Current Track: Blabb

Furry of claws; Chapter five; War inside
her head.

dare I what? My name is Damithril”
Dion was angry
to be said softly. He found peace in his mind, the past life that was a terror
in his mind was no more. He was ready to move on, ready to be the dragon he
wanted to be. Now Rakshasi was shouting to him how he could not keep the name
he had. Damithril stood opposite of Rakshasi. Both where gazing with angry eyes
at each other. The atmosphere in the room was charged. Every fibre was shaking.
In a corner of Damithril’s eyes he could see Pelinebles push Alsan and her son
away. she looked terrified of what was going on between the dragons. She sealed
the door behind her, making sure the dragons could not easily escape. “Don’t you dare use that name!” Rakshasi
growled, hot air escaping from between her teeth. “You are Dion, Not Damithril.” Damithril gazed with a disbelieving
look at Rakshasi, he could not believe how easily she was angered by his name.
how easy she was angry against him. he hoped she would be happy for him. “No. I am Damithril.” He hissed, smoke
escaping from his nostrils. “I thought
you would be happy for me. I thought you wanted for me to find a dragon name,
to find who I was and to lay rest to the human inside my mind.”

am! But not with a name as Damithril!”
could see fire from her eyes while she spoke. He could not only see anger,
something was driving the anger. Something Damithril could not grasp. Should he
pry for the information? Should he try to get what she was feeling whatever the
cost? She had to had a good reason for acting like this. “What is wrong with it!? I say the name and you do not do anything else
but rage against me for the name. What do you have against the name. tell me

Rakshasi flared her claws, opening them up.
A clear sign she was in the state of wanting to attack. “What is wrong with it? How about that name reminding me of all the
pain, all the hate and all the fear I have ever known! Every time you say that
name I die a little on the inside.”
Damithril eyed the claws, he cared
little to actually fight with Rakshasi. He wanted to get it over with, he
wanted to push the energy in something else then fighting each other. Escaping
would be a good option, even killing the king.

He exclaimed pissed, wishing she talked
more about what was her problem. “Finally
you just tell me enough to still not knowing a single thing about why you are
so pissed on me. I get it that the name brings you pain, else you would not be
prepared to rip open my throat.”
Rakshasi growled dangerously. Damithril
wondered why she had not attacked already, she was clearly holding herself
back. “It is personal!” Rakshasi
defended herself. Barrier surrounding her mind, trying to keep anything from
entering any deeper. “Personal? It was
not personal that you showed me the memory of your mate dying? It was not
personal that we melted minds until we did not know our individuality? Do you
think that personal matters to me now? You are about to try and rip my head off
for a name. I want to know why.”

He could see pain coming into Rakshasi’s
eyes, a stream of tears that rolled down her scally cheeks. The tears followed
the lines in Rakshasi’s scaly hide. Sliding to the tip of her nose before
falling down all the way to the ground. “You
want to know…”
Emotions started to flow into Damithril’s mind, it was
agony. Pure and bitter agony. He did not know how she was holding under the
flood of emotions. He did not know how she was even thinking straight enough to
talk. Damithril did not break contact, he was to focused on knowing what it was
that made Rakshasi bezerk like this.

have the guts to ask, now you shall feel”
growled, knowing that the emotions she felt where hurting the dragon. She no
longer restricted any of her emotional waves. She wouldn’t be surprised if
anyone else would feel the anger coming from her. “This is how I feel!” Damithril hissed in pain, concentrating to
keep his mind straight. “I know how you
feel dammit! I want to know why!”

The answer, well the answer was beyond
anything he could dream. He wished he never asked, he wished he never
discovered this name for him. Even if the other solution was that he had to
suffer his mental breakdown. “Because
That name of yours…”
She clenched her teeth, tears rolled from her cheek.
All that anger, just because she lost something. Something that was enough to
break her, to change her life. “It was
the name of my last mate”
her voice, barely in his mind. A soon as she
spoke. Like an storm that raged on and suddenly died out, nothing but silence
between them. an sense of peace that was only fake in the silence. He did not
have to be connected to her to see how much pain she felt. He did not have to
feel the pain in his mind to know. Anyone who knew a thing about dragons would
look at the purple dragoness and see that she was in deep pain. Damithril could
not believe that he had chosen the name of her dead mate. It felt so natural to
him, clear within his mind. It would be odd for him to pick anything else. He
took a step to her, just a small step. Testing the waters, Rakshasi did not
respond to him anymore. She was almost in a trance, her breath was quick and
shallow. Damithril was worried that she might have some sort epileptic attack
where her body just stopped responding. Slowly he drawn out his claw to touch
her on the chest, placing it so he could connect more to her mind. She
shivered, obviously her body was still responding. Her eyes gazed into his
eyes. Hollow filled with pain, it was spooky just to look at her eyes. With
great care he moved his other claw to touch her forehead. He never attempted
this after the mental melt that happened in the cabin. But extreme measures
require extreme tools he rationalized. He let his energy flow. She felt
unstable, not to be confused with weakness. Her whole mind was a mess, powerful
energy flows where crashing into each other. Damithril could go so far to say
that if he was caught in such a crash he would be seriously harmed. His focus
overcame any fear. His energy flow started to poor into Rakshasi, trying to
guide her own energy. Trying to get her own balance so she could find peace.

