Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Carron Coned


Upon entering into the
room, we were surprise to see that the birthday party was empty. Nobody was
here. Not even the birthday boy too. We were all confused that we had turned to
one another in response; Kyro pondered about the wrong room. But the evidence
was right there in front of him. We were inside the living room. Big for
ourselves however. The gray or pale strips of lines ran across the flooring
beneath our feet. Towards the other side where the wall meets the floor. Two
windows stand overtop of it. I nodded towards the others. Kyro, Natty and
Zander walked off to the right. Heeding through another door and disappeared
right from my sight. Meanwhile, Albina and Takaki walked around the living
room. Searching for anything that might be useful in this investigation. For a
while, the temporarily peace was held. But so was the tension in the air.
Everyone was nervous. Even I too however, as we pondered about the missing
guest and the birthday party that was suppose to start.


It did not take long for
me to hear Kyro's voice spoke from the other room. As his voice was carried
into the living room; both me and Takaki turned around. Facing that room
together. Out came Kyro. He had a worried expression upon his face as he
motioned both of us to follow him. He reentered into the room again with us
trailing behind him. Following him, we entered the room one by one till we are
already inside. The bedroom was a bit different than the living room. Not
because it was smaller than the other room. But rather, it was messier than it.
Lots of presents were gathered in one spot; shoved into the corner where it was
forgotten altogether. Adjacent to the pile of presents was the bed itself.
Neatly tidy with no wrinkles or dents whatsoever. A loose present was overtop
of it. However, its wrappings were already ripped off and exposing a brown box
inside. The top was never opened which I pointed to it. Kyro nodded and walked
over to the exposed box. Opening it to reveal the contents that were inside.


Much to our surprise it
was a white piece of paper. Nothing written inside of it. Kyro flipped the
paper over and saw nothing on the opposing side. As he looked at us with
concern upon his face, neither of us said anything else in response towards
him. But a shake of my head allowed Kyro to nod slightly and return the paper
back into the box. Takaki popped the question on the silence, “Why was there a
piece of paper?" Neither of us answered that however while we turned our
attention back towards the pile of presents stuff at the corner. Kyro walked up
towards the pile; counting them for the first time. When he finished, he asked
“Why were there fifty two questions instead of fifty three?" “How you know
there are that many number?" Takaki questioned the red dragon who answered
nothing back to him. For the two stayed silent while my eyes stared at the pile
for a moment. Shift back towards the exposed brown box momentarily and suddenly
walked to it. Grabbing the paper that was inside. Much to the shock of the pair
of dragons behind me, I brought the paper to my face and walked towards the
opened door of the bedroom. Turning the light on suddenly.


A bright purple light
flood the room. It was not a normal bright white light however. For as I gaze
high to the ceiling above me, slightly smiling, I held the paper up high into
the air. Directly exposing it towards the purple light above us. Sure enough,
the light penetrated the paper. Exposing a new number upon it. “What it say?"
“Here is our answer, apparently." I said, ignoring Takaki while walking to both
of them. Handing the paper back without hesitation as Kyro grabbed it and
turned the paper over. Seeing the number exposed upon the paper for the first
time. “Fifty three." He breathed, “How you know that would be it?" Takaki
questioned me and I smiled following him explaining it simply. “It is the only
other paper that was there. Inside that exposed brown box no doubt. Look around
the room. There are not any other boxes or presents besides the pile and the
one on top of the bed." “he is right however." Started Kyro as I nodded to him.
My smile fading afterwards as a new mystery pops into my head, “But what about
the fifty third present. Just as you had said Kyro." I muttered, loud enough
for the red dragon to hear who shrugged following me, and said nothing else
more. Other than we turned to stare at the pile of presents in silence,
exchange nothing.


