The Name Is Black, Jet Black.
Chapter 2.
The Birth of MI6, Mouse Division
It had been twelve months since our most wonderful James Bond Marathon. It now seemed as though Commander Black was here to stay, my house renovating business was booming, I now had more money than I knew what to do with. Enter Commander Black.
It was a bright, sunny and warm Sunday morning, I had taken advantage of a little me time and had set up a seat, a table and a sun shade, on the table was a glass of ice cold root beer, in the seat was me complete with my copy of the Sunday newspaper. I began to read my paper, So much death and destruction, what is our world coming to? I thought, I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts by a soft and calm voice behind me, the voice was that of Commander Black.
Jet spoke, "Oh Vin, sorry, your having some quiet time, I will come back later".
I replied, "Commander, it's ok, I was just reading my paper, and becoming more and more depressed so you've actually done me a favour, now what can I do for you?", "Before I start Vin, please don't take what I'm about to say the wrong way, you and the guys have taken me into your lovely home, and I'm grateful, I really am".
I came up with my reply, "There's a but coming isn't there?"
Jet's gaze fell to the floor, he could not even look at me when he spoke again, "As always, you get right to the heart of the matter. I am bored, I need something to do to occupy my mind".
I asked, "Did you have something in mind?", "I want to become James Bond!", came Jet's response.
I considered my reply, to try and soften the blow that I was about to deal the Commander, "Right, ok not to pour cold water on your.......musings, but you do realise that James Bond is a fictional character don't you?"
Jet looked a little bemused and replied, "Of course I do Vin, what I meant was that I want to become a Secret Agent!"
Again I considered my reply, "Well, and please don't take my comments the wrong way, but I'm pretty sure that they won't allow a mouse into the Secret Service".
The commander now looked totally dejected, he hung is head and started to slink away, one would almost say that he looked like a five year old child that couldn't get their own way.
I looked at the Commander and saw his totally dejected and defeated look, "Commander, I didn't say anything about not giving it a go, I know some very influential people, some of which owe me a few favours. I will make a few enquiries on your behalf".
A nervous smile now returned to Jet's muzzle, "You mean it, you would do that for me?"
I reasured the Commander that I would at least try, but I informed him not to get his hopes up too high.
I rose from my seat and made my way back to the house and entered my study, making sure that I shut and locked the door, I was going to need all of my concentration and diplomacy to pull this mammoth task off.
I made a few calls, most of the people I spoke to just gave me the polite brush off, then suddenly paydirt, I hit the mother load, well sort of, my final phone call was to a very dear friend of mine deep in the government, as I feared he told me that the secret service would not allow mice to join, but he did give me an idea, why not start a new department?, the idea was so crazy that it might just work. I decided to take my friend up on his idea, he assured me that he would back us all the way. This was it, the birth of MI6: Mouse Division, and since it would be my money backing the venture, I was to be in charge, my new codename M000 (M triple zero).
I ended my call with the usual pleasantries one usually uses when talking to a respected member of parliament, and went in search of the commander to give him the news. I found the commander in Charley's garage, sat quietly in the office, he had borrowed Matt's replica of the golden gun and was probably thinking about how good it would feel to hold one. I knocked politely on the door and entered the office.
Jet's eyes met my own as I spoke, "Commander, I'm sorry but it was as I feared, there is no room for mice in the secret service".
Jet replied, "Damn, oh well, at least you tried your hardest, thanks Vin".
My reply brought back the nervous smile from earlier, "Now wait just a minute Commander, I didn't say that it was a totally fruitless call, you are still going to become a secret agent, we all are, I have started a new secret agent division, you, my young friend, will hence forth, be known as Commander Jet Black, M001. Throttle becomes M002, Vinnie is M003, Modo will become M004, Rimfire is to become M005, Josh is M006 and Matt becomes M007. Toby will become the Quartermaster or Q, and unlike James Bond, you will respect young Toby, because if I hear of any shenanigans between you two, I will dispose of you, and it won't be pretty. Am I understood Commander?"
"Completely sir", came Jet's reply. I continued to speak, "Now, tomorrow, I will travel to London, to the MI5 building, I will meet with my friend and set about getting us some office space within the MI5 building. Commander, I would like you to travel with me, because after all, you are the main reason why we will be having an office in London".
