Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Influenete


“Noticing anything off about the chief?" I hear Ling said as Zander and Natty came upon the table during lunch today. “Was it because of his shoes? Or how his wings were of different sizes?" Zander suggested and sat down upon his chair, picking up his sandwich that he had bought from the taco store behind him. “I doubt that is a suggestion at all, Zander." “I doubt about it too sometimes, you know." Zander shook his head, rolling his eyes as he exhaled to himself frowning. “Regardless, Ling is right. The chief lost his original voice and decided to use some honking ball noises as morse code to help us understand. Luckily for you guys, I know morse code." He bragged to his teammates despite some groans and moans coming from the other three dragons. I just laughed, nearly snorted on the drink of chocolate milk that I had ordered which splashes upon the table surrounding me before withdrawing my mouth from the straw and spoke to the black dragon. “Sure. Do you even know the basics of morse code anyway?" “Yeah of course!" And he went on trying to identity each of the letters related. However he could not get passed 'A' for some strange reason. The rest of us just laughed.


“Anyway… The chief." Ling responded after a pause of silence between us officers as she glance around us looking directly into the eye. Kyro shook his head, I did too. But Natty spoke out of the blue as her eyes settled upon the food she brought to the table, “His behavior was different. It was not that usual cheerful voice and tone that we were used to at all. You know, after being with him for twenty years." “It was more than that you know." Kyro reminded her, wrapping a claw around her backside as she smiled faintly in response to him. But went right back into a frown as she added more onto her words, “He was angry and frustrated. But more… what was the word?" “Pissed?" Ling remarked, tilting her head to one side as she munched upon the sandwich. A piece of ham falling out from it to the grounds of her tray. “No." Natty responded, snapping her claws together while she pondered.


Second day back onto the force and already I am hearing some awful things about our chief. But what was even more surprising was that we even have a chief at all! We never had one for nearly twenty one years and already the department had hired someone to help us out? Many questions had entered my mind. Most of them were related to the chief at all. So few of them were something else; like our partners when he was going to bring in two more departments from other cities to here. 'I wonder what that was like…' I pondered, lifting my eyes high towards the ceiling above me. Smiling faintly, maybe chuckling before hearing a snap of a claw. Shifting my attention, I spotted Zander looking annoyed at me then jerked his claw upon me while he spoke directly to Ling. “Tell your boyfriend to stop daydreaming about screwing with you. Its weird." “Someone's single…." Kyro teased him “Shut up Kyro!" He growled at the red dragon, I chuckled in response while Ling smiled faintly. For the rest of the time, we ate our lunch in silence. But it seems that no one wanted to have a conversation about the two new departments that are merging with us. So with a shrugged, I had decided to let that go to my head and ate in silence before we all have to leave.


A beautiful sunrise when the sun was rising from the horizon. Clouds were hovering in the air. Less dragons flying in the red orange color skies with a couple of hatchling crying somewhere. The streets were empty but were littered with signs and other annoying signs. We walked out from the restaurant and gathered together upon the entrance where we spread our wings and started flying into the air. Zander started flapping furiously and was a little bit ahead of us. His face hardened and was red with embarrassment; I smirked in response after seeing it. But said nothing else while turning to Ling and the remaining others who were already a bit behind us unfortunately. Lowering my eyes, I kept my thoughts opened in my head and wondered again about the topics that the chief given to us. We were on the thirty street. It was surrounded by a variety orange gray buildings with huge signs emerging upon the front of their buildings. We were silent upon the traffic of dragons who were arguing amongst themselves and throwing fist of justice upon one another. We never had to break them apart because, according to the chief, this builds character. 'I had wondered where he got this from' I exhaled to myself before hearing Ling pulled up adjacent to me.


Blinking suddenly, I turned my attention towards her and she smiled afterwards to me before it faded down and her eyes were directed to me. “What do you think the chief had in mind?" “You meant the two other departments added upon our unit?" I questioned her, she nodded in response. I frowned and sighed, “I had wondered what they were like. I mean, sands and cyber dragons, if I had remembered correctly minutes ago, they seemed awesome." “Just hope they are not female." “I hope they are not males." I joked, she laughed as Kyro and Natty flew passed us suddenly. I was surprise and watched them pull up towards the black dragon. Very briefly, I noticed how Zander and Kyro were looking at one another. A sense of determination were written upon their faces as they flapped faster and grounded their fangs together, they flew faster than us eventually disappearing down the road. Also, they left Natty to herself as she smiled and drifted back to me and Ling. “What was that all about?" I questioned her, she shrugged without hesitation and kept silent as we flew the rest of the way to the station.


