Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: StoryFox


“We got problems!" Kyro exclaimed over the walkie while I shifted my attention to it before grabbing it from my waist, raising it up towards my face before pressing upon the button. “What kind of problems do we have, over?" “There is a fox that came over here. He seemed to be doing something. But nevermind that now, we need to arrest him and-" “Calm down Kyro." I interrupted him, an exhaled of a sign escaped from my lips while my head shook with my eyes closed. “Tell me what he is doing." “I rather for you to come over here right now." Kyro responded. A frown escaped upon my snout as my wings was spread immediately, I shot up from the walkie towards the surrounding road. Gazing down the empty streets of Vaster, looking towards the right and left sides and the sidewalks upon the suddenly silence. Thus, raising my walkie again I spoke “Alright, coming over to you now." “Thanks!" and silence came over me again.


My eyes closed, I felt a harsh breath escaping from my lips while my body expelled the fresh air that filled my lungs. With my wings flapping, raising me into higher elevations, I spoke into the walkie again. “Zander, Natty. Can one of you hold my shift for me? I will be at Kyro's position." “What did the red dragon wanted?" Zander questioned me, the first of many to response to me. A roll of my eye later and respond to the black dragon, “Just some things." “Regarding a canine guy?" Natty asked, a voice of sweetness inside her voice while the silence just confirms it. She spoke again after the short burst of silence, “Alright I see how he is a bit nervous about…" “Tell me about it." I exhaled a breath while the words were a bit stressed, Zander just laughed. “Like I said before, I needed one of you to cover me while I head over to Kyro." I repeated myself over the walkie. But before I could say anything else, Natty already acknowledged it and confirmed it while I heard bursts of winds blowing from her end all the while.


A smile drifted from my lips while I thanked for immediately. She never responded anyway which left me only one thing to do. With the cover of my shift, I was free to see what Kyro was up to after all. 'And that nervous thing that he wanted me to see.' I thought to myself while I flew overhead the buildings' rooftops and casted a false shadow over them as I flew Northeast, heading straight into Kyro's position.


It never had to take me long however since I had arrived upon the upper corner of Vastertown. Upon reaching the destination, I divebomb upon the nearby streets or parking lot that I could find before flapping my wings rapidly and in quick succession. Landing upon the grounds afterwards and folding my wings. I gaze around the area that I was in. Noticing how quiet and tranquil it was however. 'No doubt this would make anyone cautious and crazy.' I responded to the emptiness in my head while looking at the two alleyways in front of me. I heard footsteps while I was 'talking to myself' and stabbed the sources of it southward from where I was. Turning around, I spotted Kyro who was walking up towards me with a nervous smile upon his face. My head tilted to the side while we met eyes as he paused in his steps and spoke, addressing the situation that he found himself in currently.


Like over the walkie, he did explain about the fox that was running around the town. Looking for something very specific however. Kyro explained that the fox was like the other foxes' color. He had with him a white pieces of paper; three things were written onto there. 'S. O. N.' Kyro reveals, but I stabbed his chest a bit and growled curiosity at him. But he shook his head and respond, “I do not know. It could mean anything?" “Like a secret weapon or the name of the stores or…" I trailed off, staring at him in succeeding silence before he shook his head afterwards. His head tilted backwards, lifting his eyes up towards the skies above him. With the silence between us, I had decided to break it by questioning the red dragon “What else?" “Well he always had a smile upon his face every time he entered onto those special stores around Vastertown." “Special stores?" I echoed him, Kyro nodded and elaborated, “Yeah. Like the weapon shop stores or the black market that was nearby the superstore. Those type of things." “Weird." I commented, “Why would he want to entered onto those? Unless he is a criminal working for the R7 or something?" “Maybe." Kyro answered.


A pause of silence fell between us, I heard flaps of winds coming from his wings. An exhaled sigh later and I shook my head, I looked away from Kyro before raising my walkie up towards my face. I asked, “Has anyone met or seen a normal looking fox buying weird and rare items from the weapon store or the black market or something?" Silence was my answer. I looked back towards Kyro, raised my shoulders before spreading my wings. Kyro did the same. But before we could lift ourselves up from the grounds below, a crackle emerged from the walkie. Out came Yang who responded to our call, “There was a couple of reports at midnight about such a thing." “A couple of reports at midnight?" I questioned Yang who responded with a yes before following it up with information, “These buy things usually happens around midnight or at a later time. But every store clark always say 'midnight or somewhere between that time and dawn." “So why then?" Kyro asked, though no answer came afterwards.