again. Just pure whiteness all around Damithril. Not again. He hissed, he looked around, quickly losing any sense of
where he was and where he had been. “We meet again.” A human voice came from
behind him. He could see Dion, the human representation of himself standing in
front of his. “Didn’t we already solve
any issues between us? You caught be in a bad time.”
Dion gave a small
smile. “Minds are weird Damithril…” He waved his hand through the room, it
almost looked like he was not there. “I gave up fighting yes. I am just a soul
dragged along. A memory with in you.”

“Then why we are again together…talking” Dion smiled and placed his
hand on his shoulder. “Because you need help. This is not your visions…” Dion
pointed in a distance. A draconic shape appeared. Slowly creeping closer, even
when the shape tried to run away from something. “Rakshasi?” Dion nodded to Damithril. “This is her mind…You entered
the dragon’s den. Last time you tried you ended up melting with her. You

“Yes I remember but why are we here
stepped aside, allowing Damithril to pass. “I am here to motivate you…maybe
just a small trick you play on yourself. You are here because of her.” Dion
faded again, melting into Damithril’s body again. “Help her, she needs you.”

the words, Damithril tried to close in on Rakshasi. The white room quickly
transformed into a small town. It was no other town but Dunick. Damithril
gasped relieved. It could have ended much worse. The town felt different
trough, it looked all far newer then her remembered. He walked up to the place.
The smiths where he got his chainmail to defend against the hunter was still in
construction. It was Rakshasi’s mind, it wouldn’t have to be the one he
remembered. He gazed around, the towns people walking. Minding only little
attention to the strange dragon. An elf came to Damithril. “Greating Siaith” Arryn
the jarl was standing behind her. Damithril shivered, was she talking to him?
he looked around to see if there was anyone else. He could see none, he slowly
started to speak. Wondering if it could do any harm to talk to any of the
villages.  “Si mi xoalir ekess ehtah Rakshasi”
he tried to sound his most best. Beyond what he seemed to be capable his
draconic was actually good. His human self-holding him back? or was it the influence
of Rakshasi that changed how he could speak. “Si geou yenta wux re searching
ihk jacioniv... ith..?” Damithril was just about to say his name, he was just
in time to swallow his words again. Would it be wise to say who he was? If he
shared a name with Rakshasi’s mate and this was a time in the past of her
life…it might collide. He turned around and walked off, he was sure that he
would get some trouble late on so before leaving he added. “sia ominak ui ti

strolled along the village trying to find a way out between the construction
going on and the traders walking around. He wanted to dive away from some
knights, he was not in time the knights saw him. Damithril readied himself for
a fight. He was met with an anticlimactic wave from the knights. Okay, it was a
time before the knights tried to kill all the dragons. He wonders how far this
was back within Rakshasi’s memories.

wonderings brought him to Rakshasi’s cave. It was a wonder he would even find
it after not being here for so long. The cave was not much different from when
he last seen it, it was still partially hidden and laying around in an small
opening in the forest. Dion slowly closed in on the cave. A sudden growl came
from his side. Followed by a punch in the side of his face. “Dion! you bloody idiot get out of my head!”
It was Rakshasi who was standing angry next to him. “Wait you know who…”

“Yes of course I know who you are! This
is my memory not a trip in the bloody past! Now get out, this is my memory, my
private time! You are ruining the time with my mate…”
Damithril scrambled on his
feed, he surged. Certainly this it was not good for her to go into such a
denial.  “Rakshasi this is just a memory. You should let it go.” Rakshasi
did not thank him for the comment. “Don’t
you think I know! Don’t you think I am stupid and get confused with illusions
all the time.”

