Current Track: Blabb

I asked with a brow raised, while sitting on the floor crossed legged, "Light crystals?"

Both Joanna and Sebastian nodded, both of them laying on their stomachs, real close in front of me. Sebastian said, "That's what we called them, yes."

I smiled at them, "Wow, a crystal that lights up in the dark. That sounds awesome! I never even heard of anything like it before." I asked, with an eager face, "Where do you find one of those? I'd like to see one of them."

Joanna let out a sigh, "Well unfortunately Brandon, they're rare."

The old drake added, "VERY rare."

I looked down at my lap in disappointment, "Oh."

It has been maybe about two hours since me and Joanna showed up at my father figure's house to visit and all three of us have been chatting together ever since, in one of the big rooms in his house. A big stone fireplace is behind the old dragons. Not a bad fireplace, if you ask me. A few red roses are at a stone table nearby, collected by Sebastian I'm sure, as well with a few human stuff that Sebastian must've collected from all the years he had lived for years. Including a worn out tapestry and a knight's helmet.

Joanna first off, while she coughed a couple of times, has been talking about what her life was like back then. What her parents were and how she mentioned that she was the cutest hatchling back in the day. I do see her as a cute one, like Henry, but only more prettier cause of her scales. She even brought up the times when she became a teenager and an adult, telling us about all the drakes she has been with. Joanna wasn't kidding around earlier that the drakes she was with were no good for her, they just mate her and then up and leave, even when she thinks that she has found the one drake whose good to her. Never having a hatchling, never having a family, I feel total sympathy for the sweet old magenta dragoness. It's no wonder, she thought of me and the others, including Wayne, as her family. She never had one for her own at all. And it's also no wonder, she liked being with Sierra's uncle, before he died. He was totally different than any of them. When she brought up some of the names of the drakes she was with, Sebastian hissed angrily with each detail she said about each of them. I know what Sebastian's thinking, That those drakes would mate Joanna, only for JUST pleasure. Not with love and reproduction. That goes to show him, they didn't love her at all. None of them did. When Sebastian comforted her with a lick to her cheek, she smiled at him saying that he's sweet just like her late mate. I think that was a sweet thing to say to him, Sebastian wouldn't do any of that to her.

She also brought up some of the history of the Braveheart, and also how she became the owner and all that. She said that the original owner was an old friend of hers, that she met and knew when she was a hatchling years ago. He was an old drake, who owned the darn place, since he and several of his friends built the place, stone by stone. He even came up the name of the restaurant. And why that name I asked her, she said it was because he was attacked by a human who was so brave and full of heart, he was practically wounded by that human. The drake did survive though, and that's how he came up with the name, 'Braveheart.' Which I think, that's pretty interesting and I can see on Sebastian's face, that he's surprised about this as I was.

One day that drake was so old and sick, and when she became an full grown adult, he handpicked her as his replacement. Joanna happily accepted and he trained her and everything. About a few years after she became the new official owner, he died. Joanna said that he died around the time when Sierra and Neal were born. Talk about a VERY long time ago! That's WAY before I was born. She mentioned of all the customers she met while owning that business, all the attention she got, she couldn't get enough of it. That's how she met Sierra and Neal and also their parents.

Sebastian's turn came, when she was done doing her storytelling. He was mostly talking about his mate and his son. How he met his beloved, which I already knew and Joanna thought it was very cute how they first met. She said she has been to the gardens more than once and doesn't mind the flowers. Hmm, at least the smells don't bother her sensitive nose. Sebastian talked about how dashingly handsome his son was when he turned into an adult, before he left and never came back. Saying that he'd attract a lot of females, because of who he is. Saying his son had a lot of charm. Sebastian giggled and said he must've got that from his proud papa. I can imagine that his son was a bit dirty, like his dad! I even imagine that he and Sebastian both look alike too. The eyes, the scales, the horns, everything. It's funny how a son can look like his father. I however, don't look like my dad all that much, I look more like mom. But I do take my bravery from dad, I'm sure.

When my turn came, I told them, especially to Joanna, about what my life was like. She has said that she loved stories and she appeared to listen to every word I said. Enjoying it, actually. I told both Joanna and Sebastian how my parents met and my birth. How close we all were as a family. I brought up the night when dad found mom during prom night, and he sang 'The Search is Over' to her. Sebastian said to me, that's the most romantic thing a human can do to someone. And that's how they got together. Getting married and all, and having me a few years after they graduated from school. By the look on Sebastian's face, I see that he was really interested more of my mother's past, after all the things I've told him about her.

I told them about my dad being a firefighter and how he saved countless people. Sebastian already knew all that, but Joanna didn't, but he loves to listen to me talk about my dad being a hero. A hero, to the end. And I talked about dad's end, when he died in an apartment fire, three years ago. Joanna felt sad for his death, that he died being a noble hero. I smiled at that and said thank you. I never did say anything to Joanna that I saw dad die in my dream, and died for real not long after that. Sebastian did went true to his word and never said a word to her about my dreams at all. I didn't want her to think that I was some kind of weirdo. I even pulled out the photo of me and my family, before dad died. I showed it to Joanna, pointing at each person in the photo. I pointed at me, then at mom, and then at dad. She grinned and said that my mother looked beautiful and dad looked handsome. I giggled at that and said thank you. Mom and dad, if he was still alive, would love to hear that from her.

After that, I got to the part about why I ran away from home. That one year after dad died, mom started to date Gerry and he was abusing us. Abusing her, most of all. Joanna was quite shocked about it and she felt total pity for me, it was really shone in her eyes. Sebastian however, when I brought up Gerry's name, started to growl in anger. He even clenched his claw to his paw tightly, also curling his tail around himself. I know why he was angry, it's because of mom getting hurt. I can see it in his eyes, that he wants to protect her. I can also see how much he wants to hold her tight against him, telling mom that he wouldn't hurt her. That mom, would lay close to him in bed. I can just picture all that. Joanna did say that she was sorry for what happened to me and mom, and that if mom was here in the city, she would take mom to the Braveheart just to cheer her up. I told her that mom would appreciate it a lot. More than once, I did wish mom was here in the city with me. She'd love it. At least, it would help her really start over in her own life. A life that's great and beautiful. She would even love Joanna and Sebastian, since they're just the grownups in my circle. Mom would get along with them, just fine.

Now that's when we got to the part about the light crystals. The type of crystal that none of my kind has ever heard of. The one that lights up in the dark and doesn't light up, when there's a source of light nearby, like the sun for example. Too bad, they said they're very rare and that sucks! If I ever found one, I'd give it to mom and she'd use it as a night light. Now THAT'D be handy.

I looked up at the old dragons and saw Joanna's chin held high as she looked up at the ceiling. A fond memory coming to her, "I remember my first experience with a light crystal and my only one." She let out a chuckle, "I was outside the walls of the city and it was during the nighttime." She pointed down at the stone floor with a claw, "I saw one, glowing under the earth and I dug it up. I had to say, it was a very bright one! A bright one, indeed."

Sebastian hummed to himself, "Hmmm, my experience is a bit different than yours...I was with my family outside the city and it was storming. So all three of us, took shelter in a cave we found. Our son, clutching to his momma's leg, scared of the lighting and thunder."

Joanna said, "Aww."

Sebastian nodded at that, "He was scared to death, and I didn't blame him. I'd be scared too, if I was in his paws. Well...As a hatchling, I mean." He waved that part off with his paw, "Anyways, me and my family were waiting for the storm to pass, but it was also turning into night too, so we decided to spent the night in there." He looked up at the ceiling and grinned, as a certain memory came to the old drake's mind, "My son, saw something glowing deeper in the cave and low and behold, we saw a few light crystals sticking on the wall. Not a lot, but we did find them. When my dear little hatchling saw them, his fear from the storm melted away." He let out a pleasant sigh, "It was amazing to this old drake and to his mate, even amazed our son. Amazed him so much, he pulled one of them out of the wall and played with it." He raised a claw and added with a giggle, "Right until, he broke it."

Me and Joanna laughed and she said, "Ancestors hon, it's no wonder they're becoming rare! Hatchlings find one each time and break it! It's the hatchling's fault for making them rare!"

He shot up his head, "Got that right! And my son was one of them!" They both laughed together and then they both gazed into each other's eyes. I saw that Joanna had this glimmer of some sort in them. And I'm getting a feeling, I know what it is.

I let out a sigh and just giggled, "You two are real lucky to have seen them. I...I wish I saw one of them. That way, I'd carry a few of them home with me."

Joanna took her eyes off Sebastian and onto me, "Well....I've heard of a place, where you can find several of them."

My eyes went wide and my smile went wide too, "Really? Where?"

Joanna held out her paw to me, "Hold on there, eager little human." She shook her head and placed the same paw to her chest, "I don't know where this place is at, I've never been there before. I was always busy with being the owner of my business." Then she held up one claw, "BUT according to Wayne, Neal, Amanda, and Cody, they all said they've been to this cave outside the city, that holds a cavern with so many light crystals, than you could never imagine. Sierra said she has been there too and she also said that she and Neal went there with their parents, when they were hatchlings." She shook her head to herself, "I had only ONE experience with a light crystal, and I think one's good enough for me. I didn't have to see anymore of them."

I nodded at her, "Well, I certainly want to see one. I'll have to ask them sometime." I put a hand to my chin, another dragon on my mind, "I wonder, if Rain has been there before."

She shrugged her shoulders, "Who knows? She was always with them, so she probably does, I don't really know she never mentioned it. Better ask her that, hon." Then she started to get up slowly off her stomach and onto all fours. She stretched up her neck, and also her wings and long tail. She took a few steps away from Sebastian, he was watching her curiously.