I decided to call a meeting for the rest of the mice and Charley to let them know what was going on. Upon hearing the ambitious plans, all the mice were now sporting deeply shocked looks, though I could tell that deep down, they all wished that they had thought of doing it sooner.
It is now Monday morning, the day of the journey to London, it had been decided that not only would Commander Black be joining me, but Matt and Toby would be coming too.
After a three hour journey, we made it to the centre of London, we met up with my MP friend, Jonathan Hogben-Smythe, and made our way to the prestigious and very secretive building that is MI5.
Jonathan unlocked the entrance door with his special keycard and allowed us all to enter. He led us to the reception desk.
The Reception Clerk looked up from her papers, "Good morning Mr Smythe, what can I do for you today?"
Jonathan spoke to the clerk, "My friends here are starting up a new division of the secret service, and as such are going to need a very large office and workspace".
The clerk replied, "Ah yes, the Prime Minister has informed me of the new division and has asked me to source the office and workspace, you will be pleased to know that I have managed to get your friends one of the penthouse office areas. I will just call a guide for you who will lead you to the new offices".
The Clerk called for the guide and asked him to lead us to what would become our new offices. After a few minutes the lift arrived at the top floor.
The guide informed us that we were now at our floor, "Penthouse Floor, MI6: Mouse Division"
My jaw hit the floor when I looked through the glass walls of the elavator and saw the size of the space that we had now gained, from I don't know where I suddenly found my voice, "Whoa, you mean we got the complete penthouse floor?"
The guide replied, "Indeed you have sir".
The lift doors opened and we all piled out of the lift, there was a large office at one end of the corridor, on the office door was a plaque which read, MI6: Mouse Division, underneath the title was my new codename M000, I opened the door to my new office and we all entered, there was a hive of activity with decorators and engineers making my new office ready for me to take the helm of the new division.
The guide continued to inform us, "Now sir, as with all the offices in this building, as well as the main lift there is a secret lift which will take you to a top secret secure area, for use in an emergency".
I looked to the far wall where there were some engineers working and could see the open shaft that would become my secret lift. We now left my office and walked into the next room, larger than my office and again full with people milling about decorating and installing things, this room would be Toby's, sorry, Q's lab.
I took Toby, aka Q, to one side and spoke, "So Q, do you think this place will be big enough for you?"
Toby's eyes lit up and he replied, "Are you kidding? I could get lost in here, and not be seen for years".
The guide continued to speak, "You will also be gaining a team of highly trained lab assistants, who will carry out your every instruction".
Toby now looked at the guide and spoke, "But I'm a mouse, does anyone have a problem with that?"
"Sir, your assistants have been trained to follow your instructions and not to ask questions", came the guides reply.
Toby looked at me, "Hey Vin, did you hear that, he called me sir".
I looked back at Toby and replied, "Get used to it my young friend, as you'll be hearing it a lot".
With our tour of our new offices complete, I decide that it was time for something to eat and drink, so we thanked our guide for showing us around and made for the entrance to go into London for some late lunch.
The Reception clerk managed to catch my attention, "Excuse me sir, before you leave, you will be needing your new office keycards".
The clerk handed me a box with a load of keycards in it, each card had our respective codename embossed onto them.
She continued to speak, "Do not lose these cards as you will need them, you will need to swipe them through the card reader at the entrance door to gain access, then, at the lift, again swipe the card in the card reader, the lift will arrive and take you straight to your floor".
I took the box of cards from the clerk's hands and we left the building.
Jonathan now spoke, "Those cards also get you into the secret parliament entrance, which is under Big Ben. Now I know that you are hungry and thirsty, but these cards will even cover that too".
We entered the secret parliament entrance, Jonathan led us to a posh restaurant.
Jonathan continued, "You are secret agents now, it is not safe for you to eat or drink out in the public domain, at least here you know that you will have a meal and a drink that won't kill you, unless the chef is having a bad day of course".
After we had eaten our fill, Jonathan made his apologies for being a busy man and left.
I looked at my three bro's and spoke, "Well guys, we should head home, we have got lots to talk about".
We all made our way home back to the Isle Of Man. We all sat down and talked about the day that me, Matt, Jet and Toby had just had, I handed out the security keycards to the rest of the guys and gave them the instructions for there use.
Today we had seen the future for the Biker Mice From Mars, who would now be known as The Secret Biker Mice From Mars.
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The Name Is Black, Jet Black, Part Two
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15 years ago
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