Current Track: Blabb

Present Day

As the morning sun was shining through the tree limbs, the lone dragon stirred itself awake. It moaned as it rose its head off the grass. It drew back its head and let out a very loud yawn, its tongue curling.

The dragon shook its head, trying to get the sleep out of its mind. Then it started to get up slowly on all fours and started stretching out its legs, wings and its tail.

The lone dragon moaned, while it was twisting its neck to pop it. It let out a sigh and it's ears perked as it heard a noise in the distance.


The lone dragon didn't waste any time after hearing that, so it followed the direction of the laughter, since it didn't sound very far from where it's at.

For about a minute after that, the lone dragon finally saw what was causing the laughter. In the distance from within in the woods, it can see Brandon, Rain, Wayne, Amanda, Cody, Frankie and Jessie are just together, near a big apple tree.

Cody is near the low apple tree limbs, picking them off one by one with his teeth, while Jessie is just trying the ones that are higher than Cody's level, she's sitting on top of Frankie's head right between his horns, her legs hanging near his eyes. She was reaching out to grab a few apples. She let out a cry of frustration and scolded Frankie beneath her, "Would you stay still?!"

Brandon and everyone else were laughing about it, as Frankie was just groaning in irritation.

The lone dragon narrowed it's gaze, as it continued to watch them.


I was watching from down on the ground, trying to stifle my laughter, as Jessie complained to Frankie some more, with a sharp smack to the back of his head, "Seriously, hold still so I won't fall off and break my neck."

Frankie rolled his eyes and groaned again, "Ancestors, why are you so keen on getting some freakin apples from a far tree limb? Dragons can hunt for meat, you know?"

Jessie crossed her arms and was flashing anger in her eyes, "How many times do I have to tell you?" She tapped the top of his head repeatedly as she explained it to him again, "I DO NOT WANT TO EAT MEAT ALL THE DAMN TIME OU HERE. I want to eat something else for a change."

Amanda was giggling and pointed at Frankie, as he moved his eyes down to look at her, "Yeah Frankie, even us humans want to eat something else for once. We don't eat the same thing over and over again, everyday."

Frankie let out an annoyed, pained sigh, as he said to Jessie above him, "Well would you hurry it up already? You're giving me a sore neck sitting on me."

Rain gave him a teasing smile, "Aw, what's the matter, brother? Don't like a female barking orders at you?"

He hissed at her, while Jessie tried to stretch out her arm, to reach another apple, "Shut up, you bitch." Rain tossed back her head and laughed and so did I.

It has already been a few hours since dawn has come to the woods, and as of right now, things seem to be normal, well almost normal. Particularly, since last night. And boy a lot of things happened last night.

First off, I was alone with Jessie, after learning why she ran away from home and we shared a kiss together. But it didn't last long though, since I began to realize that I didn't love her and I've loved someone else. Then after I leave Jessie alone, I find Amanda and Neal all alone in the woods, kissing each other! And that's when I find out the truth about them and about Wayne and Sierra. That they're all together in that way.

And after I find Rain and talk to her about the truth, about what I saw in the woods, that's when the most shocking thing came to me, after the truth came out of her mouth. That the girl that I really love, that's not Jessie, is among us in the group. I looked at Rain to my left, and she didn't notice it. I held a bit of an apprehensive look on my face. Last night, while I was comforting her, after her confession about her intimate love for Tommy, I began to realize that I didn't love Jessie, but I loved HER. The dragoness that I became close and best friends with.

The black scaled angel and rainbow, who has been through so much pain and heartbreak in her own life, and I've come to love her.

Honestly, I still feel a bit awkward just thinking about her that way, I mean, I'm sure she doesn't think that way about me. What I'm thinking about is ridiculous too.

That I'm loving a dragon next to me. I can't believe it. But the warm fuzzy feeling, coming to me while I was comforting Rain says it all.

I'm starting to love her, in that way.

How can I think about her that way? She's a dragon and I'm a human.

I mean, I'm not Wayne and Amanda, or Eric. How can I live with that? I'm very different than them!

I can honestly, support Wayne and Amanda's intimate love for their dragon friends, I wouldn't judge them and I certainly wouldn't judge Rain's love for Tommy. I never would. I'd support them any day!

But ME literally entering that kind of relationship that's not human, that's different.

I know dragons act and talk like humans and they live in a society like we do, but who am I kidding? She's bigger than me, she has four legs, and she has scales all over her, she even has a tail!

I don't think I can do that, I mean, how can I live with that? I'm not sure if I can handle being with someone, like that. And good god, if my mother would've known what I was doing, she'd freak! And besides that, I'm also thinking that Rain doesn't think about me that way. She still loves Tommy. No matter how much she has let him go, she can never forget all that she has done with him, not even her love for him. She can never forget that.

I can't do that to myself and do that to her. I can't especially do that to ME.

I'm not that kind of person, I'm not Wayne and Amanda. I'm VERY different than them.

I know I can feel that love right now, but I can't do this. I know that's she like a human being, but she's still a dragon. I don't want things to be awkward between us.

Of course, I'm wondering if I can let that go. But maybe I should try real hard about it. I told her that I can't replace Tommy, but I'll always be her friend. I won't let her go through that kind thing.

But now that I think about it...What if she's starting to like me?

No! She's a dragon, Brandon!

You can't do that to yourself! She's not human!

What if your mother found out about that? How about if your father was still alive and found out what you've been doing? They'd both freak and disown you, if your father was alive. But you outa know that your mother would do that to you.

Or would she?

