Current Track: Blabb

"Please, Josef. C'mon I seriously can't think of anything else, right now. Is it even possible to go through withdrawal from sex? I need it. Now." I begged.

Josef chuckled, "Eine Woche? Das ist all, das du machen kannst?" One week? That's all that you can do?

"Wenn man jeden zweiten Tag fickt, dann stoppt man plötzlich, schraubt es mit seiner Psyche." When one fucks every other day then one stops suddenly, it fucks with their psyche. I complained.

"An deiner Stelle, würde ich masturbieren, jedoch, weil wir ein Bett teilen, kannst du das nicht tun.  Ich weiß, dass du überleben kannst, Nikki. Mach keine Sorgen! Du überlebst ohne Sex für fünf Wochen."  In your position, I'd masturbate. However, because we share a bed, you can't do that. I know you can survive. Don't worry! You will survive without sex for five weeks.

"Ich weiß, aber ich bin so schwer. I ch will so viel deinen Schwanz in meinem Arsch."  I know but I'm so hard. I want your dick in my ass so much. I almost moaned. I was extremely hard, there was so much pent up lust from the lack of sex for the past week. I couldn't believe myself. I had gone a majority of my adult life without sex and here I was going crazy for being sex deprived for a week. What the hell?

"I won't do it. Nikki, I love you for more than just sex. Don’t you feel the same?” He turned away from my nude body.

“Of course, Wolfy! I love you…every single part of you, but remember you’re the one who made this a sexual relationship. Don’t deny that sex is a part of this relationship. As it should be, my sexy hunk.”

Josef chuckled, “You really are that horny?”

Ja. Natürlich! Ich kenne einen schönen Wolf, der meinen Arsch gerade jetzt ficken soll. Komm her! Ich habe bewiesen, dass ich schwach bin, wenn ich mit dir bin. Fick mich, fick mich schwer!” Yes. Of course! I know a beautiful wolf who should be fucking my ass right now. Come here. I proved that I’m weak when if I’m with you. Fuck me, fuck me hard. I replied.

“Stop. Please! Just stop. I know you want to fuck…badly, but you and I decided to take a break. Remember?”

“Yeah…” I sighed, “I know.” I loved that about Josef. Once he made a decision he didn’t change his mind. He stuck to his decision, no matter how hard the journey that decision led him to. He was the same with this relationship, always loyal to me. It was nice knowing I didn’t have to worry about him cheating on me. He gave is word on the ring as well as that night, “Nuviz i emere, lubanfu wu sez” Now and forever will I love you. It didn’t matter to him that we weren’t having sex, I wasn’t his fuck-toy; I was his fiancé. That made me so happy. Yeah, it may seem like I was the one who was extremely horny, and at that moment, I was, but I had a feeling that Josef wouldn’t budge, again, showing how loyal he really was.


“Foxtrot-Whiskey-Charlie- zero niner five five six three to Fort Collins Tower requesting permission to land.”

“Permission Granted.”

“Cell phone, Call Brooke Malone, Mobile.”

Calling Brooke Malone, Mobile.” The computer voice replied.

“Hello?” Brooke answered.

“Hey Brooke, It’s Nick. How’s my favorite vixen?” I replied.

“I am great! Busy but great! How are you, my dear friend?”

“Well, thanks, Josef and I are flying into town right now. I was wondering if we could stop by to see you and Kennard.”

“Of course!! Let me know when you arrive! Kennard will be all too glad to see you as well!”

“I’m sure. Well we just entered Fort Collins Airspace; we’ll arrive shortly. Tell Kennard, I said, ‘Hi.’”

“Ok, will do.”

I looked to Josef, “Also, das ist gut. Sie hat geantwortet.” Well that’s good. She answered.

“Mhmm, she’s always been a good friend of yours Nick. Remember Spring Break.”

“Oh yeah. So why is there a leash in my bag? I thought we weren’t going there for another two weeks.”

“Ok, so I might be a little wanting too…I’m sorry, Nick. We’ll do something tonight, I’ve rented us rooms in the Marriott Hotel. We can have some…fun, I promise.”

