In the wake of Vassalized Earth's sequel being released on the 20th, I'm going to be doing some lore dumps for the setting.
First of all, an introduction to the SImplified Regulian Alphabet. Along with a total list of vowels and a partial list of consonants.
Ever since the annexation of the Lupiad-Sirian Empire, there have always been grumblings about reforming the Regulian alphabet into something that could be comprehended by its subject species and to make learning it less of a complex task. Their verbal language, although consisting of some growls that humans just can't muster, is fairly easy to pick up on but their traditional script is considered by all species to be an abomination against life itself.
Shortly after the events of Vassalized Earth, a Simplified Alphabet was created and rolled out. All government institutions were instructed to use it from now on and a comprehensive educational program was introduced to spread it to all subjects. It was especially good timing for Earth, as with the revocation of the Information Laws, Earth was now connected to the Galactic Extranet and several sites saw fit to convert to the new standard.
This did not go unopposed though. Reactionary elements in the Regulian government and Regulian linguistic hard-liners oppose the change, viewing the new alphabet as being an alphabet for a less refined species and consider it an insult that the government has replaced the script they have used for thousands of years. On Regulus Prime, it's common to see three lines scratched through public signage with the new alphabet, three lines being the base character for the traditional system of writing.
For an example of the Traditional Regulian Script, we have provided an archive link to one of the most treasured Regulian poems, composed by Emperor Litho II before committing suicide prior to his coronation (Upon which, his body would be used as a literal puppet by the Regent for several years to prevent a panic during wartime).
Can you feel the beauty? The emotion? If not, you might be an uneducated colonial subject!
The Traditional Script uses a system of three lines with almost infinite variations based on angle, distance apart and in some cases, thickness. This script proved challenging to species not familiar with the alphabet from birth, despite it providing what some Regulian conservative artists and intellectuals called a more refined writing system.
Gonna dump some more lore in the days to come. If you have any requests about particular details in the setting, let me know.
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