Current Track: Blabb
The feeling doesn't start out unpleasant.  In fact, if anything, it's
barely noticable as you're sitting at your computer.  A bit of tingling
in your legs, but hey, you've been sitting down for three hours, they
might be getting a bit restless.  Nothing really to worry about on that
scale.  A little bit of leg twitching is fine and good for them as you
sit there.  A bit of scratchiness as your jeans run along the legs is
similarly ignored offhand as you're busy with other things, until one of
your socks slips right off your foot.  *THAT* gets your attention.

Excusing yourself from your current activities, you take a peek down,
since htose socks weren't that loose, and see something
rather...different.  Your foot seems to be compressing, reforming.  Toes
have shortened and drawn into the main mass, although they're still
defined.  The entire structure has lengthened, seeming to leave you
walking on your tiptoes.  Small pads are coming in on the base of what
now seems to be your foot, and the nail is darkening and compressing
into what seems to be a digging claw.

Hobbling to the bathroom on one unfamiliar leg proves a bit of a
challenge, but it's probably best to get to a mirror.  Lifting the leg
on your pants once you arrive shows that the hairs on your leg are
standing on end, and have to have multipled tenfold since you put the
jeans on this morning.  They're still dividing and thickening, forming
what almost looks like a pelt across your legs as you examine.  A quick
brush across with your hands quickly indicates this IS a part of your
body, based on nervous feedback.  The leg structure itself seems to be
adjusting a bit, being a bit longer and more spindly, but the sensation
itself isn't at all just is odd to watch.

You're snapped out of examining the legs and your now almost fully
altered feet by the feeling of SOMETHING starting to invade your
pantleg.  Its long and developing; as you reach back to free it, your
hand wraps around a large bushy tail.  Which'd be odd enough, but your
brain is also feeling your hand wrap around the tail, so it's connected
to you, although your conscious mind and subconscious seem equally
confused about the implications of this.  Standing up to get a better
look at it is slightly challenging, given your legs having almost
finished changing.  It looks similar to the tails on wolves or large
dogs you've seen in the past...but it's attached to you.

Lifting your shirt with one hand, further hair...or growing in
on your stomach as your body starts to alter.  Your belt slips off your
changing waist, leaving your jeans hanging loosely against your hips as
your stomach furs over and slims down.  Your trunk in general alters,
becoming seemingly longer and slimmer, meaning that your shirt hangs
oddly off your shoulders, like it's two sizes too large.  Fur covers
your chest and stomach as an odd warmth fills your chest.  It isn't
unpleasant, your heart rate increases.  The fur itself
seems to be altering itself, switching over to a blue color as it grows

Your upper arm has furred as well, and suddenly your lower arm skin
dries out and starts cracking like its winter and you haven't been
wearing gloves.  But on the backs of the arms it's breaking into clearly
defined geometric shapes, and the entire surface is becoming
'pebbly'.  Your fingers lengthen a bit, with the exception of the pinky,
which rapidly atrophies away, its mass absorbed into the other
fingers.  Dark claws...or talons...grow out of the edges of the fingers
as this happens, and the hand itself suddenly feels far more powerful,
like once you closed it on something it would never escape.

Your examination of this is broken by a sudden massive itching sensation
around your neck.  You've never had to shave much but suddenly it looks
in the mirror like you have a gigantic neck beard, as the trademark
mane grows out.  It bushes out underneath your upper shirt, filling the
collar and top, making for quite an odd sight indeed, although pulling
your shirt down a bit quickly fixes that.  Oddly, one of your early
thoughts is how completely useless any razor is going to be on this much

Examining further in the mirror, your ears seem to be sliding upwards, a
point having developed on top of them.  As the migration continues,
they take on a more triangular shape, and start twitching.  You can FEEL
there's a seperate part of your brain that controls them now, perking
and flattening and rotating your ears as things change.  Your hair
darkens to blue as well as your skull grows out into a more triangular
vulpine design.  Which should hurt, but doesn't, although the absence of
sensation is perhaps even more off-putting.

Your teeth liquify into gelatin as they reform in your mouth, switching
from herbivore to vulpid carnivore in the process, and your nose covers
the front of your new muzzle, turning black and getting a bit damp.  New
sensasations flood in through the nose...bathroom, shower, algae, soap
scum, shampoo, bleach, toothpaste, and you seem to be able to identify
them without much trouble as it happens.  Your eyes also set back a bit
further in your skull and a modicum of color drains from the world
slowly as they adjust, an entire chromatic spectrum removed from them as
the changes complete, leaving you staring in the mirror and wondering
how, and what, just happened.  And why.