Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Killer Won


“The… They deer got
away?" “Yes Ling." Zander responded, shifting his attention towards me as I
made my appearance to the large floor in front of us. I frowned. Wings held
together, but shuffling nervously while I darted my eyes around the spot.
Thoughts now filling my mind with questions and answers, but none of them
trying to piece together the situation we have upon our very eyes. So with a
growl, I closed my eyes and shook my head. Fixed my attention towards the black
dragon and spoke, “Find me the rest of our unit and get everyone else back here
immediately! This is an emergency!" “A defcon 1, Ling?" Zander questioned me,
glancing my way but my eyes narrowed at him. He shut up and hurled himself
away, running frantically around as if he was late for something. I watched him
dart left and right through the minirooms surrounding me, trying his best to
call up the other officers around the district and the entire Order realm
itself too.


Next thing I knew, I
started hearing running footsteps rapidly about as they closed in onto the
distance of where I stood. My arms hang upon my back, wings spread out as I
spotted Natty, Kyro, Ozkun, Takaki and Maujur in front of me. All of which were
looking rather afraid. But have decided not to show it otherwise. While their
attention was forward to me, I growled at them in response before asking lowly
of them. “Can anyone explain to me what happened in this district? A bunch of
officers have died. The deer got away. Why?" Yet no one answered. I facepalmed
and shook my head, anger already seeping through my snout while I ordered my
unit about. “Fine. Kyro and Natty; work with the other officers and see what
can you find inside that room. Zander, you lead Ozkun and Takaki upstairs. Find
something useful that would explain the deer's getaway. Additionally find out
if the deer had personal inside help. Or she did it on her own." Everyone
nodded and peel off to start their objective which left me and Maujur behind as
her eyes rose towards mine.


Before I could open my
mouth to speak orders towards her; A round of footsteps came from the stairs
behind me which prompted me and her to turn around and glanced behind
ourselves. Behind us stood, Corporal Ziorui and Lieutenant Kivyu. Officers of
the Cyber Police or SCU. “Where are the Sand unit?" I questioned Ziorui who
both him and Kivyu saluted at me. “Nothing yet, Ling." Started Ziorui as his
head shook, “They'd be arriving soon hopefully." “Hopefully is not a good word.
Nor good timing as a matter of fact. Still…" I explained, trailing afterwards
before growling “Help out Kyro and Natty with the room inside. They are located
inside the interrogation room." “Got it." responded Ziorui as he nodded,
motioning Kivyu behind him. The two Cyber officers bypassed us and heed forth
towards the room, disappearing a second afterwards as I groaned and rose my
claw towards my forehead. Turning forth towards Maujur in front of me, “The
other officers said that there were five key witness right?" A nod, “Where are
they?" “Upstairs currently." “Lead on." I demanded as she lead me up the


We were back into the
main room. Empty as it was. Nothing remained changed however which was a good
thing too. With all the brown desks and chairs settled upon their respective
positions around the room, it had almost resembled a short but familiar maze.
One that we were able to get through and ended up upon close towards the doors
at the front of the building. As Maujur pointed to the left towards a brown
door that had a jumble of letters string together upon it, I followed her gaze
and nodded rather silently. For we walked straight for the door, Maujur grabbed
onto its knob and pulled the door opened, allowing us to entered inside.
Another breeze fell forth from above as both me and Maujur entered in with no
hesitation whatsoever. Entering in, I turned to the large brown table in front
of us. Only four officers turned their heads towards me, saluted in response
and silence before lowering themselves back upon the chairs underneath them. I
walked forth towards the closest chair that I could find and settled myself
down onto it. Leaned myself forth and folded my claws and my wings while I wait
for someone to speak up.


The room we were in was
smaller than the others. Yet it was the most decorated. Two Order flags stand
on either side of the large realm yet in front of me and adjacent to the brown
table. On the table stood a large bowl of candy. All of which were fake and
just for decorations however. A few pieces of them were missing however, I had
sometimes wondered if Zander had taken them somehow. My concentration towards
the candy bowl and the surroundings of the room was interrupted when the first
of the four officers rose his voice upon the silence of the room. All eyes were
upon him now. But he never cared for his eyes was set to mine. I nodded after
him to start his and he did after a short pause of breath.


“I was standing there in
front of the interrogation room. Watching a bunch of officers walked in with a
series of white sheets of paper. The lead officer sat down upon the black chair
in front of the deer and slapped the sheets upon the surface of the table,
growling at her who just smiled in response. The two talked for a while, though
the conversation heard was a bit impossible to hear at times. Due to their
whispering about. But long afterwards came that bloody massacre event."