By daybreak, we all gathered upon the station. I had noticed that both Zander and Kyro were out of breaths. Panting as if it was a hot day, I smiled towards the two of them as they responded with their own. But due to their breaths, it was therefore impossible for them to keep it long as their mouths were opened and the panting resumed. Ling and Natty were already to the door, followed by me and the boys. As we entered through the door, we were surprise to see the chief together with the Sands and Cyber dragons. I called out towards the group with a wave and the chief turned to us with a sudden smile upon his face. “Glad to see you guys here. I was just briefing them about the case that you three will be doing together." He responded, although his hint of tone was lighter than his usual grumpiness. Tilting my head, I nodded at him. “Briefing them about the mission to the other world?" “Yeah that." “I thought we already did that chief." Kyro remarked, now joining into the conversation as he briefly sweats and his body becoming moist, he nervously tugged against his shirt before turning around and pulled off from the rest of us as we turned to one another and frowned, Ling having her doubts upon the chief now.


“So you guys work for the chief now?" Spoke one of the Cybers. I turned to them and nodded in response, though midway through, I had decided to shake my head. “He was that annoying to deal with." I started, “How so?" Cyber questioned with a tilt of his own while I nervously stuttered, Ling stepped in and spoke in my place. “He always forget the missions we have completed on our own and in the past. Yet he throws it to our faces. Something is wrong with him. With what I am not sure…" “Well we can always storm his office and go through his stuff…" Zander started, “At this time of the day?" Kyro screamed at Zander, who held his claws up towards him. “He would perhaps figure that out, will he not?" “Regardless… let us just go on patrol. We will deal with the chief later, I suppose." “And when will that be, Ling?" Natty asked, but she shrugged afterwards before turning around and motioning everyone.


“So… who are you guys? What are your names then?" Zander asked as we stepped out from the station and into the cloudy afternoon. “I am Zir, this is Zintro." “Ah… The Z club." Zander commented, “I will catch you guys and hope for a good night sleep then." “How on order are you going to catch them?" Kyro asked, “A net." Zander answered. As the conversation between Kyro and Zander turned into an argument with one another, Ling introduced us. “Well, I am Ling. My boyfriend, Yang. Kyro, the red dragon. Natty the princess pink dragoness. And our annoying black dragon." “I told you I am not annoying!" Zander screamed, glaring at Ling while Natty and me smiled briefly before ceasing it and turned our attention to Zir and Zintro. Zander and Zintro were members of the sand police force according to them. Although compared to Vaster, their city's crime rate has skyrocketed and would never stop rising it seems. With much corruption happening in every corner of the street, I wondered why the station in the sands only had two officers to begin with. “Are there more of you?" I heard Kyro asked which stopped both the sand dragons as they turned their eyes towards the red dragon. A pause of silence had suggested no. But the red dragon wanted their answers regardless.


Zir and Zintro's scales were orange, but of different shades. Zir was a lighter shade than Zintro. Both dragons have the same wingspan, horns and other features including their lighter shade of yellow. Both dragons were silent which only allowed them to gather information about their opponents and allies alike. It was a refreshing take on interrogating culprits than us allowing Zander to strangle one to death or until he or she opened up. I shuttered remembering that one time that I had wished to suppressed about. It was the only thing that happened that force us to be banished from the interrogation rooms for a while. Luckily, it only happened once. As Zander continued being 'impressive' with the sand dragons, I exhaled before nudging Ling and she turned to me. I looked at her with an confuse look before reminding her of what we were doing. With a surprise look upon her face, she flushed with embarrassment before nodding afterwards. Her face grew red before she cough gaining everyone's attention. When all heads were turned to her, she spoke loud and clear to the rest of us. Although right about now, the streets were empty at the time because of lunch it seems. This resulted in a number of things. Things, I should not mention but were funny nonetheless.