For after a long pause in
silence; Kyro and Takaki stepped forth towards the pile. Snatching present
after present from the pile and threw it behind themselves. Some, maybe a few
of them hit my leg. But I paid no other attention to it while my eyes stared at
their work in silence. Lots of questions and no answers were in my mind. Even
this birthday party that we were invited too never made any sense too however.
For as I pondered, I turned my back to them. Lingering onto that same question
that was inside my mind for a while. Till something crackled onto the walkie
had my mind slipped to reality again and lowered my eyes back to my waste where
my walkie was. Snatching it and raised towards my face, I pressed the button
three times before going silent as someone familiar spoke through the speaker.
“Ling?" “Here." I said responding immediately, “We searched through the living
and kitchen rooms of the place. Finding some small boots, gloves and a hat."
“We are expecting a baby?" I questioned immediately, though shook my head at
how inappropriate that statement was however. “No Ling. I think our culprit is
a baby." “More like a man baby or something." I argued, but silence fell
following my statement. Upon the newfound information, I frowned before turning
myself back towards the pair that was working at the present pile at the
corner. Upon now, nothing was neatly ordered anymore. The floor was now
replaced by a sea of presents. Nothing was left exposed.


“So a baby or a manbaby
huh?" I heard Takaki commented as I felt a blush coming along. Shook my head of
any sort of embarrassment and growled with my eyes narrowed at them. “Not a
baby or a manbaby however." “Then what is it? A dragon? A reptile? What?" Takaki
questioned me. “I am not sure…" “We better be sure with that newfounding clue
however." He argued back before returning to his normal voice. “Anyway, we
found nothing hiding in this corner. Seems like the present pile here is after
all normal." “Guess we should head out huh?" “First neat the place." I started
as the two dragons groaned, returning every present back onto their original
spot. For before long the pile was reconstructed. Nothing upon the wall was
left as the wall of presents was in front of us. Kyro and Takaki smiled faintly
briefly before returning towards me to which I nodded, leading them back
towards the living room once again. Upon reentering the room, Takaki walked
over to the pale couches that were off towards the side of the room. Something
that I never saw initially when we had arrived upon here. He crashed upon the
surface, bouncing up first before landing at its surface. Arms stretched wide
with a smile and a relaxed face expression onto his face. Before he leaned
forth and questioned me,


“So what is this about
small clothing?" “That is the thing." I stated, glancing back onto him. “I do
not understand at all. According to Natty and the others, “This culprit of us
is not a baby or hatchling at all." “This does prove the point that hatchlings
cannot carry weapons in their claws." Stated Kyro as he held his paw into the
air upon our nodding at him. “See." I confirmed, following Kyro as Takaki
frowned and tilted his head to one side. Asking again, “But if it is not a
hatchling or baby. Who else would fit into that clothing?" A pause of silence
fell upon us as my mouth was hanged opened. Loss of words. Nothing to argue
about however. For as Takaki stared at me then towards Kyro for a moment,
raised himself from the couch and walked across the room. Disappearing through
a pair of brown doors where perhaps he met up with the second group. At this,
Kyro walked towards me and nodded his head silently. I frowned responding to
him as he muttered back commenting in my ear, “He is right you know. A hatchling
cannot hold a weapon. But a grown adult can. Vise versas when it comes to
clothing as well." “However…" I argued back, regaining my voice again.


“A mother dragoness or a
father dragon can buy the clothing for the hatchling." I pointed out which Kyro
tilted his head. Nodded for a few seconds and responded, “Yes. So can a brother
or sister." “But there is no indication of either of them, is there?" I stated,
Kyro shook his head. Confirming that. As the following silence loomed over me
again, I frowned again as I spoke again to him. “And there is no crib or
anything. No other hatchling stuff like toys, cribs and among other things…"
“What are you getting at, Ling?" Kyro questioned me just as the other dragons
submerged from the brown doors behind them. Re entering back onto the living
room as they all turned towards us. Takaki was the first to speak amongst the
group despite some of them groaned at making him lead, “Ling. There are scales
scattered throughout the whole kitchen room. It was a mess. Upon further
speculation, none of them had blood. It seems no conflict was involve here."
“Does that mean that the culprit just willingly gained hostages and dragged
them out somewhere?" Kyro asked Takaki, “No." Natty answered for him, stepping
forth to Takaki's line. “While we do believe there was some conflict involve. Additionally,
I do think that our culprit did 'clean' up the place to make it seems so."
“Your point?" I questioned at her, joining in the conversion as she turned
towards me.