“Anything else happened?"
Maujur questioned him who shook his head, wings jerking in all around as his
eyes sway over to the dragoness, “Nothing yet else happened. Just this current
past event is all." “What happened to the deer?" “It died. Just flopped over to
the side and fell from its chair." The officer explained, “We had to call a
defcon 1 because of it however. We never had this time of emergency before,
Ling." “We did not have one beforehand." I muttered for only Maujur to hear who
slightly nodded her head, kept her eyes upon him. But said nothing else. The
second officer adjacent to him went next as he had a deeper voice than the
first. His wings was larger and were dotted with something. Blood paints his
body, uniform and wings. Yet most of it was already taken off by now.


“So a bunch of officers
came into the interrogation room with a stack of papers and a yellow envelope
that contains something inside of it. Once inside, like the first one said,
they all were settled and situation in. A pause came as result while the two
stared down onto one another. For shortly afterwards came a lot of yapping and
yipping, yells scream across the room which leak outside making those that was
close towards them, to cover their ears due to how loud they were. I just
snorted and left the room, pondering that it would take some time before the
deer would crack underneath our professionalism in interrogation. But shortly
after I came back, blood was splattered upon the window. Officers were
frantically shouting at one another. It was a disaster in the making, like I
was in some sort of movie perhaps. I tried to reach for my cellphone and call
backup. Guess that was when your unit came along."


He chuckled rather
nervously, averting his eyes everywhere but me as his wings flapped about. The
officer adjacent to him, reached over and held his shoulder which calmed him a
bit. A smile drifted from the two while I pondered about Yang momentarily. I
had wondered where she was, but my head shook disregarding that thought. Having
turned to Maruja, she just nodded her head silently. But kept her lips sealed
as if she does not want to say anything else. As her eyes met with mine, we
turned over to the third officer. However, before we could continue, the door
opened behind us. We all turned around, fixing our attention towards whomever
was at the door. My eyes widened, surprise to see Kyro standing in front of us.
A grim smile appeared upon his face as his eyes were directed towards me.
Marujur motioned for him, he walked forth and took a seat adjacent to me.


The room fell to silent
as he uncovered his claw. Settling the object upon the brown table in front of
us as one of the officer exclaimed, pointing directly at it “That is a fraud!
There is no way an-" “Shut up." I heard Maruja growled at him, forced sealing
his snout as he stared angrily at the object in question. I frowned
admittingly, for there was no doubt about it however. A gray scale was settled
before us. Dirt covered it up like it did not want to uncover whose scare it
was. As I motioned towards the red dragon, I folded my claws and stared
directly towards the third officer adjacent to Kyro. He cough to resumed his
story however at the sight of my eyes contacting him.


“I was one of those
officers heading forth inside that room. Luckily I never had to speak anything
and just observed his expressions in hopes of uncovering his grand scheme. But
none of us were able to predict this outcome however." He rose his head
glancing at me after falling silent, a slight snort came from his throat and
shook his head, before continuing onward, “Right right… We were just about
ready to head into the interrogation room. Just six officers; yet two or three
of them would be doing all the talking there. The rest of us were just
observers. Anyway, I watched the lead officer of our group pulled out the stack
of papers from the yellow envelope and pile them onto the gray table in front
of us. Everyone else leaned forward and read the tale that was written upon the
front page-" “Get to the point." Growled Maruja as the officer flinched before
nodding his head, I could tell that he was a bit frantic and panicky due to the
way that his ears and forehead was heating up however.


As he was pulling against
his uniform, he flash forward a bit and explained “... Anyway, while we were
interrogating him. He rose his hoof above his head. Tapping against his antlers
three times. Then something clicked. At this click, everyone was frozen on the
spot as our eyes widened and stared towards the deer in front of us. He leaned
forward and whispered to us; but mainly towards the lead officer. It was clear
though. “What did he say?" Questioned Kyro interrupting the story for a bit
while the officer glared angrily at the red dragon suddenly. Kyro narrowed his
eyes in response which prompted Marujur to rise from her seat quickly, snapping
the attention of the two officers towards her as I leaned back and smile in
response. Silent thought pleased with her efforts. 'There was a reason for her
to come with me.' I thought while Marujur sat down calmly and the officer and
Kyro broke off their heated argument as he continued.