I sighed. I watched his gorgeous white angel wings as they moved, with everything about this wolf I was in love. His wings—I liked to think—were whiter than the whitest dove in the whitest light, and his fur sometimes just shone bright, almost fluorescent. It was fun watching him fly. He just spoke the beauty of flight with his movements…Man was I horny. “Let’s stop by the hotel and then we can go to Brooke’s place.” I offered.

“Oh no…no, no, no! Ich sehe den Blick in deinen Augen, du möchtest nichts mehr als, um mich zu ficken. Wir sollen warten, zu ficken, bis nach der Treffung mit Brooke und Kennard. Wir können, aber wir sollen zuerst sie treffen. Dann, wenn wir in das Hotel gehen, können wir Spaß machen.” I see the look in your eyes. You’d like nothing more than to fuck me. We should wait to fuck until after the meeting with Brooke and Kennard. We can, but we should first meet them. Then, when we go back to the hotel, we can have fun.

I chuckled. “Let’s go see the two cutest straights I’ve ever known.”



“Hey Kennard, haven’t seen you in a long time. How’ve you been?”

“Not too bad. If I’m not mistaken you haven’t seen me since last semester.” The male flareon said. His yellow tail swayed with a hint of mischief.

“My flaming vulpine friend, just what are you planning?” I asked with some sarcasm entering my voice.

“Oh nothing, nothing.” He said in an uncharacteristically mischievous tone. With all canids, lying was near impossible, we had easily identified tones in our voice and an extra appendage which often betrayed our true intentions. Our body language reflected that of our quadrupedal ancestors so closely that we in general were not trusted with secret information. Although the governments of the world still expected wolves to serve the military for at least two years, and flyers were meant to be Special Forces operatives. I’d yet to serve my time in the American Military’s Volantis Corps—a regiment of highly trained flying wolves tasked with many highly dangerous extraction missions, but I would join after college.

The reason we were highly sought after was our pack mentality which survived the transition from sentience to sapience in our species. We worked great in teams, better than the Hominids which inhabited the Spec Ops before the Event.  In order for a flit-wolf to get his wings, he has to lie his way through a polygraph and an anthro lie detector test. The second was actually harder than the first because of our tail. Even pathological liars had to work to stop their tails from betraying them.

Anyways, Kennard just laughed as I eyed him critically, “Come in, Nick. It’s not like we’ve got anything to hide.” He said when he opened the door.

I walked in slowly and kept my eyes on the eevee-lution. Apparently that was a big mistake. For as soon as I entered the home, I heard light footsteps rapidly approaching me from Dave’s room.

I didn’t even look as I sidestepped Dave’s advance and swatted him on the back sending him muzzle-first into the bar. He went down for a couple of seconds, dazed from the shock of being outmaneuvered—again. I chuckled at him, “You alright, you silly cat?”

“Yeah, fine. How’s Josef?” Dave replied with a tinge of embarrassment on his voice.

“I’m right here, Stephen. You should know by now, Nick isn’t the same man from last fall. I’ve been training him in martial arts for a while now.” Josef responded spitefully. David was Dave’s middle name. Stephen was his first. If Josef was pissed with Dave, he’d call him Stephen to piss him off.

Dave growled, “It’s David, dammit! No one calls me Stephen. And I mean no one.” He had his claws out.

Josef just rose his finger and swayed from side to side as he tutted Dave. “Shame, kitten, shame. Little cubs shouldn’t threaten their elders.” I was scared a little from this. Sometimes, the two roughhoused a little too much.

Dave growled again. “I am an adult! I am a cougar! My name is Dave!” I looked at David. He never really got mad, so I knew this wasn’t really anger. Or was it? There was a fire in Dave’s eyes I’d never seen before. It scared me.

He lunged at Josef. Josef just flowed out of Dave’s way. Dave continued out onto the sidewalk. He turned around. And right as Dave lunged again. Josef shut the door. “When you’ve calmed down, little cub, I’ll let you in.”

I just looked at Josef, “What…the FUCK was that? What happened to the even-keeled man we used to know. Did the Event change him that much?”

Josef sighed. “His species is known for being hot-headed. It doesn’t matter how even-keeled the man was. Short fuses are genetic with cougars. You’d think you would’ve known that by now.”