He asked with a cock of his head, "Where are you going?"

She turned back her head and answered, "I'm going to get a drink. So I'll be right back, hon." She made another step and she actually brushed her tail against his snout in a smooth motion, as she was heading out through the opening of the room. He was watching her with each step she was making and I was giggling softly at his stare. Joanna's form disappeared into another room, leaving me and the old bronze drake alone.

I got up on my feet and took some steps toward my father figure, "I see that you were staring at her." I teasingly pointed at him, "I think you're liking her."

Sebastian giggled under his throat and looked at me, "She's alright, in fact she really is one fine dragoness. For her age, she is fine." Then smiled brightly, when he added, "And what's really interesting, is that we get to learn more of the Braveheart's history from her. That an old drake used to own it and he passed his duties to her. I have to say, I didn't know any of that at all." He waved a paw, "I knew that place has been around for such a long time, but I didn't know some drake she knew owned it."

I nodded in agreement, "Thanks for the change of subject, old man. And yes, I have to admit it really was interesting. That old drake really did make a good pick and it was Joanna. That she carried on his legacy, for so many years...Until she's sick now." I looked at the opening of the room, thinking about Joanna, "I have to say, she has a lot of spirit and showed a lot of dedication toward that restaurant. Joanna, she's one of a kind."

He looked at the opening of the room with me and he had a sad look on his face, "Yeah..."

I heard the sound of his voice and turned back to him, seeing his expression. I asked with concern, "What's wrong, big guy?"

He looked at me and answered with his voice full of sympathy and pity, "I feel sorry for the old girl. That she never found real love for such a long time. Until she met her mate and now he's dead. That all the drakes she has went out with, never even considered loving her." He shook his head, "I can see why they'd just mate her and then leave, she looks pretty beautiful and so do her curves. But I don't find it fair that she goes through that every time. It isn't fair at all and I never tolerate that kind of thing."

I hung my head, staring at the floor, "Yeah, me too. I'm sorry for Joanna, as well." In fact, I really am. On the same level, as Sebastian is. The old girl did deserve better back then. But at least, she has got to experience true love for once in her long life.

That's when another certain dragoness came to me. Rain...

I know that for years, since her parents died, she never really had a chance to experience true love. She had her first mating, but it wasn't love at all. She was raped and that wasn't the kind of thing she wanted. She never experienced it, until Tommy showed up in her life. Against all odds, she and him, human and dragon, have fallen in love and got together. Until one summer day, years ago in 2019, something took that love away and humanity changed along with him.

I took a deep breath and let it out. I feel sorry for Rain. For my own feelings for her, I feel sorry for the poor angel.

And I would be with her, so she would experience that true love again. Despite trying to let go of my feelings for her, I still love her. And even my dream today, about me being a drake, made me realize that I was loving her even more. Other than wanting to be a dragon like her, I was loving her even more. More than usual.

I would turn myself into a drake, just to be with her. If there was any chance to become one, I'd take it. Just to make things easier for me. Just so I wouldn't feel so weird about being with her in that way. So she'd find that true love again. I wouldn't change myself back into a human, after that. I do like to fly.

But even she probably wouldn't let go of her love for Tommy, she would just treat me like I'm her best friend. She probably wouldn't want to replace that kind of love. And even, I can't change into what I want and it sucks.

I shut my eyes tight, as my conflicted feelings are getting to me again. I'm tired of it, I'm so tired of it.

I'm tired of feeling conflicted and I'm tired of feeling so ashamed of myself! Can't I just let these feelings go already?!

I feel like I want to just pursue it, tell her how I feel and maybe perhaps, give her snout a big kiss from my small mouth. But I can't, because I'm conflicted of what we both are. We're too different and I wish we weren't. I still love my black scaled angel. I feel like a fool, right now.

What do I do? How can I deal with this and not screw it up?

I looked up at the ceiling, like I was looking up at heaven. Please dad, help me. If you're watching me right now, then help me. Help your son! Tell me, what I need to do! Quit looking at me and help me!

Do I just accept those feelings dad, and tell her how I feel? I'm feeling torn right now.

Then an idea popped up in my head and I looked at Sebastian. Maybe he can help me.

I mean, maybe he was shy back then about telling his mate that he loved her for the first time. So that would mean, I'm shy like him. Well...This is different, he's not feeling conflicted about loving something that's not the same species.

Or is he? Well when I think about it, maybe he likes mom in that way? Maybe he's conflicted too, just like me? Does he really like her? I could be wrong though, but maybe I'm not wrong at all.

I put on a small determined look, but I was feeling so nervous on the inside. I need to talk to someone. I want some help on this.

And my father in front of me, can probably help me.

I'm going for it, I don't know how much more I can take. I took a step toward the old drake and asked with a bit of a troubled look and voice, "Hey dad, can I ask you something?"

He turned to me and nodded, "Sure Brandon, what is it?" Then he slowly cocked his head with a worried look now, "You appear to be troubled, are you ok? What's wrong?"

I decided I better ask him this, before I tell him what's bothering me. I fidgeted a bit and asked real carefully, "Sebastian, did you ever feel shy about telling someone how you feel? That you love this person? Did you ever have that problem telling your first mate, how you feel?"

Sebastian grinned and held his head high at the ceiling, "Well, I was a bit shy about it. We were in classes together as teenagers, when I told her how I felt." He chuckled, "But at least, it was easier than I thought. She didn't run away from me, after I told her." He laughed hard, his wings flapped in reflex.

I said when I waved a hand toward him, "But have you ever also felt like you've loved someone who was...Different than you? That you feel conflicted to tell this person, who's different than you?"

His grin went away and he cocked his head, "I don't understand."

I know this'll be hard, but I have to ask him this important question. It's going to be about mom. I sighed and then asked again real slow, "Look, this might sound odd to you. But I want to ask you this...Do you...Do you love my mom?"

He reared back his head with a wide look, "Err, what?"

Oh boy, I knew this was bound to happen. I took a deep breath and let it out, asking carefully again, "I know how it sounds, but do you love my mom? I won't get angry, and I won't turn my back on you. You're still my dad, and I love you. At least, tell me the truth. Are you in love with my mother, or not? It's just a simple question."

Sebastian hung his head, his eyes staring at the floor and claws. His wings drooped and laid a bit on the floor. He admitted, "I'll be honest, kiddo...A part of me does."

I took a step back and my eyes went wide at the truth, "Really? You do?"

He sighed and looked at me, "I know what you're probably thinking. But I can't help, but like her that way. I mean, after all the times you've told me about her, about her life, what she liked, her mate, her having you, her pain, everything. I...I was starting to like her, despite what she is. I know we never met before, either. But I feel like I've known her for a long time. When I saw her in your photo, I thought she was beautiful and I guess that's why I was picturing her as a dragoness, a very beautiful dragoness." He sighed, "I doubt that she'll be with me that way, if I did tell her how I feel. I feel conflicted about those feelings. But I still feel like, I care for her. After all the things she went through, a part of me loves her."

He looked at me, waved a paw and went on, "I would sleep close to her, here in the city, or at her homeland, I wouldn't care where. I'd sleep close to her, curl around her protectively. In fact, I would take her flying and that would make her feel alive." He giggled, as he looked shyly away with a blush on his bronze cheeks, "A time or two, I was picturing that I was mating her as well, but even I know for a fact, that we wouldn't have hatchlings together. Ha, I'm sure that if I even thrust my thing in her, that'll injure her enough to kill her."

I just stood there, as the truth came out of his snout. I can't believe it. He likes mom, in that way. I guess...I should've known. I was blushing a bit, myself. As my imagination started picturing him mating with mom, like it had before. The bulk of his big dragon body over my mother's small own, he was growling all bestial as he took my mother, like a dragoness she was supposed to be. Mom was actually moaning to him.  Jesus, even his massive dragonhood's inside her! How can she take THAT? She would die from THAT!

Sebastian held a look of apprehension mixed with guilt, "I'm sorry, Brandon. I really am. You're probably thinking that it's wrong of me to think that. But I'm sorry about this. Feelings are natural to drakes, like you and me." Then he waved a paw and started to swear, "Look, I swear to the ancestors, I'll drop it. I won't think about your mother that way, ever again. I-"

I shook my head and waved my hand at him, "No, it's ok."

He tilted his head, looking uncertain at my words, "What?"

I let out a breath and shook my head real slowly, "Look...I don't blame you for feeling that way. I don't blame you for feeling that way, at all. When my face is red, I still don't blame you. You care for her, just like my father would." I went up to him, until I was real close looking up at his face, "I care about mom's feelings and I also care for yours. Both of you are my parents. You're not like Gerry, you could never be like Gerry. You'd never hurt her." I shook my head again, "Don't feel ashamed of telling me this, dad. Because, I'm glad you did. And I'm not sure, whether mom would want to be with you that way or not, but if she did despite what you are and what she is, I wouldn't mind it if you guys got together." I shrugged with my arms, "I also wouldn't care, if you're with Joanna that way also. Joanna's a nice old dragon, like you. She's like a mother to me too and we both know that. Whether you're with my mom, or with Joanna the mother figure, I wouldn't care. If you like Joanna that way as well, I wouldn't blame you for that either. It's up to you, whether you'd pick one of them, or neither. It's your life."

