Current Track: Blabb

Refliction: Psychical Torture

I hate exercising. It's for those other students who wanted
to impress girls and perhaps to get laid. It's really not for me. What I wanted
to do was to exercise my mind, not my body. But our high school teacher
insisted on having us exercise outside. In the gorgeous outdoors, where four
trees marked out the edges of our playing field. No white marks were about,
even if there really should be. I had wondered almost if it was some kind of soccer
field and asking the teacher about this, he replied, "No; it's just a
playing field." Then he walked off leaving me alone to my own demised.
Other students around me were snickering and muttering to one another. Their
eyes had never left their gazed onto me
and often times than not, I always find myself meeting them through what you
guys called it the "Silent conversation."

Then the whistle blew and our heads were turned to him as
his paws were raised. He had the most cheerful smile on his face, it was
gruesome that I wished I could just use
an eraser and wipe that stupid smile. You may think that I hate happiness, but
you're wrong. I don't, I just hate it when teachers do it. So we all make our
way towards him as his voice was carried around our class speaking, "Today
class, we're going into running." There were many groans around me,
insisting that they shouldn't run at all since it was proclaimed as unfair. How
may you ask? Well, it is because of the jocks in our class who usually hang
around back of us; not all of them are good, however,
so it's best to stay on our toes when the opportunity arises itself, no? Anyway…

"We're going to do two laps around this place,
no…-" Upon this point, I stop listening at all to him. My eyes were gazing
at the class students around me. But
there was one that caught my eye, however.
A white cat sitting with interest hung upon his head. His eyes were glittering
as if he was excited to run or was he born to do it? I don't know. No one knew
about his personality, unfortunately. But
somehow he knew that I was looking his way. When our eyes met, I quickly whip
my head about gazing back onto the teacher with worry on my face. There was
something odd about him somehow, that I wasn't able to put a paw on my chin because of it. But later on within
the teacher's lecture about exercising and all, I steal another glance over to
the cat. He wasn't smiling at all but
looking pleased with himself. As if he had a plan and a target; his tail was
curled around his body. His eyes flickered but it wasn't to do, but perhaps our
teacher. Without worrying too much, I gazed back onto the teacher again just in
time for him to finish and pointed with his whistle again blown. Why does his
whistle have to be so loud? Couldn't he shout at us or motioned us?

Instead of complaining, our class began to run. The normal
students were jogging either listening to their tunes, talking to one another
about almost everything or focusing on their running. Only a handful of them
were jocks making their impression on the
girls… Once again; Although it is kinda funny to see that the girls were
turning them down with the modern girl talk that you guys speak today… or
whatever. As for me I just jog. Remember, I hated running even more than
exercising myself as I am book smart not psychical smart like the jocks. So as
I began rambling about to you guys, I am approaching the corner and I haven't
gotten tired! Hurray for me! I rather take that achievement-

 However as I began to
approach the first straight-ahead path
towards the second corner, something began to feel weird and I wasn't sure
about it either. Glancing back at the
school, I saw nothing out of the ordinary. Peaceful as it was as I frowned in
fear of something that might happen, although the white cat behind me took
notice and job himself up smirking about. "So do you feel it too, Mr.
Weatherman?" "Hello, Nikita." I resorted groaning or was not
pleased to have met him here at all. But he ignored me and continued gazing
into the skies, "I suppose you know what's going to happen?" "To
what exactly?" I asked him but all he could was smile as he fell back
behind me. I frowned anxiously to see
what troubles could unfold before me.

And on time, I heard something that startled me. A quick
flash of lightning and I shot my eyes into the skies above; a couple of
students also looked but their reactions were different to mine. Did I ever
tell you that we cats love the rain? Yeah, I know weird isn't it. But that's
what most of us were expecting it to bring. As someone shouted in the depths of
silence, all our heads turned to our teacher who motioned everyone to head
straight into the building a few blocks from here and we did so without
hesitation. Another quick lightning flashed along with a bit of a drizzle, nothing
that we ever complained about for I myself welcomed out new invaders.

When we reached the building, we huddled up upon the door.
Some of us decided to knock on the glass
window, shouting out onto the halls for anyone to hear. Unluckily no one was
around when the classes had started and we ourselves were soaking wet. After a
few seconds of hammering the door, Nikita answered through the chaos within us
"Where is our gym teacher?" Then just like that, everyone was silent.
Our eyes gazed about, a mixture of
worried and anxious was upon us as we
searched frantically for our fellow teacher. I gazed back onto the path behind me but found him not there. It was as if he
disappeared leaving us here outside the doors with nothing except our fur
getting wet. I groaned in response, several others did so as well.

But it all changed when we heard something. Glancing back I
saw the rain falling harder making puddles into lakes that swerve around the
playgrounds. Several swans and ducks were flapping about happily to themselves,
quacking on their own minding business. Thunder rumbled after the quick flash
of lightning, the rain falls like cats and dogs out here. But squinting into
the hazy horizon I saw someone there. Eyes were red; he seems to be holding
something in his paw it was unknown what. Shaken in fear, I stepped back
bumping into Nikita behind me who hissed clawing me to get my attention,
"Watch it, Gowan!" But I paid
no attention to her, for my eyes were glued to the figure standing before us. Or me.

I did not know what else to do however as the figure stepped
forth closing the gap between us while my eyes went wild. He drew closer, I
could see he smile somehow. Another flash of lightning later, the figure
stepped into my view and smiled back onto us. It was our gym teacher and everyone cheered however with paws raising up
into the air. I could perhaps sigh in relief as I turned to the door which the
teacher opened suddenly and headed inside. Everyone else followed putting me in the last
place. As we entered and moved into a drier place, I chuckled and gazed back
onto the door upon the hazy horizon. There I saw some words scribbled on the glass doors and I was greatly afraid of it says "Beware."

"Beware what?" I heard Nikita responded behind me,
as I turned to her who growled her eyes squinted as she tried to read the next
few words. But they proved to be hard to read and it also came by a short
noticed, however. As the fog reinstall
itself upon the glass window erasing any of the wordings that it had missed and
replaced it with "This is the third wave." "Not that movie
again-" Someone piped out hissed again as some others turned to him
wondering what he had meant. In no response, however, came a tidal wave that
came out of nowhere. Crashing itself into
the glass window and broke it into pieces which shocked us as we tried to run.
But it proved useless as we were eventually
overrun by the waves itself. Washing down onto the first floors with
nothing but soak furs, I groaned and lifted up my eyes wearily and noticed
something painted on the wall in front of me, "Beware." The next
thing I knew, the lights were brownout.