Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Corner Wings


Dark. It was almost
impossible to see anything around here. I stared out onto the horizon, frown
was upon my face as an exhaled sigh escaped my lips. I shook my head, flapped
my wings before starting my walk across the street of Chaos as silence fell over
my head. The moon was hanged high above me, stars shone and dim very quickly.
But the ringing escaped my ears. I stared to the end of the street, before
shifting my attention towards the buildings on my side. In ponderance as to why
that the streets and the buildings were abandoned. Alas, I never paid any
attention towards them. As I walked the streets heading down the short path
towards the first crossroads, my ears perked up upon hearing something in the
distance. A loud series of screaming that filled the skies. Shouts and yells
filled the streets. Signs were raised high so everyone could see. I knew what
this was. I could not believed that Chaos would fall upon this kind of immature
behavior. But I see it now.


My head shook while
walking past the crossing street, exchanging it for the street that was ahead
of me as I walked down it towards the destination that I had needed anyway. A
particular building centered upon the realm, long abandoned by the R7 and
perhaps any other faction that lived around there. Now? It was already captured
by the government forces and we are told by Yang to monitor the disorder that
is happening right now. I growled with a question lingering my mind, clenching
my claws in ponderance why they have abandoned their own city. Their own
homeworld? But even I could not answer that at all. Given the scenario and the
disorder that the place was in, perhaps I could not pin the blame on them
instead. Rather, the enemy instead.


My head shook again as I
round the corner, exchanging the street of the alleyway. Thus entering into it
leads me through pure darkness with no lights that shines in my eyes anymore.
Although the street was shorten and widen, given that the buildings in between
were spaced far apart, I stared onto the alleyway and was surprise into seeing
that the place was filthy than before. The last time I had entered inside an
alleyway. I frowned at this, shaking my head but entered in anyway. Walking the
alleyway heading forth to the other side. For once I exited out, I raised my
walkie and spoke towards the others. “Anyone close towards the building yet?"
“Are you?" I heard Zander spoke out first, “Almost. Just had to bypassed a few
streets and alleyways to get there." “Same here." Echoed Kyro as silence fell
again. I exhaled a breath, closed and opened my eyes again before peering out
onto the horizon again and take in onto the environment around me. The streets
were filled with filth. It was not cleaned unlike the outer edges of the realm
however. With signs and blood all sprayed out through the roads. Covering the
tracks of where canines were suppose to be. I never knew if it was a massacre
or something. But who am I to blame for this mess anyway?


I turned right and headed
down halfway through the street, reaching the corner where the ends of two
streets meet. An alleyway was positioned here, but it leads back upon the outer
edge however. Instead of heading there, I turned left again and exchanged
another street for another while I lifted my eyes and gaze off to the edge,
staring down onto the tall buildings that emerged upon my sights. Shortly
before, fixing my attention to the horizon ahead of me. I walked it down.
Heading forth to my destination where Natty and Kyro were already. Zander got
there after me it seems. After him came officers Ozkun and Maujur. “Took you
guys long enough." I heard Zander taunted the two despite the glares settled
down onto him by the two last officers. I growled at the growing conflict,
shutting the two up as they turned their attention towards me. I nodded in
response before reciting and summarizing our goal here.


“According to Yang, we
are told to infiltrate this building and sneaky towards our goal at the far end
of the building. Located at the center is our target." I explained through my
own words as eyes watched me for a moment, although nods came in response. Only
Detective Kyro smiled in response as I flapped my wings, regaining Ozukun and
Maujur's attention as their eyes fixed towards Zander who was smirking at them
back. I gave an exhaled exhausting sigh, but gave no word while watching the
three 'hatchlings' bicker silently. “Sneaking through the building will be
hard." I added, raising my voice high to gain the attention of the three said
dragons. “There are many guards and bodyguards located inside. Once we reached
the center, Do not kill as per orders from the chief herself." “This maybe
easy…" Trailed Natty, Ozkun nodded in agreement while Kyro grabbed onto the
doorknob behind him and turned it to the side. “Locked." He answered as he kicked
the door in kind. Three times was what it took for the door to be unlocked as
we entered through the door in streams. Flooding the main room as our attention
were elsewhere.


