Current Track: Blabb

Dad ranted as lines of sunshine went over his face, "You should have told us about this!"

Mom joined in with the human, Ryan, nearby, "This is insanity!"

Ryan, well, he was just standing around with his eyes a bit wide thanks to their outbursts.

I myself tried to calm them down, waving my paw while sitting on my haunches, "Guys, relax, I can explain everything."

I was inside the cave with them, trying to do my best to explain what's going on here...Especially with Ryan, who apparently came to the pride...To find me, from what I heard...And can tell.

A pause was finally met between all of us. I trailed my eyes to meet the two legger's, who looked a bit frightened, but not so much. Probably a bit more relieved thanks to me. I couldn't believe my own eyes when I found him trapped in the circle of my pride about to be eaten alive. I thought for sure he wouldn't have dared after I've placed so many threats on him and scaring him to death. I thought there wouldn't be any possibility he'd find me. It was impossible. He didn't know where I lived!

But no, turned out there was. Makena was right. He would come looking for me. He would find me. And he had succeeded, today no less. Though it has almost costed his life. If I was another second late, he'd be dead and then probably be left as scraps for the vultures...Or whatever else.

I almost want to slap him for coming here. Was he insane?!

He probably was...Why do I even bother...

I guess for the sake of not showing any more embarassment towards me, thanks to the revelation to the entire pride that I have met and talked to a two legger, my parents took me into the cave to talk with me alone without any eavesdroppers close by. Ryan, well, they took him in here with us. Other than to have a talk with him as well, but also so they could personally keep an eye on him. It was probably a good idea that he was with us. If he was left alone with the pride to watch him, who knows if he would have said something stupid to the other lionesses. I wouldn't be surprised if he did say something stupid already out of fear. Dahlia wanted to come along as well, but mom told her to stay outside. It was probably for the best. I didn't want any distractions from her while trying telling my truth.

When we got into the cave, Ryan did speak the truth, after mom and dad demanded answers from us. He told them we had met twice, and also mentioned the reason why he came here. Turned out it was because he was making sure I was okay and had actually got home safely. Which that was...Kinda surprising he had such concern for me. I was telling my part as well, confirming parts of what he said, how we met and stuff. But I haven't gotten a chance to tell the entire story quite yet. Their reactions though, I admit, were a bit priceless. Even though I was KINDA SORTA in trouble for not telling anybody here sooner, I barely laughed at them. It's like the truth smacked them across the face, like I want to smack Ryan's for being this stupid. 

I don't think Makena's face was like theirs when I told him. That's a fact.

However, to them, this isn't a laughing matter. This was serious. And I sure as heck know it was. Makena was right about another thing. My parents would find out the truth, and they've seen it, and they're demanding it from me. I'm just hoping I don't get grounded like I did the other day for this. Other than I hope that Ryan doesn't get killed, or cause me and the pride any more trouble.

Ryan, look what you've got me into.

Ryan tried to intervene, "Guys, look, don't take it out on your daughter. It's my own fault. She didn't do anything wrong."

Dad snarled, "Silence!" The human jumped a bit, but didn't yelp or anything. Then he told mom, "Nailah, take him outside and keep a watchful eye on him. I've heard enough of his story. I'll talk to our daughter alone without anything to interrupt us."

Mother replied, nodding firmly, "Understood." Then she narrowed her eyes directly at the only human in the cave, "You." Then she shot her head at the tunnel, ordering him, "Get moving."

Ryan nodded, his paw held out, saying in calm reply, "Okay, your majesty."

Mom threatened him, "Don't push it, two legger. Or you'll KNOW what it FEELS like when you push a queen."

He grumbled, turning towards the tunnel, "Alright, alright, don't get mad or anything. I'm going." He headed for it slowly with mom in tow, till they both left, leaving me alone with my father.

My dad faced me with serious, demanding eyes. I giggled a bit, then started to say, "Now, daddy...Please remain calm-"

"What were you thinking?" He raged, "Were you thinking at all?!"

Yep, he ain't calm. I tried to tell him, "I wanted to tell you guys about it, but-"

He cut me off, "This is serious, Sayde! This isn't a joke. Anything could happen!"

I yapped, "Will you let me talk already!" He finally stopped himself, but never softening up his expression. I said, "It's not like we're in any danger right now. We seem safe..."

He grumbled, "FOR NOW."

I agreed, "Yes, for now."

Then he brought this up, "And from I heard about you for last night, you're apparently safe FOR NOW."

I nodded at that, sighing, "I agree, dad. But that's the point. I'm fine now. We all are."