shook his head… “No but I am worried
about your health Rakshasi. I can understand you want to see your mate again.”
pushed her weight down at his chest, claws digging in his chest. “Get out now, before I slice you up” The
reaction of Rakshasi made him a bit, uneasy. He never saw her so, mentally
disturbed. “Rakshasi! Think about this!
You try to avoid dealing with your past. You really think that this will end up
in anything good”
Rakshasi hissed, wanting to slash out at him before…

svaust ui batobot darastrix?” Damithril looked aside, the words came from a
dark green dragon. It was the same he saw in her previous memory. It was the
first Damithril. This is going to be
. He growled. He pushed Rakshasi from him and stood up. Rakshasi
looked at them both, she was hit with silence. Not knowing what to say. “See what you did Dion! you ruined my memory
of my mate!”
She hissed. Damithril could feel a sudden shockwave through
his body. The memory faded, whiteness enveloped him again. This time he was far
closer to Rakshasi running in the white surroundings, she was running from
something. From what Damithril could not see, nor feel. Well that went smooth.

are still connected to her…” Dion appeared again, he stood next to him.
Spooking the dragon. “Jesus, can’t you
please stop doing that.”
“Sorry I can’t help it. I am where ever I am
needed.” Damithril looked around, seeing only Dion next to Rakshasi walking in
the distance. “Care to tell me what
happened oh wise dead soul”
Dion grimaced by the choice of wording. “Well
she threw you out…Trough it is not the end. Remember what she said, you can
only see something in someone’s mind that they want you to see. Obviously she
wants your help even when she does not act like it.”

“And I thought the ancients where known
for their useless advise. Now how I get in again…”
Damithril became agitated with the state
of affairs. “That Damithril is something I don’t know. Rakshasi’s memories are
scrambled. That you are able to find some is already a miracle…I am sure you
figure something out.” The human disappeared again, into the corners of
Damithril’s mind. Brilliant, no use at
He tried to focus again on trying to find some way to contact Rakshasi

whiteness faded, blackness was now all around him. trough it was not the same
utter blackness that he seen before. This was more dark…more like a cave. He
could see a small red glow coming from the distance he walked towards the glow.
Soon enough he recognized the place, it was the chamber of the elder dragon. He
walked to one of the openings to see Rakshasi and an emerald green dragon on
the stone table. Hang on…that was him, this was a memory of when he was asleep,
visiting his human self. Rakshasi was singing some draconic songs quietly,
wandering over his body. From the state of the cave he could see it was just
after when he went to sleep. everything was still in place. “Come to ruin this memory for me too” Rakshasi
turned around, facing Damithril. “Why
can’t you leave me alone.”
Damithril snorted, growing pissed at Rakshasi.
He was careful not to show it, not to throw her in more disarray. “Because you want my help Rakshasi”

“That is nonsenses the last one I want
help from is you!”

Rakshasi hissed loudly at the dragon that invaded her memories. “Because Rakshasi, I can enter your mind.
Didn’t you tell me that only someone who is wanted in a mind can enter it.”

Rakshasi’s gazed softened a bit, just a bit. “Yes I did…”  She turned
away, obviously not wanting to face him “But
last time we melted and I never wished that.”
Damithril gave a soft growl. “Nor did I. This is not me trying to melt
with you, this is me trying to help you!”
Rakshasi let her claws fell over
the table. She looked down on his memory form laying on the table. “You are not helping. Your name…”

“Can you please drop the name issue! By
gods Rakshasi, I am still the same person, I was Dion. Dion is no dragon. I am
dragon, my name now fits my form. The only reason I come with the name I had
was because I remembered who I was before.”
He moved closer to Rakshasi, almost
close enough that he could lay his clawed hand on her shoulder. He gave a small
smile, trying not to alienate Rakshasi more. “Can’t you slip this whole name issue past…”

“no..” Rakshasi said dismissive. “Not while it keeps giving me pain, not
while it reminds me of nothing but pain and death.”
Damithri did the last
step, placing his hand on her shoulder. She gave a small his but did not
undertake any actions against it. “Can’t
you remember the pleasant memories? Yes losing love is hard.”
He turned
Rakshasi around so she had to face him. “You
told me to move on. You told me to let my human life go now you…”
wave threw Damithri back into the white void. Damm it! again? Damithri growled, ready to head back in. He ran,
just ran towards Rakshasi in the distance. He threw himself against her. Just
making sure he caught her “Rakshasi!
he shouted with all his might. What he did not count for where
white flashes, he was blinded.