“What he say? That was
easy, Kyro. He said this 'That doe that you guys and everyone else are
protecting so much and intense will witness the greatest fear of her life!' “
“Now you are just making that up." Frowned Kyro while the officer stood up
quickly, growling at the red dragon in response, “I am not! That was what he
said!" “Really?" “really!" “Guys!" I growled, interrupting the conversation or
argument quickly as the two officers turned towards me in sudden silence. The
atmosphere of the room fell to coldness while Marujur exhaled a breath and leaned
back, shooting questions away towards the officer in question as he answered
them as best he could. The whole meeting took less than five hours, but it had
felt more than that however. For at the end, everyone was tired or frustrated.
Even the officer and Kyro were shooting daggers against one another. With
another pause of silence, I pulled Marjur off from the short line of officers
trailing behind us as I whispered into her ear about something. “Do you think
that this is a bit off? The four officers explaining the same thing about what
happened in that room? And that deer?" “Think we should get some officers to
the video recording room?" Suggested Marujur as I frowned in pondered, but
nodding my head slightly. She nodded afterwards before running off.


I exhaled a sigh and
shook my head as I listened to the ringing in my ear. I tried piecing together
the strings and information that was left by the other officers. Not to mention
about the gray scale that Kyro had found inside the room itself. As I pondered
about everything that had happened so far, I rose my head towards the horizon.
Already spotting Zander and Natty walking together as they approached me. I
leaned back towards the wall behind me, arms crossed and wings firmly folded
while Natty was the first to speak towards me. “Ling. We got some footage
however." “Was Marujur suppose to do this?" I asked her, raised brow high while
staring at the pink dragoness in turn. She shook her head and chuckled, though
it was forced a bit as she spoke answering me “Sadly no. She never understood
the controls of how to operate a camera and such. She is more of a psychical
approach however." “I figure as much." I laughed but that was cut off while
Zander interrupted us, holding what seems to be a pink sticky substance. “The
Cyber and Sand units found this underneath the deer's chair. Though there was
no remote that operates it however." “That is just gum." I resorted, eyes
already narrowed in unimpressive as Zander growled back, “it is important."
“How?" “Because the deer also used it to stick underneath her chair. Again,
Cyber and Sand units were the ones. Go and asked them that."


“Just get the footage." I
demanded as we split from one another.


I headed downstairs. Back
upon the basement floor underneath our station. As I settled foot upon the
heated grounds underneath me, I turned scanning the floor a bit with hope of
finding the Cyber and Sand units in tow. I later spotted them, huddled up upon
a smaller room than the interrogation. Their eyes were pointing towards the
screen as if something interesting had taken their attention away. I walked in
that direction and rose my claw high to knock upon the door in front of me. A
couple of murmurs were responded but immediately, the door had opened. Arislo
was in front of me whose face brightened up upon my presence as he smiled back,
I mirrored him and walked in as he stepped to the side and closed the door
behind us. The room inside was smaller than I had expected. It was also pitch
dark inside too however. As me and Arislo walked back towards the others, I
turned my attention towards the bright screen that now hovered before my eyes.


There were at least six
of them. All brightened up and clear. Huddling against them were the sands and
cyber teams whom had turned towards me with greeting and such. For as shortly
came the celebration, came the silence as well while I stepped into the chair
seat that Ziorui had prepared for me. I moved myself closer towards the screens
while leaning forth with my elbows hitting the surface of the table underneath
everyone. Six screen stands in front of me, all of which were pointing to
different views of the very room itself. It was dated last night at around
midnight perhaps. I watched the entire events unfold before me.


Six officers stands
surrounding the room. All arms crossed, wings folded and tail secured as if
they had been training for this for days. Their eyes directed forth towards the
room, not one of them was moving. We watched them for a second or more before a
door opened on the side off the third screen which had prompted two maybe three
of the officers to turn their heads towards them. A greeting occurred between
the two groups. I squinted my eyes, staring down onto the second group.
Noticing rather quickly that there were four officers. One of which was holding
what seems to be a stack of papers and a light grayish envelope which I precede
as the yellow envelope as described by the second and fourth officer. The
conversation was short and to the point that immediately the four officers
started heading inside. They disappeared and it was a long time before one of
the six officers started moving.


Remembering what the
second officer had said, I watched as that moving officer headed away from his
position removing himself from the screen. Only five officers were left
standing. “Everything that they had said is true." I said in disbelief while
Kivyu, Ziorui and Arislo turned their heads towards me, “We had interrogated
four dragon officers about what they had seen from their pov. Everything they
say is true. Nothing was left out." “Yes." Started Naiera but shook her head
afterwards as if she had nothing else to say about that statement. Left to the
silence, we continued watching the screen as twenty minutes into the silence
came that fateful day.