Brandon! Enough!

I let out a sigh and Rain turned her head to gaze down at me. She put on a smile and so did I. Just pretending that nothing's wrong.

Honestly, I don't feel awkward with her every minute. Most of the time since this morning, I've been acting normal with her. But when I think about her that way, that's when I feel awkward.

I need to drop it, she's not a human. And plus she wouldn't think about me that way, anyways.

I outa stay being her friend. That's all I need to do.

Which I hope I can let her go.

I looked at Wayne and Amanda, while Cody, Frankie, and Jessie nearby are still getting more apples from the tree. Not long after me and Rain got up from our sleep this morning, we saw that Wayne, Amanda, and Neal were already awake. So me and her talked to them and that's when Rain brought up the fact that I know the truth about them.

Of course, I was surprised that Wayne, Amanda, and Neal took that real well. They absolutely were very calm about it, they wouldn't exactly care about what my opinion on their love would be. Even for Amanda and Neal right now, and even if Sierra and Wayne were still together. They would always love and be together, no matter what my opinion is. They even knew that Rain and Tommy were together that way as well.

But I shook my head and told them that I wouldn't judge them and we were all cool about it. I even told Amanda and Neal the signs they were showing each other right in front of me, those intimate looks. They both giggled at my reveal and they both said to me, 'we sometimes have a hard time keeping it down low, when we look at each other that way'. Which that made me laugh too.

So now since that conversation ended, they both didn't hide their love in front of me anymore, they were both literally gazing at each other's eyes just like that. Even Wayne was proud that I'm not judgmental about them, that I actually understood.

I wouldn't judge them for their love, but I'd absolutely judge about my love for Rain.

Soon afterward, Jessie, Cody, Frankie and Sebastian all woke up and very soon after that, Wayne whispered to Cody that I know their secret and Cody smiled at me after that. Proud that I wouldn't judge them after all.

Meanwhile, we never told Jessie, Frankie, and Sebastian about their intimate secrets. Rain said to me that her brother knew that she and Tommy were best friends, but she says that he doesn't know they were together that way. Course, Jessie and Sebastian never knew their secrets too.

Wayne think it's a good idea, not to tell them. And when circumstances come forth and they somehow find out like I did, then that's when we tell them the truth. After all, they might have different opinions about them, other than me.

Sebastian never heard of anything like that, I'm sure, so I don't know how he'd take the revelation if he knows. Meanwhile, Jessie...I don't know what she'd think about them together that way. And for Frankie...Well, I don't know how he'd take it as well.

But I guess, if they get suspicious and find out the truth, then one of us will tell them. Then we'll see if they'll be judgmental or not.

I know that they're not that bad, they're all nice, but I'll keep that secret, until they know.

I looked up at Jessie, while she was crying out in shock and fright, as she almost fell off of Frankie's head. She let out a huff and smacked the back of his neck again, scolding him, "FRANKIE!" Frankie let out an angry hiss after that.

I held a guilty look for her. I feel guilty still for leaving Jessie alone after sharing that kiss. And I feel sorry for her.

I'm wondering if I had hurt her, by rejecting her. I can't figure it out, but she seems to be alright. Like nothing had happened.

I know that we both share those looks a time or too, so she's thinking the same thing too.

But one thing that I have noticed Jessie has done, was tell everyone in the group the reason why she ran away from home.

That she's a rich girl and she just wanted to live a normal life. That she actually feels normal staying in the dragon city and staying with us. That the reason why she didn't want to tell anyone sooner, is because they'd all act and treat her differently, because she's rich.

But I knew that no one else wouldn't treat her any different. In fact, they all assured her that nothing has changed between them. That they would always treat her as Jessie, not as a rich girl, but as a normal girl. And Jessie was real happy about it. She said afterward that she knew they wouldn't change.

I'm glad Jessie's feeling better about telling them the truth, but I still feel sorry for leaving her alone.

I think I need to talk to her about it later, she was kissing me and I just pushed her away. I need to talk to her.

Jessie let out a high pitch scream and almost fell over Frankie's head again. Her scream echoing over the trees and actually scared off several birds and flew away. I laughed at that and so did everyone else.

Frankie shook his head a bit, and whined when he rolled up his eyes to look at her, "Gods, girl. You scream real loud."

Cody dropped the last apple to the grass and was giggling, "Yeah, that was LOUD. Loud as a dragon."

Rain was laughing still as she strode up to Frankie, her gaze up onto Jessie, "I guess I should've warned my brother that you can scream REALLY loud."

Frankie growled at bit at her, "Yeah, you should have. My ears are hurting now!"

Jessie was giggling and gave the side of his head a tender rub near one of his horns, "Oh I'm sorry, Mr. Macho. I thought I was about to fall off."

Frankie let out a breath and formed a small amused smile across his snout, "I got to say, girl. You roar like a dragoness."

Jessie was grinning and crossed her arms at that, "You saying that, because I'm rich or I'm like a princess to you?"

Frankie shook his head a bit, while Jessie held onto him while he was shaking, "Nope. In fact, I mean that in all sincerity." Then he asked when he raised a brow, "So what else are you not telling me? What else can you do?  Like any other things that I need to worry about? Anything else, that'll hurt my ears?"

Jessie just burst out laughing and shook her head, "Nope, just my screaming."

Frankie shot up his head and she cried out, "Ha! I guess, I'll keep that in mind."

She chastised him again with a glare, "Frankie! I almost fell off of you!"

Frankie grumbled angrily to himself in dragon tongue and Jessie gasped and asked angrily, "What did you say to me, you big scaly asshole?"