In the end, however,  I ended up together with Zander. Was it revenge for Ling being pelt by someone's can which was thrown from the highest floor possible? Perhaps. But I never let it get to me while me and the black dragon started moving Northward towards our destination spot. I had remembered that Ling went with Kyro and Natty while the two Z dragons went together. West and South respectively of course. For I rolled my eyes in silence and turned to the front; gazing at the horizon while me and Zander arrived upon the northern part of Vaster city. By the time we landed down, I heard something rang. I pondered if it was the walkie on our pants, but I turned my head towards the side gazing at a store that was ringing rather loudly. I had remembered that many citizens around these parts were filing a complaint about the store nearby. It just so happened around midday, I was nearly surprise. I spread my wings, gently glided to the sidewalk below me. Zander followed me afterwards with a pondering tilted look upon his face as he watched me headed inside the store.


With a brush of fresh air, I entered in and scanned the small room looking for employees. Eventually noticing one shortly afterwards. The store was small. Yet it contains many items and goods that the consumers could buy off from. The store had variety of candies and snacks alike; including breakfast, lunch and dinner foods. A fridge was located at the other end of the room, opposite of where the door was. At the back end of the store was the register; four employees were behind them. But only two were present at the time. I walked up to them and responded, “Officer Ling, we had receive complaints about your loud ringing whenever someone goes to steal your good." “Why did you not send anyone to fetch for our stolen goods then?" “Can you describe what we are talking about?" “The thief, idiot." I growled lowly at them and ignored the comment. For instead, I said “Can you describe what the thief looked like? What was he wearing at the time?" Then I started prompting him like a teacher looking for an answer from a hatchling. It was really annoying at the time. But the conversation was short and right to the point. As we got our culprit to be…


I found myself staring at my note book in silence; looking at the words I had written onto it before raising my head up and frowned. “What is it?" Zander started, “Remember that Yang said about the chief disappearing?" A nod escaped from the dragon while his eyes continued to make eye contact with me, “I guess we now know where he is taking his good from." “The chief is the thief?" Zander responded, his face lightened up in surprise as we exited from the store. I nodded, “Yeah. Even I am surprise by it too. If the chief is stealing goods here and later got found our before the officers could arrive… Then where is heading next?" “More importantly, will the stores that he steal from have loud alarms too like the store behind us?" I frowned at him, shaking my head in silence. “No. Everyone believed in the station. Yet its chief was lying behind everyone's back. But, the information we have could be bias. For someone could impersonate him and frame his well being." “That could be true…" Zander trailed, before shaking his head and spoke to me. “We could continue our patrol. Who knows what else we could find." I responded with a nod, a brief smile before we spread our wings and flew off resuming our patrol.


The sun sinks into the horizon sending those red and orange rays surrounding the blue turning black skies. As we gathered back upon the station, we landed but were surprise to see everyone's depressive faces. I was unsure what to say, including Zander as we joined in onto the group and felt sad. I lowered my eyes upon the grounds; staring down onto the sidewalk before my ears perk up hearing Yang already speaking up for us. “We should brief the chief before heading out." “How are we going to do what?" Zintro questioned us, I turned to the Z's. A bit surprise to see them back and was about to speak that before Zander started, “Oh right. I forgot the Zs were here. Should we sleep?" “Shut up, Zander." Kyro growled at him and he kept himself silent while Zintro and Zir spoke to us, “An amazing experience. I kinda love the place." “Wait till you see the celebrations and holidays we do here." I responded towards the sand dragons as their brighten smiles reflected from their faces. I chuckled without hesitation before Ling motioned everyone back inside the station.


However, we were surprise to see the place abandoned and empty.


No tables. No computers. No nothing. My eyes shrinked surprise while I held my wings out and Yang stepped forth from our lines, clenching her claws as she growled. “Did the chief do this? Did he ordered someone to move all of our stuff? Towards somewhere else?" “Where did he take it all then?" Kyro remarked, his claws held up upon his forehead. I pondered silently before shaking my head. A bad time befell upon us here. Nothing we could do when we were robbed of our things by the chief we had supported the most here. 'How did this happened?' I pondered to myself, staring at the white void looking back at me with that intensive smirk upon its face. Despite the horror we had witness, I turned to Yang and noticed Zir and Zentro already holding their claws up to her shoulders. They whispered to her; I only caught some of their conversations before ignoring it completely and turned my attention towards Zander.