he opened his eyes to find himself flying. Where
am I?
he wondered, flying across the sky. He turned his head to see
Rakshasi flying next to her. He was sure he had seen this before. This memory
was all too familiar. Rakshasi fallen back, he wondered why. Was something
wrong? He could suddenly feel a playful nip across his tail. Wait…no oh no! Damithril realised to
late what was going on. He soon was tumbling to the ground in a play fight.
This he had seen…first time he shared memory with Rakshasi. He did not like
where this was ending in. He could land just in time, he wanted to warn
Rakshasi but he could not. She seemed caught up in the moment. His body was not
responding, everything he knew was thrown into nothingness. Rakshasi gave a
playful growl, she jumped on him. The two seemed to enjoy themselves, only
Damithril kept in his mind shouting, trying to be heard. He stood on his two
legs, Rakshasi opposite to him, a devious smile on her face. Damithril felt a
sudden rush of strange emotions overcoming his system. He knew exactly what was
going on. It made him blush, he never realised before.

of nowhere an agonizing pain in his neck. He almost forgotten, he died. Wait
did he, no he died as human. He was forced to lay on the ground hearing hunters
rush in. the arrow tip only just inside his field of view. He growled, trying
to get up but he was weakening. Blood rushed out, Rakshasi roaring in agony.
She had to fly off. He could just hear her wing beats when she left, leaving him
to fade into black.

filled the void all around him, he could see a dark green dragon standing
opposite of him. Something was not right, it did not feel like Rakshasi’s mind
anymore. What was happening? Was he inside his own mind? He did not know. Besides
what was Rakshasi’s dead mate doing her. The dragon had a spooky grin on his
face. “You see now” the dragon spoke, he did not need any way of mental
communication. He was already inside her Damithril’s head. “you felt, you seen
how I died… Did you enjoy the snow?” Damithril growled at the dragon. “How, who
are you! Where are you?” The dragon laughed at him, just plainly laughed at
him. “My poor little Damithril, you have my name but not my mind. I thought you
would figure out by now. Guess I am wrong. I will leave you in that
case…goodbye, We will meet again” Before Damithril could protest he was thrown
out again. everything seemed to happen so fast, the short talk with Rakshasi’s
ex mate, now he was in the whiteness of her mind again. she was crawled up on
whatever floor was near her. Crying out over her lost mate. Damithril came
closer to her. Dragging her against his chest in a crude embrace. “Rakshasi” he said kindly to her, cooing
her mind with his presence. “Damithril…”
she said, softly. Letting her mind being handled by the dragon. She felt
fragile, wanting to be hold. She wanted to be weak, by her choice she wanted to
be cared for. “You said my name…” He
was honestly surprised by Rakshasi’s switch of mind. She turned her head to
face him, cracking a soft smile. “It is
your name after all. I can’t argue with it…
” The male dragon gave a happy
smile, he picked her up. setting her on her feet again. “So all this…helped?” Rakshasi shook her head. “No it did not help. Your pain is still a thorn in my mind…I can’t let
you suffer from it trough. I can’t risk what we have because of this. Our minds
are already too closely linked for a sudden separation.”

grunted slightly, not the answer he wanted to hear. He gazed into her eyes. “Well now we have the time completely
alone…it might be time to tell me…what are the risks of a prolonged mental
Rakshasi swallowed. “Well
it starts with good things, like the link we have. It can end badly. Some
latterly become one soul with two bodies. Not the best kind of situations since
one body will die and that marks the end of everything.”
Damithril took a
step backwards. “We…” He was finished
by Rakshasi. “We got to be together. I
have thought about this more than you would know. I have had months to discuss
this with the elder dragon. We are entangled, if we like it or not. The elder
dragon told me that such a fate would be spared us. Not that he could tell me
what would come of us.”
Damithril grabbed his chest, relieved that he would
not become such a mindless body. He slowly became were of the two energy flows
circling around each other. The same as happened before in the cabin. He looked
to Rakshasi in help but she smiled “That
is me, for once I want to see how far we can go together. We are already pretty
much what anyone would explain as soul mates.
” Damithril’s strange look
made her laughingly add “Ohh soul mates
are not ‘that’ kind of mate…see it as two people who just belong together…it is
a strange concept to explain but I think you have the grasp of it.”