Frankie put on an innocent look and said in a innocent voice, "Nothing."

Jessie shook her head, not believing him at all, "Bullshit, nothing. What did you say? Was it about me?"

Frankie answered her, "I said, you're beautiful when you're angry."

Jessie rolled her eyes, "Doubtful."

Frankie teasingly asked her, "Well, what did you think I said?"

Jessie tapped a finger on his skull, "I think you called me a bitch."

Frankie shook his head, "Nope, wrong answer."

Jessie let out an irritated breath, "Well what is it, you dork?"

Wayne said this after he picked up an apple off the ground and took a bite from it, "Yeah, what did you say to her?"

Rain gave her a devious grin, "I'll tell you what he said."

Frankie hissed at his sister, after he shot her a glare, "Don't you say it."

Jessie beamed at Rain, "Yeah! Tell me! I want to know!"

Frankie threatened Rain, "Rain, I swear to the ancestors, I'll throw a big ugly toad at you, if you tell her."

Rain pointed at his body with her wing tip, "You do that, and I'll punch you in the eggs."

Amanda shot up her head and declared, "I'd do it, if he said something bad or dirty about me in dragon tongue."

Frankie narrowed his eyes at Amanda, "I bet you would, you fat bitch."

Jessie reached over his horn to gave his face a smack and he cried out in pain. She sternly ordered, "Frankie! Be nice!" Frankie groaned a bit in pain.

I went up to Rain and asked, "So what did Frankie say to her?"

Rain giggled and lowered her head to me, "Well he said-" Then she whispered in my ear and my eyes went wide at what she said. I laughed and exclaimed, "Yikes, he said THAT?"

Rain rose her head and was laughing her head off, "Yep!"

Wayne pointed at Cody, after taking another bite from the apple, "Hey pal, what did Frankie say to her?"

Cody shook his head at him, "You don't want to know, but it's actually funny."

Jessie waved both her hands to get our attention and said with an annoyed voice, "Uh, hello! I still don't know!"

Rain turned her gaze and was about to answer her, "Well he said-"

Frankie slowly turned his whole body to face her and gave her another threat, "Sister, don't make me come over and spank your ass!"

Rain gave him a narrowed look, "You wouldn't dare."

Frankie shrugged his shoulders, "Well tell her what I said and see what happens."

Rain softened her look with a devious grin returned to her face, "Okay." She looked straight at Jessie on top of his head and finally answered her question, "He said that you like to show your breasts to everyone around you and you hollered to everyone, look at them, they're big!"

Jessie's face lost her color and we were all laughing now and Jessie growled under her teeth and shouted angrily at Frankie, "Frankie! You asshole! You know damn well, I don't do that!"

Frankie was giggling mischievously now, "I almost forgot, you also like to shake your curves to any human who has a small dragonhood."

Now my color drained from my face and I glared at him, "I resent that remark! And for the last damn time, IT'S BIG!"

Wayne was still laughing and piped in, "Still in denial, as usual. I don't think it's small."

Frankie turned his head to Wayne and gave him a teasing grin, "Oh really? If you don't think it's small, then ask him to be your mate." I was blushing now, when he said that.

Wayne shot a narrowed look at Frankie, "I'm not into males, you dork." Then he grinned and remarked, "You know something, Frankie? I think I know why you keep denying that it's big. It's because you haven't looked at it."

Frankie held up his head, proudly saying this, "I don't want to look at something that's small. I want to look at something that's big!"

I shot a finger at him, "You shut up, it is big."

Frankie tossed back his head and laughed, while Jessie held onto him with her face widened, "Then take off your clothes and show it to us again, prove me wrong."

Wayne and Amanda were laughing and I was profusely shaking my head at the offer, "Nope, not gonna happen. I only did that because I want to swim. Plus, I already did prove you wrong."

Frankie lowered his head real low to where my thing between my legs is at and remarked with a giggle, "Yep, looks small to me."

I shouted at him, "Frankie!"

Frankie was raising his head laughing again, his whole body shaking and so was his wings, "BWAH HA HA HA HA!"

Jessie gave me a pity look, "Sorry you're suffering this mental torture, Brandon."

I shrugged my arms as my blush finally went away, "Not the first time it happened. Your friend likes to torture me."

Rain snorted at Frankie, "Right, just like he loves to torture me with big ugly toads."

Frankie nodded a bit with a tooth filled grin, "Proud of it, too." He groaned and he lowered his head back to the ground, "Alright, Jess. Hop off, my neck's killing me because of your ass."

Jessie laughed and slid off of Frankie, and I was helping her out by holding her hands. Frankie went on after raising his head above our levels, "And quite frankly, I'd prefer that you ride on my back, instead of making me go through that."

Jessie turned to face him, as she stood beside me, "Yeah, I think in a way, it's better than sitting on your skull." She shook her head, "Not exactly a very comfortable place to sit."

Frankie asked while he was rubbing the back of his neck with his paw, "What? Don't like the horns getting in the way?"

Jessie put both hands to her hips, "No, actually it's because your head's full of ego and I almost fell off of you, more than once!"

Amanda nodded her head with her brows raised, "She did tell you to hold still."

Frankie rolled his eyes, "Can't help it, if she's having a hard time reaching for damn apples. And also, my head's not full of ego."

Jessie let out a sigh and went to pick up a few apples that she actually picked off the tree and dropped toward the ground, "Well, at least it wasn't all for nothing." She bent over and started picking them up, one by one.