Dad finally melted the anger in his eyes and asked as calmly as he could now, "Sayde, I don't understand you. Why didn't you tell us what happened? You were in danger, and we were left confused at first to what happened to you last night. You deceived us."

I then remarked with a sly grin, "Well, it's not like I TOTALLY lied to you. I didn't say anything at all when I got home, remember? Besides, me coming across Dahlia and Aren mating wasn't a lie. There was just ONE LITTLE DETAIL that nobody knew about." 

He concurred, "Yes...One little detail that contains two leggers."

I wiped it off with a shake of my head. I held a serious tone when I told him, "Look, what happened to me after that was WAY beyond my control. I didn't know what was happening...Till it was too late."

Father finally asked, "Then let me ask you this...Why didn't you tell us about HIM?"

I huffed, hanging my head down like I was a bit ashamed of my actions, "Because...I just couldn't tell you, dad. Alright? I was afraid I'd be in trouble. For being stupid. For even just talking to a two legger of all things. I wanted to...But I couldn't." I placed my eyes back on to my father when I added with a giggle, "Oh hell, I thought the two legger would be gone from my life when I first met him. I thought I wouldn't see him again." All that was partly the truth, but it was still mostly because I was afraid I wouldn't become queen. But NO WAY I was gonna tell him that. Like Makena said...That's a dumb reason not to tell your parents.

He mentioned, "Up until last night."

I agreed again, "Right. And look, I've already got into trouble thanks to Kweli and Asha because of stupid circumstances. Did I look like I wanted any more trouble? Do I want a harsher punishment?"

"Sayde." He shook his head, "You wouldn't have got in trouble because you talked to a two legger, and more or less, not kill it. Shocking as it may seem."

I let out a lot of air in my lungs, gazing down on the floor, "I realize that now. I should have told you and mom about it. Still...I just couldn't." I raised my eyes to smirk, "Besides, would you have listened to me very well even I did tell you? Thinking I was lying? You weren't being a good listener the other night..."

He frowned, "Don't play smartass with me, young lady."

A chuckle emitted in my throat. I shook my muzzle, "Sorry."

Then he asked curiously, "So then...Why did you not kill him when you two first met? Why not kill him then? And why not kill him the second time? Two leggers are dangerous Sayde, and you know it."

I looked away, thinking up an answer, "Well..."

Shortly, he pressed, "It's alright. Tell me. Why'd you let him live?"

"....Because." I began, "Because there was something about him. He seems different than the ones we've seen before. He doesn't seem to be the one that wants to take over these lands out of spite. He seems like he cares. Sure, he's a two legger...But he doesn't seem to want to harm us, nor does he plan on bringing anything to hurt us."

Dad inquired, "What makes you believe that?"

I answered, "I...I know."


"I don't know, I just know. It's a bit hard to explain. It's just...The way he speaks to me, the way he looks at me, the way he does something. His actions and words seem to hold the truth. You can just see it." I put up a frown, showing how serious I am, "For the record, dad, I haven't put my full trust in him. I am still wary." Then I let out a breath and softened up, "But...He still seems to be...A friendly two legger. I just didn't expect to see him again so soon."

Dad laughed under his breath, "Well, how do you think me and everyone else felt when we found him intruding our home?"

I made a tiny smirk, "Point taken." Then I put on a apologetic look, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, dad. I really am. I didn't think it'd go this far."

Dad sucked in a breath then let it out, "It's okay. I guess there's no harm done. Just don't do that again next time."

Next time? I hope not. I promised, "I promise, I will not do that again."

"Good." Then he shot his head behind his shoulder, "Now, about the two legger. Ryan, is it?" I nodded. Then he added with a shake of his head, "I think I'm gonna give him a break and let him live, out of consideration that he possibly had no plan of harming us. But he can't stay here. He has to leave. Leave these lands. His kind is not allowed here. He came to see you, he came to see you were alright, that's fine, but you two cannot be friends. I won't allow it. Nor chance it. None of us cannot be friends with him."

I replied, "I understand...I'm thinking the same way anyways." I eyed towards the way out of the cave, getting off my butt, "I'll take care of it. I'll go talk to him, and make it perfectly clear that we can't see each other ever again. Just let me handle it, ok?"

Father nodded in agreement, "As you wish. Let's go." With that, me and him strolled into the tunnel and finally back out into the bright sun. At the mouth of the cave, mom still did what dad told her. She kept her eyes solely on Ryan as they waited outside for us. He was standing there like a tree doing nothing. Least he was good at doing what somebody tells him.

I know THAT for a fact.

Mother turned to us as we emerged. She asked with a stern look, "Everything answered?"

Dad smiled at her a bit, "Pretty sure our questions are fulfilled." He eyed toward Ryan now, "He give you trouble?"