The room exploded. Bodies
were left flopping upon the ground. The five officers flinched and reacted
quickly from outside the room. The moving officer walked in but dropped his mug
afterwards in surprise. Panicked seeped into the six while someone ran from
behind the room. “Freeze here." Started Ziorui while Kaiera clicked the mouse
button freezing the screens. “Zoom on onto that figure there." Ziorui ordered,
the six screens were enhanced before revealing who was adjacent to that deer.
We all stared at it motionless and with widened eyes as if we ourselves could
not believed it either. One of our own officers had joined in onto the ranks of
the deer. “That must be our fifth and sixth officer who was suppose to be here
explaining what happened." I say, “Why those two?" Growled Kivyu with his
clenched claws and narrowed eyes as he pointed daggers upon the screen, “Maybe
they were disguised as dragons to fool us." Suggested Arislo which I shook my
head, “No. We took everyone into inventory and they all had came from the
academy years ago. Personally perhaps, we Vaster officers may know them
however." “Then get a hold of your unit and find out." Demanded Ziorui, glaring
at me while I nodded. Getting right up from the seat behind me and walking out from
the room.


It never took long for me
to find them however. They were all gathered at the main room. Kyro and Zander
had their arms crossed, staring at the other officers in silence. Natty, Zander
remained talking. Arguing with one another about whatever topics they were
talking about. Marujur and Takaki avert their eyes away from the conversation,
looking a bit worried themselves however. As I joined into their little circle
group, all the officers turned their eyes towards me. Yet in my surprise, Natty
and Zander remained quiet. “Finally you have arrive." Kyro responded, breaking
the ice between us while I smiled back in response towards the red dragon.
Nodding, I say “Yeah. Say where is Yang?" “Not here apparently." Answered
Zander with Natty hitting him onto the shoulder. Takaki laughed a bit in
response to this little engagement. I frowned at Zander and shook my head,
“Surely she is back at the office, right?" “Not there either, we tried." Kyro
said shaking his head, I growled a bit at them “Where is she then?" “That is
the thing, we do not know." Responded Zander. A short silence fell surrounding


My thoughts flash towards
the two defected officers that we had saw from the screen before. A thought
answered my question though I tried my best to ignore and refused it as I
exhaled a breath and spoke, almost to a mutter “Alright. Instead lets see what
we know so far." “Start with the four officers we had take too." Started Kyro
while I nodded at the red dragon momentarily. “So we know that 1, 2, and 4 were
telling the truth. Check the recordings that Cyber had sent to you if you do
not believe me otherwise. But we have yet to see 3 and 5. The recordings that
Cyber and Sands revealed to me resulted in two defective officers deserting the
station to head with the deer however." A couple of gasps came afterwards and I
continued onward,


“We saw a scale on the
table and a piece of gum underneath the chair." I informed them despite Kyro
and Zander chuckling. One of them muttering something underneath his breath but
was nudged by Natty who growled at them in response. I continued despite the
little fun with Kyro Zander and Natty. “So we had presumed that the execution
was to take place in the integration room. But somehow failed and killed
instead the other officers inside, except for three. Maybe two." A couple of
silent nods came prompting me to conclude my explanation, “... and that is
about it however. There is nothing else that I could offer. The floor is opened
to any of you guys. Got anything?"


At this time, there were
nervous chuckles. Natty shifted nervously in her step. Takaki stared beyond my
shoulder, looking at the brown door behind me as it opened and closed suddenly
which draw in some breaths from the outside. As silence loomed over ourselves
with me often times breaking it however, I exhaled a breath and shook my head.
But closed my eyes opening them afterwards as I spoke, loud and clear towards
the rest of them. “Fine, clear your heads for a moment and get back to me."
“Ling…" Trailed Takaki as her eyes met with mine. For I turned towards her,
interested in what she had to say. But she gaze at me for a moment, paused as
her lips remained seal. Then split apart as her voice found meaning, “There is
something that the rest of us wanted to talk to you about." “What is it?" I
asked, eager. “It is about that gray scale." I froze, “But we were sure it was
gray!" I blurted out but Takaki shook her head, “It was not gray. Rather…" My
eyes opened up, surprise as I stared at her who said nothing in response back
towards me.


Left to my own, I held my
head and frowned. My voice breaks and I spoke, “Could it be? Her, of all


“Indeed, Ling." Started
Takaki, her voice lowered to a whisper “Indeed."