Frankie was giggling mischievously, "You know, when you bend over like that, you actually look like a female presenting herself to a male. Ready for him to mount her."

I was laughing and so was Wayne. Amanda shot us a glare. Jessie straightened herself and turned to glare at Frankie for those comments, "You big ass! That's uncalled for!"

Frankie shot up his head and gave he an innocent look, "What? You really do have the curves of a dragoness. Nothing wrong with that."

Jessie blushed a bit and she rolled up her eyes and let out a breath, "Oh boy, if you're trying to have my face turn red, you're doing a good job."

Frankie shook his head and shrugged his wings and shoulders, "Oh, there's nothing wrong with having good curves. Never was."

Jessie started to smile at him and replied, "Well since you're my best friend, I'll take what you said as a compliment."

Frankie nodded at that, "Might as well, because I'm not taking that back." She giggled and Frankie shot a narrowed look at Rain, "And as for you, I'm going through with my threat."

Rain cocked her head, "What threat?"

Frankie answered as he strode past me and her, "This." And when he got near her haunch, he raised a paw and gave it a loud smack. Rain's eyes bugged out in shock and she yelped in suprise. I was laughing and so was everyone else now.

Rain whirled around, her tail almost taking her brother's head off. She snarled at him, real loud, "Now THAT was uncalled for!" She let out a hiss.

Frankie was chuckling still, "Oh come on. I dared to do it, after you went ahead and told Jessie what I said to her in our tongue."

"You can't do that to me! I'm your sister!"

Frankie was giving her a wide devious grin and gave her a sly remark, "Sometimes, I wonder." Rain's face went wide at his remark and she narrowed them. Then she raised her paw and swiped him across his scaled face. He cried out, "Ow!" Now we were all laughing at him, except for Rain, who's still pissed off.

Frankie shook his snout, shaking off the pain and asked her with a hiss of his own, while he was rubbing his face with his paw, "What the hell was that for?"

Rain snorted at him, "For smacking my ass!"

Frankie gave her an innocent brotherly look, "I was kidding! Can you take a joke?"

Rain walked up past him, "I'll give you a joke." When she got behind him, that's when she smacked his ass this time. He practically yelped like a girl and I was trying not to laugh at that, but everyone else did.

Frankie looked over his shoulder and just glared at her for a moment. Then after that, he let out a sigh an nodded at her, "Ok, ok, we're even now."

Rain shot up her head and finally grinned at him, "We better be even, you stubborn ass brother."

I was giggling at this, "Gosh, I can imagine your father doing that to your mother, then she'd do the same thing to him."

Frankie turned his head to look down at me, "They probably did, and you try not to laugh, human with a small dragonhood."

Rain let out an amused sigh, "Just ignore him, Brandon. That's why I'd do."

Frankie looked over his shoulder, "Don't tell him to ignore me! I want him to hear my words!"

Cody shot at him with a grin, "Ego maniac." Wayne and Amanda were giggling now.

Frankie groaned and turned his head to start padding away from us, his back turned to us. He while looking toward the sky, was shouting at it, "Why ancestors? Why? Why did all this happen to me?" He hissed at it, "I could be hanging with a bunch of cool drakes back at home, but I traded them to be with an odd group of dragons and humans."

He turned a bit, and only walked a few steps, the side of his body now facing us. He continued to rant to the sky, while gesturing his paw and tail to us, "I'm hanging with a human female who barks orders at me and screams real loud, another human female who's practically a bitch, a red drake who's basically a big fat show off, a green drake who used to be a short, wimpy one, a male human who can sing real well, another male human who sings well but also has a small dragonhood, and an old drake who's fantasizing that human's mother as a beautiful dragoness!"

We all giggled and then he turned his narrowed gaze to Rain, finishing off his rant, "AND, I have a sister who's also a bitch and just inappropriately spanked my ass! HER OWN BROTHER!"

Rain growled at him, "That's because you spanked MINE. YOUR OWN SISTER! So don't go blaming on me!"

Jessie laughed and jogged up to him, she placed the palm of her hand on his chest, saying this, "Oh, don't go complaining to the skies, you like being with this odd group of dragons and humans."

Frankie was letting out an amused sigh as he looked down at her, "I know, I do. You guys just entertain me." Then he turned his gaze onto all of us, "Even when all of you just annoy me and like giving me a hard time."

Cody smiled at him, as he sat down on his haunches between Wayne and Amanda, "We all love you, pal."

Frankie narrowed his eyes at Cody, "Just don't get any funny ideas of barking orders at me, or spanking me. Cause I won't tolerate it from you, you little green runt."

Cody widened his smile, "You may call me little green runt, even when I'm not, but I still love ya!"

Wayne turned and asked him, "What about me?"

Cody looked down at him and wrapped a forelimb around him, holding him close, "Oh I always will, my little brother!" Wayne chuckled and gave his chest a pat.

And not long after that, Neal and Sebastian came back from their walk. Both of them padding beside each other. Amanda gave them a big grin and asked, "Hey! How was the morning walk?"

I laughed and gave Sebastian a playful look, "I hope you weren't telling Neal about your fantasies about my mother."

Sebastian gave out his old hearty laugh, as he and Neal continued to pad toward us, "Oh I know your mother's a human, but it's funny I'm picturing her as a dragoness." He let out an amusing sigh, "A beautiful red one, with good curves and-"

I shot a glare and shouted, "Sebastian, cut it out!" They all laughed at that and I was rolling my eyes. God, I still can't believe Sebastian told everyone that this morning.