She looked at him as well, replying, "No such thing. He behaved so well." Ryan smiled at them nervously, then at me.

Dad nodded, "That's good." He gazed at me, "Alright, Sayde...You know what to do."

The two legger asked, "What's going on? Am I forgiven?"

Dad answered before I did, "You are. We're cutting you a break. You are free to go. My daughter will walk you out of here."

Ryan nodded at that, "Sounds good to me."

Mom suspiciously pressed my father about the situation, "You sure this is a good idea?"

He admitted, "Not so much. But considering he's not showing any form of aggression towards the pride...We're letting him live...For now."

Mom stared at him a bit before she spoke, "I suppose that's fair." She focused back on Ryan again, "You're free to go, two legger."

Ryan then stated, "I'm actually called a human, guys. You don't have to keep calling me that."

She said, "Well, whatever your kind is called, you're still free to walk away."

My dad then said my name, "Sayde."

"I know. I'm on it." I told Ryan, "Come on." Shortly, Ryan complied, and we strolled together side by side. I think I heard my dad talking to mom more about what he learned from me behind us, but I didn't pay too much attention. The two of us walked near the rest of the members of the pride on the way out. Every lioness and cub watched as we moved past them like a couple snakes in the tall grass. I caught glimpse of Kweli and Asha with their mothers, hugging close to their legs, looking a bit frightened of Ryan. I don't blame them, considering they've had a scary time with a bunch of humans the other day. Dahlia was among them as well, watching us go by, holding a lot of suspicion in her eyes.

We walked on after going past the pride and away from the wall of rock. Finally when we were far enough away from home, away from everybody and out of ear shot, we stopped our tracks and stared at each other in the middle of the savannah. Ryan finally spoke up after letting out a chuckle, "Well...Guess that's it?"

I replied, "As far as I can walk you."

He let out a deep breath of relief off his chest, "Well, that was fun...In a messed up scary sort of way. Nobody I know is going to believe this."

That's when I told him with a serious face, "What did you think you were doing coming here? You shouldn't have done that. This was very stupid of you."

Ryan frowned, then saying with a shrug of his paws, "Hey don't look at me like that. Even I thought this was crazy."

I remarked, "More like insane."

His lips shown a smirk, "I think that's a big enough word for it." Then his eyes held some apology, "I'm sorry I caused trouble, but I couldn't help myself. I just...Wanted to make sure you were back home, safe and alright."

I smiled a bit, a bit touched by his concern, "I know...I can't believe you came all the way here, looking for me. I'm just sorry for what you went through."

Ryan shook his head at that, "It's alright. It's over now."

"Yes, it is." Then I gave him a playful question, "Just thought I ask...You think I can't take care of myself? Is that really why you went looking for me?"

He giggled, scratching behind his head, "I figured you can, but I wanted to make sure. Would you have done the same thing?"

I hesitated to answer, raising a brow, "...I don't know." I don't think I wanna get hurt by your kind's stick thingies. I've almost been shot by one recently. Screw that! 

Ryan then said, "Well, honestly that's not really the only reason. Maybe not the BIGGEST reason. I also wanted to know your name as well."

I laughed a little. I said, "Still have my name within your sights, eh? Still haven't let that go."

He shot his head to the right, "Ah, I don't think 'Fuck You' is a great name for someone they like to have."

I cried when I laughed harder that time, "I never thought it was!"

Shortly after a slight pause, his hand gestured to me, "So...Your name is...Sayde, right?"

I confirmed with a nod, my tail swishing behind me, "That's right."

"Huh." Then he gave out a compliment, "It's...Actually kind of pretty."

My cheeks went red a bit, "Uh...Thank you, Ryan." Nobody has ever said that to me before. Gosh... Then I added with a shrug, "I think Ryan's kind of a cool name for a two legger...I guess."

He chuckled, "Heh heh...Not too original, but still worth having." At first, he looked hesitant, stumbling around a bit, but then he finally said, "So, uh...Since I came here, and you have not yelled at me or threatened me...Do you think, I don't know...Maybe we could hang out sometime and-"

I nodded slowly as I caught on, "I knew you were going to say that." I sighed, letting out serious words "Look, Ryan...I can't. We're too different. I walked you out of here to tell you that this has to stop. You almost got yourself killed. This isn't really normal two leg- I mean, HUMAN behavior."

Ryan told me, "It doesn't matter whether we're different or not. I think we can still be friends. Besides...Maybe I'm not like other humans."

I went on, handing out my distrust of him, "...I don't trust you, Ryan. Don't take this the wrong way, I appreciate what you did for me last night. I won't forget that...But I can't trust you to be around me, and trust you to be around my family and my pride. None of us trust you. In fact, my father doesn't want you around here."

