Current Track: Blabb

Furry of claws; Chapter six; Shattered

Damithril looked up dazed, the alcohol
slowing his mind down. The world still spinning around him. He could angry
voices, someone entering the farm. He protested, trying to slash around at who
ever tried to take him. his claws mostly struck wood. The drunk dragon tried to
stand, he could see how Rakshasi was chained up by knights. Damithril roared,
he threw himself at the knights. Clawing, biting at the steel armour. He could
feel many hands trying to hold him down, the cold feeling of metal clicked
around his wrists and wings. Soon enough he found himself unable to move. His
head against the floor. The light of torches hurting in his eyes. He was
brought outside, to a cart. Roughly he was thrown in the back, next to
Rakshasi. She seemed not totally aware of what was happening, she let out some
weak protests. Not that she could do anything, the protests where followed by
her throwing the entry of her stomach out at the feed of one of the knights.
Damithril struggled drunken against the chains. They would not give way to his
arms. A cotton sheet was thrown of the two dragons. Blackness surrounded Dion’s
eyes. His drunken mind soon drifted off, not able to stay alert of much longer.

They awoke in a steel cage. His head hurt,
his scales where filled with wounds where chains had hold him down. Next to him
was Rakshasi still asleep. He could see a town’s plaza, the centre. The still
cage had a small roof and a fire to keep the two dragons warm enough to survive
the winter weather. Humans where standing some distance away from the cave,
looking in shock. Pointing at him like he was some animal. Damithril tried to
let out a terrifying roar. He only gave a muffled sound. Something was
surrounding his yaws, holding his yaws closed. He could see a leather band
strongly tugged around his yaws. He tried to rip of the leather with his claws
only to find out that his claws where dulled down till they were nothing more
than stumps. Wobbly he stood on his feed, looking down at the humans. He pulled
up the corners of his yaws, showing of an impressive row of teeth at the
humans, a threat. He threw himself with all his weight against the door, trying
to break open. The cage made a rattling sound of metal on metal every time
Damithril pushed against the cage door.

It is morning! Can you…”
Rakshasi was waking up
behind him, not yet knowing the situation she was in. Her eyes opened up, her
gaze watery and sleepy. Soon enough she was up on her feed, to discover herself
that she was muzzled and her claws dulled. She looked with angry and  hopeless eyes at Damithril. “How…” She could only say, terror had
taken a form hold in her mind. Damithril tried to remain calm, he tried to
think of an way out. He gazed around seeing dragon hunters walking passed the
cage. He jumped at the metal bars, his arm trying to grab one. The hunters
laughed at the dragons attempts “Stupid beast” they laughed at him.

I get free I will gut them all!”
A muffled roar
came from his throat, scaring some children in the plaza. “Good be scared! I will be..” Rakshasi interrupted him. “Damithril! Please!” she pushed him
against the steel bars. Face to face, she gave a small hiss. “It is no use to try and burn this town
down! We are caught!”
Damithril hissed back at Rakshasi. “And you do not want to break free”

course I want to break free and rips the heads of every hunter that walks in
this forsaken town. But we need a plan dammit!”
let Damithril go, not wanting to fight with him. “Just, keep calm. Try to find a way out” Damithril took a deep
breath, he surged. “Alright…” he
turned his head to the plaza again, wondering what would happen now.

The day passed slowly, they gotten a small
meal and some water. It was handed to them like they were some beasts. The
water was a welcoming refreshment to Damithril’s hangover. The meat, he could
not even think to eat something. His mind and body to rushed with both the
hangover and adrenaline. Damithril could see the gazes of the humans, prying.
It made him restless in the cage. Walking around, trying to find a weakness. “Damithril can you please sit down!”  Rakshasi proclaimed out of breath. She tried
to keep calm, something Damithril did not help her with. He stopped in his
tracks, looking straight at Rakshasi. “I
can’t just keep still knowing that we are in mortal danger.”
Rakshasi stood
on her two legs again. she nodded at Damithril, her face relaxed. “I know, but please try to keep calm. Those
who are calm have the edge. The hunters think they got us, they think they are
superior to us. They will make a mistake and if we are calm we can exploit it.”