Sebastian let out a calm breath, "I'll admit it...I do like Joanna as well. I feel like, I've known her my whole life, after hearing her life story. I can see she's liking me too. I'm a bit shocked at that." Then he had a nervous look on his face now, "But, I'm also wondering if I can really do this. I haven't been with a female, since that young dragoness from the tavern. I-"

I nodded and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, "I get it, you're nervous about it as well. You're rusty at it, and you feel like you can't handle it, like before. You haven't been with another female, since your mate was gone." I gave him a smile, "Don't be afraid of trying to find someone that you would love and be with, because of what happened years ago. Mom and Joanna, are not like that. In fact, they're the kind of females, who share the same philosophies as you do. They're not like that dragoness at all. They wouldn't want only pleasure, they would be with you with love along with it. In Joanna's case, love and reproduction." I gave his shoulder a gentle rub and started to back away from him, "Your mate would want you to try searching for that love again, would she? I bet she would. I can bet for a FACT, that she wouldn't care if you're with another dragoness, or for the first time a human being. Just like me, I wouldn't care. Don't let the past of what happened with that dragoness from the tavern, scare you from trying. It'll work out, I know it will."

I gestured to him, "Look since Joanna's here, at least start off slow with her. Try to find the time to ask her out and I'm sure, she'd accept the offer. If not, then...I hope you'll meet my mother for the first time and one day, when you spend enough time together, you can ask her out too. I won't care, father. You have my permission to ask my mother out. I can think, she'll be happy with you. Mom hasn't been very happy since dad died, so...If you can REALLY make her happy, in the same level as my real dad, that'll be alright. I love you both and I'm your son. And this son, would accept it, whether you're friends, or mates, I'd accept whichever you two are."

Sebastian started to smile at that, for the first time since his confession, "Thank you, Brandon. I'm...Surprised that you don't care. You really are my son." Then he cocked his head, "Since all that is out of the way, I want to ask you a question myself. How come you asked me all those questions?"

I just stared at him, my face expressionless. Then he got the idea and asked, "Are you...In love with someone too? Are you shy about telling her how you feel? Is she...Different?" I didn't say anything and he lowered his head to my level, gazing intently at my face, "Please, son. Talk to me. I'll help you, you know I will. Who is it? Is it someone that I know?"

I wanted to say that it's Rain right away. That the one who's different, is a dragon. That I'm in love with a dragon. But I just held myself back.

Brandon, he's going through the same thing as you are! He's in love with your mother, for Christ sake! He'll understand what you're going through. Tell him! Tell him the truth! GROW A DRAGONHOOD!

He asked again, "Brandon?"

I took a deep breath and let it out in a slow whoosh of air. I decided I should just tell him right now, see what he'll say to this. I looked a bit nervous and started, "Well....It's-"

Before I could tell him, Joanna came back in the room in fast strides, an apologetic look on her face, "Whew, sorry it took me so long, hons." I stopped myself, when she came in. Drat! I almost had it! I whirled around to face her and Sebastian rose his head above my level. Joanna chuckled when she got closer to me and him, "I was just looking for a place to urinate outside, after I took a drink. But I'm back now." She saw a bit of my troubled look and she cocked her head down at me, "Is something wrong?"

I shook off that look and put on a smile, "Oh nothing. I was deep in thought."

Sebastian nodded and lied as well, "Yeah, nothing at all." Whew, thanks dad.

She drew back her head with a wide look, "Oh." She let out another hoarse cough and then she softened her look by grinning. She strode past me to lay down beside Sebastian on her stomach again, "If you say so, hon. If you say so." Sebastian giggled.

I turned around to face both of them together. This didn't go well, as I thought it would. I didn't tell Sebastian.

When I was looking right at the two of them together, that's when I decided I better get out of here. Just to leave them alone. They do look like a good couple to me right now. I backed away from them a few steps, "Well guys, I need to get going."

She whined, "Aw hon, you're leaving? I just got here, darn it." Then she asked, "Aren't you going to walk me home?"

I shook my head, "Nope, Sebastian's going to take you home."

Both their eyes went wide and Joanna just grinned, "So, you're leaving this old dragoness alone here, huh?"

I nodded and shrugged my arms, "Yeah sorry. It's just, I thought I'd leave you two alone. So you'd have this house to yourselves." I winked at them.

Sebastian deviously giggled, "Oh so you say to me more than once, that I'm planning to do something dirty to 'you know who', and you're actually the one with devious ideas. I think you're a dirty little human, you dirty little human."

I laughed and said, "Hey, we both have something in common, we're both a little dirty."

He jabbed a claw to my chest, "YOU'RE the one who's pretty dirty. I'm a little dirty."

I rolled my eyes, "You keep telling yourself that, you dirty old drake." I gave him another wink and laughed. Then I said, "Look, at least you two will be having your alone time. Don't want a human meddling in your affairs."

Joanna let out a sigh and said, "Well then in that case, you have the rest of a good afternoon, hon. And thanks for staying to chat with us. I really enjoyed your life story." She shrugged her wings and shoulders, "Even if it was a little sad at the end."

I smiled and nodded at her, "My pleasure, grandma."

She rolled her eyes, "You know what, can you call Sebastian grandpa, so he wouldn't feel left out?"

I giggled and answered, "Sure." I looked at Sebastian and called him that, "Sebastian, you're a grandpa."

Joanna laughed real hard and coughed. He shrugged his shoulders and just smirked, "I don't care, I'm used to being a grandpa. A grandpa with old eggs between my hind legs."

I gulped in laughter at that, "Sebastian!"

He threw back his head and laughed too, "Well it's the truth, kiddo."

I rolled up my eyes, "Whatever." Then I gave them both a wave, "I'll see you around, guys." They both raised their paws and waved. I whirled around on them, but before I could move any further, I turned back around to say this to Sebastian, "Oh, and don't forget, tomorrow night I'm going to sing at the Braveheart and so will Wayne."

He smiled big at me, "In that case, I won't miss it!"

Joanna shook her head, "I won't miss it, either." She leaned her head onto the old drake's shoulder, "We both won't." He looked down at his shoulder, right at her. His face a bit shocked and he appeared to blush.

I waved at them again, "If you guys see Rain come here, tell her that I'm back at the motel, alright?"

Sebastian nodded, "Sure, we will."

I nodded too, "Alright, later." And with that, I turned fast around and left the room to leave them alone. Entering through the opening of the room, to head to the front door. There, now lets see what'll happen in time. I opened the front door and went outside, walking out on the street. I was thinking about the whole conversation that I had with Sebastian. He loves mom. I'm still surprised about that. But I won't care. If he's in love with her, I won't care. If he wants to be with her that way, then I won't stop him.

Course, I kinda doubt that mom would go for it, if she met Sebastian. I don't think that mom would really do something like that with a dragon. She's not really Amanda. She would be shocked at first after he tells her the truth, but she wouldn't turn her back on Sebastian. She wouldn't turn her back on someone like him. But then again, who knows? She might give it a chance to go out with that old drake. But who really knows? But also, he might go out with Joanna. Maybe he'll ask her out tonight. I hope that drake does go out with one of them, he hasn't had true love for years. It'll do him real good.

Then Rain's face came back to me and my feelings and conflictions came back in a instant. Damn it, if only Joanna wasn't in the room for another few minutes, I would've told Sebastian everything. But crap, she came back in there! Now it's going to drive me freaking crazy!

I let out a sigh. Oh well, Sebastian probably wouldn't know how to deal with this problem. He's not a human, I AM. This is the other way around.

I still need to tell someone about this, but who? I guess, I can either talk to Wayne or Amanda. Just pretty much wondering, how could those two be with their dragons in that way, just like that? They seemed to really had a lot of guts. Maybe one of them can help me. I'll talk to one of them about it later, I'm not in the mood. I just need to get back to the motel and just sit around there alone. And hopefully, I'll start feeling better.

While I was making several paces in the middle of the street, my heard started hurting. I stopped in my tracks and grimaced my face. I let out a small cry of pain. My head! It hurts! I held my hands to both sides of my head, to try to suppress the pain. But the pain was feeling unbearable. I cried out real loud and crouched low to the ground, shutting my eyes real tight. My brain feels like it was being pressed against my skull and it hurts!

I moaned in pain, until it finally subsided. I let out a sigh of relief and opened my eyes. I lowered my hands off my head and slowly stood straight up. When I looked ahead, I let out a gasp as I saw that I'm not in the dragon city anymore. But I'm in front of my house in Leon. And it's been burned to the ground and now lays in ruins. One firetruck, an ambulance, and a couple of police cars were at the scene, as I was watching everything from across the street.

I wasn't staring at the emergency vehicles, I wasn't staring at anything else. I was just staring right at my house. My heart was pounding and a pit was forming in my stomach, as I had a cold feeling now. My eyes were filled with fear and worry, as I muttered one name out of my mouth, "...Mom?"

Was she in there? Is she...Dead? What happened here?

Then the pain started to come back to my head and I was having another headache. I clenched my jaw and shut my eyes again. I was groaning in pain and held one hand to my head. But the pain was too much again.

I was just standing there and when the pain went away again, I opened my eyes and saw that I'm in the dragon city, standing in the same spot on the street. My eyes went wide and I looked around the area. What? I'm back here? What's going on?

Another vision? Another vision while I was awake? Just like the last one?

This one was just different. It didn't show me getting killed by a dragon in the woods, this one just showed me that my house has been burned down, possibly with mom in it. It was just a weird feeling that just came to me. Was mom in there, when it happened?

I don't get it. Those visions, are they...Visions of the future? Just like what happened to dad? Am I going to get slaughtered by a dragon? Is mom going to die in a house fire?