She held up a white
cloth. It looked smelly and old. Worn out and lightly dirty however. The cloth
was square shaped and silvery white was its color. As she rolled it up into a
string and squeeze upon it tightly, water came from it. Dropped upon the
grounds between me and Natty as she faintly smiled, “And its newly used
however." “There is some dirty at it too." Kyro commented, pointing at the
batches of dirty that was upon the cloth. Natty nodded her head, answered him
“Its the conflict lines drawn from the flooring of the kitchen room. Guess this
is it." “Our culprit only used one? Nothing more?" “Just one." Natty stated as
Zander pipped up from behind her “Actually. We are unsure about that. Cause the
trash bag of the trash can was gone and there was no replacement for it
however." “Interesting…" I muttered gazing at the black dragon then pulled my
eyes back to the pink dragoness following afterwards as my mind wondered. But
before I could string some things together, Natty's voice called me out from my
own subconsciousness. I blinked at her suddenly as she pointed to the bed room.
Questioning about the pile of presents found there.


Before I could speak,
Kyro's voice filled the room. For in summary. He explained what happened inside
the room and the procedure we'd done with the such said presents instead. Upon
this explanation however, Natty nodded her head while her arms were crossed.
The two conversed for a while as I motioned to Takaki and the other remaining
dragons at hand. After they came towards me, leaving the pair alone to
themselves, I spoke issuing an order for them “Spread out from this building
and start searching for anyone that lives here. We want a full explanation
about this culprit or victim." They nodded in response. Having immediately
raced behind me and towards the door whereas the faded footsteps trailed behind
them as I turned back towards Kyro and Natty having finished their
conversation. “I see." Natty answered after a brief silence “…and we are unsure
where is the last present is?" Kyro nodded. Turned his head just as I stopped
between the two dragons. Crossing my arms as well while I spoke to their
silence, “The other officers had gone from this building. Moving towards the
citizens that used or now lived here in their lifetime. Detailing them about
the birthday boy whether or not he or she was a culprit or victim in this
case." The pair nodded back towards me and silence fell following our short


Kyro and Natty
immediately split, peeling away from me as if they had something to do while
they wait for the results. I watched both of them head into their respective
rooms: Kyro inside the bedroom and Natty back upon the kitchen. They both
disappeared afterwards which left me alone inside the living room while I
scanned the area about. Once again; the room was clean. Nothing was misplaced
or hiding. But what I failed to notice from the first glance upon arriving
here, was that a brown covered table was along the pair of windows at the other
side of the room. Three chairs sat surrounding that table. Three different
color hats were overtop of the table. From left to right were the colors of the
hats: red, blue and green. 'The primary colors.' I thought to myself. Then
frowned wondering, 'Did the family think of themselves as priority than
everyone else inside the building? Was that the same with the hatchling also?'
My head ached after a piece of thought as my head was shook; I grumbled before
turning around and gaze at the door behind me. My eyes were closed, reopening
them again before heeding into the bedroom where I presumed Kyro was however.


“You are right Ling." I
heard Kyro's voice called out just as I entered into the room itself. “There
are only fifty two in here. Where is that last one? And where is that piece of
pap-" “The paper is inside the brown box." I interrupted as he turned around,
facing me and smiled faintly, “I see." Nothing else came from his voice as he
turned around and walked towards the neatly tidy bed in front of me. Peaking
into the brown box just by leaning forward a bit; he dug his claws inside.
Pulling out a piece of paper which revealed to be fifty three presents just as
I had said previously. He glanced at me; then place the paper overtop of the
fifty two presents presented in front of him. Take some back and gaze from the
distance, then spoke to the silence “Interesting. I never saw a misnumber match
ever before. I take it that our culprit might had misplace it somewhere within
the building just for the birthday boy to find." “Or worst." I commented as he
gaze at me then shake his head, laughing “I doubt he gave it away to some other
realm. The canines there never like reptilian birthdays anyway." I just rolled
my eyes suddenly and said nothing more to his laughter. Though his comment
previous did strike me odd as I stare at him for a moment. Kyro, however,
caught on and questioned me. “What is on your mind?"


