Current Track: Blabb

Mondays were annoying but especially this one. I was excited, though. Today we were talking about relationships and marriage in German culture.

“Yup. Hey, man, what did you do this weekend?”

“Frat parties.”

“Oh. Cool. How’s that collie of yours?”

“Jonny? Oh he’s as frisky as ever. I swear that kid has enough energy for ten men.” I laughed at that. Jonny was quite a character. I understood why the Dragon was a little drawn about him. He, being a reptile, was slightly more susceptible to the cold weather. He usually was more lazy and slower thinking during winter. In California, the difference was a little less obvious but it was plenty obvious the one time Jordan had come to see me in Denver.

“Is he really too much for you, this time of year?” I asked.

“Oh, he’s been wanting to…y’know…since eight this morning.” I chuckled again.

“My! He certainly has quite the libido. That dog certainly has a lot of energy. If he were that energetic before the Event, he’d probably be diagnosed with extreme ADHD.” I said. Border collies were always extremely energetic. I’d met the canine a few times before and he really could’ve been diagnosed with ADD or the more Hyperactive sibling. When Jordan first introduced me, he shook my hand and then took off after a bus. Exactly like one of his four legged cousins were wont to do. “Well, you treat him right. So how’d you handle that?”

“Oh, I just gave him what he wanted.”


“Yup. Well Nick, gehen wir zu Klasse! Ja?“ He said.

“Yes, Let’s.” I said following my draconic friend. He and I had gotten along well. He and I were in the same German class and when he had made it apparent that he was gay I had come out to him as being bi. I mentioned Josef and he was shocked. I half expected that reaction. That is what happened when you dated the son of the richest man in Germany. I mean, he wasn’t that famous in America, but I still got reactions when I mentioned his full name.

We arrived in the classroom. Somehow, not the first ones in the classroom. The only other flier in the class had somehow beaten us there. The man was a twenty-two year-old parakeet. Who obviously knew why his species’ males were adorned more colorfully than the females. He was always meticulously groomed. His wings were a dappled dark grey to white combination, which were always brilliantly shining as if he coated them in wax every morning. He was undoubtedly straight, but was so meticulous about his appearance I often thought he was gay in the beginning. I can’t say that I haven’t done that before, I mean discovering your sexuality in college means that you were often one of the homophobic assholes many a gay or bisexual kid had to deal with in high school. I was quick to prejudge and that often got me in trouble.

Also, ihr zwei? Seid ihr ein Liebespaar? Ihr beide seid schwul und ihr verbringt viel Zeit mit einander.“ Well, you two? Are you (guys) lovers? You’re both gay (worse than faggot in English. It’s about the most derogatory way to refer to a homosexual) and spend a lot of time with each other.

“Nein! Du weißt das, Robert. Wölfe paaren seltsam außerhalb ihrer Spezies und Drachen und Wölfe kommen in der Regel in die Beziehungen, die ich gesehen habe, nicht so gut aus. Außerdem habe ich Josef, und Jordan hat Jonny. Auch hat Josef dieses Wochenende mich gefragt, um ihn zu heiraten. So er und ich werden viel mehr Zeit mit einander verbringen. Ich hoffe.“ No! You know that, Robert. Wolves rarely mate outside their species and Wolves and Dragons don’t usually get along so well in the relationships I have seen. Besides, I have Josef and Daniel has Jonny. Also Josef has asked me this weekend to marry him. So he and I will be spending a lot more time with each other. I hope. I said

“Ich gratuliere dich.“ I congratulate you. He said somewhat disgusted.

Just then, a gorgeous male thoroughbred horse walked into the class. He was on the track team, and had met me through Junior and Gian this summer. I always laughed every time he walked in because he always did something exceedingly crazy with his tail. Today I was a little disappointed, It was in just a normal braid.

Wie geht’s dir, Daniel?” How are you, Daniel? I asked, “Warum ist dein Schwanz nur in einem Zopf?“ Why is your tail just in a braid?

Weil ich keine Zeit dieser Morgen hatte.” Because I had no time this morning. He said.

I gave him a little pouty face. He knew I was bi as did the entire class. I used that to my advantage. Pretty much the only two male friends I had in the class were Daniel and Jordan. Jordan was gay but he was also taken. Daniel was a track star, so much so that his Quadruped ancestors would’ve been proud. Thoroughbreds were race horses in the human world, before the Event. And so were they in this world before some strange force caused near the entire biosphere of this earth to become sapient and two-standing. Most creationists had stopped their useless fighting and bickering with evolutionists when they saw the plain evidence before them. The humans that had existed on this planet had watched and marked each step. They were unfortunately driven to extinction before the Event had caused them to come back. It was hard to ignore such hard evidence.

