Rise of Tel’ranis
It was a stormy springs evening outside Yorkhill children’s infirmary, a Young baby laid in a cot hooked up to all sorts of heart monitoring devices, an anxious mother waited by his bedside, on the verge of a panic attack for the doctors to come in to tell her what she already feared, and had known since before her child was born with this heart defect. Only by a miracle did he live as long as he did after she had given birth to him, or was it? She didn’t know anymore, all she knew was the pain of the fear of having to watch her child die, and there was nothing she could do about it. A doctor came in looking grim faced. a priest also entered the room behind him.
The mother took a deep breath and slowly climbed to her feet to address the doctor.
“I’m sorry Mrs Tracey, there’s nothing more we can do, all we can do now its hope and pray for a miracle”
The mother shook her head not wanting to accept the news, falling back on here chair and fixes her gaze on the sleeping child
“This is Father Maxwell, he can offer you some support and prayers during this difficult time for you, but as I said the operation didn’t fix your son’s problem, but it didn’t make his condition any worse. Your son is on his own Father Maxwell can give your son his last rites”
“Last rites? Are you kidding me? Sounds to me like you’re just giving up. I want you out.”
“But Mrs…”
“Don’t Mrs me...I just want you out, no more bad news. No more prayers. Just leave me alone with my dying son”
The doctor looked at the priest and reluctantly nodded and mentioned him to leave, leaving the mother alone in the room with the child and the bleeping machines as she started crying next to the baby.
An hour later, a nurse walked in, checking the equipment, then looking over to Mrs. Tracey.
“My my, isn’t this a sad scene” She says, sitting next to Mrs. Tracey, who could feel something sinister about this woman.
“Are you mocking my situation?” Looking at the nurse
“Oh not at all, I see a lot of this around this hospital, but not like this. When God is of no aid to you, then you make an appeal….to the devil” She says with a smile, the light hitting her eyes in such a way that they appear red.
Mrs Tracey jumped from her seat backing away from the nurse, turning her head to the side to study this strange nurse “What did you have in mind?”
“Twenty-one years, you’ll get to spend with your son, living this perfect miracle life. You’ll get to raise your boy to adulthood and he’ll live to a ripe old age. There’s just a matter of the price.” She brings her hands together, just waiting.
“Twenty-one years? then what happens with me?”
“Details, details. I’ll tell you what happens, you come downstairs with me, but what does that matter when you can do what a good mother should do and save her only son.”
She looked at her dying baby with tears in her eyes “eternity in hell is my reward for saving my child?”
“Not a reward, part of the deal. It takes a soul to save a soul, after all”
Taking a deep breath “I’ll do it”
The nurse smiles like she had just outsmarted her opponent in a game of checkers, holding out her right hand to be shaken.
Crying heavily she takes the nurses palm “How will you take me?”
“You’ll know when the time comes” she says as red light dimly glows over the mother’s palm. The nurse then walks over to the baby and taps his chest just once, she then vanished in a cloud of shadow….
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Rise of Tel'ranis - Prologue
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Prologue of a new Story series in collaberation with leostarkiller over on DA
Hope you enjoy the show
Hope you enjoy the show
11 years ago
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