“Vorq svaust yth tepoha tenpiswo.” Daithril
could hear the familiar voice near the cage. He looked around to see the black
dragon standing near the cage with an devious smile on his face. “Egg breaker” Rakshasi thunder into the
mental link. The calmness was all gone, she flang herself against the steel
bars, trying to drag the dragon to her and hurt him. The black dragon laughed
at the display. “Hawrk'ghukech! wux re vi shame ihk wer darastrixi!” Damithril’s
tried to stay calm, he tried not to rip the cage apart and make the dragon pay
for the betrayal. Rakshasi pouched violently against the bars . “Rakshasi, stay calm” besides trying to
get her back for her own words, he meant it. He was worried she might hurt
herself in trying to get the eggbreaker of a black dragon. “Ergriff sjek wux
jihaia ve lae rumag nomeno ornla qe mrith jilg nomeno eluithol.”

him, I rather die”
Rakshasi hissed. “Only if I did not have this freaking
leather around my muzzle I could burn him!”
Damithril grabbed Rakshasi by
her shoulders, pulling her away from the bars. “Easy Rakshasi I think I am able to get the muzzle off from when
needed. If the hunters see it trough we would have a different problem…”

Rakshasi ceased her actions to try and rip the face from the black dragon. “alright…” she took a deep breath,
trying to calm her own nerves. Her gaze still spitting fire at the dragon. If
looks would kill this look would commit mass murder.

“si mi kepla'nasa ekess majak wux voga
thirku... si origato wux siofme zahae coi.” Rakshasi faked throwing up for the
request. “Hell, no. he gives me a second
change how…”
Damithril gazed at her. Looking in an odd way. He thought of a
possible solution to break free it might just be possible to use the need of
the black dragon as advantage. “Rakshasi…”
he started insecure. It made Rakshasi, growl angry in reply. The growl muffled
by the muzzle. “Don’t you to say that!” She  bared her dull claws. “Just hear me out Rakshasi…We can use his want for you to our
Rakshasi was with him in two steps, her yaws pressed against
his nose threateningly. “You would not
dare to suggest….”

it to our advantage. He could help us break free with him even knowing.”
Damithril was more than delighted that Rakshasi did not follow up
to her threat. She stepped backwards, looking with her iron gaze at him. “You would owe me big for this!” She
gave a small growl. “Since you called me
your mate last time, we are even.”
Rakshasi made an insulted hiss. “OH so you want to say that trying to be
interested in an eggbreaker is just as worse as pretending being mated to me?”

of course not! I just
…” he stopped himself trying
to explain. “..nevermind.” Rakshasi
gave a soft hiss. “No I want to hear!” Damithril
turned his gaze at the purple dragoness. “Oh
you want to hear? Well think about it, suddenly I got told that I am a mate to
you? It just is really odd”
Rakshasi huffed some smoke at the dragon. “Odd I would think you would love to be my
Damithril gave a small chuckle “You
mate? Where you think you get that idea from?”
Rarakshasi rolled her eyes. “Oh you know…You trying to be close to me,
helping me all the time. Let alone the fact that you named yourself after my ex

on Rakshasi, who showed the memories of her ex mate in the first place? Besides
you helped me so I need to help you. That is called being friends”
Rakshasi shook her head dismissively. “Fine, have it your way Damithril. I will do your little plan of trying
to abuse the dragon to get us free. But I am not going to spend a night with
Damithril gave a small smile “If
he wants that I let you burn him no matter what the costs.”

The night went uneventful, Rakshasi and
demithril discussed some escape plans. The hunters made comments at them
sitting silently in the cage. How they tamed the dragon. Nothing was less true,
through the mental connection the two dragons driven forward to keep planning
any idea to get maximal discretion to the town. The wraith of a dragon would
soon be unleashed up on the town.