“Rakshasi…” He softly said, letting his mind open for
her energy flows to enter his body and swirl around him. He could feel two
minds starting to melt. The world around him started to change. The whiteness
was enclosed in two fronts. One emerald green the other deep purple. “I was with you in that memory again..” Rakshasi
let out a pained surg. “I guessed so, I
thought I felt you…
” Damithril quickly added, before she could accuse him. “not like that! I was inside the body of
your mate! After you know what happened I even spoke to him…”
gasped loudly “What the…” she could
not finish her words. Their two mind collided again, the two fronts mixed into
something that resembles a piece of abstract art. Damithril could feel his
shells of individuality starting to peel off. He started to lose any sense of
an ego. He no longer had just only his mind, he could no longer see himself as
a single person.

longer he…no longer she, it was only we. Everything was we. The minds joined in
a complex ballet of emotions and memories. Sharing something that was private
and intimate. It was wonderful. The flows swirled around each other. Concepts
of time, concepts of a mind and concept of...personality disappeared from them.
it had something tranquil. It could not last, the swirls of energy became
unstable, the minds separated. They were two souls again, two bodies and time
returned to a life.

Dion opened his eyes to see Rakshasi’s
standing in front of him glaring deeply into his eyes. Her eyes still wet with
tears but no longer showing anger. No longer showing pain, just a bliss from a
close mental connection. “thank you”
she said, her melodic tone, returned into her voice. The same tone he first
heard of her, the first tone he ever heard when opened his eyes in this body. A
deep opened, right on que, maybe Pelinebles had felt the two dragons being calm
once more.

Her voice was…surprised to say the least.
It was already night, the fire was only smouldering quietly. “by the ancients
you are awake!” she proclaimed like she saw water burning. Damithril explained
that they were mentally linked. Rakshasi filled her in about the fight they
had, how it started, how it was resolved. She let most of the details out of
course. Most of what the two dragons shared was just to private to be shared to
anyone. The elf nodded, she was relieved and it was clearly shown. She turned
her gaze to Damithril. “So from the story I hear you have a name…” He nodded
“Damithril” was the simple answer from him. She seemed shocked, just as shocked
as Rakshasi first was when he heard it. the anger luckily stayed away, guess
she had nothing to be angry about. “Gods…couldn’t you pick another name”? He
shook his head, explaining in a dragon’s fly how everything had changed for
him. how he talked to his human self, how he came to peace with his human self.
The name was just a by-product of his mental mastery. No longer he was slave to
illusions about wanting to have a human body. Rakshasi eased up Pelinebles by
saying she was alright with his choice of mind. Even when it still hurt her, it
did not hurt her as much as before. She simply had to get used to it.

Alsan entered the cabin next with some
fresh slain meat in one hand and a back of dry logs in another hand. “I see the
two dragons finally stopped fighting…or is this just a dinner break.” He laid
the meat on the table where the food was prepared. The logs where thrown on the
smouldering fire. Soon the fire jumped to life again, burning and cracking
happily in the fireplace. Pelinebles started to prepare dinner again. she sang
a song of the elves. Damithri could not understand any of it, a new language.
It was quiet logical that the elves would have their own language in what she
sang and talked. The words seemed a bit Norwegian to him, the same flow in
words. A melodic way of talking. He asked for translation to Rakshasi, she
could not give any. She had to apologize that she never gotten around to speak
elfish. The town’s people themselves never spoke much of the language so she
never picked it up. Pelinebles was just far too happy to give an
explanation.  She told the two dragons
about the story, a story about a strong young male elf who fell in love with a
dragon. At first the story seemed just to be an absurd story. A bit like the
ancient Greece would have. The elf continued with telling that the two had
secret meetings, only showing love to each other but never in public. Fearing
what would happen if they were discovered. Faith plaid a different roll, the
young boy had someone who had a crush on him. The dragoness had a dragon who
she would be mated to really soon. Her family depended on her getting a new
nest. The two where busted, first by the crush of the human and then by the
dragon she should be mated to. They were locked up in glass prisons, strong
enough to hold even the toughest dragon. The glass was painted between them
after a day. then they were put on display. Told the other one was always next
to them. They could not check, they could not hear. After a year they had given
the option, leave or stay. Leaving they would agree to put a spell on
themselves. Allowing never to see each other again. staying would mean they
would be locked up together…for the rest of their lives. The dragoness blinded
by love agreed, she stayed. She was escorted to the deepest dungeon and locked
inside of the room…she never gotten to see the elf she fell in love with. He
had chosen to leave…apologize to the girl who busted them and marry her. It is
said that to this day you could still hear the dragoness cry in a dungeon in
the elven capital. No one knew how long this was ago, only rumours were
circulating that the guards had to feed some unknown prisoner in a deep, deep