The teacher came in next followed by the rest of the class. “Warum seid ihr vier immer erst hier?“ Why are you four always here first? She asked. She walked by me on her way to the front of the classroom. Noticing the ring. She, being a black wolf, could read the inscription. “So Josef und du werdet heiraten? Wann, wenn ich fragen darf?“ So Josef and you will marry? When, if I may ask? She asked.

I looked up at her. The black wolf’s gold eyes stood out against her midnight fur. “Wir wissen noch nicht. Also, du weißt so gut wie ich, dass Josef dies nicht lassen wird, um zu groß zu werden. Wahrscheinlich werden meine Familie, die kommen möchten, seine Familie und einige Freunde dort sein. Er will dies traditional nicht sein. Anstatt, wird es eine juristische Ehe sein.“ We don’t know yet. Well, you know as well as I that Josef won’t let this become too big. He wants this to not be traditional. Instead it will be a legal wedding.

She looked down at me and frowned. “Wissen die Rudel?” Do the packs know?


“Also, wenn sie herausfinden, wird Josef nicht entscheiden dürfen. Die Rudel der zwei Verlobten entscheiden alle für die Hochzeit. Es wird eine traditionale Hochzeit sein. Also das ist für die Wölfe, die nicht fliegen kann. Wahrscheinlich ist es anders für fliegende Wölfe.“ Well, if they find out, Josef won’t be allowed to decide. The packs of two betrothed decide everything for the wedding. It will be a traditional wedding. Well, that’s for the wolves who can’t fly. Possibly it’s different for flying wolves. She said and then she turned to the class. All twenty students were on their phones, and in general not paying attention. The class didn’t start for another five minutes. She thought differently. She went to the front of the class. “Also Klasse! Ihr wisst, wenn die Professorin kommt, beginnt die Klasse. Macht die Handys weg! Beginnen wir! Ja?“ Well Class! You (guys) know, when the Professor (feminine) comes, the class starts. Put the phones away. Let’s begin. Yes?


After class, Professor Mendelsohn pulled me aside. “You’ve got to tell the packs. I know flying wolves have a slightly different culture, but this I’m actually sure of.”

I gave her a shrug, “You’re right, but whom do I tell? I’m technically the pack leader as of Saturday. My father is an elder now.”

“Tell him. He’s still your father. I heard about how he reacted to your coming out to your mother, but he should realize what an opportunity this is for the family. The un-“

“I’m not marrying Josef for the money. It may be an added benefit, but I wouldn’t be marrying this man if I didn’t actually feel something for him.” I interrupted her. I usually was very polite with teachers, but that just was something I couldn’t understand. Why did everyone think I was after Gutenberg’s fortune? Sure it was there, but I really couldn’t care less about money. If he wasn’t the catch of the century otherwise, I would have dropped him on his ass after our first date.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend.”

“No, it is fine, I just get tired of it after a while. Everyone thinks I’ve been dating Josef because he’s rich. If that truly were the case, I wouldn’t be dating Josef. I’d be trying to steal Junior from Giancarlo.”

“Wow, they’re still together?” The professor tilted her head.

Ja. Sie haben eine wirkliche Verbindung. Es ist Süß.“ Yes. They have a real connection. It’s sweet. I said.

Seid ihr noch Mitbewohner mit ihnen?” Are you (guys) still roommates with them?

“Ja, Natürlich. Josef will mit ihnen wohnen, bis wir verheiratet sind. Als wir verheiratet sind, will er mit mir anfangen, um ein neues Haus zu suchen, aber ich will noch mit ihnen wohnen, nachdem wir verheiratet sind. Mindestens für eine kleine Weile.” Yes, of course. Josef wants to live with them until we’re married. When we’re married, he wants to start to search for a new house, but I want to still live with them after we’re married. At least for a little while. I explained.

“Viel Glück! Ich muss zu meiner nächsten Klasse gehen. Guten Tag noch!” Good luck! I must go to my next class. Good day. She left. I just watched her leave. The Mendelsohn pack had produced many noteworthy scholars over the years, I had read. As I was about to take off, Jordan caught up with me.

Worüber habt ihr gesprochen?“ About what were you speaking? He asked.