I frowned, but nonetheless raised myself into the skies while being followed by Kyro as we raced South straight towards our HeadQuarters. Where the sun was peeking through the cracks of clouds upon the setting hours into the day, we finally landed upon the doorsteps of the headquarters and waltz right in. We felt a fresh breath of air hitting onto our scales as we shivered in response, we entered into the hallway where Natty, Zander, Yang,Abavina and Maujur were gathered around Yang. They seemed to have a conversation about something. Although their voices were quelled by the time of our arrival as Yang was the first to noticed us and a bright smile emerged from her face after turning to face us. Without a word, Yang wrapped her paws behind her back and stepped forth from the group. She faced me and Kyro before responding to either of us.


“It had seemed that we have trouble after all." She explained to us, “I had not knew that this fox would be coming every midnight just to buy the same things repeatedly every night." “But what was he doing with all that things? Surely he never brought them up towards the R7." Kyro argued, “He might be. After all, he is a fox." Yang answered, commenting afterwards. I acknowledged that comment with a nod. Yet Kyro growled and his eyes narrowed at the dragoness in response. For he was about to argue back but held his tongue when Yang turned around facing the remains of our group. With Zander, Natty, Abavina and Maujur turning towards her; Yang explained her plan. “At midnight, I want you all to station yourselves around the given stores that our target is found either outside of or inside these following stores. Do not engage with him, I do not believed that he is armed. Rather observed and see what he does. Do not get caught by any means necessary. This is perhaps important information." “This might be." Whispered Zander, perhaps towards himself as he scowled at Kyro for a moment “Or a complete moron play." “Quiet." Abavina nudged the black dragon who growled in response towards her.




It was finally the strike of midnight. The moon was hanging high over our heads. And everyone was scattered but were relocated upon the three targeted stores. However, we were not sure of these stores actually as we had just taken a guess as to what they were due to the purchases done and made by our target. I was together with Maujur. She is a silver gray dragoness who is peace loving and hates conflicts. Yang only knew why she was here. Yet she never told anyone else about the matter however. Maujur's wings edges were sharp and pointy. Her wing span was large, perhaps larger than me Kyro Natty and Zander combined however. She never talks to other dragons. Only to those that were comfortable to her. She loves work and is always the first to finish them on time of course. Never slacking when doing her duty and always taking overtime hours when needed. It was rather surprising how much energy this dragoness has however. To the point that I was interested in her. But never minding that part of the story for now…


I exhaled a breath, my eyes shot towards the surface of the roads while I stared upon it in silence. Whereas the moon was reflecting its brighten dim lights upon anything that the rays could touch, I returned my gaze towards the dragoness in silence. She was leaning against the wall behind her, her eyes lowered to the grounds. Closed. A roll of my eye and I promptly nudged her, growling lowly and in response to her while she turned her attention to me. A faint smile escaped from her lips before she leaned back against the wall, staring upon the skies. We were like this for a couple of hours into the nighttime. Yet the night was somehow young. The sun was already gone from our sights. Stars already replaced them and Abavina was quieted. I wandered sometimes if I should gain an conversation with her somehow. But my tongue bite, I shook my head and kept staring at the street once again.


Then the walkie spring to life. “We found the fox. Located just about to head into the store. White with red big bold letters that their LCD were busted somehow." “Near your location?" I heard another voice called out in response towards the first. A response came afterwards, acknowledging the second before a second dead silence. I heard wings spread behind me, I turned around gazing at Abavina in silence while she dimly smile upon me. A shook of my head, dismissed her thoughts as she pouted at me in response. Crossed her arms and gaze upon the wall while her wings folded behind her. I rolled my eyes and exhaled, before turning back towards the road. A conversation was held upon the walkie again; this time towards the routes that the fox was taking however. The name of the store was revealed to us; although only the first letter as the rest was in complete darkness. Making things harder to see.


But now that everyone knew where the fox had went towards, perhaps that it was a matter of time before he arrives upon his third targeted store. Thus sure enough, both me and Abavina heard rapid walking. A series of breaths were loud while the steps were heading straight into the store. Abavina grinned wickedly and started revealing herself out into the public with me chasing after her. While she had presented herself, I shifted my attention towards the left. Rapidly spotting Zander Kyro Natty and Maujur already running up towards us. Their rapid breaths escaped from their mouths as their bellies rises and falls in quick successions. Yet Kyro, amazingly, was the first to speak to us. I responded with a stabbed upon the store adjacent to them. Their heads shifted to where I was pointing towards. A smile escaped their lips while only Natty entered in. Kyro and Maujur meanwhile, shoved me back into the alleyway where the moon would not see us ever again. Once we were covered in complete darkness, we spread our wings and takes towards the rooftops of the store to where we had landed to concealed ourselves. For from there was when we waited.