In the morning another round meat passed
the cage. This time they two dragons where hungry enough to throw themselves on
the raw pieces of meat and the water. During the breakfast they saw how an
group of twelve strong human man carried a large grey stone into the centre of
the village. The stone had an half circle cut out of it in the middle. “You have an idea what that is for?”
Damithril asked Rakshasi. she shook her head and continued eating. Not really
caring about what the humans did. During the day more and more people swarmed
the town plaza, trough most had no interest in the dragons. They gazed at the
centre of the plaza, where the rock was placed.

The church bells hit twelve o’ clock. From
the church a black hooded knight came to the centre.  He had a large axe in his hands. Blood still
on the handle. “Executions” Rakshasi
hissed. “If you know how the get the
muzzle off, I suggest you do it now.”
Damithri went to work, trying to
unraffle the ties of Rakshasi’s muzzle. In the meantime three persons exited
another building. Two adults and one child, all wearing black hoods.  Rakshasi’s eyes widened up, she remembered
the cloths. “no…this cannot be! Work
faster dammit!”
Damithril tried to get through the leather straps so fast
as he would. “I am trying!” he
hissed, the leather was thick and strong, an hard match for his dull claws.

The pair walked to the centre. The hoods
where thrown off, showing their faces to the public. The plaza sounded up in
sounds of disgust. “Milords! Today we are gathered of the trial and execution
of three traitors!” The black hooded knight started. Some normal town’s guards
stepped forwards if they where needed. “They are guilty of housing not one but
two dragons near our lovely village! Right when the king would come.”

“you don’t understand” Pelinebles tried to
defend herself, she was silenced with a blow to her face. Rakshasi growled
threateningly, no one paid attention to her. Damithril was nearly done with the
muzzle around her head. “Silence women! You all have found guilty! The noble
knights busted you!” he signed at the guards “Bring the child!” The guards
grabbed the child without mercy. The child screamed in terror, screaming for
his parents. Both Pelinebles and Aslan screamed out in terror trying to save
the life of their child “He is innocent!” Aslan shouted, trying to push out
from the guards. But the grip deemed too strong. The child was throw roughly
with his head against the stone block. The child screamed out, in terror. “May
you find peace in the lord, may he forgive you for your sins. Requiem et pace.”
The black hooded knight lifted the large axe high above the neck of the little
down. “No!” Pelinebles screamed, it was too late. The axe came down, with a wet
cracking sound the axe came down on the stone. The child’s head rolled from the
stone, leaving a trail of blood. Pelinebles screamed in pain, tears flowing
from her eyes. the sickening cheering flooded the crowd. “Bring the male!” The
black nights sad, he was dragged forwards. Forced the lay in the blood of his
just killed child. He was forced to glare down at the lifeless head of the
child into the open eyes filled with death. “May you find peace in the lord,
may he forgive you for your sins. Requiem et pace.” The black knight repeated
himself. Slashing down with his axe at the neck of the male. A sharp sound of
stone on stone echoed through the place. Followed by another cheer of the crowd
as the head rolled into the basket. Blood dripped from the stone. Flowing out
through the cracks in the stone floor. Pelinebles’ eyes where read of crying.
She could not let any tear anymore, she was hollow while she was guided to the
stone. Her head laid in the bloody mess of her husband and child. the axe
lifted high in the air and the knight repeated a small prayer. The axe came
down, taking the last life. The town was filled with joy.

“Done!” the muzzle fell off, the sound of the muzzle was overruled by the
chattering town’s people. Rakshasi stood up, baring her fangs. The first who
saw the dragon was the black night. He drived away, just in time. Rakshasi let
out a roar of anger that cracked the earth. The church bells shook and sounded
from the terrible roar. The chatter stopped, the humans looked at the dragon.
Before anyone could act, clear liquid sprayed out from Rakshasi’s mouth. The
liquid coated the first humans mainly guards and knights. More pressure build
up, spreading the liquid further till it nearly reached the centre of the
plaza. The liquid burned in people’s eyes. before they could react, Rakshasi
snapped her yaws, sending sparkles over the liquid that escaped her mouth. With
a flash of pure destruction the liquid ignited. Sending a blast wave of fire
over the villagers.