“Nunya!” I responded. Not really wanting to explain, but it also somewhat amusing watching the dragon fume.

With smoke escaping his nostrils, he said, “Aww! C’mon Nick! Tell me!”

“It doesn’t concern you, dragon!”

“This something to do with the packs?”

“It doesn’t concern you!”

“Alright! Alright. I’m sorry want to go get a beer?”

“I can’t, The CS prof gave us a few thousand lines of code to write tonight. I need to get started right away. And don’t get me started on Math.”

He gave me a stern look, “I could care less. Stop making yourself into a hermit and enjoy a drink with your friend.”

“I’m trying to graduate!” I retorted.

“The assignments aren’t due til Friday.”

“Hmmm… I guess I can stay for a drink.”


"Call Josef, Nick. Jonny's coming, and you don't want to be a third wheel." Jordan commented.

"Speak of the devil..." I said.

"Hey Nick. Long time no see!" Jonny said. He sat down on the other side of Jordan.

"Hey, Jonny. It has been a long time, hasn't it?" I replied. I got out my phone and said, "I'm calling Josef."

"Oh my! You two are still together? That hunk of a wolf is drop-dead gorgeous. You are so lucky, Nikki." I let out a small growl, "What? I'm complementing you and your boyfriend. Why would you growl at me, Nikki?"

"That Nickname! I hate it! I only let Josef use it." I growled. I then called Josef.

"Hallo! Wer spricht?" Hello! Who's speaking? Josef said.

"Hallo Josef, es ist Nick. Jordan, Jonny und ich möchten dich, um herzukommen. Wir sind in O'Connell's Pub. Komm und betrete uns! Wir warten."  Hello Josef, it's Nick. Jordan, Jonny, and I would like you to come here. We're at O'Connell's Pub. Come and join us. We're waiting. I said.

"Of course Nikki. Tell Jonny and Jordan I said 'hi.'" Josef replied.

"Sag ihnen dich selbst, wenn du hier ankommst." Tell them yourself, when you arrive here. I said, "Auf Wiederhören!" I'll hear you later.

"Wiederhören!" hear you later. He hung up the phone.

Jonny looked at me with a questioning look on his face. "Well?"

"He's coming. He'll be here in about five minutes. In the meantime, let's order a round of beers."

"You and Jordan can. I'm getting a martini." Jonny said excitedly.

Jordan let out an exasperated sigh. "I love you, Jonny, but you have to learn to order more inexpensive drinks."

I chuckled as I waved over the bartender.

"What can I do ye for?"

"What beers do you have?"

"On tap we have Budweiser, Coors, Bud Lite, and Coors Lite. We have Guinness, Michelob Ultra, Miller High Life, and Pabst Blue Ribbon in cans and bottles," The bartender said, "I'm guessing a Guinness for ye and an MHL for the collie and a Budweiser for the dragon felluh."

"Is that all?" I asked, "No Stella? No Amber?"

"We have Stella Artois and ambers and others but those that I listed are the only ones you can appreciate."

I looked at him incredulously. "You insult me, sir. I'll have you know that I have tried and love Stella. However, I'm not in the mood for Stella. I'll take the Guinness."

"The beer you suggested, I'll take that." Jonny said.

"I'll take a High Life as well." Jordan said.

The bartender looked taken aback. "Is that all?"

"No my fiancé is joining us and will take a Coke."

"Your fiancée won't be drinking?"

"No. I won't allow it. Trust me, my fiancé drunk is a scary sight."

"It isn't him that won't allow it. It's this damn country." Josef said from behind me.

"Wolfy!" I exclaimed. I ran up and hugged him, "You made it."

The bartender scoffed, "Just what we need! Gays married."

Both Jordan and Josef looked at the bartender, Jordan with smoke pouring profusely from his nostrils, "You got a problem?!"

"I...I can't say I don't have a problem. I mean the president might have given you the ok, but some of my generation haven't." He said. He speaking very calmly, started handing us our drinks, "A Guinness for the lupine lad and a cola for his lover. The Dragon and the collie's drinks are comin' up."

"Thank you. I apologize about this. They're a wee bit sensitive about this. Neither of their parents know. They're slightly nervous about it. Especially mine. He's German. If you couldn't tell from the accent. He believes his father will-"

"Halt den Mund, Nikki! Er braucht nicht, zu wissen." Shut up, Nikki! He doesn't need to know.  Josef snapped.

