Current Track: Blabb

We both stared out into the darkness after we'd turned the corner, our ears perked up as he listened to the sound of the Glaceon's footsteps as she ran off deeper into the cave.

“Are you kidding me right now? Just a second ago you were blabbing about how excited you were that your meal came early and now you're running away from it?" Electra yelled as we continued to walk at our own pace into the darkness. “Come back and eat me, dog."

“Electra I can barely even see in here." I laughed softly as I leaned against her. “I kind of want to go back to being a cat. My eyes worked so much better when I was a cat."

“You already are a cat." She said as she turned her head, staring at me. “Just… on the inside?"

“That doesn't help much on the outside." I laughed. “I need the cat eyes to see in the dark."

“Just use flash or something and light up the whole place." She said as she shrugged, turning back and looking forward again. “I thought you could see with your eyes closed anyway."

“Yeah but you also have to consider what we're about to do." I said softly as I leaned my muzzle close to her ear, whispering into it.

“They're expecting two Pikachu, not any cats. I could wander right in there and take them by surprise. Plus come on, my claws will be so much sharper."

“Dallas that's never stopped you before. Come on, you know you could probably beat them all down with your eyes clos- nevermind." She said as she pushed my face away from her ear. “You can see with them closed so that doesn't count."

“Clawsssss." I said as I held up both paws, swiping one in the air playfully.

“Dallas I literally do not care." Electra said, pushing my paw down with hers until it was back down at my side. “Are you forgetting why we're here? They've been literally eating our colony members for who knows how long."

“Yes, I know why we're here. And since I don't know how many of them there are, it would probably be best if I could actually see what was going on." I said as I closed my eyes, the tingly feeling working its way through my body as I pictured myself as a Purrloin.

“Ugh. Well I can't do that." She said as she folded her arms, staring at me. “So what am I supposed to do, just guess their locations?"

“I think we have a ways to go before we find them." I said. “I don't even hear the Glaceon anymore."

“Well neither do I." Electra said back as she unfolded her arms and pointed deeper into the cave. “Unless there's small tunnels or escape routes which I doubt there are, then they've got to be straight ahead somewhere."

“Well… yeah." I said as I opened my eyes, blinking a few times as I looked around in the darkness. The difference in what I could now see was huge. it appeared as if it was broad daylight inside the cave now, and as I perked my ears up I could even hear little movements out in the distance.

“How do they see in here anyway?" Electra asked as she reached out with a paw and touched me gently. “Can we like, get going?"

“I don't think that's necessary." I said softly as I continued to listen to the sounds. “Apparently they're coming to us."

“What? I don't hear them." She said as she perked both of her ears up, making a face at me and taking a step back. “I literally hear nothing."

I reached out and grabbed Electra's arm as I saw an Umbreon turn the corner up ahead, along with the Glaceon and an Espeon.

“Yeah let's uh… get out." I said as I pulled her along with me, quickly making my way around the corner and out to the mouth of the cave as she stumbled behind me, before quickly pulling her arm free and staring at me.

“Dallas what the hell has gotten into you?" she asked as she shook her paw off.

“Nothing. Go out a little. Hide somewhere nearby where they won't be able to see you but you'll be able to see us."

“Dallas what th-"

“Go." I said as I gave her a little push. “I have a plan."

“Alright alright. Whatever." She said, grumbling something as she walked off into the bushes, turning around and staring at me as I sat down at the mouth of the cave, staring inside.

“Dallas what the f-"

“Shh." I said as I turned my head to her briefly, before quickly turning it back and watching as the three Eeveelutions came around the corner. They all stopped, and the Espeon and Umbreon turned their heads to look at the Glaceon, who stared blankly at me as I tilted my head, staring back at her. The Umbreon let out a little grunt before lifting his head high and howling. I winced a little and pinned my ears back as the sound echoed off of the walls all around me, my tail flicking behind me as I stared at the Umbreon, a little annoyed now.

“You said there were two Pikachu." He said as he looked over at the Glaceon once again.