It was a long time upon the silence for our targeted fox to come forth from the store underneath us and reveal himself to the public. Abanvina rushed towards the edge of the rooftop, launching herself out into the fresh air and down towards the fox. In an effort for an ambush. However surprisingly, the fox somehow dodged it and walked away. All without acknowledging that he was being chased by officers of the Vaster police. For he walked a short distance from the store we were hiding on top of while Abavina started rushing for the fox in question. Grabbed onto his arms and chained them together, forming a circle behind his back. While Abanvina read his rights and such, the boring stuff of being an officer, me and the others gathered up towards the edge of the store. Watching while the fox struggled in his bonds and Abanvina staring up towards us. Throwing a thumbs up.


However in her cockyness, a click was heard. Faint but was heard by those who were silenced. As our hears flinched upon hearing that sound, we watched as the fox escaped from our eyes.  Running Northward before turning the corner at the end of the road, disappearing from our sights. Kyro leaned back and released all breaths from his mouth and lungs before commenting to us with a whisper, “That fox knew where to go to hide." “Do you think that the blizeon had informed her as to where to go?" Natty whispered in answer towards her mate, “Perhaps." “Guys should we inform Yang on what happened and questioned her on her backup plans?" Zander interrupted the pair with a growl and narrowed eyes pointing daggers at them. Despite the pair laughing it off, I turned to Maujur who spoke silently to me, “What if that was a well informed fox of the R7, just as you and Yang had said before before we fled towards our positions?" I shook my head, frowning at her “She does not know if that is an well informed fox. All we know is the fox had escaped. A short distance from where we are at however."


“We should be able to intercept him if we positioned ourselves well." Kyro commented, joining in onto our conversation while me and Maujur turned towards him as he breaks into a grin. I nodded after him, a smile drifted to my lips while I motioned everyone. Even Abanvina who walked up towards the store entrance and looked towards me. “Just head towards these following positions and we should be able to manipulate him… somehow." I said while pointing onto the dragons in front of me. A wave of nods and smiles were the response that I had needed as their wings spread our from their backsides. Flying high and heading into their respective positions. All the while leaving behind me and Zander as he narrowed his eyes towards me and commented, “This better work." “It will be however." I responded with a smile, but that was short lived. As my mind began racing to piece together everything, I could not help but wonder about the three letters that Yang had gave towards us.


'S. O. N.' I thought to myself, 'Were they really store names? Or something more deep inside of them that we never found out however? Or better yet…' I found myself trailing off. But deep in thought. While I leaned back and raised my eyes towards the dark skies above me, I felt a tap onto my shoulder and I lowered my head gazing back towards Zander who was in front of me. His arms were crossed of course, as he looked upon me in anger and impatience. “What are we waiting for? Lets head straight towards our positions and intercept the fox. Maybe then we will be able to tell it questions." “Just be careful however." I called after him as our wings were spread last and headed out Northwest from the third store.


By the time we had arrived upon our given positions. We landed and scanned around the area. Deserted was the part of the Northern town of Order. Nothing was living upon the abandoned streets and buildings that make up the lost civilization we knew today. As we search the town for anything that we could hide ourselves in, I spotted a burning piece of paper. Crumbled up into a ball and lying against the street. It was a few inches away from where we were heading while I walked towards it and grabbed onto. Raised to my head, I scanned the piece for a moment in silence before calling out towards Zander who turned his head sharply at me. A tilt of his head later was the time he stepped towards my direction. But instead of questioning me, he pulled me off from the streets. Straight into the sidewalk where we crashed onto one another. We crumbled and said nothing as we raised ourselves from the grounds we were entangled with. Dusted ourselves off from the dust that accumulate over our suits before I glared angrily at the black dragon.


“Why you did that?" “The fox might see us a mile away." “The fox had already gone. It had passed through here." I answered him, raising the burning piece of paper. Zander's eyes widened and he shook his head after while he growled at me with an angry scowling look upon his face, He stabbed against my chest while he argued. “How did the fox get through here that quickly? I told you that we were slow. Now we have to pay for the consequences of allowing him to get away." “Perhaps it is my fault that we were too slow. But you do not have to-" But Zander shoved a claw down my throat. Startling me while I looked at him with widened eyes, his head was over his shoulder, he seemed to be looking at something. My head titled to the side while muffling questioning him. Yet the dragon never answered.