Their screams of agony filled the town,
burning humans running around. Knights trying to throw of the armour trying to
stop them from cooking inside the armour. People tried to help, the liquid that
burned stuck to everything. Those who tried to help had to roll on the ground
because the fire spread. The scents of burning flesh filled the town, the first
humans felling down on the ground, their screamed no longer sounding. The heat
of the fire melted flesh and metal. The metal bars became red hot, nearly
melting where Rakshasi was breathing fire. Damithril grabbed the muzzle.
Rakshasi paused her fire breath. Looking at the hell fire that spared no human.
He used the muzzle to wrap around the metal bar, pulling the softened metal bar

The opening was large enough for them to
exit the cage. The two now standing in the plaza, freed from their bounds.
Rakshasi took a sword of one of the burring corpses. The first action was to
free Damithril’s muzzle. Resulting in another wave of fire flushing over the
town, setting builds alight. Damithril took his own sword.  The sword still hot from the fire. “Kill that knight” the two said to each
other in unison. Both had anger firing their blood lust. The black knight was
hiding behind the stone rock. Not a hard target to find. The yelled for help
when he saw the two dragons next to him. Damithril lifted the knight onto his
feed, forcing him to stand up and face Rakshasi. She bared her teeth, growling

“Please, I am only a servant…” he begged
for his life, terrified. Damithril could smell the unpleasant scent of piss
coming from the human. Rakshasi growled another time, hitting the knight in the
face, just like the guards did with Pelinebles. A loud crack was heard as the
yaws of the human shattered under the force of the dragon. the black knight
grunted in pain, no longer able to speak. Damithril dropped the human to the
ground. Rakshasi grabbed the knight by his head, with a simple pull on his
spine Rakshasi cracked the neck of the human. Letting it fell into a lifeless
heap on the ground. Shouts came from the distance, shouts of hunters and
knights rushing to the town plaza. Rakshasi took a barrel of peck that was
located to punish. She light it up and threw it at a group of humans. The
barrel cracked, splashing burring tar over the streets. “Time to go” Damithril looked at Rakshasi. She spread her wings, in
a flare of embers and smoke she took off into the sky. Damithril looking suit,
his own wings flushed the village with more smoke and ember. The two dragons
quickly flew above the range of the archers. The arrows dropped useless under
them. Not having enough strength to do any harm to even the dragon’s wing

The first stop was the farm, collecting the
backpacks. It was a relieve to find the backpacks being overlooked by the
knights. No guards where near the farm, no one would be interested in guarded a
cursed place. Farmers shouted from a distance, trying to gain attention. Trying
to chase the dragons away. The sound of running horses came from the town. The
hunters had continued the pursuit of the dragons. Rakshasi and Damithril made
way, they set course into the forest. trying to get as much distance between
them and the knights. “The cabin…”
Damithril noticed in a wif. He could only see some rest wood laying around from
the construction. He could not see the cabin itself.

Once landed they had to search for the
cabin, after some minutes they could see the entrance. It was hidden behind a
brush. Damithril cleaned up the wood, throwing it in the cabin. Next a few
branches to wipe the snow clean of their tracks. They jumped into the cabin,
staying safe from the winter world. The cabin was rather small but warmer than
the outside air. It was partially dug into the earth. The fireplace of
Damithril’s design in the middle. Rakshasi started to snick, the adrenaline
rush from the village had worn off. She was drawn into grief, anger and sorrow.
“Why” she cried to Damithril. Tears
flowing from her eyes. He crawled close against her. Holding her in his arms
and wings. “Why they had to kill
her body shocked with each word she spoke into the mental link.
Damithril never seen her get this bad. He himself was still on the adrenaline
rush, trying to keep himself under control. He could feel her pain, her anger,
her grief. It mixed seamlessly with his own pain, his own grief and his own
anger. Combined the two would merge into one glowing flow of energy that was
everything to do with hate towards the villages. An renewed anger for the
hunters, how could anyone just cheer for the death of someone. Even the dragons
did not cheer for the deaths of those horrible persons. Death was nothing to
laugh about, the murder was nothing funny.