"Ich soll nicht halten müssen. Er verdient, zu wissen, warum du im Weg, das du gemacht hast, reagiert hast." I shouldn't have to stop. He deserves to know why you reacted in the way that you did. I replied. I gave him a slight snarl. Letting him know that this was neither the time nor the place to argue.

"OK! Look, man I apologize. I'm still nervous about coming out to my father. People who react in the way that you did... well... they don't make that any easier, nor does this country's drinking age. I grew up drinking a glass of wine every night with dinner, whether in a restaurant or at home. Here though, It's like they decided that they want some of their countrymen to die without ever legally being able to drink. I just don't get it."

"I am sorry, lad. I don't mean to be such a bollocks. It must be hard for ye. How long have ye been away from family?"

"Since June."

"Aye, a long time, lad. Bloody long time."

"You're actually from Ireland? Around Dublin, I'm guessing?"

"Aye. Me family moved here a few months ago."

"Dublin to San Diego. That's quite a move."

“Aye. Me wife got herself a nice job that moved us here.”


Wir sollen während der Herbstpause nach Deutschland fliegen. Du brauchst, um deine Familie zu sehen.“ We should fly to Germany during Fall Break. You need to see your family. I said on our way home.

Josef looked at me. “Wir haben andere Sachen, die wir machen müssen. Wir haben keine Zeit, um meine Familie zu sehen. Wir müssen bereit für die Hochzeit sein...Und ja sie wird groß sein. Meine Familie, deine, und unsere Freunde. Wir müssen auch entscheiden, wo wir heiraten möchten.“ We have other things that we must do. We have no time to see my family. We must be ready for the wedding…And yes it will be big. My family, yours, and our friends. We must also decide where we want to marry. He said.

“Du verstehst nicht, was ich versuche, zu sagen. Ich sage, dass du deine Familie sehen MUSST. Du musst ihnen erklären, was passiert.“ You don’t understand what I’m trying to say. I’m saying that you MUST see your family. You must explain to them what is happening. I clarified.

Sie werden uns nicht verstehen. Sie werden über uns lachen. Mein Vater wird mich nicht lassen, um mein Geld zu haben. Er wird mich verleugnen.“ They won’t understand us. They’ll laugh at us. My father won’t let me have my money. He’ll disown me.

“Nein! Er wird nicht. Er hat dich lieb. Du bist sein Sohn.“ No! He will not. He loves you. You’re his son.

“Wie weißt du? Wie kannst du so sicher sein?“ How do you know? How can you be so sure?

“Ich kann, weil er nicht so religiös wie mein Vater ist. Es gibt eine kleine Chance, dass er schlecht reagieren wird, aber ich zweifele, dass er wird.“ I can, because he’s not as religious as my father. There’s a small chance that he will react badly, but I doubt that he will.

Ich liebe dein Vertrauen, Nikki. Wenn du so vertraulich bist, gehen wir! Denkst du, dass du nach Deutschland fliegen kann, oder sollen wir mit dem Flugzeug nach Deutschland fliegen?“ I love your confidence, Nikki. If you’re so confident, let’s go! Do you think that you can fly to Germany or should we fly to Germany on a plane? Josef asked.

"Ich soll in Ordnung sein, aber Ich fliege lieber mit dem Flugzeug für diese Länge.“ I should be fine, but I prefer flying on an airplane for this length. I said as we touched down in front of the house.

We heard a car come in behind us. Jordan and Jonny wanted to continue hanging out. Considering that we had been at the bar for a goodly amount of time I deemed it ok for us to fly and for them to drive here. Jonny got out of the car first. He came up to us and greeted us both. For him that meant a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Well if he could reach the cheek. For Josef and I he just gave us a giant hug, he only being 5’10”. Jonny gave me a smirk after breaking his hug with me. “Ivarn sem porok de shana lif onfon.”

“Ivara sez terka ne shnal.”

“Ivarn ne yaguru sem terk anjitze.“ He finished and chuckled, “You wolves and your traditions! You guys crack me up. I’m learning Wolfyr at a local college. I thought I should try it on you guys. I know that’s a little formal, but I wanted to make sure I got that right. I believe among friends you say ‘Avrie.’”

It was now Josef’s and my turn to laugh, “’Aviré’ is hello, ‘Avrie’ is shit.”

His tail stopped wagging. “Oh…” He looked down, “I swear the book said Avrie. Well fuck! Goes to show you how bad my dyslexia is.”