Neal and Sebastian sat down on their haunches in front of us and Sebastian said, "Can a drake dream? Besides, you know I'm kidding." He lowered his head to me and remarked, "I mean, when I saw her in your photo and looked at her eyes and that smile, you outa think that-"

I growled irritably a bit at him, "Shut it, you dirty old drake." He was chuckling through his closed snout and I was smiling at him now, "You know what, if my mother was a dragon like you, she'd be with you any day. Heck, you certainly could use a good mate. You need one who understands your pain."

Sebastian rose his head and remarked, "Well other than that, I wish I did meet your mother! I'd give her good company."

I nodded at him, "I bet you would." I pointed at him and jokingly remarked, "Just don't get any funny ideas about her."

Sebastian asked me with a curious frown and he placed his paw to his chest, "What'd you think I'll do to her? Mate her?" His face went wide at his own question and so did mine. He waved a dismissive paw at me twice, shaking his head too, "I better not do THAT. Human females look small, tender and fragile and considering how drakes thrust, that might kill her."

My face was turning red, as I was picturing his thing in mom. MY OWN MOTHER! Goodness! I waved my hand at him, "Yeah, I wouldn't go that far. She's too small for that."

He shrugged his shoulders, "It wouldn't happen, anyways."

Rain was laughing and she sat down on her haunches beside me, "Diana does look beautiful though, no doubt about it."

Sebastian was grinning at her and nodded twice, "Yes, she does. For a human, she is beautiful."

I was chuckling at his compliments about mom, "I think she'd appreciate that, old man."

He looked up at the morning sky and sighed happily, "Yep."

Neal asked Amanda after all this is over with, "So what did me and the old drake miss? Got enough apples?"

Amanda walked up to him and started giving his chest a few tender rubs, "More or less. Jessie almost fell off of Frankie several times." Then she snapped a finger and pointed up at him, "Which by the way, if you drop me while I'm on you, I'll kill you."

Neal giggled when he lowered his head to her level, "Tell me something I don't know." Then he gave her face a nuzzle, she was giggling at that and patted his neck, lovingly.

Jessie asked Frankie this, with a playful glare, "Frankie, why don't YOU nuzzle me like that?"

Frankie gave a playful hiss down at her, "I do nuzzle you like that." He lowered his head down to her and nuzzled her face, "And I'm doing it now, princess."

Jessie laughed while he was nuzzling her cheek and shot back, "Great, now since I told you about my life, now you're going to call me princess."

Frankie stopped and looked at her eyes, "Why not? I know I never met one, but you'd make a beautiful princess."

She smiled brightly at his compliment, "Thank you."

They were both staring at each other for a moment and he cleared his throat as he realized he was staring at her, "Oh uh, sorry about that."

Jessie laughed, as he rose his head high above her level, "Oh, you're fine."

Wayne picked up several apples off the ground and said this to Neal and Sebastian, "So, anyone in the mood for eating now? We have apples!"

Frankie rolled his eyes in irritancy, "Yeah, all thanks to the princess down there. She gave me a sore neck, because of her ass!"

Cody shot up his head, "Hey, I helped out too, you know!"

Frankie shot a glare at him, "Well next time, YOU let her sit on your head. And I'll pick off a couple apples off that tree with my teeth."

Cody nodded at the suggestion, "Sure, I'll be a good sport about it."

Jessie pointed at him, "Fine, but if you drop me, I'll kick your eggs. Ok? Just a fair warning."

Cody shook his head with a big grin, "Wouldn't dream of it."

Soon after that, me, Amanda, Wayne, and Jessie all started to pick up all the apples off the ground. Ready to eat a few of them and share them with our dragon friends.


About an hour has passed, after gathering up all the apples and ate several of them, and I'm sitting near the fire pit not far from Jessie's car, where the firewood that we've used last night has now turned to black and ash. Just all alone, since I just left everyone alone to come back here to have time to myself.

I'm hearing the birds still chirping, while the still morning sun is just shining on me through the tree line of the woods. I was looking down at my lap, with a piece of paper sitting on it and I have a pencil in my right hand. I found them in the glove box in Jessie's car and I'm trying to write a letter.

A letter to my mom.

Since I've just found a pencil and paper, I began to write it. I only started with 'Dear, mom', so far.

I let out a pleasant sigh, as several birds were chirping away in the trees. I figured since I'm planning to see mom tonight, I thought I'd become prepared. Just in case, I don't talk to her in person. Just in case, Gerry's still with her.

Might as well leave a letter behind, telling her that her own son's alive and well. Just to show her that I'm ok and there's nothing to worry about. But I wonder if she'll believe a word that I've wrote on the letter?

I guess I'll never know, until she tells me in person.

But I hope I get to see her tonight, I just haven't asked Rain to take me to Leon yet, but that'll come real soon. And no, not literally land in the middle of that town, just far enough for her not to be spotted. I'm sure she'll go for the woods near town.

I sang softly to myself in a whisper as I was writing down the letter, not loud enough for anyone to hear. I was singing 'Burning Heart' by Survivor, "Two worlds collide, rival nations. It's a primitive clash, venting years of frustrations. Bravely we hope, against all hope. There is so much at stake. Seems our freedom's up against the ropes."

I sighed and looked up at the sky, trying to think of more words to write down the letter, while tapping my leg with my left hand, "Does the crowd understand? Is it east versus west? Or man against man? Can any nation stand alone?"

I looked down at the letter and started writing some more words on it, "In the burning heart. Just about to burst. There's a quest for answers, an unquenchable thirst. In the darkest night, rising like a spire. In the burning heart, the unmistakable fire. In the burning heart."