The first room we were in
was large. Very large and empty it seems. With no light from above, the place
was also dark too. Four opened ways lead our through different destinations.
Only two of the four were closed by the doors however. “We split up." I
whispered as everyone acknowledged and headed off onto their own preceding ways.
Zander and Ockun went with me, Kyro stayed with his mate while Albavina stayed
with Maujur. We all settled upon our opened and closed ways, entering in
without a second thought. Thus, we all disappeared from each other's sights.
Soon I had became anxiously worried about all of them in particular however.
But my head shook while Kyro started growling, gaining my attention in kind
while I acknowledged him. We entered into the kitchen it seems. A square path
was settled in front of us. We split up into two, each heading down the sides
of the square. Until we meet up upon the end of the trail was when I turned
towards the right, spotting another door there. The other opened path adjacent
to the door was the living room, much smaller than the kitchen. But it was also
fithier. With videogames scattered across the floor, chips and other junky
things settled where ants could start eating them, I shivered and shook my
head. Motioning my claw at the others, urgently pointing them to the other
closed door.


Everyone nodded in kind
and Zander started kicking his foot against the door. Three times was an lucky
number to which the door forcefully opened and we were allowed out from the
kitchen's sights. We entered into a long hallway. Lights flickering above us
whereas doors alternate from being closed and opened, all at the same time it
seems. We ran passed the alterative doors. Running down the long hallway hoping
to see the exit long before the lights had went out. Thus once we reached it,
we were never hesitated and barged right into the room. We entered what seems
to be stairs. Kyro and Natty were located here, their heads pulled upward as if
looking to the ceiling that would collapse. I growled to gain their attention,
they turned towards me in response while I questioned them “Where is Albanina?"
“She ran upstairs alone. Surprise that girl had enough juice left inside her."
“Ha! You guys cannot even take care of your own daughter!" Taunting Zander,
laughing at them with a point directed at them. While Kyro growled at him back,
I scowled at the black dragon in silence. Then shortly turned to Ozkun and
Maujur “Alright, stay here with Detectives Kyro and Natty. I will head up
alone." “Stay safe." Responded Maujur as I nodded back in response to her.
Headed up the stairs towards the next floor above.


I hit the door. It opened
up to me afterwards as I entered in and glanced around. The hallway was empty
and it seems that no one was around however. But I remained tensed and silence,
anxious about our fellow officer. But I shook my head and grind it down to the
ground before taking my pick of where I should go. The second floor was much
more complicated than the previous floor below that it was easy to get lost
here. Much more than to recycle back into the starting point too however. While
I pondered about my choices, I shifted my attention towards the left side of
the path. I gazed its length down towards the end where a brown door emerged
before my sights. An green glowy sign was above it. White words engrave upon
the sign, but it was almost impossible to see them dur to the lightning of the
sign. Thus, ignoring it for a moment, I turned and stepped into the right path.
It was much shorter than the left it seems and very quickly, I would reached
the first intersection of the hallways.


I turned towards the
left, gazing down onto the flickering lights that now emerged upon my eyes. Two
doors stands on either side of the hallway. Both of which were closed at the
time. A lamp was place at the center of the hallway too it seem. But what also
surprised me was the guard at the other end of the hallway. My eyes narrowed
upon the guard and then hid myself from its sights. I hugged against the white
wall behind me, spreading my wings while I raised my walkie and spoke out in a
whisper. With false hope that the others would get it, I remained in place and
stayed silent for the dur- “Hey." I heard Zander spoke behind me, I turned
towards him in response. Flinching in surprise but never startled by him. A
smile submerged upon my lips while I nudged my head towards the edge of the
intersection and we traded places. He gaze his attention down the halls,
retaining the same information I had gathered too and shortly afterwards,
turned back towards me.