“I know. I never saw Dave get that mad about anything. He was always easy going over Skype. What happened?” I questioned in disbelief.

“He’s pretty good about most anything else. But call him Stephen and he goes berserk.” Brooke said as she walked in.

I looked over at Brooke. She was a very pretty woman and many thought her attractive, but I just never saw her that way. She was the sister I never had—in a way. She was one who I’d share anything with and I trusted her not to tell anyone. She was one of my best friends. I saw her as one of whom I could ask advice and to whom I was more than willing to give advice. She was intelligent and an intellectual, and by that I mean that she was smart and she used her brain logically and never allowed herself to be ‘deluded’ by religion.

“Hey Brooke. It’s good to finally see you in person, again. It’s been too long.”

“It has. How’s it going, Josef?” She asked.

“Good, thanks.”

“There are two doors to this house you know! I have a key as well!” Dave said coming from the back of the house. He sounded calmer; the fire now gone from his eyes, though he still sounded annoyed.

"What was that, Dave? I don't think I have ever seen you that angry." I commented.

"Yeah. It's kind of a new thing." he sighed, "I'm sorry, Josef."

“It’s a non-issue. I expected as much, David. Anyhow, we have reservations for us all, including Celeste at Sonny Lubick’s. We should get going.”


“And I play Rhox. It’s a five-five with regenerate and super trample.” I said.

“No you don’t. I play cancel. Bye-bye Rhox.” David replied.

Josef was talking to Brooke and Nick. I wasn’t really interested in what he was speaking about, I was in the zone. Magic: The Gathering was the one thing that distracted me from my mate’s gorgeous accent.

“Well fine, I play Rhox War Monk and Guardians of Akrasa. The guardians have exalted; Rhox War Monk has Lifelink. I end my turn.” I had Angelic Benediction in my hand, but I was waiting to see Dave’s next move before doing anything. I had to wait to play my cards. Blue decks in general were very much a problem for my Rhox deck. They were filled with cards that stopped my ability to play creature cards, on which my deck operated. The main goal of my deck was to take advantage of the ability of certain cards to beef up other cards by increasing their attack and defense points. In the case of my Rhox deck that ability was known as Exalted. It increased the attack and defense points of a creature only when it attacked alone. Therefore my decks biggest problem is that it operated almost exclusively on attacking with one creature. I, in general, would have at least two or three exalted cards for every non exalted card on the playing field. This time however, I only was able to keep at most two cards on the playing field because of David’s blue deck.

“Well I play this card and end my turn.” David said.


Hast du David eine Nachricht geschickt? Unser Flug geht in einer Stunde. Er soll hier sein. Wo ist er?“ Did you send David a message? Our flight is leaving in an hour. He should be here. Where is he? I asked Josef.

He looked at me, sighed and replied, “Du bist zu ungeduldig, Nikki. Er kommt. Du kennst ihn. Hier wird er sein. Wir haben noch eine Stunde. Wahrscheinlich geht er gerade jetzt zur Sicherheitskontrolle.“ You are too impatient, Nikki. He’s coming. You know him. He will be here. We still have a half an hour. He’s probably going through security right now.

“Yeah. Wahrscheinlich bist du richtig. Er ist in der Sicherheitskontrolle. Hast du mit Jonny und Jordan gesprochen?” Yeah. You’re probably right. He’s in the security check. Have you spoken with Jonny and Jordan? I responded after taking a deep breath.

“Sie fliegen bei Air France, Nikki. Wir sehen sie in Frankfurt. Meine Mutter holt uns ab. Du kennst das Plan. Wir müssen es nicht wiederholen. Müssen wir?“ They’re flying with Air France, Nikki. We’ll see them in Frankfurt. My mother is picking us up. You know the Plan. We don’t need to review it. Do we?

"Nein. Ich erinnere mir das Plan. Mach keine Sorgen, Wölfchen.“ No. I remember the plan. Don’t worry, Wolfy. I assured him.

Just then a middle aged, human woman walked up, and asked, “Entschuldigen Sie mich, bitte! Aber haben Sie meinen Sohn gesehen? Er ist vor zwei Minuten zum Fuß herumgegangen, und jetzt kann ich ihn nicht finden.“ Excuse me, please. But have you seen my son? He was wandering around two minutes ago and now I cannot find him.