“There were! And one of them ate our pup!" She said as she blinked a few times, continuing to stare at me.

“All that's here is that cat." He said as he lifted a paw and pointed it at me, placing it back down on the ground after a second or two and turning his whole body to face her. “I think you're losing it. Perhaps you should eat more than two tonight."

“Where IS the little guy?" the Espeon asked as he glanced around the cave. “I don't see him anywhere."

“Because that Pikachu ate him I saw it!"

“Where did those two go anyway?" The Umbreon asked. “Don't they know what happens when they run off like that?"

“Chow time… Oh I can't wait until tomorrow, now we get six!" The Espeon said with a chuckle.

“Six sounds fine to me." The Umbreon replied.

“Six… EACH." The Espeon said in a low tone, grinning widely to himself as his tail raised up a little.

“I could probably gulp down six of those delicious rodents if I were feeling ravenous. But you two are a foot smaller than I am, I don't know if you could handle it." The Umbreon said.

“Then it's a buffet. All you can eat." The Jolteon replied.

“Mmmm…" The Umbreon replied, his tail beginning to wag. “That sounds absolutely lovely."

“Our Eevee pup is GONE!" The Glaceon wailed. “I don't care about the food our baby is GONE!"

“He probably just ran off to try and keep those two from leaving."

“Yeah he's probably just fine. They played a trick on you is all. There's no way they could just swallow something twice their size like that."

“Yeah you're right." She said as she sat down. “I think I might be losing it. Maybe they haven't even come up yet."

“No, they came. I can smell it." The Umbreon said as he gently sniffed at the air. “But they didn't follow the rules and ran off."

“We're going to have to set out looking for another pack of those things soon you know."

“Yeah this one is running low and the one they run off to is full of human trained ones."

“Yeah and human trained Raichu and I bet they break the rules and just send the weaker ones from this pack that went over there instead of giving up their own."

“Well I really don't want to travel all the way over there and get my ass kicked when they team up on me. As long as we get two every couple days I don't care where they came from."

“Hey, does he look a little big to you?" the Umbreon asked as he nodded his head toward me.

“Yeah, about three times as big actually." The Espeon said.

“I bet he's real strong too. And he MUST eat well, I mean look at him."

“And you know what cats eat the most?"

“Rodents." The Umbreon said quietly, snickering to the others as he turned himself to face me. “Hey, cat."

“Me?" I asked as I lifted a paw and pointed to myself.

“You look like you've never missed a meal in your life. You wouldn't happen to know where we could grab a few bites now would you?"

“We're looking for mice." The Glaceon said.

“And we already know about the group that's close by. They're running low and obviously if you ate there too they'd be history by now, so where do you get yours?" the Espeon asked as he stepped forward a little. A little jewel on a necklace around his neck shimmered in the moonlight as he walked forward, and it caught my attention. Out of curiosity I glanced over at the Umbreon and Glaceon, taking note that they also had them on, only they were in the dark of the cave so they didn't shimmer or stand out at all.

“What's in it for me?" I asked as I stared directly at the jewel on the Espeon's neck, standing up as I began to make my way towards them as well. He took a step back as I began to approach, realizing that I was a full foot taller than him and roughly the same size as the Umbreon was. “All I see happening is you'll start feeding on my mousies, and I'll have to go somewhere else because they'll be all gone real quick."

“You'll be helping out a pack of needy doggies."

“No, he's right." The Umbreon said. “I should have known a Purrloin would want something in return, especially for helping dogs. They're always so selfish."

“And sneaky." The Espeon cooed.

“Well if you've got nothing for me then I guess I have no information for you." I purred out as I walked up to the Espeon, gazing down at him before slowly walking a little circle around him. “That shiny gem around your neck looks like it could sell for a lot of human paper. I could use that to… oh I don't know, buy myself a nice grooming~ Ohh those humans sure know how to comb out a cat's coat." I said, purring loudly as I continued to walk tight circles around the Espeon. “I bet I could buy myself the best grooming in the world~"

“Not a chance." The Espeon said as he darted backwards out of the little circle I was walking around him. “No way I'm paying a whole diamond for that information. I'd rather find more myself."