The two dragons hold closer to use each
other’s body heat. Not wanting to risk making a fire till the sun was going
under. The hunters seemed not to be able to find the dragons today. They had
not closed in on the cabin. With the sun going under Damithril opted that it
was safe to start a fire now. Their body temperature had dropped far, only
small blasts of their own fire kept them warm so far. It was not enough, they
needed a large warm crisping hot fire. Rakshasi placed the wood and started to
fire with a quick blast of her fire. Soon the cabin was filled with a pleasant
warmth. Damithril looked at the white smoke coming from the fire. He hoped it
would be gone fast enough. The fire was heating up a tat slow. A few blasts of
fire did not help. Only when the fire was hot enough the smoke disappeared. He
prepared some more timber to dry near the fire not to cause  any more smoke if they needed to refill the

The night brought silence. Even the dragons
did not spoke to each other. They had nothing to say to each other, the minds
connected to each other said what had to be said. Even with their minds not at
rest, their bodies needed rest. Exhausted from the fire breathing. Damithril’s
vision turned black, into nothingness while he drifted of off into sleep.

panic inside Damithril’s mind started to fade. His mind filled with beautiful
agony. He was lost in an endless train of thoughts that circled through his
head. What if he got the muzzle of sooner, the family would still be alive.
What if he never drunken so much mead, they would be in fighting condition.
They could have killed the knights easily. He blamed himself, he could feel
himself falling in a pit of self-loathing. He was again the cause of it all.

He could
feel something in his sleep world, something forging something different. It
was not odd, it was not strange. He could feel what was near him, he could feel
the mind of Rakshasi in his dream. Searching for comfort even in the sleep they
shared a mind alike. Damithril cooed the with hate filled mind of Rakshasi.
They could not believe a life was so easily taken. What if they have done
things differently.

The morning brought the voices of humans
that where strolling around the forest. Rakshasi was the first to wake. She
awakened Damithril from his sleep, silencing his growls. “hunters” she did her best to make no sound. Damithril looked out
from a small opening in the brush, straight at four hunters that walked into
the open place. He could see that it had snowed overnight. Covering any marks
that they might have left around. The hunters seemed not the normal joyful self
when hunting dragons. Damithril always seen them happy when hunting from
dragons, not this time. They had serious looks in their eyes, swords ready to
slash at any motion. Damithril moved away from the opening, covering the
opening up so they would not see the fire. “Do you smell fire?” one of the
hunters said, they were not far from the hiding spot. Damithril’s body tensed
up ready to attack the first one who came through the door. Rakshasi moved into
the shades, unable to be seen if the hunters came through the doors. “Follow me”

Damithril found his own spot, hidden in the
shades next to Rakshasi. the fire slowly dying out as the time went on. “Look!”
one of the hunters shouter. The two dragons could hear the cover being pulled
outwards. Light flushed the cabin, soon followed by a younger knight with drawn
sword. Damithril was the first to act. From the shade he spit his clear liquid.
He left the fire part out, the liquid burned in the knights eyes. he scrambled
outside trying to run for his life. Rakshasi’s eyes where filled with hater.
Commotion was caused among the humans. swords where drawing in at the exit.
Making sure they could not escape. “Give me that torch!” one of the hunters