I looked at the woman, “Wie alt?” How old? I asked.

Sechszehn Jahre.” Sixteen years.

“Beruhigen Sie, Mein Fräulein! Er ist alt genug, um für sich selbst Auswahlen zu machen. Er hat ein Handy. Ja? Ob Ja, Rufen Sie ihn an! Fragen Sie ihn, wohin er gegangen ist! Erzählen Sie ihm, um herzukommen!  Er kommt. Ich bin sicher.“ Relax, Milady. He is old enough to make choices for himself. He has a cell phone. Yes? If yes, call him. Ask him to where he’s gone. Tell him to come here. He’ll come. I’m sure.

She just looked at me, utterly surprised at my reply. “Don’t you think I would have tried that?!?” She asks, “He’s being rebellious and as such I cannot get ahold of him.”

I smiled meekly, “Ma’am I’m only trying to help. I apologize, but—“

“Nikki, Halt den Mund!” Shut up. Josef interjected, “Look, Woman, my fiancé and I are trying to relax before our flight. I understand that your son is being a little jackass, but we haven’t seen him. If I were you, I’d check the restrooms, and the shops that suit your son’s interests. Now please leave us in peace.”

I looked over at Josef. I couldn’t believe how rude he was being. The woman just huffed and walked away. “Was war das? Sie braucht Hilfe und du warst ein gigantischer Arsch zu ihr. Warum?“ What was that? She needed help and you were a giant ass to her. Why?

“They’re humans, Nikki! Our kind doesn’t—“

“Stop! Right! There!” I interrupted, “We are in no position to be hateful towards anybody. Besides, Wolfy, I used to be human. So does that mean you only love me because of my exterior?”

He looked at me. His maw opened and closed a few times. His head drooped and he said, “Life is learning. Ne lebyè vertean lerá.”

“Aya. It is.” I replied. That saying is by far one of the most philosophical sayings we wolves use. I wanted to change the subject, “So, remind me again, who’s all going to be there from your family?”

Meine Schwester, Maya, meine Mutti, mein Vati, mein jüngerer Bruder, Gunther, und die Ältesten meiner Rudel kommen. Der Älteste steht der Ehe vor. Wir haben zwei Ehen. Eine wird auf Wölfisch gesprochen werden, und Eine auf Deutsch.“ My Sister, Maya, my mom, my dad, my younger brother, Gunther, and the Elders of my pack are coming. The Eldest will preside over the wedding. We’re having two Weddings. One will be spoken in Wolfyr, and one in German.

Von meiner Rudel kommen mein Bruder, meine Mutti, meine Vettern von den beiden Seiten, die Schwester meiner Mutti und ihr Mann, der Bruder meines Vatis und seine Frau, und die Ältesten Coulters. Mein Vati darf nicht kommen.“ From my pack, My brother, my mom, my cousins from both sides, My mom’s sister and her husband, my dad’s brother and his wife, and the Elders of the Coulters are coming. My dad can’t come.

“I know, Nikki.” Josef replied. His ears were turned back and his head was down in disappointment.


“Security line took forever to get through, I apologize.” David huffed as he jogged toward us. His tail betrayed his annoyance at the situation.

“Hey, no problem. Flight boards in ten minutes.” I assured him and looked up at the monitor. The 747-400 was filled to the brim. I was thankful that Josef had purchased tickets. Had we tried to board this plane standby we’d have been screwed.

“Thanks again for the ticket, Josef!” David exclaimed barely containing his excitement. Josef, of course, bought us three first class tickets. I didn’t want him to do it, but he insisted. So here we were, about to experience first class internationally for only the third time in my life.

“No big deal. I wouldn’t have my friends fly in any other way.” He replied nonchalantly. He got up and started toward the ‘Blue Carpet’ line for the United First and MileagePlus members. He was swaying his tail in such a way that I knew the conversation was over.

“You realize that this is a once in a life time thing for ninety percent of the population, right?” I ask David.

“No duh, Nick. Relax. I’ll behave.” He and I both chuckled at that.