I was done with the first half of the letter, as I was singing to myself still, "In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop. His spirit cries never. Deep in our soul, a quiet ember. Knows it's you against you. It's the paradox, that drives us on. It's a battle of wills, in the heat of attack. It's the passion that kills. The victory is yours alone."

I heard a stick snap behind me and looked over my shoulder. I was looking at the woods, but didn't see anything. I frowned at them, "Hmm?" I shrugged my shoulders, muttering to myself, "Oh well." And I went back to looking down at the letter and continued to write it down some more, "In the burning heart. Just about to burst. There's a quest for answers, an unquenchable thirst. In the darkest night, rising like a spire. In the burning heart, the unmistakable fire."

I was about halfway done, as I went on, "In the burning heart. Just about to burst. There's a quest for answers, an unquenchable thirst. In the darkest night, rising like a spire. In the burning heart, the unmistakable fire." I was humming to myself real loud now, and I was writing down that letter, until it was finally finished.

I smiled at my own work and sighed, "There, finally got it done."

I held the letter in both hands and decided to read it, just to make sure I got it right:

Dear, mom

If you found this letter, then that means I went to our house to try to find you, but I didn't. I'm leaving you this letter to let you know that I'm alright and I'm not hurt. I never was. In fact, I actually have a place to live and I've been living there for days. A girl named Jessie Dobbins, is with me and she's fine too. We're both fine.

Mom...I know and feel that you're worried about me, I sometimes can't get it out of my head, but...I'm sorry for running away from home. And in case you didn't know why or didn't understand why, well here's the reason why.

It's because of Gerry and I was so angry about him living with us. I hated him so much, that I really wanted to kill him, because of all he has done to us. It's because he never really cared about us and all you did was defend him, for his behavior. You were just blinded by your feelings, that you chose not to listen me. You never did listen to a word I was saying. That's why I ran away, because I couldn't take it anymore. He hated me and he hated you, and I ran away for it. Not to mention a part of me hated you for not listening to me as well.

Mother, I don't know if you're with him now still, but you have to understand that one day he'll kill you. He'll never change his attitude and you know that you have to leave him. I...I don't want to lose you, just like dad.

Mom...I'm sorry for leaving you alone, and I'm sorry for hating you too. I've felt guilty for leaving you alone with him after running away, but I don't feel it as much as before and I actually do forgive you now, for defending him. I still love you so much, but try to understand, I probably would've been dead if I stayed there, not to mention I hate Gerry. And if you finally opened your eyes about all this, then you'd leave him and never talk to him again. He's...Not dad and never will be dad.

Mother, I know why you didn't want to break up with him, it's because you want that love again. But Gerry will never give you that love. I...Love dad and miss him, just like you do. But even you have to realize that he's no good to you. I have hoped for days that you'd leave him and I hope to god that you have. I can't bear to lose you too. I..I don't know how'd I feel, if you were dead too.

Mom...I wish that I did talk to you right now, cause there are so many things that I've wanted to tell you. So much stuff has happened to me for days and I honestly want to share all of it with you. But I can't, not right now. But...Maybe one day, I'll tell you everything. Because everything that has happened to me and Jessie, it's wonderful and it has been incredible. Even the place that we're living at, is incredible. It's something that's beyond your dreams. Lets just say...An angel, who's also like a beautiful rainbow, brought us to that place and we're actually glad that angel did.

But there is one thing that I'll tell you while I was gone...I've sang in front of a large crowd. Bigger than singing in front of you, bigger than singing at a small crowd at the bar. For the very first time, I have and I'm glad that I've done it. I overcame that stage fright and it was all...Thanks to a friend, that I have. Dad told me that the search for overcoming that fear would one day be over and it has. The search is over, mom. And I'll never forget that night.

Look mom, if you have the police searching for me, don't worry about me anymore. You can tell them all that I'm fine now. Because I'm safe and alive and I'm not alone. I have friends. Friends that I can count on. Even Jessie's safe too.

Listen...I'll return to you one day, but...Just not now. But I promise you, I will. It's just...I have my own life now and I'm living in it. I have a friend who's waiting for me to return and I couldn't stay and wait for you. I...I didn't want to keep that friend waiting.

Don't worry mom, I will come back to you and I'll tell you everything. I promise. And don't worry, I'm fine and I always will be.

And one last thing, if you've met Jessie's parents and know where they live, tell them that their daughter's safe and sound too. And she's also living her life. The life she wanted. Can you do that, for me?

I'll come back home and see you mom...Maybe later.

I love you, mom. And don't worry, I'll come home, one day. And if Gerry's with you right now, promise me that you'll leave him. Please mother...For me. Do this for dad, do this for your only son.

I hope you do mom, I...I don't want to see him with you. He's evil and he'll never change. I'll never give up that hope that you have. I won't. Because you're stronger than you think you are, and you can live on your own. I believe in you, and so would dad.

But if you're alone at the house now and he's not with you...I'm glad that you have kicked Gerry out of your life. I'm glad you did. Because you deserve better.

Anyways...That's all for the letter and remember...I'll return home.

Love, Brandon.

P. S. If you see Horace, tell him that I'm alright and I have a place of my own now. I'm sure you can do that. I love that guy.

I let out a sigh to myself, after reading the whole thing. There, that'll be a good enough of a letter for her. Now I just need to get back to Leon and try to find mom.

Please mom...I hope you left Gerry. And I hope, I'll find you at the house.

Because I'm coming home. Tonight.