Smoke filled the cabin, the roof was set to
light! Rakshasi made a split moment decision, she concentrated her fire. Giving
a powerful blast at the exit, clearing the hunters. They were forced to jump
backwards in the blast. Rakshasi dived out, her own sword drawn. Trough they
were not trained in sword fighting it was good to have something. Damithril
escaped behind Rakshasi. he was met with the swords of five dragonhunters. He
growled, Rakshasi moved away from the swords. Damithril let out his fire. The
hunters already had their plans ready, protecting themselves from the fire with
their shields. Rakshasi pulled a burning tree stem from the building. With all
her might she threw it at the hunters. The shields cracked on the force. The
knights where thrown on their backs. Another blast of fire came from
Damithril’s throat. One hunter was unlucky to be the aim. The liquid came under
his amour, lighting him up like a human candle. He screamed as his face melted
in the heat. The other four hunters scrambled back on their feed, launching a
counter attack. Damithril and Rakshasi had to doge a swirl of swords coming
their way. The sharp blades stuck goal. Damithril could feel at least three
cuts in his scales. Rakshasi had also blood flowing from her scaled hide. He
roared in pain, countering the attack by throwing his sword at the knights. It
was a desperate attempt that was far more successful then he thought. The mass
of the sword knocked a sword out of one hunter. Rakshasi finished of the
attack, she swayed her sword at the hunter. Pure by luck it struck the hunter
by his neck. Cracking his neck, the hunter was thrown against the ground with
little to no silence. Only three hunter remained. The two dragons linked in
minds, they started to feel the move of another. They were a smooth killing
machine.  Every sway of Damithril’s tail
was followed by a slash of Rakshasi’s sword. The hunters tried to drive the
dragon’s back. They were met with fire, their shields cracked under the heat.
They could take only a few more punishments. Dion hit the shield of an hunter
with his tail. The impact cracked the shield, sending metal flying around. The
hunter startled backwards, he tried to dive down. He too was met with fire, the
hot liquid starting to cook the hunter in his armour. Screams of agony came
from the hunter. The two others wanted to run, trying to get to their horses.
The two dragons would have none of it, they flew into the sky and dived at the
hunters. Both had one target. The hunters where thrown from their horses. Snow
filled their armour. Damithril pulled at the head of his target. Cracking as he
pulled the neck apart. Muscles started to snap. The knight shouted in pain.
Damithril got hold of the sharp sword from the hunter. He sliced the hunter’s
neck up like it was nothing. Blood spoiled freely from the neck. The other
hunter could only watch in terror as his college was brutally beheaded by a

His fate would be different. Rakshasi was cracking
his chest plate. Bending the chest inwards. The hunter gasped for air. With
each hit he could breathe less and less until he gasped his last air. Dying in
front of the raging dragoness. “How did
you like this!”
Rakshasi growled, hitting 
another time and another time. Acting out all the hatred. Damithril
pushed Rakshasi away from the human body. “enough
Rakshasi, he is already dead! No need to hurt the body even more. Rather safe
your strength for if more come.”
She surged and gave a short “fine” in reply to him. More would
certainly come and they had no way to hide the remains in time. Just when they
wanted to leave a voice growled loudly near them. It was the black dragon who
had come to the fighting. His roar thunder out before him. the landed on a
short distance away from the two dragons. “Wux sventar!” the dragon growled at
them baring fangs and teeth. “Visp wer vrantvrak sventar” Rakshasi growled
back. Not about to impressed by the dragon.