I shook my head and slapped myself. Brandon, don't be ridiculous! Your mom's not going to die. You're still a bit worried about her just like you have been since days ago, and now you're just assuming the worst. Heck, you went to her house last night and left that letter! Get a grip! Nothing's going to happen to her!

But then, why did I have that vision of that dragon? Who is that dragon? Am I...?

Brandon, GET A DAMN GRIP! You keep having dreams like that and they don't usually come true, and what you saw in those two visions, won't come true!

But dad's death came true and....

Oh, now I'm getting a headache thinking about it. I need to stop it. Mom's not going to die, I'll see her again. And no damn dragon, hasn't killed me yet, and it never will. Besides, I was in the damn woods for TWO fucking days, so why worry? No dragon didn't come and kill me.

I let out a breath and began my trek to head back to the motel, trying to brush that vision I had out of my head. Nothing's going to happen to her. Mom's not going to die. The house is not burned down and she's living out her daily life, like everyone else. She probably already read the letter and she knows I'm alive and well. She'll be fine, Brandon.

But one worry thought pleaded for her. Please mom...Don't die.


Eleanor yelped as her son bit down on the end of her long tail. Henry was growling and thrashing his head, as he was sickening on her tail, his own little tail was thrashing behind him. Eleanor turned to look down at him, "Henry, leave mommy's tail alone please." He did as he said and looked up at her innocently. Jessie giggled nearby, seeing that this was cute. Cody was too.

After Jessie left Rain and Frankie alone at the memorial wall, she went to the Braveheart to eat, and found Cody and his family sitting at one of the tables. She joined them, Amanda and Neal came over and asked for Amanda's order, she ordered her food and got it minutes afterward, and now she's eating away at it. About almost done with it. Cody dipped his head down onto his food and took a chunk of meat in his maw, chewing loudly at it.

Henry's face changed into impatience and he whined, "But mommy, I'm bored."

Cody swallowed the meat and frowned at his son, "I thought you were hungry, buddy."

He shook his head at Cody, "Nuh uh. I'm not."

Eleanor let out a sigh, "Henry, you just said that you were hungry before we came here, and now you're telling us you're not. You need to learn to make up your mind about these things."

Cody nodded in agreement with his purple mate, "That's right, pal. You have to do that, or else you'll confuse mommy and papa."

Henry hung his head and said, "I'm sorry. I thought I was hungry, but now I don't think I am."

Eleanor lowered her head to her son's level and nuzzled at the spot on his head right between his horns with her nose, "You're not in trouble, honey. We're only just saying, nothing more. You just need to make up your mind." She gave that spot a tender lick, "Ok?"

Henry rose his head and then wrapped his forelimbs around Eleanor's head, "I love you, mommy."

She said it back with a smile and a giggle, "I love you too."

Jessie just smiled at this, while her mind went back to what she thought of last night. About wanting a family of her own, what'd be like. She even pictures herself taking Eleanor's place, as Henry's mother. Jessie thinks she'd be a good mother, to the little guy.

Cody hollered playfully at Henry when he held up his head, "I thought you love papa!"

Henry removed his small embrace off his mother and giggled at his father, "I love you too, dad!"

Cody laughed and nodded, "That's what I thought."

Jessie gave Henry a mock gasp and placed a hand to her chest, "I thought you loved ME too."

Henry turned to giggle at her, "I love aunty Jessie, as well."

Jessie gave him a smile, "You better love me, little guy."

Then he stood regal on his little paws and gave a cute glare, "I'm not little, I'm big like momma and papa!"

Cody nodded proudly down at him, "Darn right, you're not small, you're huge!" Eleanor nuzzled into her mate with a giggle.

Henry softly stomped his paw, widely spread out his wings, puffed out his little chest, and let out his little roar, "RAWR!!!!"

Cody cheered and Jessie did also, raising her hands to clap. Henry just stood proud and bowed his head to them.

Amanda and Neal came up to them from a nearby customer, and when they got close to the table, Neal sat down on his haunches and Amanda crouched down near Henry to pet him between his wings. She asked with a smile, "So everyone, how's the food?"

Cody nodded, "Pretty good as usual." He pointed at Henry near her, "Too bad, my son didn't want to eat anymore."

Amanda chuckled, as Henry was rubbing himself in her chest, "That dragon in the kitchen, better make it good. Might as well make it good for the customers."

Neal nodded, "Yeah, make it good for little green runts, like you." He gave his pal a wink and laughed.

Cody snorted at Neal, "Shut up, you big red scaly pervert."

Amanda pointed a threatening finger at the green drake, "Those are my trademark words, you jerk!"

He grinned mischievously, "You call him that all the time, I think it's better if I borrow them right now."

Neal rolled his eyes, "And it's still not fun being called that."

Amanda looked up at Neal, with a grin. While Henry was rubbing his forehead in her chest now, "Oh, you're still my big red scaly pervert." She giggled, when Henry tried to paw at her playfully.

Neal looked down at her and grinned right back, "I know, I am."

Jessie was just staring at the two of them, looking right at the human and the drake, they remind her of her and Frankie. And when his face came up in her mind, her feelings toward the black drake came back to her, like it has last night and it has more than once today. And she still feels like she's going crazy. She let out a quiet breath. She really wants to tell someone about it, but she's wondering who would listen to her and not judge her for it. Just like before, she was afraid of what all her friends would think if they found out that she was some rich girl, but they never treated her differently. Now she's worried that if she tells anyone about her newfound feelings toward Frankie, that she's afraid they really would treat her differently and think of her as a freak, including Brandon. And never speaking to her again, after the truth comes out. She's even afraid to tell Frankie about them, she's afraid of what he'd think of that. That he wouldn't think it's normal, and then it might be awkward after that. She can't bear to lose him, or anyone that she loves and cares for. She's even afraid, she might never see little Henry again, after she tells Eleanor and Cody everything.

She gazed right at Amanda and an odd idea came right at her. She's beginning to wonder of all the times she has been with Neal, Amanda must've felt those type of feelings too and possibly never told Neal about them. To her, they really are close, just Jessie and Frankie. Jessie smiled a bit at her own idea. She's thinking about telling Amanda everything. And she's confident, that she'll listen to her. That Amanda would not leave her alone like a freak. But right now, she needs to find the time to talk to her alone, and she can't do that now.

Jessie looked at Neal next. She definitely doesn't want to put BOTH of them in the private chat. If Amanda didn't tell him the truth about how she feels, Jessie doesn't want to make things awkward between them. Amanda will have to ditch the red drake, or this red drake will just have to wonder off on his own for god knows how long.

Jessie needs to find the time to have that private chat with Amanda. For now, she'll have to wait. She looked at her food, but she doesn't feel hungry anymore. Her nervous thoughts were getting to her again. Which she begins to hope, she can let the truth out to her friend. She hopes she can.

Eleanor let out a big breath and turned her head to ask Cody, "Well, I'm going to leave now, are you ready to go?"

He shook his head and lowered his head to snatch another bite of meat, raising his head after that, "Nope, not done yet."

Eleanor leaned her snout onto his cheek to plant a kiss, "Alright well, I'm going to head back home with our son. Since he doesn't want to eat anymore. We'll see you back home, ok?"

Cody swallowed the meat again and nuzzled into her, "Alright, be back home later."

Eleanor grinned and got off her haunches and backed away from the table. She lowered her head to Amanda, who's holding onto Henry. She said to her son, "Honey, we're leaving now."

Henry's face lit and he jumped away from Amanda's grasp, "Yay, finally!" He bounded away from them a few steps.

Eleanor said this to all her friends, "Bye guys."

Jessie, Amanda who stood straight on her feet, and Neal all waved and said in unison, "Bye."

Henry bounded fast away from all of them now, "Race you home, momma!"

Eleanor groaned and trotted fast after him, speeding past so many tables with a few customers sitting near them, her long tail almost smacking against one of them, "Henry, slow down for mommy!" Jessie and everyone watched them trot fast away, until they both disappeared through the entrance.

About a minute passed since his family left him alone with his friends, Cody looked up at the ceiling and giggled, "You know guys." Jessie, Neal and Amanda looked at him and Cody looked right at Amanda and Neal, "Do you remember the day at my house, when Henry hatched? That after he hatched from his egg, he crawled over to Eleanor and curled up against her? Do you guys remember that day?"

Neal's face lit up at the memory, "I remember that day, real well. It's a proud moment in a drake's life."

Amanda chuckled, "I can never forget holding him and Wayne did too. How all of us just watched the cute little guy, try to talk for the first time." She pointed at Cody, "He even tried to say your name, but problem was he couldn't form words yet."

Cody whined and giggled, "Yeah, and I was a bit disappointed that he didn't say papa, or dada. It kinda sucked for me and hurt my pride."

Neal laughed, "Oh he's talking and calling you papa, not quit whining."

Cody snapped back, "Says you, he called momma first, before calling me papa. That's not fair."

Amanda rolled up her eyes and said, "You're whining again."

He hissed at her, "Whatever. I still don't think it's fair."

Jessie asked, "I wish I was there to see the little guy hatch, I'd think it'd be cute."

Amanda smiled at her fellow human female, and came up close to her at the table, "Trust me, it was cute. We all thought it was."

Neal nodded and looked down at Jessie now, "Kinda makes me wish I had a hatchling of my own." Then he held up his head with a smug grin, "One that'll look like ME."

Amanda let out an annoyed sigh, "Yeah, a little Neal who'll grow up to be a show off, just like his father."

Neal rolled his eyes at her words, "And let me guess, grow up to be a big red scaly pervert, too?"

Amanda gave him an amused smile, "He might, knowing that he's a show off and has an ego."

Jessie chimed in, "Yeah. Like father, like son."

