Current Track: Blabb

You look around you and you see the peaks.

You see the pine heights and the softer trees

That flower on the lower, lesser steeps.

You see the little rivers, shire-wise,

That gently carve the foothills. And the sweep

At last of desert floor. From there the rise

Of yet another summersnow clad wall

Of mountains. And it quite escapes your eyes

That here there is an ocean. Indeed all

The world is a coastline. That dim tide

Laps at our feet with each day's rise and fall.

Do not pretend you feel it not inside.

Few eyes have seen that softly sighing swell.

Fewer its scent remember and abide.

Yet though we parch in dryness as of hell

That blessed coolness waits inches away

If only we could taste it. Yet the spell

Can still be broken. In the evening's grey

When set is sun but light is not yet gone,

In rain curtains that wash these walls of clay,

And in the swelling ever-saddening song

The wind plays on the twisting trees of green,

There, there I've seen the sea. There is that long,

Smooth, bone-white strand. Mine eyes have seen

The face of sweet salt water, and I live.

Its memory colors every joy I glean.

Life holds me from it. This I can't forgive.

Nay, sight is not enough. One day shall I

Between my bare toes as if through a sieve

Those slow waves pour. Salt breeze will smart my eye.

The foam's cool touch my sorrows will efface,

And I will understand the white gull's cry.

And maybe I will meet you in that place,

Whichever one of us comes there before.

And there we may speak clearly, face to face.

And then may we be thirsty nevermore.

But if you turn back then, while I remain

To take ship from that ever-present shore,

Know you will live your life longing in vain

To see, to hear, to feel that peaceful sea.

As I did. As I do. Oh, it is pain

I would not trade for any ecstacy.

     Until some blessed evening sets me free

     I shall be here, longing to see the sea.