With dull claws the two dragons where in
the disadvantage. The two of them did not need claws, they had each other. With
lighting speed they discussed plans without ever having to move lips to talk.
The two circled around the black dragon. whom in the meantime did not move. “He tries to buy time” Damithril
growled. His fangs opened to the dragon. Rakshasi nodded, she had enough of
this dragon. she roared out, drawing the attention of the black dragon to her.
He prepared for her attack but it never came. Instead Damithril jumped out. His
right leg in front, he turned on the leg. Turing a full around, letting his
tail drag behind him. the tail hit target. Flat against the opponent’s chest.
The black dragon roared out in pain for the attack. He was thrown aside, and on
his back. Quickly Rakshasi made the next move, giving Damithril time to recover
from the tail sway. She jumped with all her might on the belly of the dragon.
she was too late. The dragon swatted her aside with his tail. Before Damithril
could come to her aid, the dragon was already on top of her. Trying to claw
open her neck. Damithril threw himself against the side of the dragon. throwing
him of Rakshasi. it resulted him getting the clawed attack from the dragon. he
hissed while the claws dug in his scales. Rakshasi came to arms. She swayed the
sword out at the dragon. she hit, the dragon roared in pain. A streak of blood
flowed out from the side of the dragon. Scales where cracked open by the sword.
The dragon lashed out with his claws to Rakshasi. Doing so gave Damithril time
to combat the dragon on top of him. his tail smashed against the bloody side of
the dragon. The dragon collapsed in the snow from pain. The air was knocked out
of his lungs. Rakshasi roared loudly, her voice shook the trees. She was not
done with him, she let a blast of fire roll from her mouth. she hit the dragon
on the side of his head. His left eye was caught in the fire. The second eyelid
became roasted in the fire. The dragon rolled around, putting the fire out in
the snow. The snow started to hiss and turn to steam from the head. Damithril
scrambled on his feed. He let out a plume of fire on his own. Hitting the
dragon’s chest. The dragon roared again, putting out the fire. Burn marks covered
his body. the scales could not hold back all of the heat. Rakshasi jumped
directly at the dragon once he was on his feet. Her sword swaying wildly around
her. Most of the dashes where easily to evade. However those who were not to hit
hard. The sword designed for a human to cut to dragon’s scales was even more
deadly with a dragon’s strength behind it. the sword dug in deep into the
scales and the flesh beneath it. To add salt to the injury Damthrial took his
own sword and slashed on the other side, drawing out more blood. The Dragon
caught up some blood. “Wux cirau sventari!” he screamed out in agony to the two
dragons. Rakshasi was hissing and roaring at the insult. “Kin killers, how did he dare to say that!” She kicked his head,
the dragon’s neck twisted awkwardly. “Wux chiana ekik wer darastrixi!” she
roared at him. kicking another time. The next twisted to the other side. “Wux
tepoha thric ulhyrr svanoa xuut wux re!” the dragon growled, his voice was
weakening. The blood freely rushed out of his sided. Rakshasi dropped her
sword. “I need this” she started to
beat against that bastard egg breaking head of the dragon. Each hit was even
more painful as the other. “Rakshasi!
Damithril, took the head of the dragon. Dragging it away from
Rakshasi. “We are better than this kind
of fighting…”
Rakshasi looked at the dragon, she finally nodded. she took
the hunter’s sword. “I see irony in this”
she said. Driving the sword through the heart of the dragon. The dragon coughed
up blood for a few seconds before falling down in the puddle of his own blood.

Damithril looked at Rakshasi, she looked
bewildered almost feral. Her gaze at the dead dragon. “egg breaker!” she shouted after him. Her anger starting to fade,
the anger against the dragon that is. She had closer. She had avenged her
friend. Damithril could feel that it was not the end, nor did he want this to
be. The King need to die. He looked at Rakshasi, a simple look. “The king will go back to the castle”
Damithril growled “if he…” he could
not finish. He was interrupted by Rakshasi. “If
we are quick we can intercept the king…”
Damithril looked around. He no
longer cared for the cold, no longer cared for what was here. he had only one
focus to kill the king. In a furry of snow the two dragons flew into the sky.
Setting course directly towards the castle. They flew over the town again,
screams in terror came from the town when they saw the dragons flying over.
Damithril could see the first burial of the bodies was already underway. It
would be lucky if they could identify any body, the town was half burned to
ash, the bodies where dismembered. Faced burned to the skull, human skin boiled
away like it was nothing.

Soon the town was behind them they flew
over the main road towards the castle. They did not know how long it would take
before they spotted the king but they would not rest until they found him.
Anger boiled in them, adrenaline fuelled the wings. They flew through the cold
air, blasting fire to keep their bodies warm. Eating up miles and miles as they
sped through the air. Wasting no time to find the king.

you will do when you see the king?”
Damithril asked
curious to Rakshasi. Her reply was simple, her reply was easy. “Burn everything to the ground.” a hiss
came from her mouth, flowed by a small blast of fire to keep her warm. “I like the idea” Damithril smirked. “Can you leave something for me to rip of
he gave a rather devious grin. the king was the target off all the
hate they had. The king could not run, the king could not hide. The two dragons
would put everything on everything to find and burn the king. “I am delighted to” Rakshasi replied.
Her head straight forwards, the incoming snow bouncing of her second eyelids.

the distance!”
Damithril shouted, they could see a
small cabin. One that was used for travellers along the road. ”If the king is not there…some food would
He continued. Rakshasi nodded. “We
will go there. Some extra warmth and some food is welcome.”
The two started
to lower, descend upon the little unsuspecting trading post. Horses became
restless, ravens cried. The dragons landed in the snows with their fangs ready
and their fire hot.