Neal waved a paw at Cody, "Yes and his son, might grow up to be a little green runt." All three of them laughed, except Cody who just gave them a snort and a small giggle.

The big green drake tossed up his head, "I'll still make sure, he's not short and small like me." Then he just giggled again, "But I'll tell you this much, I love the little guy with all my scaly heart, but even he can be so tiring."

Neal smirked at him, "Perhaps, he needs to slow down for his parents."

Cody sighed with a smile, "I know, but he's so energetic. I think he takes that from me! I was energetic back then!" Then he looked at the entrance of the restaurant, "But I sometimes, need a break from him and so would Eleanor." He looked back at them, "Heck, now that I think about it, I wonder if something happened to me and Eleanor, who would take care of him?"

Jessie raised her hand and offered, "I'd take care of him. I love your kid!"

Cody cocked his head, "Have you took care of a hatchling, before?"

Jessie lowered her hand back to her side, "Well no, but I would still try. I'd probably make a good mom."

Amanda offered too, "Me and Neal would take care of him too."

Neal groaned a bit and raised one paw off the floor, pulling his claws inward into the pad of his paw, "We would. Heck, we'd babysit him today, if we would. But the problem was, so many customers came in here all at once! All of my paws are killing me!"

Amanda let out a laugh and turned to look up at the big red drake, "Lets put at this way, at least it's over now. Business seems to be slowing down."

Neal sighed, "I wonder, how Joanna puts up with days like this. I've seen her working her big butt off and she didn't appeared to be hurting at all. I envy the old girl."

Amanda playfully shook her head, "Now who's whining."

Cody shot playfully at Neal with a big smug grin, "Yeah, whiner! You're whining now!"

He rolled his eyes at his comments, "I'm just a bit tired of taking orders, at the moment."

Jessie sighed, "You're sounding like Frankie, he doesn't like it when someone barks orders at him."

Neal lowered his head toward Jessie's level, with a tilt of his head, "What kind of orders? The food orders, or the normal demanding kind of orders?"

"The second one, Neal."

Neal chuckled and raised his head above her level, "Ah, those kind of orders." He hissed and shook his head adamantly, "I don't like it when someone barks orders at me, at all!"

Jessie pointed at Amanda in front of her, asking Neal this, "Does SHE, bark orders at you?"

Neal looked right down at Amanda and she slowly formed a glare on her face, knowing dear well why he's looking at her like that, "You're a big red liar, I don't bark orders at you!"

Neal admitted without taking his stare off of her, "You seem to do that, sometimes."

Amanda let out an irritated breath, "Neal, you're lying."

Jessie laughed and pointed at his red haunches, "Yeah, and your ass is on fire!"

He looked back at his scaly butt and looked back at them with a narrowed face, "No it's not. My ass is fine."

Jessie shrugged her arms, "I don't know, your ass is red. So it's definitely on fire." Both she and Amanda just laughed at him and he just snorted down at them.

Neal got up off his haunches, "I'm not in the mood for this shit." He began to whirl around on them, his long tail almost hitting the human females, "I'm going to have myself some alone time, so bye." He trotted off grumbling to himself. Until he disappeared in the back room.

Cody snickered, after he took another bit of his food, "I'm just glad, I don't have an annoying human female of my own, barking orders at me." Both Amanda and Jessie shot their glares at him and when he saw them, his face went wide and he asked innocently, "What?" They didn't soften their looks and he narrowed his now, "Girls, you need to lighten up. I was kidding."

Amanda planted her hands to her hips, "I kinda took offense to that, you moron."

Jessie crossed her arms at that, "Yeah, and you're lucky me and Amanda aren't in the mood for kicking you in the stones right now."

Cody waved a dismissive paw, "Whatever guys, can you at least take a joke?"

Amanda stated, "You just made a crack, that human females are annoying."

Cody cooed at her, "Not all of them, and you're cute."

Amanda just raised a brow and grinned at him, "Don't kiss try to kiss my ass with words, you're a liar too, just like Neal."

Cody shook his head, "I would never lie to you, Amanda."

Amanda giggled and pointed at his hind end, "I think, I smell your ass is on fire. So that means, you're lying." Jessie laughed and then they both made a high five.

Cody stood up off his haunches and backed away from the table, "I don't care anymore, I'm done eating now." Then he whirled around on them, showing and wiggling his tail and haunches at them, "See THIS? My ass is not on fire, so you can eat your words." Then he held his head and tail high, and strutted away from them, heading out of the restaurant to head home.

Jessie got up from her seat and turned to Amanda, "You really have you hands full with those two."

Amanda happily sighed, "Oh, I've known them for years and they're always great to be with." She added with a mischievous giggle, "Even if one of them, playfully lies to me once in awhile."

She tilted her head with a teasing grin, "I thought both of them were liars."

Amanda rolled her eyes, "Well okay, maybe both of them. But I still love being with them, especially Neal. Neal's always close with me."

That's when her plan to talk to Amanda came back to her in a instant. She really wants to ask this certain question to Amanda. And seeing that all their friends have left, now the time has come for Jessie to talk to Amanda alone. All Jessie needs to do is talk to her someplace alone, since there are some dragon customers still eating nearby. Jessie went forward with her plan and asked Amanda with a bit of a nervous look, "Hey Amanda, can I talk to you? In private?"

Amanda asked with a tilt of her head, curiosity filled her eyes, "Sure, why is something wrong?" She noticed Jessie hasn't eaten all her food and said to her, "You haven't eaten all your food."

Jessie sighed, "I'm not hungry anymore, and plus this is very important. Please Amanda, I really need to talk to you."

Amanda stared at her for a moment and asked again, "Will it take long?"

The blonde hair girl shook her head, "It won't."

Amanda nodded slowly and let out a breath, "Well, alright. Lets get this over with, before another customer comes in here." Jessie nodded too and both girls walked past several tables, Amanda walking behind Jessie as they both went outside on the street. Then they both went to a nearby alley, since they think it's the most private place they could think of. Jessie pressed her back against the alley wall, trying to build up the nerve to do this. Amanda shrugged her arms, as she stood in front of her friend waiting for her to talk, "Alright, so...What's wrong? You're acting weird."

Jessie's fear of losing one of her friends, came to her like a rushing river. But she was fighting it. Knowing and feeling confident too, that Amanda won't turn her back on her. Jessie took a deep breath and began to ask real carefully about it, "Amanda....Of all the times that you've been with Neal. Did you ever feel very different when you're with him? Have you....Felt close to him?"

Amanda smiled at her question, "Of course, I do. I'm always close to him. He's the best friend, a girl like me could have."

But Jessie shook her head and got her back off the wall, taking a step toward her, "No, I mean...Do you feel like you're REAL close to him?"

Now she was tilting her head with confusion, "What are you talking about?"

"Amanda...Did you ever...Like Neal? Did you...REALLY like him?"

That's when Amanda drew back her head with a wide face. Knowing what she's asking her now. Jessie saw her face and she began to panic, her heart and pulse beating fast. She's afraid her fear is coming true, but she's going to try to say it now. Try in her hardest. Jessie had a pleading look on her face and she got closer to Amanda. Planting her hands firmly on both her shoulders, "Amanda listen, there's something that I need to tell you and...Please don't leave me alone, like I'm a freak. I know what I'm asking, but...There's a reason why, I'm asking you this question. And I don't think you'll like it, but please understand. It...It was just so sudden, and I'm still surprised about it. It's about me and Frankie."

Amanda softened her look, returning it to normal. Now Amanda's just staring at her, ready to listen. Jessie let go of her shoulders and backed away from the girl, her head hanging down, staring at her own feet, "These feelings just came suddenly, while we were out in the meadow and...I can't believe it. I like Frankie, but now...I just feel awkward. Awkward with him and he doesn't know it. I...I feel like I'm a freak, right now. A freak, who can't have a real HUMAN boyfriend for once. Not even Brandon, he doesn't want me, he wants me as his friend." Jessie let out a huff and brushed her strand of blonde hair off her forehead, "I don't know what on earth I'm thinking. I just feel so odd about it. I never felt anything like it, before. Not even with Brandon. I thought I did, but now it turned out I didn't. All this time, I thought I was really loving Brandon, but it turned out I didn't feel it, when I was looking at him. I had this odd feeling in my stomach, when I was looking at Frankie and that's how I know. Brandon...Told me that a knight in shining armor would find me and sweep me off my feet. And...I think that knight's a dragon."

Jessie finally looked right at Amanda, rubbing the back of her neck shyly and said it to her, "I...I'm liking Frankie. I mean....I love him."

Amanda just had a pity look for her, she was still staring intently at her. Jessie nodded, "I know what this sounds like. I feel like I'm going crazy, not to mention ashamed. Me, a normal human girl, falling in love with something that's not human. That I'm loving my best friend. That I'm thinking Frankie's my knight. I don't feel normal, I feel worse than living in the rich life. I didn't feel like a normal girl living in that life, and I don't feel normal right now. I'm....I'm a freak and you're thinking that right at this moment." Jessie's lip was starting to quiver, feeling that she's going to break down in front of the brunette haired human, "Amanda please, this is really hard for me, and I just don't know what to do. That feeling's still there. But please understand, I just didn't know where it came from." She nodded and went on, "I mean, I know why I like Frankie, he's a great guy. He's...Really kind. He understands me. But...What if he doesn't understand THIS? I...I don't want to lose him and I don't want to lose anyone, including you."

Amanda only stared at her and Jessie pleaded, "Please, say something."

Amanda asked those words out of her mouth, "You really care for him, do you?"