“Too many Zs. I wonder how the author is keeping up with them without getting himself too lost within the sea." I heard Zander muttered to himself and he flapped his wings before looking out to the horizon and chuckled, “Then again… what is the Cyber dragon's name anyway? When can we meet him?" “Who?" I questioned Zander as he looked to me in response, surprise when his eyes shrunk and gaze at me. “The cyber dragon." “Is this a good time to be talking about anime?" I growled at him, he said nothing in response to me as I changed my expression and turned away, speaking to Yang. “Despite this happening, we still got the mansion. We can regroup there." “Ri… Right." Yang nodded through sobs of streams and tears falling from her cloudy eyes while she turned around and headed out the door. Following her were the rest of her unit and Sands as we spread our wings and flew off Northward towards the mansion that we had already built up.


When we arrived upon the mansion, Natty was the first to step forth from our group towards the pair of doors before her. She grabbed onto the knob and pulled the doors back. They never moaned or creaked which astonishes me as she entered in. We followed behind her, entering through the doors into the cozy large room inside. Zentro and Zir were surprise and astonished by the layout of the room. Having notice how big it was and organized, I guessed that theirs were not. One could imagine what mess they had created when they had entered onto their own rooms. But ignore that thought, I motioned everyone and we gathered around the brown table in front of us. With the silence overtop of our heads, Yang was the first to start us off. “Now then. What do we know about the chief besides the point that he is our boss." “The fact that he was framed for the stolen goods at the store nearby." Zander remarked with Kyro nodded supporting the black dragon while adding, “In addition to being missing at every meeting we came in each morning." “I think that is you, Kyro." Natty muttered commently before silencing herself while Kyro could shoot back at her. Yang growled at them then resumed the conversation, “Alright. Anything else? Ling?" I shook my head sadly. “No." I replied with a frown, wings hanging behind me as I looked to Yang who nodded afterwards then started the next segment of our private meeting.


“I have taken the opportunity of personally seeing the chief in his office after everyone was off doing their tasks." She started, “What did you find? Was he there?" Kyro questioned which Yang shook her head and darkened her face, “Nope. But I did see a spilled coffee on the office table. It stained the bottom corner of the paper." “That is so little. Where was the rest?" “Perhaps spilled off the corner of the table." Natty suggested, I growled at her “That is impossible. How can a coffee be spilled in a large quantity of area space?" I argued further, “That coffee must be in one direction; the paper was in the way." “Unless the coffee was not drank, it could make that spill." “But how?" I responded, Yang interrupted us immediately. Everything else fell to silent allowing the dragoness to speak as she said her line,


“Ling is wrong. The coffee was not drank by the chief. Rather it was someone else. DNA further proves it that someone must had waltz in there to snatch the paper. But instead took the coffee instead and held it up to its-“A loud sound echoed our ears, every eye was turned to Kyro who narrowed his eyes at Yang before clenching his paws. For with a growl, he rose to his feet and argued with her for what seems to be minutes. This event had allowed the rest of us to think it over as our eyes gaze upon one another. Natty was shaking her head; Zentro and Zir remained as they were; but their eyes were directly to me. I tried my best to ignore them and shift my attention to Zander who was quiet at the time. “Something bothering you?" Natty remarked, having noticed it too. The black dragon gaze towards the rest of us shook his head before muttering, “I think you are all wrong then. The chief had something to do with it. Everything." “We would never be sure." Natty finished as the argument between Yang and Kyro died, leaving the sense of silence afterwards.


As our eyes shifted to Yang and Kyro, we noticed that the two were heavily panting. Eyes pointing daggers at one another as if another rumble was going to start. Luckily before it could escalate, Zentro stood up and broke it apart. Another pause of silence fell while I frowned and gaze away; a wing flapped in thought while I watched the other room, staring at the lifelessness of it pondering about the possibilities left on the table. 'What could be done…' I pondered with an exhale sigh repeating my thoughts before something ping out of the silence and we turned our attention to Natty whose eyes was widened.


“Guys…" She whispered, raising her eyes at us and spoke “We got a report about the factory burning at the border of Order and Chaos." “Drat." Yang cursed with a growl, “Lets move everyone." “Right." Everyone responded before we piled out the door.