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HUGE Hatchday Party
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It was my hatchday yesterday and I knew that KarisTheWolf had something in mind about a commission, because I didn't tell him what I wanted as a present.
I never expected something like that. I surely never had such a BIG party and crowd around just for me~ A certain big dragon might have forced them to attend or they'd have lost all they own~
They really did a great job with setting up the whole city with hatchday messages just for me. And they even beg not to be stomped, just not sure if I can fulfill that wish. Seeing that smirk, probably not~
Thank you very much MR.MuRdeR for creating such a beautiful hatchday gift and thank you KarisTheWolf for getting this for me :D
Made by MR.MuRdeR
Character is me
Commissioner is my mate KarisTheWolf
I never expected something like that. I surely never had such a BIG party and crowd around just for me~ A certain big dragon might have forced them to attend or they'd have lost all they own~
They really did a great job with setting up the whole city with hatchday messages just for me. And they even beg not to be stomped, just not sure if I can fulfill that wish. Seeing that smirk, probably not~
Thank you very much MR.MuRdeR for creating such a beautiful hatchday gift and thank you KarisTheWolf for getting this for me :D
Made by MR.MuRdeR
Character is me
Commissioner is my mate KarisTheWolf
4 years ago
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