Jessie looked a bit surprised at her question, didn't expect it at all. She let out a long drawn out sigh, "Yes. I love Frankie. To my shock, I love him." She shook her head in shame, "I'm a freak, that's what I am a freak. It's no wonder I didn't feel like I was like my parents, didn't feel connected to them at all, it's because I'm a freak. I ran away from home, because I am a freak and now I've realized it."

Amanda shook her head, "Jess, you're not a freak." Jessie's face went wide at that and Amanda went on, "You were never a freak. You never were. I still see you as Jessie, the normal girl that me and my friends met days ago." She pressed a hand to her chest, giving her an assured look, "I sympathize you, for feeling guilty and ashamed at yourself, but you shouldn't. In a matter of fact, it's okay to feel that way towards someone like that. There's no shame about it."

Jessie was frowning at her, "I don't understand, why do you sympathize me? How can you not think that I'm not a freak? Why...Do you think it's okay for me to think that, about Frankie? How can you not feel disgusted about me and what I think?"

Amanda let out a sigh, "Look, I didn't want to tell you this before, but you deserve to know the truth." She giggled at herself, "You'd probably find out the truth sooner or later, anyway. Just like Brandon did."

"What are you talking about?"

She finally let the truth out, not having any hesitation or any apprehension holding her back, "Because that question that you asked, it's true. I do love Neal. Me and him are mates. We're boyfriend and girlfriend."

Now it was Jessie's turn to have a wide face and she backed one step from her, "Wait...Really?"

Amanda gave her a small smile and brushed away large strands of her brunette hair, "Surprised, huh? That another girl, really does like a drake? That I like Neal? Well it's true, Jess. I love that red drake, with all my heart."

Jessie looked down at the ground, still surprised by the truth, "Wow."

Amanda laughed at that, "Wow indeed, girlfriend."

Jessie looked at her face and asked, "So wait...You don't feel that there's anything wrong with it? That what you've been thinking is wrong?"

She shook her head, boring a serious look, "No, I don't."

"Why? He's a dragon, Amanda? How can you be in a relationship with Neal, and not feel anything bad about it?"

Amanda took a step toward her friend, "Because I don't care." Jessie was frowning away at her and Amanda went on, "I know what he is really, I'm not blind. And I know what everyone would say about me and him in that way in their point of view, including yours. But the truth is, I don't care. Why? Because Neal's not a dragon, he's a human like us." She waved a hand, "At first, I would've thought no I wouldn't be with him that way. That he's just a nice dragon, who cares for his friend and it's me. I would've thought it was disgusting, just like you." Then she began to form a smile, "But after I got to know the dragons and what they really are. Seeing that they live in a society, like we are. Knowing that they're not mindless creatures, they have feelings. Every feeling in their heart and brain, like we do. They're acting like humans, like we are." She gestured toward Jessie, "You should know that by now, you've been here for the past few days and you know what Frankie really is. Frankie's a nice caring human too." Then she asked, "Let me ask you a question, have you ever felt like you're a dragon? Like you're one of them?"

Jessie nodded her head and admitted, "I did, more than once." She smiled brightly at her own feeling and imagination, "I really did feel like I was a dragoness. A beautiful dragoness." Then she held a sad look on her face her smile washed away, "A dragoness that would be with Frankie, because he never had a girlfriend at all. He never had a chance."

Amanda smiled at that, "He does have that chance at love, and he has been with that chance. He has been sleeping by that chance for several nights." She shrugged her arms, "I know that I'm human, when I'm with Neal. But that never stopped me."

Jessie groaned, "But this is different with you. I just don't think, I can do it."

She asked, "Why, because you're a human being? So what? Or is it because you're afraid of what everyone else would think? So what? This doesn't change how you feel, and what you are shouldn't stop you from doing it. You still love him, don't you?"


Amanda waved a dismissive hand, "Then drop the bullshit apprehension and follow your heart. You're worried about what everyone else thinks and you're worried about what you are. Who cares? I don't. And neither would the others. I never thought you once as a freak, I never have. And you aren't."

Jessie asked with a hopeful look in her eyes, "They wouldn't?"

She shook her head, "No, they wouldn't. Why? Because, I'm not the only human who has been with a dragon. Wayne has been with Sierra in that way, before she disappeared and he still loves her. I wouldn't blame him at all. I miss Sierra too, pretty much as my own mother. Rain was with Tommy in that way too, years ago." Jessie's eyes went wide at that one. Rain did tell Jessie about Tommy, but she never mentioned THAT. She's pretty shocked at the revelation. Amanda went on, "Me and Neal, weren't the only ones in a different species relationship. None of us don't care. We don't care about what we are, we're all the same on the inside. There's no point in not trying, because that's what we all feel. Even Brandon knows the truth, and he doesn't care also."

Jessie just beamed at that, "He does? He doesn't care? He wouldn't treat me any different?"

She gave her a comforting smile, "That's right. He was shocked at first, but he wouldn't care if you're with Frankie in that way and we both know that I wouldn't. And who cares what everyone else, who doesn't know the truth think? If your parents have a problem with it, sorry to say this, but screw them. If any dragon or human had a problem with it, screw them also. They just don't get it and we should always just ignore them. If anyone called you a freak, ignore them. We shouldn't care about what they think."

Jessie shyly looked away and Amanda urged her with her voice, "Jess, look at me." She looked back at her fellow human and Amanda went on, "I know you're nervous about it. But you love Frankie, and you shouldn't feel any shame in it, whatsoever. It's really normal. You're not in love with a mindless animal. Frankie thinks and feels, he really is a human. Don't feel that you're a freak, cause you never were." Jessie let out a trembling breath. Amanda gave her a comforting smile, "Look, when I was living in Montana years ago, I never had a real boyfriend, like you. Because I did drugs and all the guys thought of me as a druggie. None of them never went out with me, because of what I was. Even when I'm not a druggie anymore, they didn't talk to me." She nodded at her, "But I've found that guy and it's Neal. He's really sweet and kind, and he practically understands me. He would always protect me, from anything. Even from my past. When I'm sad about mom, he would comfort me and shush me, tell me that everything's okay. And when I'm thinking about dad, how he treated me and all, Neal said he wished that he was there to protect me and that's the kind of guy, who really cares about you. Neal's like my knight in shining armor."

Jessie just stared at her, as she went on, "And you never had a real boyfriend at all, why? It's because all those guys that you went out with, only thought of you as beauty and money. You know they didn't love you. You never found your knight, until you came here. Why is it that you never went out with any guy who loved you back? Why do you think that Frankie was alone, before you found him? Why do you think you're really here? How is it that you and Brandon came here of all places? Why did YOU run away from home? I think there's more to it, than that. I think there's more to than just finding your own place in life." Jessie shook her head softly, and Amanda finally answered her own questions after staring at Jessie for a few moments, "It's because of fate."


She nodded, "Yes, fate. Fate has brought you here. Fate has brought you and Brandon to find Rain and because of that, she brought you here, so you'd find Frankie. Fate wanted you to find Frankie." Amanda pointed at her, "You're the one who made him happy, after finding him in his angry, depressed, lonely state. You're the one who changed him, you're the one who made him happy, and he makes you happy too. Fate brought you here for a reason, and you know that reason now. Just like fate brought me and Neal together. Neal lost his mate years ago and he has been alone for a long time...Just like me. And now, we're both here and we still are. Fate brought you to that knight, Jessie."

Jessie was just surprised at all of the things she's saying. She couldn't believe it. Now she really thinks that a lot of things do happen for a reason. She never figured it, but now she has and it's thanks to Amanda. Amanda said, "You love him, Jess. I know you do. And if you feel that you're that dragoness still, then you can let THAT be your excuse to be with him. Be a damn dragon. Because a lot of times, I felt that way too. I feel like I'm one of them too. Why do you think, I asked you that question? Now you know why. I feel like a dragoness, at heart. I know I'm a human, but I've pushed aside that and I've been a darn dragon. Because dragons and humans, are all the same." Amanda walked up real close to Jessie and looked straight at her eyes, "Don't let what you are, stop you from what your heart wants. Always do what your heart tells you. I've followed mine, and I'm proud that I did."

Jessie asked, "But what if Frankie doesn't love me that way? What if he likes me as a friend?"

She shrugged her shoulders and hummed in thought, "Well I didn't tell my feelings toward Neal first, he said them first. That's how I knew it. So...I think you should wait and find out, if he does or not. And when you know it, you walk up to that drake, put both hands to his face, press your mouth against his and give him a big kiss."

Jessie giggled a little with a bit of a blush shone on her cheeks, "I'll try."

Amanda put her hand on Jessie's shoulder, "Don't just try, only do. Always do what your heart says, cause it's telling you that you really love him, despite what he really is. And I'd bet, he loves you back and he's like you, he's nervous about telling you it as well. I know that doing that for the first time would make you feel VERY nervous, but it'll get better after that. When the time comes, you'll be ready." Then Amanda wrapped her arms around her tightly in a hug, "I know you can do this, Jessie. And remember, I will always be your friend, and no one would turn their back on you. We're all your friends and we love you."

Jessie smiled big at that and she returned the hug too, her chin on Amanda's shoulder, "Thanks Amanda. You and everyone else, really are so understanding."

Amanda removed herself off Jessie and backed away a bit, not taking her gaze off her friend, "That's because, you were hanging with the wrong crowd back at home." She thumbed herself in the chest, "But me and the others, we're the better crowd."