I saw the Umbreon shoot him an angry stare out of the corner of my eye as I turned away, casually making my way over to the bush Electra was hiding in. To tell the truth, I really wanted those diamonds. They were so shiny, they looked so valuable, I just had to steal them. I had honestly forgotten all about the reason I was here in the first place, as a primal instinct had taken over my whole body, swapping my focus from fighting the Eeveelutions to stealing from them. I suddenly felt truly like a Purrloin, the sneaky devious state of mind completely overlapping my otherwise calm and peaceful one as I continued to walk toward the bush. I was going to do whatever I could to get my paws on those diamonds.

“Well then I guess we're done here, aren't we?" I cooed softly as I pushed my head into the bush, not even bothering to turn back. As I pushed my body inside Electra flashed me a confused look, as if asking what I could possibly be doing.

“Behind the tree, static when the third one passes." I whispered. “Wet the ground so you get them all, might want to get a water type so you can cover the whole area behind this bush. Of course wait until I'm out of the range and on dry ground."

“Wait." The Umbreon spoke up just as I pushed the rest of myself into the bush, my tail the only thing sticking out at this point. I turned around and poked my head through glancing at him as Electra quietly made her way to the tree behind me.


“It's a deal." He said, nodding for me to come back over.

“Oh purrrrrfect~" I cooed as I pushed myself back through the bush, casually walking over on all fours until I was right in front of him.

“Here." He said as he lowered his head, shaking himself until the necklace slid off over his head and fell to the ground. I let out a soft purr as I reached down and picked it up, standing on my hind legs as I put it around my own neck, a sly grin spreading across my muzzle as I dropped back down onto all fours and made my way back over to the Espeon.

“Oh that'll do nicely." I purred out quietly as I once again began to circle him. I knew there was no way he could use a psychic move to see what I was up to because I was a dark type, and dark types are immune to any psychic attacks.

“Can you just tell us where it is?" he asked as he made a face around me. “And quit stalking around me like I'm some sort of prey item."

I suddenly crouched down to his level and hissed loudly right in his face, lifting my right paw and unsheathing one of my claws. “Anyone can be prey if the predator is the right size." I whispered coldly as I turned my paw around and dragged the claw up from his chest to his chin, pressing in a little around his neck area and cutting into it a bit, causing him to squeal as it probably stung a little. “Anyone…"

The string of the necklace was easily sliced through as my claw dragged over it, and I positioned my paw perfectly to catch the diamond inside as it fell from the limp string.

The Espeon gulped hard and froze in place as he just stared me in the eye, before I quickly retracted the claw and placed my paw back down on the ground, tucking the diamond between the toes on my forepaw as I slowly walked toward the Glaceon, who winced as I approached, also being a foot smaller than I was.

“That's nice." The Umbreon said. “But I believe we had an agreement here, a diamond for the information, now where are they located?"

“Ah, there's a whole colony of Rattata and Raticate, follow me." I said as I turned away, walking out into the grass a couple feet.

“I can't believe I'm trusting a Purrloin." The Umbreon mumbled.

I stopped suddenly and turned my head, circling around and pushing myself up inbetween the Glaceon and the Umbreon as I leaned in close, whispering into his ear.

“Would you rather starve to death?" I whispered into his left ear, purring gently as I watched them all spread out so there was space to fit me inbetween them.

“Nevermind. Just show us." He said as he let out a little annoyed growl.

“Just go that way." I said as I lifted my left paw, unsheathing a claw and quickly cutting through the necklace on the right side of the Glaceon's neck, resheathing the claw before my paw was fully lifted and snickering to myself as the diamond fell off of the limp string and into the grass. “Eventually you'll end up in something that looks like a field of hay, or dead grass or whatever." I said as I placed the paw back down. “When you get there look around for holes in the ground. The Raticate need more room to enter their burrows so there will be really large holes." I said as I flicked my tail underneath the Glaceon, pushing the diamond toward me before quickly lifting my left paw and placing it down ontop of it, wiggling it inbetween my toes like I'd done with the other one.

