule, I was shocked to see I had to endure this for
a mere ten minutes more. In result, I sulked back onto my seat, dropping my
schedule as it entered disappearing into the bag once again as the teacher
ignored me and continued talking for another ten minutes more.