Jessie took a deep breath and let it out. After hearing the truth and all the advice Amanda gave her, she feels like a big relief has washed over her. She doesn't feel like she's going crazy anymore. Every word that Amanda said, is still on her mind. Her worried feeling of losing her friends, is not there anymore. Her apprehension of loving Frankie as a lover, has went away too. She doesn't care of what other humans and dragons would think of her relationship with Frankie anymore. She has pushed past all of that. She loves Frankie, and she's not ashamed of that anymore. Jessie said, "You're right actually. I do know that dragons are like humans at heart, knowing the dragons even Frankie for a long time, made me know that. I've been looking at Frankie as a dragon, when I was having those feelings, and that's why I was feeling so ashamed." She shook her head, with a determined look, "I don't care that he's a dragon anymore. He really is a human, and you're right about that. Right about everything. And I won't be afraid of trying to be with him anymore. When the time comes, I won't be afraid."

Amanda gave her a nod, "Good. So you're alright now?"

Jessie answered her with a wink, "Definitely."

Amanda said with a sigh of relief, "I'm glad, girlfriend."

Then they both heard a voice nearby, "Hey there." They both turned and saw that Frankie has shown up at the alley and is making his way a bit in there. His eyes locked onto Jessie, "There you are, I was looking for you in the restaurant and you weren't in there. Neal was wondering too, cause Amanda was gone too." He chuckled when he stopped in front of them, "Well, at least you guys weren't far away from here."

Jessie smiled up at him and walked a bit toward him, "Sorry about that, I was just having a private chat with Amanda." She glanced back at Amanda and she nodded.

Frankie cocked his head, "Something that I've missed?"

She glanced at the black drake and shook her head, "No, everything's fine."

He stared down at her and said, "Well alright then." He asked with a grin, "So, you ready to go? I'm done staying at the memorial wall."

Jessie nodded, "Sure." She took another step toward him and asked, "And, can I ride on your back again?"

He had a suspicious look sprouted on his face, "Not going to twist my ear again, are you?"

Amanda laughed nearby and Jessie gave him a devious grin, "No promises."

Frankie lowered his body to the ground anyways and said, "Hop on, your majesty."

Jessie let out a laugh and she bent her body over to bow at him, "Thank you, my trusty steed." They both giggled and she walked up alongside him, getting ready to climb on him. She grabbed his wing joint and climbed atop his back. When he felt Jessie's weight on him, he rose his body off the stone ground, his shadow towered over Amanda. He began to back out of the alley and out onto the street. Amanda coming out of there as well, to watch them leave.

Frankie said sarcastically, along with relief, "Well at least, my ear's fine." He chuckled to himself.

Jessie leaned her head down to kiss the back of his neck, "You're welcome, big guy." Frankie's face lit when he felt that. Then he began to pad on the street with each step of all his four paws. His wings fluttered a bit. Jessie looked back at Amanda and gave her a wave, "See you later!" She saw Amanda wave back, as each step was taking further from her away. Jessie looked ahead, and she was just enjoying another ride on her trusty steed. Jessie smiled, as her feelings for him came back. And for the first time, she feels okay with them. She doesn't feel like a freak, now.

Course, she's wondering if Frankie really loves her that way as well.

But only time will tell, when she'll know.


Sebastian and Joanna are having a stroll together on the street, in the almost late afternoon, the time of the sunset is not far away judging by what the sky looks like. About a few hours have passed since Brandon left them alone and now the time came for the old drake to take her home. Their long tails were shaking back and forth with each step they took. Sebastian's mind was on the human who's like a son to him. Thinking about the conversation they both shared when they were alone. He was a bit worried about him, cause Brandon appeared troubled to him. Brandon was about to tell him who the female he liked was, before Joanna interrupted them. He was still curious as to who it was.

Brandon wasn't the only human on his mind. It was his mother, Diana. He couldn't believe that her only son, would actually not mind that he loved his mother in that way. He didn't care at all. And after Brandon left him and Joanna alone, he was still glad he told his son figure the truth and took it well. He hummed in delight to himself, as his imagination took ahold of the old drake. He was imagining, like he has more than once, that Diana has wrapped her arms around Sebastian's neck and she buried her face into his scales, sobbing loudly. Sebastian was comforting her, telling her that everything's going to be ok and he's there for her. While in tears, she called him by her late mate's name. Calling him Sebastian. What he pictured next, is that he was curled up around her on his pile of furs at his house. Diana was laying real close to him, telling him that he feels warm to her and she would lay with him all day. Sebastian, before the two of them would go to sleep, told her that he loved her and without any hesitation from Diana's end, she said those words right back, as her mate. Then when he lowered his head toward her, she pressed her mouth to his and he felt like he was high in the skies, when she kissed him. She didn't care, if he was a dragon instead of a human, she still loved him.

Sebastian let out a breath, as his imagination melted away to reality, he was still padding alongside the old magenta dragoness. He took a glance at her, looking at her scales. Then Joanna felt his gaze and turned to him. She giggled and asked, "What, hon?"

He shook his head, "Oh nothing, dear."

Joanna chuckled some more, "Well alright." She let out a cough, looked ahead and said, "I really enjoyed this afternoon. It was pretty good."

He nodded, "Me too. I find our conversation very enjoyable." Joanna let out a breath and she stared at him, while they're still walking. He cocked his head at her, "What?"

She shook his head, "I was just thinking about Brandon. About what his face looked, when I entered back in the room. I did notice it."

He hung his head a bit, "Oh."

She asked, "So what were you two talking about? Was it bad?" She bumped her nose into the side of his neck, "You can tell me, if you want. I want to make sure that Brandon's happy too."

Sebastian nodded and rose his head to look at her, "I know." He let out a sigh, "Well, he said that he was in love with someone, and he's pretty hesitant about her. I don't know why really, he never had a chance to tell me why." He pointed her with his wing tip, "He was about to, until you walked in the room and interrupted us."

Joanna let out a breath, with pity shone on her face, "I'm sorry about that. I-"

He shook his head, "Oh, don't apologize about that. Sometimes, it's all in a matter of timing."

She shot up her head and groaned a bit, "Yeah, and I was making bad timing on my part."

He bumped his body against hers, "Really, you don't have to apologize." He sighed and looked up at the sky, "I do worry for the boy, just a little bit. But he's a strong kid. I'm sure things will turn out alright."

Joanna put on a small smile, "He really is strong, I can tell by looking at him." She sighed in a hopeful tone, "I think he'll be fine too. We'll just have to talk to him about it, later." Then she coughed hoarsely again.

He took his eyes off the sky and looked back at her with a face full of pity, "I pity for you, because of your sickness."

She waved her paw at him, when she took another pace on the street, "Oh I'll be fine, hon. I'm just keeping myself strong and not let it get to me. Whether I'll die from it, or not, I'll accept whatever fate comes to me."

He said, when he looked ahead, "I know you'll be fine, but it's just that I knew a couple of old friends of mine, who got old, sick, and died."

Joanna sighed, "I know, and my mate suffered from it too." Then she beamed and added, "Buut, there were a few old dragons who have survived the sickness, so there might be a chance I'll survive."

He smiled brightly at that part, "Then I'll keep that hope for you, dear Joanna."

She said with a short glance at him, "Thank you, hon. And thank you for the concern all the same."

He replied, "You're welcome."

They both walked on the street for a long time, until they both saw Joanna's house in the distance. Joanna stopped at her front door, and she slowly turned around to face him. Sebastian sat down on his haunches, grinning at her. Joanna said to him, "I really thank you for walking me back home. It was such a nice stroll."

He gave her a nod, "Again, you're welcome." She just stared at him and he cocked his head, asking her this, "What? Find something on me that interests you?"

She stared at him for another moment and she said, with a bit of a shyness in her eyes, "I was just thinking about something and I want to ask you a question." He nodded and she asked, "I had to ask, hon....Ever since your mate died years ago, have you ever thought about moving onto another dragoness? Did you ever want to be with someone else? Have you tried looking?"

Sebastian hung his head and shook it, "No, not really. The dragoness that I was with, was my one and only mate that I ever had. There wasn't anyone else just like her. I do see a few dragoness's who do appear to be charming, but I never even tried to talk to them. Well...Accept this one female, but we weren't really together at all." Then he looked away from her, with a bit of sorrow shone in his eyes, "When my beloved died and years later, my son died too, I was dealing with so much pain and loneliness. Not even my friends that I knew, could help me. It just feels like to me, they didn't understand." He let out a breath, "When I've felt so much pain, I always go to The Drake's Tooth to drink. And there was this dragoness, who came up to me-" Then he looked back at her and asked with a brow raised, "Have you ever been to the tavern before?"

Joanna put on a disgusted face, "I'm not a big drinker, hon. So no."

He chuckled and muttered softly, "Oh." He waved a paw at her, "Anyways, I was drinking there one night and then this young yellow dragoness, came up just to talk to me. She stuck with me, keeping me company, she even said that she knew what I was going through and she wanted to help me." He appeared to have guilt on his face now, "So I took her to my house and we talked. Then the next thing I knew, she began to act different. And as it turned out, she was just this kind of dragoness, who wanted to have any drake to mount her for pleasure. That's what she wanted from me." He let out a sigh, "I tried to tell her to leave, but she kept raising her tail at me, saying that she won't leave until I gave her what she wanted. Then I just couldn't stop myself and it happened."

Joanna put on a look showing him her sympathy, "Oh, I'm so sorry, hon."