“Yeah. I see him." Zander
whispered, “But also we had to go now. That guard is definitely looked this way
pondering why there are two enemy dragons here." “We regroup with the others?"
I questioned him, “Kyro is leading his group down the left path. Towards the
exit door at the very end of the halls." I nodded in agreement towards him
before we got up onto our feet and ran. We silenced our sounds of footsteps as
we make our way down towards the left path. Heading straight for the exit door
at the other end of the halls was where we snatched the knob and opened it.
Thus entering inside. With the door closed behind us, we turned our attention
towards Kyro who looked surprise at me. But his head shook and sidestepped,
leading me to lead the regrouped group. Taking advantage over the situation at
hand, I stepped back up front and headed down whatever path was in front of us.
A hallway that was lengthy. Yet it was empty also at the same time. The gray
walls stay with us for the duration of our walk while the stripes of red
heading down the length, we stared up ahead towards the other green exit at the
other end of the halls.


“What happened?" Natty
questioned us, “A guard was located at the other end of the halls. We feared
that he may pull the trigger before any of us decides to head forth." I
answered, “Save the bullets for someone worthy, I take it?" Questioned Kyro as
I chuckled softly, shaking my head after him. “Nah. We would have killed him
anyway. But we do not know if any guards were located adjacent to him." “We
have that heat sensors in our walkies-" “Enough." I growled at them, silencing
their offers as we reached the end. Their faces turned hardened and a silent
nod was all the answered. As I smirked confidently at them before grabbing onto
the doorknob and turned, the door opened all on its own and we poured out like
water from a dam. We entered into the warehouse it seem. Despite the place
being empty, we started seeing other enemies around the place. Some gathered.
Others isolated on their own. Not to mention that the place was a complex maze
it seems too with many different paths, little correction ways and lots of
deadends. Me, Kyro and Zander groaned in despair; having great hatred towards
mazes such as these. But we did dragon up from them anyway.


We split up and heeded
our own way through. Me and Zander heading down the left path; Kyro and Natty
down the middle and the corner while Ozkun and Maujur headed right,
disappearing to who knows where however. Once we had split, the lights were all
shut off it seemed. Darkness seeped through upon the atmosphere and darkened
everything, it was rather impossible to see anything around about however. As
me and Zander continued running down the paths like blind mice, we held our
pistols in our claws. Aware that we might get into a firefight soon enough. My
eyes narrowed after turning the corner and headed down the path where the wall
was upon our left side. A door opened closed by however. We entered into it
without hesitation, thus entered into a flooded light. We were in a large room.
A very large empty room it seems. A huge hole emerged before our sights, I
leaned forward and gaze at the abyss in silence. Flapping my wings rapidly, I
gulped while Zander chuckled a bit. He stepped to the side, I did as well and
headed down the smallest of paths that make up the hole.


We heard whistling and
something growling below us. But we ignored it in kind once we reached the
door. We entered in. But was surprise into seeing a hallway before us and
something interesting on the other side. I squinted my eyes and stared onto the
painting. It was really hard to see what it was however. A frown escaped upon
my lips as I turned towards Zander who also shrugged as well. Without a choice,
we headed down the path. Calm and collected we were upon as our footsteps
glided across the flooring below us. I shifted my attention towards the left
wall, gazing at a sudden door that appeared before us. That same white door; a
green glowy sign with white letters emerged above it. I tilted my head to one
side, grabbed onto Zander to halt him down and pointed towards the door. He now
looked confused and worried. That he shifted his attention towards the end's
doors and the painting that was above it. “Is there a trap?" He questioned, I
shrugged. Unable to answer his question as my attention was towards the
painting and the brown door in front of us.