“Right, got it, thanks." The Umbreon said as he nodded. “Would have never thought to look in a place covered in dead weeds."

“That's because you're not a cat." I snickered as I swiftly turned myself around, slowly making my way back over to the bush which was only a couple feet away. I lifted my left paw and brought it to my mouth, casually licking the diamond from between my toes and making it appear as if I were just grooming my paw, something Purrloin did very frequently. I lifted the right paw and did the same, pushing both diamonds under my tongue as a large toothy grin spread across my muzzle.

“Seriously? Do you have any idea what you just gave up for that information?"

“In exchange for all the food I can eat? I'm pretty okay with it." The Umbreon said as they continued to walk away. “Besides we still have two more so I don't know what you're complaining about. It's not like we're broke or something."

I perked my ears up as I pushed myself through the bush, purposely standing there with only my tail poking out of it. I kept it raised about halfway so it appeared as if I were still walking, wiggling it around gently in the air as I listened in on their conversation.

“Shouldn't we wait for our pup to return?" The Glaceon asked. “I'm not leaving until he comes back."

“I howled for him and he hasn't come yet. I don't think he's going to be returning." The Umbreon said.

“That cat has some anger issues or something." I heard the Espeon say. “Fucking cut me right in the throat for telling him to stop being a creep. It stings like hell and it's bleeding."

I watched through the leaves as the Espeon stopped and lifted a paw, gently placing it on the cut I'd given him.

“No, he DIDN'T do that." The Espeon suddenly shouted as he dragged the paw all around his neck, before placing it down and lifting his other paw, feeling around the other side of his neck. “That fucker stole my diamond!"

I watched as the both looked over at the Glaceon, then at eachother.

“And hers. How the FUCK did he even… WHAT?"

“That sneaky little bastard! I should have known better than to trust a Purrloin!" the Umbreon shouted as they all turned around. “LOOK, he's trying to get away through that bush!"

“Oh no you don't." I heard the Espeon say as they all came running after me, and I quickly darted inside, running over to the tree Electra was behind before leaping up as high as I could and latching my claws into the trunk, quickly pulling myself up and onto the first branch where I sat and stared down at them, the grin widening as I watched them all gather around the tree, staring up at me.

“Fucking use your psychic to pull him down!"

“He's a dark type I can't do a thing!"

I spit the diamonds into my paw and began to laugh as Electra discharged her static attack, the three Eeveelutions suddenly freezing in place and plopping over limply onto their sides as electricity crackled around them and the ground around them. After a few moments when it all had dissipated, I pushed the diamonds back into my mouth and under my tongue before climbing down the tree, hooking my claws into the trunk and lowering myself until I was comfortable enough to leap off. When I did however, the three were just staring at me blankly as I stared down at them, just standing there in front of the trunk as I spit the diamonds back into my paw, the grin returning to my face as Electra walked out beside me.

“Do you thing Electra, make them disappear." I chuckled softly as I patted her on the head with my left paw, before taking off my necklace and quickly stringing the diamonds onto it, feeding the string through the loop in the metal that was holding the diamonds and tying it off and returning it to my neck in a matter of seconds, as if I was a professional at stringing things and I'd been doing it all my life.

“Don't have to tell me twice." She grinned as she rubbed her paws together. I quickly twisted around and darted off toward the colony, the fire they were still burning lighting up the whole area as if it were a signal beacon telling me where to go, whereas most other Pokémon would want to keep away from it. As I leapt into the group, Stryder dropped the cupcake he was eating and fell backwards off the log he was sitting on.

“Oh FUCK no!" he yelled as he twisted around and got up quickly on all fours. He attempted to dart off and away but by the time he had taken three strides out into the woods I had already pounced ontop of him and had him pinned to the ground under one of my forepaws.