Sebastian puffed out his chest and let it out, "Yeah, I know. I don't feel bothered by it, as before. But I still think about it. I never saw that dragoness, ever again. After that night, I think that was another reason why I didn't want to try to find another mate for me. It was because of her, even though it was my fault on my end, but it was mostly hers. She just didn't leave me alone." He turned his head away from her gaze, "I didn't want it at all. I never did. She wanted to mate for pleasure, but I didn't want to do that to her. I never loved her at all, and I was old enough to be her father. The only reason I would mate, is I would mate with love, reproduction, and pleasure. But if it was only JUST for pleasure, then that means there wasn't any love at all. She just wanted pleasure, and I didn't."

Joanna put on an angry face and snorted, "I can understand what you mean. I hate it when young dragonesses are like that, letting several drakes mount them and for what? For their own desires. They don't want to stick with any of them at all. That's giving dragoness's a bad name." Then she growled a bit under her throat, "And that's just like with all the drakes, that I was with. They mate me only for pleasure and then up and leave me. And even, I still feel stupid for letting that happen to me....More than once. I was always looking for this lucky drake, who gets together with this beautiful, dragoness with good curves, and also with a warm personality. But instead, they lie about how they feel, they seduce you and then mate you. Then this drake would say, I had a good mating now good night." She shook her head, "I really hate it when drakes and dragonesses are like that, not showing any respect towards anyone they have their sights set on. Not having any love, at all. It really makes this old dragoness, sick."

Sebastian appeared to be sorry for her, "I'm sorry you went through all that. I know, how that feels. I know it pretty well."

She put on a smile and giggled softly at him, "We both have another thing in common, we both follow our own rules. That we'd mate for love, reproduction and pleasure." She added with a claw raised, "But of course, I have to be in heat, for all three of those things. But hey, when I'm not in my cycle we'd still do it for love and pleasure."

He looked around her to stare at her haunches, "Well, I can tell you're not in heat, so-"

She tried to swipe at his snout, barely missing him, "I'll get ya, hon!" Then they both tossed back their heads and laughed. Until Joanna put a paw to her maw and coughed once again. She and him peered into each other's eyes and Joanna said, "To be honest with you, hon. I get your feeling."

"What feeling?"

"The feeling that you don't want to move onto another female, after your mate died. I understand too." She placed a paw to her chest, "For a long time since my mate died, I didn't feel like I could move on without him. He was my only love that I ever had. He really was the greatest drake of all time, for me." Then she began to smirk at the old bronze drake, "You're the only other drake that I've met, who not like the drakes that I know. You really are honest with everything you said. You follow your philosophies." Then she giggled, "There are also times when you're dirty, but it's just playful kind of dirty." She winked at him.

He shrugged his shoulders, "We're all a little dirty, sometimes."

Joanna looked down at her front paws, "I didn't feel like I had the energy to try to find another mate for myself. I thought having one true love in your life, was enough." She gazed at him again, "But now, I feel like I want to try it again, just one last time." She took a step toward him, her eyes showing him love and care, "And I wouldn't mind trying it, with you." Sebastian just sat there, blushing. He swallowed a bit of a lump in his throat and she chuckled at him. She took another step toward him, real close to his chest now. Then she leaned her head in his neck and nuzzled him softly with her forehead and cheek. He hummed in delight at her nuzzles and his heart began to beat fast. He curled his tail around him and his pawed at the stone street.

Joanna pulled her head away from his bronze scaled neck and she planted her snout against his cheek to give it a kiss. She pulled back a bit more, until they were nose to nose. They were both gazing at each other. Then she slowly started to lean her snout against his. But before she could kiss him, Diana's face appeared in his mind and he pulled his face away from her, muttering this, "No." He shifted his body a bit from her and looked away.

Joanna appeared to be shocked and then she slowly cocked her head with worry in her voice, "Hon, what's wrong?" He didn't even look at her and that's when she got the idea of what's bothering him, she can see it in his eyes, "There's someone else, isn't there?" He let out a sigh and then she began to grin at him, "And let me guess...It's Diana, right?"

That made his eyes went wide and he turned his head fast to her, "And how did you know that?"

She laughed and answered, "Well what other female is there? I highly doubt that it's Rain. I mean sure hon, she's beautiful. But she's too young for you." She giggled, "I do understand why you like her, Diana does look beautiful, and I only saw her in that photo."

Sebastian reared back his head, "Wait, you're not...Worked up about me, loving a-" He whispered to her, just in case there were any wondering dragons in the street with them, "Human?"

She shook her head, "No." Then she leaned her snout to his ear and whispered, "I know what it would look like on every dragon's point of view, but I think in my opinion, it's normal enough to me. And besides, you're not the only dragon who fell in love with a human."

She pulled back away from him and Sebastian grinned and said, "I think I know, who you're talking about."

She said, "Neal's with Amanda, in that way, and Rain was with a human named Tommy back then. Also Wayne was with Sierra back then too, before she was gone."

Sebastian wasn't shocked at all, by what she said. He hummed, "Hmmm, they seemed to be pretty brave when it comes to love. Being different, didn't stop them at all."

She shook her head again, "Nope hon, it didn't." She cocked her head, "Sebastian, I'm only asking ok? What made you like Diana? You don't have to tell me hon, if you want."

Sebastian sucked in a breath and let it out slowly, shyly pawing at the ground, "Well...Look, I know that I never met her before, but I do like her, in that way. Even I was conflicted about it. Until Brandon told me, that it was okay if I wanted to be with her that way." He began to slowly smile, as he went on with his explanation, "Of all the things he told me about his mother, I feel like I've known her. I know everything about her, well enough to know her. From Brandon, we have several things in common. We like several things, flowers including. Diana really sounds like a kind soul, like my first mate and like you. Diana has been through so much, and I just want to hold her tight. To tell her, that I wouldn't hurt her. I know that I can't replace her dead mate, but I would still be the next best thing for her. I wouldn't disappoint." He shook his head a bit, as wonder dawned on him, "I wonder, if it would happen anyways, if I did tell her how I feel. A part of me doubts it, but then another part of me doesn't think so."

Then he looked at the old magenta dragoness, "I thought I only loved her a bit, but as it turned out, it's bigger and stronger than I thought. That's why I didn't return your feelings, it's because I love someone else and it's Diana." He waved a paw at her, "I mean, I'm a dragon and she's not. So how would THAT work out? I mean...I just don't know anymore." Then he had a guilty look on his face, "I'm sorry for rejecting you, Joanna. I really am." He shook his head at her, "I'm not trying to hurt you, I'm only following what my feelings are telling me. I thought I wanted you, but my love for Diana's stronger. I know we never met, but it really is strong."

Joanna gave him a comforting smile, "You don't have to be sorry. I understand everything. And I was never hurt at all. Just shocked most of all, but that's just it. I was willing to give this a try, and I've found my answer. At least, I know that I've tried. And as for Diana." She gave him a nod, "I know why you wonder about you and her, wondering if it'll work out or not."

He giggled, "Well, I have to meet her first, to at least find out."

She giggled too, "But I get what you're trying to say. You're wondering if she'll love you back, despite being a human. But you know what, it wouldn't hurt to try to ask her out one day, after you meet the beautiful human. And you know what I'd think, hon?" He nodded and she answered, "I think, she would give it a try too. Cause you really are one nice, old drake."

He asked with hope in his eyes, "You really think so?"

She winked at him, "I know so, hon."

Then he asked, "Just to make sure, you really don't think I'm weird when I'm thinking about a human that way?"

She gave his cheek a lick, "No, my friend. I don't. I think falling in love with a human is normal enough for me. And I won't tell anyone else about it, either. I'll keep your secret, till I die."

He nodded at her, "Thank you."

Joanna then said, "And as for me, since I just live in my home all alone, I wouldn't mind it when a handsome old bronze drake, comes to my house and visits me almost every day. I do love having someone like that for company."

He playfully grinned and asked, "And this old handsome bronze drake would happen to me, right?"

She laughed and asked in a high voice, "Well what other handsome bronze drake would there be?" They shared a laugh together.

Sebastian said, "Sure, I'll come over and visit. I really do like having another old dragon for company, too. A nice old dragon, like you. I will always cherish being your best friend."

She gave his nose a small lick with her tongue, "Thanks, hon. You really are sweet." Then she added, "And one last thing, if you change your mind about having me, or if what happens with Diana doesn't work out, I'm always open for a date with you." She gave him another wink.

Sebastian nodded, "I'll keep that in mind, when the time comes, and thanks for understanding me."

She nodded, "I'm always an understanding dragoness, and you're welcome." She whirled around slowly to face her front door to her house and looked back over her shoulder, "So, I'll see you in the morning, then?"

Sebastian's face lit up, "Yep, I'll be over in the morning. But just remember, I'm a slow drake when it comes to getting up."

She laughed, "So do I, hon. So do I." She pointed back at him, with her wing tip, "And you have pleasant dreams about Diana."

Sebastian got off his haunches and turned his body, that only his side's facing her, "I will and you have sweet dreams, too."

Joanna moved her long tail to the side of his body, brushing it a bit. Then she said this to him, "Goodnight, my friend."

He winked at her and waved at her with one of his wings, "You too, Joanna."

And with that, she turned her head to the door and opened it. She went into her house and shut the door behind her. Sebastian let out a breath and began to walk back to his house, trotting slowly as he wanted to enjoy this walk now. Everything that happened is still on his mind. He believes that one day he'll meet Diana and be with her as a friend, or as a mate. He wouldn't care which, and what's more he has a new best friend now, that he would talk to every day and is a kind and caring old dragoness named Joanna. He'll always be her best friend. He even has hope that she'll live on past her sickness, he'll keep on hoping.

He looked up at the sky, thinking mostly about Diana. He smiled at the clouds and said, "I'll meet you one day, Diana. I know I will."