“Something that you had
said previously Did you think that the culprit just left that birthday box
somewhere within the building and asked him to find it for him?" “Its possible.
Considering that the box is indeed missing after all." He says immediately. A
pause of silence came before he turned back towards me again and said,
“Otherwise, he would had forgotten it at home. Or gave it indeed to someone
else." “Not canine." “Non Canine indeed." Kyro agreed and nothing else came
following that. As Kyro stretched his arms and raised them onto the air above
his head, he yawned smacking his lips a couple of times before retiring from
the room he was in. Disappeared behind me, I found myself staring at the fifty
two birthday presents in front of me and with thousands of thoughts that were
upon my mind. As I looked concerned with narrowed eyes, I had wondered if
Kyro's statement of possibilities were true. Or rather just far fetched as most
would love to call it however. But so far. Throughout our possibles outcomes and
previous experience with our cases. Nothing is such far fetched however. As I
growled and clenched my claws till they grew white, I turned around and heed
out the door following Kyro's steps as I met with them just outside the living
room's door.


“Where are you guys
going?" I questioned them as Natty held the door for Kyro who already headed
out, disappearing from my sights while she smiled faintly back towards me. But
said nothing else after closing the door. With the door locked, I found myself
alone in the room. Nothing to do besides rechecking the clues that we had found
around the place. I pondered while reviewing over them. Carefully covering the
tracks of any possible alterative that might stray the case further from its
original course. I thought about the fifty three presents, when there was only
fifty two. 'Where was that last present?' I wondered, thinking of two other
possible paths. One was the present could be outside of Vaster and Reptilian
realm. Delivered straight into canine or Oceanic realm; or any other minor
realm that is however. The other possible outcome was that the present is safe
within this building. But hiding from the birthday boy. 'Was that where he got
murdered?' I wondered, additionally taking note that no blood was spilled. For
the flooring of the living room was clean.


I frowned at the thought;
even shaking my head at how possible and certain that could be. But also how
the first option could be also as well. Following the two options came another
thought; although perhaps not likely. 'Could the culprit napped the birthday
boy or girl and taken them back onto their place?' It was not possible,
considering that there was no conflicts marks or lines upon the kitchen floor.
But the cloth that Natty had, said otherwise. As my head ached and me
continuing to frown at the reviewing clues present to us, my ears perked upon
hearing the door knocking behind me and I turned around heading forth towards
the door. Grabbing the knob and opened it whereas the rest of the squad was
right in front of me. All of them shared the same smile apparently as if they
were pleased or enjoyed their investigation or game or whatever it was. For
they piled right onto in one by one till the last closed the door; they all
turned around. Facing me and spoke; one at the time. Here was what they had to


Takaki: “I had spoken to
some dragons that were close by to this building. They had stated that the
culprit was not what they had thought of before. Including that canine from the
other realm. Its fur trailed behind its wake, though the winds from yesterday
had blown it away. Covering its tracks. Oh. The culprit is furry. Not a scalie
like us however. Small that it could mistake for a Corsac or Fennecs. Although
now that I think about it. It could be a bit bigger."


Zander: “I too had
questioned and asked some. But they seem to be diverting the conversation into
something else however. Something about that missing present. While true,
dragons are hoarders and we needed thousands of shiny things to collect. In
birthdays, we are to only collect fifty three. Roughly half of the total, just
so that other species. Including the canines can gain their fair share.
However, that is besides the point. This culprit was carrying a present. The
smallest one that money could buy. It was wrapped differently and in different
coloring too unlike the common wrappings found at a nearby store. A gold tag
was attached to it: but here was the thing. There was no 'To' or 'From' nor
'Happy Birthday'. Written on it was a warning call for something else. I guess
that it was directly to the birthday boy or to the canines in general."


Albana said roughly the
same as Zander and Takaki however. As I nodded at the rest of them when the
silence had loomed overhead, I heard the door opened again and I turned around
facing it. Kyro and Natty came back with a frown upon their faces; Natty admitted
“There was nothing. No present hiding within the building itself. Just this
however instead." She stated before handing me another piece of paper. I turned
it over and widened my eyes. For the paper was a map; showcasing the two realms
side by side and their layout of one another. A large red arrow points from
Reptilian to Canine realms. “Where did you get this?" I questioned her as she
answered me, “From the boiler. Downstairs into the basement, just below ground
level." I was silent after that.