“I will check it out, go
on towards that door. See what you can find." I ordered him, Zander nodded in
kind and said nothing else in response before heading towards the left. Disappearing
from my sights, I huffed and turned back towards the painting and the brown
door in kind. A flap of my wings, suddenly raised me from the ground. I hovered
my way towards the end's hallway and stopped. Gazing down onto the painting
that was now close towards me. As I stared onto it, I was surprise to see that
the painting was a picture of a swan. Its eyes golden and sparky as if a
gemstone was attached towards it. Unaware of what I was attempting to do, I
promptly removed the 'gemstone' from the swan's eye and the floor underneath
gave way to an eternal darkness pit below me. I was startled by the sudden
change that I nearly lost my balance in hovering and had to flapped my wings
rapidly to rebalanced that again. I turned my head and gaze at the abyss below.
Seeing it was the same pitch darkness as the abyss previously, my eyes narrowed
and I raised my walkie again and pressed the button.


“Zander, the entire
hallway is a trap. The painting that we had saw was the trigger for it. I bet
you even that the door is rigged as well." I released the button again. Shifted
my attention towards the door and landed upon what little platform I had left.
With the door so closed against my underbelly as I promptly closed my wings, I
grabbed onto the door and tilted it to the side. Nothing happened. I crouched
and leaned back a bit, staring down onto the same golden eye that I saw from
the swan too and pressed that. Suddenly, I heard something clicked behind me.
Thus turning around, I duck and allowed whatever it hit against the surface of
the door. But that was not all however, for another click also happened and
something came from the grounds underneath, from the abyss that I saw earlier.
I was surprise to see a rushing of silver came blazing off. Hitting against the
ceiling above me and stopped. I waited a bit to see what happened. But nothing
came as a result. Just a door that opened behind me which allowed me to
entered. I entered.


A room was what I had
entered into. Books of every size and shape were organized neatly upon their
shelves. All stationed upon their own spots. Lowering my eyes, I gaze upon a
brown desk. A sign emerged on top of it, a clock was show adjacent to the sign.
Showcasing arrows pointing at the 'twelve' and 'four'. I checked the time on my
walkie, see it only half of twelve. I breathed a sigh, closed my eyes and shook
my head while advancing towards the brown desk in turn. The walkie flickered a
bit before speaking out towards me, upon which I heard Kyro's voice speaking
out through. He said something about a gathered of foxes located upon the halls
of the first and second floors. They seem to be chanting about something.
'Chanting about what?' I pondered, a bit surprised by the event unfolding
before us. No other information came from the red dragon however which left me
in the dark. Ignoring the few seconds of silence, I resumed my advances and
stopped when reaching against the desk in front of me.


A picture of a swan was
settle upon the surface of the desk. Its eyes were pointing towards me and met
my eyes. I flapped a bit in surprise, looking a bit anxious when seeing it.
Kept my silent afterwards and during as I examine the desk in silence. Six
drawers, three on each side, were located in front of me. I grabbed onto each
of them and pulled them forth. Revealing whatever content was hiding inside
them, I spotted a stopwatch, a golden watch and a knife. In addition to them, a
mini globe was also hiding in the top right drawer. I spread them across the
desk and stared onto them. Repeating the names of each object in my sights, I
frowned in ponderance wondering what all these represents. In ever got my
answer until I started hearing some radio flicker again and Ozkun started
speaking “Guys. I found a large globe inside one of the hallways, opening it up
reveals a golden knife. Its tip is bloodied however, seems like someone decided
to murder with it after all." “That answers that…" I thought to myself before
grabbing the walkie and answered in response, “Ozkun. I found two of the four
objects that you have seeked. Both items are located at the desk in front of


“The globe and the
knife?" Questioned Ozkun, I acknowledged him with a 10-4. “Great!" He responded
rather excitedly while I grabbed all four objects from the desk and started
pulling back from the desk. I heeded into the darkness afterwards behind me
with ponderance about the two remaining objects. The stop watch and the golden