Then I had a suspicious feeling that I was being watched and I looked over my shoulder and jumped up to my feet and cried out. It was Jessie who was now behind me and she was laughing. She gave me a playful wave, "Howdy duty, Brandon." She was giggling after that.

I groaned at her, after I turned fully around to face her and rolled my eyes slowly, "Arrg, Jessie, you scared me!"

Jessie laughed again and shook her head, "Sorry."

My heart was still pounding and I took a deep breath and let it out, just to calm myself down, "Jesus, Jessie. Didn't you make any noise behind me? Because I didn't hear you."

Jessie shrugged her arms, "I guess, I was just being a quiet girl. On second thought, I thought you'd hear me."

I started to form a grin and shook my head, "Not really, princess."

Jessie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "Well that's perfect, now I have TWO boys calling me princess. What else can you call me?"

I joked, "Better than calling you spoiled brat."

Jessie tossed back her head and laughed, "Oh my god, I'm not spoiled! I was never spoiled."

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know, Jess. You were in a rich family, so I'm sure that people would call you spoiled."

Jessie pointed at me, remarking, "WAS in a rich family."

I put my wrist to my mouth and giggled, "I know that."

Jessie came up closer to me and asked, "So what are you doing here alone? You just left all of us."

I glanced at the sky and sighed, "Well I did tell Rain where I was going. But since you don't know, I thought I have some time to myself." I looked back at her and playfully asked her with my brow raised, "And what are YOU doing here?"

Jessie just smiled, "I was looking for you, that's what."

I nodded, "Well you came to the right place." Then I started to sit back down near the fire pit.

Jessie gestured her hand to me, "Can I join you? I really want to talk to you."

I looked up at her and I can see that she's serious. I have a feeling I know what this is going to be about. I nodded and motioned my hand for a spot beside me, "Sure, go ahead."

Jessie nodded and came up right beside me. Then she slowly sat down on the grass and crossed her legs, she was clasping both her hands together, as she tried to find the words to say something. After a moment, she finally looked at me with her concerned look, "Brandon...Are you ok?"

I stared at her eyes for a moment and nodded, "Yeah I'm fine. What about you?"

Jessie gave me a small smile, "Well considering what happened to me last night and how you cheered me up, I'm good. I guess, I didn't have anything to worry about after all." She turned to look at her car at a distance, "No matter what I'll say to everyone here, even if I tell them that I'm rich, I would still have my real friends, even Frankie."

I nodded at her, as she looked at the car, "I told you they wouldn't treat you differently, they would always be your friends."

Jessie giggled, "Well at least they aren't begging for money. Heck, Frankie doesn't really care that I have money." She shrugged her shoulders, "Goes to show ya. Dragons aren't exactly rich and they don't care."

I shook my head and looked at her car too, "Nope, don't care one bit."

Jessie turned her gaze to me finally and started stumbling her words, "Brandon...About last night...About..."

I knew what she was going to bring up, so I shook my head and waved her off, "Nah, don't worry about it." I looked at her, "I told you last night, that it wasn't you, it's me."

Jessie looked down at her lap and fidgeted her hands, "Well I thought you were interested in me, so that's why I kissed you."

I asked, "Weren't you?"

Jessie looked at me again and nodded twice slowly, "Well....Yes." Then she had a guilty look on her face, "Look, I know that it was my first time kissing a boy that I really like, and I can see that it's your first time kissing a girl. So how do you think I feel about the experience?"

I asked, "That you were happy that you're kissing the boy that you really like?"

Jessie gestured to herself and admitted, "I was actually nervous too, just like you. So I can think that you're not the only one."

I giggled a bit, while glancing at the fire pit, "Glad to hear it. Doesn't make me sound like a pussy anymore."

Jessie was giggling too, "Yeah." She had an apologetic look now, "About what happened. If it was too much for you, or if I came on too strong, I'm real sorry about that. I-"

I shook my head without looking at her, "I told you, it wasn't you, it's me." Which it was true, it was all me. I didn't love her

I loved Rain.

As crazy as it was, I loved her.

Throughout the days since me and Jessie lived in that city, I thought I loved Jessie, but I didn't.

Throughout the whole time, I actually started to love Rain. 

Jessie tilted her head as she stared at me, "Well, I don't understand. I thought you really wanted me. Isn't that why you wanted to kiss me a couple times before? Because you wanted me?" She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head to myself, "I'm just trying to understand it."

I nodded at her words, "I know." I looked up ahead at her car and let out a sigh, "I'm just feeling confused right now."


I looked at her and I had the urge to tell her the truth. About my feelings toward Rain. But I better not.

She might tell Rain about it and things could get awkward afterward. Not to mention, she might think I'm going crazy. Either that, or she'll just feel sympathy for me and not judge.

But I'll tell you this, I do feel like I'm going crazy.

I better not say anything about it to her. I don't want to take the chance.

I better keep it quiet.

Jessie placed a comforting hand over mine and pressed me with a worried voice, "Brandon?" She gave me a comforting smile now, "Look, you can tell me. After all, we have been through a lot together. So at least help me understand it."

I smiled at her and said, "I know, we have been through a lot." My smile melted away, as I let out a sigh, "I just....Don't think I can do this." I gestured to her, "You know, starting a relationship with you." I shrugged my shoulders, "Honestly, I thought I wanted to go for it, but now I'm not so sure. I just don't...Feel it."

Jessie raised one eyebrow and I went on, "I just don't feel like I can start this...Thing between us. Maybe I...Just want us to be friends. Because that's all that we ever have been from the beginning, is friends."