“I did NOT fucking get saved from being a dog's dinner to be a cat's!" He yelled as he squirmed underneath me.

“Oh relax." I laughed softly. “It's me, Dallas."

“You little… SHIT!" he yelled as I lifted my paw away from him and he stood up, brushing his fur off. “You almost literally scared the shit out of me."

The crowd around the campfire settled down once they heard it was me, and out of nowhere Zeke ran up and tackled me over, repeatedly licking my face as he plopped down onto his belly ontop of me.

“Ohhh Dallas you're so big!" He laughed softly. “You're not bite sized anymore!"

“That's… lovely Zeke." I said as I pushed him off of me, rolling over and standing up on all fours before shaking myself off as Zeke did the same. “Ugh… Did you have to slobber all over my face like that?"

“Yessss!" He said as he sat down. “Cammy told me what the Vulpix were doing to your colony and I came to help!"

“Vulpix? No it was three Eeveelutions that were causing all the trouble. Where did Vulpix come from?"

“Cammy said Stryder told her!"

I glanced down at Stryder, before swiping my paw down playfully and knocking him over.

“Vulpix are not an Eeveelution." I laughed.

He got to his feet and shook himself off, grumbling a little before speaking up. “Fox, dog, whatever, Growlithe, I don't know they were canines and they were eating us."

“They are two different species though." Zeke said.

“I'm aware." Stryder said.

“Wait, if Dallas came back then does that mean that the Eeveelutions are all-"

“Dead." Electra said as she walked into the light of the campfire, casually licking over her right paw as she sat down in front of it. “Eaten by their own prey."

“So we're… Free?" Starlight asked as she walked over with about five others, who gathered around and stared at me.

“Well if that's the only thing that was bugging you guys around here then yes, I suppose you're free to go back to the way the colony used to be. And with less members you'll need less resources to survive, so I'm sure you'll do fine if you immediately return things back to the way we used to be."

“But all the Raichu that knew what they were doing left for the other colony!" one of the Pikachu said.

“Then go and tell them to come back. Let the know Dallas has sorted out the problem and there's nothing to worry about."

“Right!" he said as he immediately ran off. “Oh this is so good!"

“I actually have something I want to go do." I said as I closed my eyes, the image of my soft comfy bed materializing in my mind. Oh how I missed laying on that so much. It's been forever, I could just curl up on it and sleep forever.

“Actually so do I." Zeke said as he stood up. “Can we um… you know, teleport back to our house Dallas?"

“The human place?" I asked as I tilted my head.

“Yes that." Zeke said. “It's been so long! Cammy was sent back with the PC because she didn't want to stick around here, so she let me out of my ball at the Pokémon Center and then told me everything and had her put back into hers and sent over to Kevin's PC." He said. “She should be there now."

“That's nice. And smart." Electra said as she got up off the log. “You've all been to our human nest before. That's where we're headed, and that's where we'll be if we're needed." She said as she walked over between me and Zeke. “Holy shit you two are huge."

“Alright! Thank you again for getting rid of those mean meanies!"

“Yeah those assholes deserved everything they got!"

“There's a fucking Rattata and Raticate colony a few minutes away and those things aren't even civilized like we are, why couldn't they pick them off? There's SO MANY!"

“I know right? Those things just squeak and chew things."

I waved goodbye to Stryder and Starlight before teleporting me, Zeke, and Electra to our home. Immediately I walked off toward my “room" while Zeke headed for the elevator probably because this wasn't his floor. It was so much easier to open with me being this size, and as I entered I immediately hopped up onto the bed, curling up right in the center and groaning with delight at how soft and relaxing it felt compared to the crap I had to sleep on for days in that other world we were stuck in. Well, right up until the hotel beds, whose were acceptable, but it still felt really nice to finally get back into my own bed for a change. Though it smelled like Pikachu and had some yellow fur scattered pretty much everywhere, it didn't stop me from dozing off in literally no more than a minute.

--END Chapter Fourteen.--