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Burn the Sky by Danji-Isthmus (Commission)
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This awesome commission was drawn by danji-isthmus! Go check it out in their gallery here.
"Fireworks? I'll show you how fire works." - not Hueroc, probably
When a dragon is furious, a dragon knows how to vent that fury and strike fear in the hearts of those around him. When a dragon wants things to burn, things [i]burn.[/i] Hueroc may not show it much, but he's still got plenty in common with those mythical forces of fiery destruction his kind have always been, but when he wants to, he sure can show it. The fire's really taken over this time, and as for what's in its path...
"Fireworks? I'll show you how fire works." - not Hueroc, probably
When a dragon is furious, a dragon knows how to vent that fury and strike fear in the hearts of those around him. When a dragon wants things to burn, things [i]burn.[/i] Hueroc may not show it much, but he's still got plenty in common with those mythical forces of fiery destruction his kind have always been, but when he wants to, he sure can show it. The fire's really taken over this time, and as for what's in its path...
3 years ago
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