But a few seconds later into the silence, found me shoved upon a nearby alleyway where we disappeared into the darkness. I looked at Zander. Surprise was written all over my face while I crashed upon the grounds after tripping over my own feet. Zander chuckled behind me, but that was short live when he turned around and looked upon the entrance of the alleyway. I, in turn, raised my walkie towards my mouth and pressed the button. Whispering, “We are in position. Where is everyone right now?" “Running." I heard Natty responded with rapid breathing from her lips, “Affirmative." Echoed Maujur while silence came after that. My eyes narrowed upon the sudden silence while I found myself staring down onto the dragon's backside. I gaze away and looked upon the wall. Falling in silence while the ringing echoed my ear.


Lots of thoughts were upon my mind. Everything was about the three letters scribbled upon the note and the haste by the fox. As I pondered about the following transition of events that perhaps might happened due to the results of the current, I often find myself receiving a headache to which I growled and held my head with my claw. I snarled, but Zander silenced me and raised his claw while avoiding gaze. I said nothing but stared at him back before shaking my head and leaned against the wall that was behind me. The bell chimed. It was already midnight. Silence loomed over our heads while the ringing persisted inside my ears. I looked away and turned my attention towards the other alleyway's entrance on the other side. Perked my ears in wonder about the alternative roads that our culprit might take. “I am going to the other side. Call when you see him." I ordered, Zander nodded. He never move his head or anything. Nor his own body however. While I found myself staring at him for a little more, I shook my head and my eyes narrowed while storming forth across the length of the ally, heading straight towards the opposing side.


However, that was when I noticed our culprit. He was already running. Somehow anticipating our movements and counterattacking them with their own. I had questioned myself as to how he was able to do it. One or two thoughts came into mind. 'Either he knew of our predictable patterns or spied onto us' I growled, the fox yipped in surprise before sprinting down the length of the road. Already disappearing down the remains before heading rightward. Towards the darker part of the town. I screamed for Zander, his attention was towards me. I motioned for him. He spread his wings. Already taking to the skies, I ran after our culprit while raising my walkie high towards my mouth. “Me and Zander found the little rascal! He was heading down alterative roads. No wonder no one was able to see him!" “Heading down alterative roads?" Kyro yelled in surprise while gust of winds were heard then gone the next second. I ran down to the corner at the end of the road, turning right and heading down that darker part of town. However from here on out, I never knew where the fox might be however and I slowed down after that.


“Lost contact." I revealed,


“Found him!" Screamed Zander who was perhaps already out of breath. I blinked in surprise. Rather surprise to see the dragon already on the fox's tail quicker than I. Although with a small smile that warmth my face, I quickly swallowed it before responding quickly to Zander. “Where?" “Down the length of the roads, nearby a white building on the right. I do believe, Ling that is far from where you are currently at. Take the series of alleyways North of where you are standing." “Got it." I called out towards him, glancing ahead to a series of alleyways just as the black dragon had said. A huff escaped from my mouth while I ran the length. Complete darkness overfilled my eyes and senses while I felt the rush of winds blowing against my face. I stared down upon the horizon, gaining distance between myself and the end while I felt my heart pulse rapidly against my chest. With my wings nervously flapping about, I burst through the last series of alleyways. Submerging into the roads where I was surprise I was a bit behind from where Zander and the fox was however.


I raised my eyes towards the moon lit skies, spotting my squad already rushing through the air. Heading westward to where I believe that Zander was located however. I followed them through, raising my head often times while chasing after them. Thus having reached the targeted place was when we all slowed down. A dead end emerged upon our sights. Zander was standing there too; yet his head was hanged. Seemingly staring onto something. Curiosity overtook me while I walked to his side, Zander turned his head meeting mine before handing me a piece of paper. The same that I had saw before when we were out in the open. While the others watched Zander drifted into the crowd with silence hanging over his mouth, I set my eyes onto reading the paper. Then pondered its interpretation.


“A problem is coming. In the shape of an egg. Coming to threaten both Chaos and Order as well as Kivizoki Forest. How and why, we never knew. But stay sharp upon this problem. Perhaps, we could get through this.


As for the S.O.N program, do not worry about it. But do not dare to venture forth into our lands, we will force to return you to where you have came. No hesitation. You may have wandered about our own kind invading your peaceful town to gathered the stuff that perhaps we have needed. Once again, do not worry about it. Worry about a chicken and the egg. Prepare and anticipate. You are going to need it in the long run…


Signed, Whiteria."