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It's his fault
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Damn Red Dragon ? 3h
(Secretly wants both Mega Charizard)
Xilats, Dimir Cloner ? 3h
Hmm. This is easy. I just make you into one. *Slaps a mold around you, and super heats it!*
Damn Red Dragon ? 3h
But which one? :O
Xilats, Dimir Cloner ? 3h
Both. I hope you don’t mind having two heads.
Damn Red Dragon ? 3h
Oh okay, I’m sure we won’t argue
Xilats, Dimir Cloner ? 3h
Cool! *releases the two headed MegaCharizard!*
Damn Red Dragon ? 7m
We lied we’re going to bicker and argue a lot
(Secretly wants both Mega Charizard)
Xilats, Dimir Cloner ? 3h
Hmm. This is easy. I just make you into one. *Slaps a mold around you, and super heats it!*
Damn Red Dragon ? 3h
But which one? :O
Xilats, Dimir Cloner ? 3h
Both. I hope you don’t mind having two heads.
Damn Red Dragon ? 3h
Oh okay, I’m sure we won’t argue
Xilats, Dimir Cloner ? 3h
Cool! *releases the two headed MegaCharizard!*
Damn Red Dragon ? 7m
We lied we’re going to bicker and argue a lot
10 years ago
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