Jessie slowly tilted her head in sympathy for me, and I said, "I know that you do like me that way, but maybe I'm not really the guy for you. And I thought you were that dream girl that I wanted, but maybe I'm wrong about it. And don't get me wrong, I do like you, but maybe I like you more as a friend. I just think we should...Stay as friends. Nothing more."

Jessie and I stared at each other for a long time, until she smiled at me, "Well...I guess I can understand that."

My eyes went wide, "Really?"

Jessie let out a sigh and looked up at the trees, "I know we both ran off into the sunset together and all. Not to mention we get kidnapped by a black dragon and get taken to a city full of dragons, also with only two humans living in it." She let out a sigh, "Then we almost get eaten by wolves and not very long after that, we start to adjust our lives living there and things really have been great."

She looked at me, as she went on, "But...I wondered if we would have been more than friends, that we would've been together that way. I thought I was really liking you as well and it was true." She let out a breath, "But I also think now, after last night...Maybe the two of us together, are just friend material. Because I thought I was feeling it, just like you last night. But...I think I was wrong too." She nodded at me, "Maybe we should stay friends."

I smiled at her and asked, "So you're ok with it? No hard feelings?"

Jessie clasped my shoulder and rubbed it, "I would never have any hard feelings toward you. You really are a nice guy. Better than those asshole, hot guys that I was with back at home."

I nodded and comfortingly said to her, "Oh you'll find someone for you. Someday, a knight in shining armor would come and sweep you off your feet."

She giggled, "Well I thought you were that knight, who's like a hero to me."

I shook my head, "I'm not really a hero, Jess."

Jessie gazed into my eyes, saying this, "You look like one to me." Then she gave my cheek a kiss, like she had before and she sighed, "Don't worry, I won't have any hard feelings at all. I promise." She unclasped my shoulder and dropped it on her lap, "Besides, how can I hate you? You're not really the kind of person, I can hate. After how nice you were to me, especially giving me that rose back at the city, I can't really hate you for rejecting me."

I nodded at her, "I'll always be your friend, Jessie. And don't worry, you have dated guys who didn't care about you that way, but that one guy will find you. I'm sure he will."

Jessie frowned at me, after saying that, "What guy? I'm sure that there are no other human guys living with dragons like we are."

I laughed a little, "Oh well, some things really are possible." I joked, "Hey we got kidnapped, so maybe a dragon might kidnap a very hot guy and bring him to you."

Jessie was laughing now and gave my arm a pat, "That doesn't sound like a bad deal." She glanced up at the sky and sighed in awe at her dream, "I'd think that the guy would have hard rock abs and wavy brown hair, but has a very gentle soul beneath those abs. That's the kind of guy, I wanted."

I nudged her arm with my elbow, "Hey, I don't have hard rock abs, like your dream man."

Jessie laid her head on my shoulder, "Oh I know that. But hey, had to try someone that's different than my dream man."

I wrapped my arm around her and leaned my head onto hers. She said to me, "I love you, buddy."

I giggled a bit, saying back to her, "I love you too, friend."

Jessie noticed my letter on the grass and moved a bit, to reach out to pick it up. She started reading the letter now, "What's that?"

I answered her, "It's a letter to my mom. I found a pencil and paper in your car, so I decided to write it down. I'm planning on seeing her tonight, so in case I don't find her, I'll leave that behind."

Jessie hummed after she read it, "Well at least you gave your mother instructions to tell my parents that I'm fine and I'm with you." She handed the letter to me and I grabbed it, "After last night, I do feel a bit sorry for leaving without saying goodbye to my parents now."

I grinned at her, "Really? You forgiven them?"

Jessie titled her head and hummed in thought, "Just a little bit. But maybe, I'll fully forgive them in time."

I nodded, "I hope so. They may not have understood you, like they should have before, but they're still your parents."

Jessie got up on her feet and said, "I know they are." She turned to look down at me, saying with a hopeful smile, "I hope you find your mom and tell her everything. About what we been through."

I giggled, "You know, I don't know if she'll believe me about the dragons. Unless I showed them to her, then she'll be in a shock of her life."

Jessie giggled and then bore a serious look, "And I honestly hope she left her boyfriend too. She seems like a nice mom."

I got up off the grass too, standing in front of her, "She is." We both started to smile at each other and then we both heard a stick snap in a distance at the woods.

I frowned at them, while we were looking at them, "What was that?"

Jessie shook her head and giggled, "It was probably a chipmunk or something. We are in the woods after all."

I nodded, "Yep, we're not alone out here."

Jessie turned and said, "Come on. Lets go find the others. Did you ask Rain or anyone to take you home?"

I turned to face her and shook my head, "Nope, but I better get to it. Tonight is only hours away."

Jessie looked at her watch, "Oh yeah, that's right and it's now noon, so we better get going."

I laughed and gave her arm a pat, while I was strolling past her, "Lets go, princess."

Jessie giggled a bit and nodded, as she started to follow me, "Roger that." I started walking on the trail in the woods, while Jessie followed me. Holding the letter in my hand.

Well better find Rain and talk to her about tonight.


The lone dragon is standing in the woods watching Brandon and Jessie walk away from the fire pit and into the woods. It narrowed it's gaze at them. It stepped on a stick by accident and they both heard it, luckily for the dragon they didn't see it.

The dragon didn't take it's gaze off of Brandon pretty much and it growled at him. Knowing that what it's after, is walking off again.

The lone dragon started trotting off, to follow them. Not letting them out of it's sight.