“Don’t worry about it. Besides, you’re so cute most wolves will just ignore that and think it’s cute you’re even trying.”

“Fuck off, Nick.”

“C’mere, boy! C’mere Jonny!” I said in a cutesy little voice.

“Ha…Ha…Ha! Very funny. I hear that enough from the Unchanged TA. He’s a giant asshole.”

I chuckled. That was true. The Unchanged were notorious for picking on Canine and Feline anthros. So I could only assume that his TA would be a giant prick about it. I can’t tell you the number of Unchanged people I’ve scared. Being lupine and anthro meant that you were immediately associated with the myths of Lycans or werewolves. Thus, lupines, like myself, were often hated and sometimes hunted by the Unchanged. Though, those Unchanged always ended up on the lethal injection table. Or at least they would if I had my way. Now I usually don’t agree with capital punishment, but when murderers enter the picture, it’s a different story. “Yeah, they can be pretty annoying. Especially to my kin.”

“He’s the worst though. He started petting one of the felines in the class to get her to purr. He should be taken away from students in general. He’s a giant creep. I don’t understand why the professor doesn’t teach it herself.”

“Calm down! I assume that she’s busier than hell. I honestly don’t understand why they would even let a human TA at all. They usually treat us like pets.” I said to the collie. Then to the group, I asked, “Let’s go inside, shall we?”

“Yes Let’s!” They all said at once.

Sollen wir die Hausaufgabe für Deutschklasse machen? Wir haben einen tollen Helfer. Deutsch ist seine Muttersprache.“ Shall we do our homework for German class? We have a great helper. German is his native language. I asked Jordan.

Wir sollen.” We should. Jordan responded with a sigh. Then, spoke to Jonny, “Jonny why don’t you go see what Gian and Junior are up to. I’ll be busy for the next couple of hours. I know how bored you get. See If Junior will play some videogames with you. I’m sorry, babe, but we need to get this done.”

Arbeit allein macht nicht glücklich.“ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Jonny said.

We both looked at him quizzically.

Meine Mutters Mutter war deutsch. Meine Mutter hat mir nur auf Deutsch gesprochen. Ich habe nie euch erzählt, weil ihr nie gefragt habt.“

“How have I never heard you speaking German to your mom before?” I asked, “I’ve heard you on the phone with her several times before.”

“Ah…Well since I came out to my family, my mom doesn’t speak to me as her son any more. She treats me as a complete stranger.” He started tearing up.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up something so emotional Jonny. You know how much we all care for you, Jonny. If you need to talk I’ll be here.” I reassured. I just couldn’t take that cute collie crying.

Jordan ran up and gave Jonny a big hug. “Come on, babe! I’m here, don’t cry. Everything’s ok. Shh.” He shushed the Border collie a few more times as he spun a little back and forth. He kept him from crying.

“Touchy Subject. It’s probably best we don’t speak of this again. If I remember correctly, Jonny started crying profusely at the GLBT meeting where we shared our coming out stories.” Josef commented. He unlocked and opened the door to our home.

I went into the living room. No one was there. So I took off my flier pack and got out my German book. Jordan came in next and did the same.

He glared at me. I looked away. He didn’t have to say anything to me. I already knew why he was angry, “Nick WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SO INSENSITIVE!?!”

Wie war etwas, das ich gesagt habe, unempfindlich? Ich habe nur eine Frage gefragt.” How was anything that I said insensitive? I only asked a question.

“Warum weint mein Freund, dann? Ich kenne dich, Nick. Das ist, warum du deine Zähne noch hast, aber du wusstest, dass er und seine Mutter nur über Schule sprechen, weil sie so gut nicht auskommen. So warum hast du über das gesprochen?” Why is my boyfriend crying then? I know you, Nick. That is why you still have your teeth, but you knew that he and his mother only speak about School because they don’t get along so well. So why did you speak about it?

“Er hat mich überrascht. Ich wollte ihn, um es zu klären.” He suprised me. I wanted him to clarify. I said. I looked over at the dragon. His golden scales reflected the incandescent glow of the lights. It made him sparkle. Normally I found it amusing. Now with the smoke rolling out of his nose and flames licking at his lips I knew I had to say something, “Jordan, control your anger. You don’t want to burn down a house again, do you?”

Jordan caught himself. He sighed. “Nick use that brain that God gave you for something more sociable than sitting in front of a computer twenty-four seven. I worry about you.” He got out his German homework and started working in silence.