Shivers ran down Damithril’s spin when he
heard of the story. His mouth was dry after she finished, his gaze turned to
Rakshasi. They two where starting at each other in silence. The elf softly
smiled and continued singing yet another song. Chopping up a dish for the
dragons. The fresh meat seemed just for the two dragons. Rakshasi crawled
closer to Dion, she filled his mind with her presence. “Lucky we don’t have to fear that” she softly said. Dion was
confused, was she just hitting on him? maybe something snapped in her during
the melt he did not know. He did had to give it that the two had become much
closer over the course of the months. First from total strangers to being
connected all the time in minds. Maybe it was only the course of nature for her
to develop some extra attachment to him. Why did he not feel the same
attachment back…he wondered. Would he simply be not attached? Is there another
design at play.

They did not have to wait for food long,
the seasoned meat was offered to them. only now Damithril realised that he was
hungry. He took the food just all to happily and hardly could resist devouring
the meat like a feral dragon. He had enjoyed the time in this farm, with the
human and the elf. He was also sure that they had to leave, the plan for the
small cabin had to be set in motion. He asked about it, getting the answer that
most of it was already build when the two were fighting. Aslan added that he
wanted one because he did not know if the two dragons could still life together
after the fight. He admitted that the two turned his whole opinion of what
dragons are. Too much delight of his wife. He opened up to the two dragons,
telling them about his own past. He used to be a trader, walking with a caravan
for an rich merchant all over the kingdom. He always enjoyed coming to the
little elven town and traded happily. He never thought that dragons would be
there, now he saw why. He told them of the marriage, how she first told him of
her age. he complimented her for looking young even when she was at least twice
his age. he told stories of what he seen from the kingdoms, riches he traded.
From expensive silk to golden to even dragon scales. Rakshasi frowned up on the
story of dragon scales being used as trading item. Aslan apologized, he did not
realise before what it meant. He feared that he offended Rakshasi. She seemed
not to be so, she was quiet calm and open. Explaining how dragons where slain
for those scales, but hardly any human knew the truth behind dragon scale
jewels. She thought that if they did, none would be bought anymore. Once the
humans knew the truth behind the dragon hunting, none would support it all. It
was a happy utopia to think of.

Aslan told more stories about the scales,
they were used as the ultimate trading tool. One scale was more expensive that
a bar of pure gold. Dragon hunters would bring them back as Trophy and give
them to women in the form of a wedding ring. A new dimension opened to the two
dragons. Dragon hunting was no longer just hunting, it was part of the human
culture. It was a terrifying idea, once something is part of a culture it was
hard to get out. Damithril knew from experience that some traditions would
spend hundreds of years nearly unchanged. That dragon hunting was also seen as
a rite of passage for some knights was even more terrifying. It sounded like
they would never get to rebuild the kingdom. Even if they killed king after
king. Pelinebles petted the two dragon’s on their shoulders, cooing to them.
they needed a quick reminder that not everything was lost, she knew dragons
where still numerous in the elven empires. Even beyond this kingdom maybe just
maybe dragons and humans would still find peace together.

The night continued, the farmers opened a
bottle of fresh mead. It was the first time in a long time that any of the two
dragons had gotten a nice pint of mead…it did not stay with only one. The pints
turned into whole bottles. The farmers looked terrified and amused how the two
dragon downed enough mead each to supply a small pub. Damithril was just all to
welcome to the warm sensation in his stomach. He started to sing with Rakshasi,
draconic songs filled the farm. Rakshasi’s voice was no longer pure and
Damithril was not even coming close to anything understandable. Multiple times
Pelinebles and Aslan had to get the dragon’s quite so they would not draw
attention to the farm. The only solution to the singing was to throw a blanket
over the two. Damithril flailed at the blanket, trying to get it off he failed
miserably. Too drunk to get an idea of what was going on. His whole world
spinned around him. He fall backwards, dragging Rakshasi with him. she fell on
his stomach and burped loudly, sending the two in a roaring laughter. Soon
their intoxicated minds where overcome with sleep, with Rakshasi still laying
on top of Damithril they fell asleep. In the middle of the cabin, the two dead
weights could not be pulled into bed by the two farmers. They tried with all
the might they had. Eventually they had to give up. they resorted by throwing a
blanket over the two before heading to their own bed. A silence fell over the
cabin. A silence that lasted into the dead of night until suddenly.


A crack! The door sprung open, the sun was
not even up. “Get them!” Knights shouted loudly, pointing at the two dragons
sleeping and two in bed.