I followed suit. We worked like that for the next hour. Sitting there quiet, working on our homework. The only time we spoke was to ask the other a question about the homework.


The next month and half passed by in a flash. Josef had called his father and scheduled when his father’s private plane would pick us up. I told Josef that wasn’t necessary and that we could fly on United to get to where we needed. Josef had insisted.

For those that don't know, Germany doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving. The holiday that is celebrated in the month of November is Martinstag. It's celebrated on the 11th of November. So we talked with Josef's parents and agreed to enjoy each other's company without the stress of a holiday.

Anyways Josef and I flew to the airport where a jet waited for us. It had a custom paint job. The plane was painted in a German flag motif. Black on top, red in the middle, and gold on bottom. I looked at Josef, "Wirklich? Dein Vater hat sein Land lieb, dass ich gewusst habe, Aber dies ist unglaublich für ihn." Really? Your father loves his country, that I knew, but this is unbelievable for him.

"Vati kann ein bisschen verrückt sein. Wenn man über unser Land spricht, liebt mein Vater es mehr als jedermann. Und wenn man der reichste Mann des Deutschlands wäre, würde man Sachen wie dieses Flugzeug kaufen." My father can be a little crazy. When one speaks about our country, he loves it more than anyone. And when one is the richest man of Germany, one buys things like this plane. He chuckled. Then he went to the steps and climbed.

I followed. Inside it was less gaudy, more of a standard airplane interior. However instead of rows of cramped seats, this plane had two pairs of lay-Z-boy recliners that faced each other. The floor wasn't the typical carpet, either. It was a linoleum floor designed to look like stone pavers. But what made it stick in my mind as more normal were the walls. I don't know what material they use for the interior walls of a plane, but I know it's some sort of plastic.

I sat down and Josef sat across from me in his recliner. "Mein Vater wollte einen Burg. So macht er einen mit diesem Flugzeug." My father wanted a castle. So he makes one with this plane. Josef motioned for me to come to him.

I did come. "Was mein Wölfchen?" What my Wolfy?

He kissed me. It was quite a big kiss. We didn't quite go as far as Frenching, but it was damn close. I pushed into the kiss, willing my lover, my fiancé, to beg entrance into my mouth. I didn't like leading anything when it came to my relationship with Josef, but I wanted more than just a kiss.

Finally I felt his tongue beg entrance. I opened my mouth and in came his tongue. He felt the inside of my mouth with his tongue. He and I kissed like this a million times before, but the way he was approaching this kiss was different. He was being less forceful with this kiss.

I broke the kiss. "Was ist los? Bist du in Ordnung?" What's up? Are you ok? I asked.

"I'd like to say yes, but that isn't the truth. I'm still worried about any in my family knowing." he said.

I slapped him, "Stop with this, babe. It's going to be fine."

"How do you know?"

"I don't. But I am fairly confident that your family will accept you." I said. They already know. I said to myself.


When I had first met Josef's family back in June, his father had pulled me aside, "So you're my boy's new catch."


"You're my son's new boyfriend, yes?"

I just stared. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Josef by this point had told me that he had yet to tell his parents. Now his father was asking me plainly if Josef and I were dating. "Y-You know?"

"Since he was fourteen. Josef wasn't that good at hiding it. I mean, he brought all his 'friends' to our house. He's not very quiet when he beds his catches. I asked him once and he denied that he was. I didn't press him."

"He's been afraid of coming out because he fears the ramifications of it with the pack."

"He'll come out when he's good and ready."


We stood in front of the Gutenberg house waiting for the butler to come to the door.

"Master Josef, Master Coulter? You're here. Come in Come in." He took our bags. "Josef, dein Vater ist noch nicht zurück. Er wird um zwölf Uhr nach Hause kommen." Josef your father is not yet back. He will come home at twelve o'clock.

"Was macht Herr Gutenberg? Warum ist er hier nicht?" What is Mr. Gutenberg doing? Why is he not here? I asked.

"Oh Master Coulter. I almost forgot that you are learning German. Er macht Sachen für die Arbeit. Er ist hier nicht, weil er zu viel arbeitet." He's doing stuff for work. He isn't here because he works too much. The butler answered.

"Gehen wir nach oben! So wir können auspacken." Let's go upstairs so we can unpack. I said approach the staircase on the right.

"Auspacken? Ja das klingt gut." Unpacking? Yes that sounds good. Josef said. He joined me and we went to his room.