Ryan admitted, "Well, I hate to break it to you, I think you probably have noticed that already, but I can't exactly leave your lands. I'm...Kinda stuck here."

I took a deep breath and let it out, "Then I guess you'll have to just stay away from us...For your own good...For everyone's good." 

The human said after placing his hand on his chest, "But I think you oughta give me a chance. Spend some time with me, you know. Let me earn your trust, and prove I am trustworthy. All of you are just judging me for nothing. I swear...I wouldn't let you down. In fact, I won't...If you give me a chance..."

Are we really? Are we judging him for nothing? His eyes seem to be telling the truth again. My heart tried to tell me to accept him into my life...But this time I put my paw down. I was slowly shaking my head at this, "I'm sorry...I can't do it." I turned my body away from his a bit, my head twisted to meet his gaze while I faced for the direction back home, "Go back to where you came from, Ryan...Go back to your life...And never return here." With that, I went on my way, heading home.

I didn't look back for a little bit till I did. I saw him heading off on his own way too, head down and all. I brought my gaze back to straight ahead, padding my way and not looking back again, thinking my time with Ryan, the only human I've talked to, is now over.

This was the right thing to do. He might've caused some serious trouble if you and the pride remained in contact with him. He has to be out of your life...Out of everyone's life.

But my heart...Told me otherwise.


I wandered away from Sayde for a long time. I hadn't taken one glance back. I had my head down, sorta wandering aimlessly around for who knows how long. I didn't even see how far I had gotten.

I was more focused on how disappointed I was.

I let out a sigh underneath the hot sun. I was real happy to see her again. It took me a lot of courage to come to her home, and at least I'm not dead, and I finally found her. And her name was Sayde. Sayde...Such a beautiful name. I never would have guessed that was her name. And I was glad she wasn't angry at me again. I'm glad she gave me a bit of a nice talk. 

I was happy...But then I wasn't. I partly couldn't believe she would turn me down like that, after all I have told and shown her. But in the end...She still didn't trust me. Nor did her pride for that matter.

I can understand their reasons. I'm not like them. I'm not a lion. I'm just a human. I can't walk on four legs. I don't have a muzzle. I don't have a tail. I don't have fur all over my body. I'm just a normal looking man with a gift that can help me talk to animals. But they were all wrong about me. Just because I am human, doesn't mean they shouldn't trust me. Nor be afraid of me. I'm not like other people, I've established that already. I wish the pride would have given me a chance, especially Sayde. She shouldn't distrust me. I wouldn't hurt her. I meant that when I said it to her before. I cared about her. I liked her. I wanted to be her friend most of all.

Acceptance glowed down on me like the blazing sun above. I didn't want to accept it, but I think I was gonna have to. I think I was going to have to give it up. Sayde was never gonna be my friend. Any lion in the pride was never gonna be my pal. Sayde made that perfectly clear. I have to move on...Even though it's hard. I had a bit of a rejected look on my face, thinking back to my past, how some other people thought about me with my supposed gift. This sorta feels like the old days...

Blasting through my thoughts suddenly was a horn. I gasped loudly, seeing from a good distance a jeep was coming my way. Gabe's jeep. I let out a calm sigh. Great...I knew my parents would send him out to find me.

Gabe pulled to a stop in front of me. With the driver's side facing me, Gabe lowered the window and exclaimed, "There you are, kid! Been looking all over for ya!"

I said, forming a meekly smile and waved, "Hi there."

Gabe on the other hand wasn't too impressed with my behavior, "This isn't funny, Ryan. Your parents are worried to death about you. You feeling okay?"

I somewhat lied to him, "Yeah."

He thumbed, "Well get in." I jogged around the front to the passenger side without hesitating. I jumped in, then Gabe sped off as soon as I shut my door. The A/C blasted against my sweaty face, it felt refreshing. Gabe pressed me shortly after we took off, "So what's going on with you? You went pretty far off the trail. Anything happen?"

I knew I couldn't tell him the truth. There was no way I could. I had to make up something good and fast. I stumbled a bit, looking out the window with the savannah rolling on by, "Yeah, uh...I was running away from a predator. Took me forever though, but I managed to lose it. And...Then I realized I had run off the trail and got lost." It wasn't a good excuse, it was more like a bad one. Now it was probably gonna make him worry. But I couldn't come up with anything else, I was sorta caught with my pants down. What else was I gonna come up with considering I wasn't on the darn trail? It was the best I could do. It's better than telling him I was talking to lions. Now I was waiting to hear what he'd say.

What he said was what I expected. He asked me, "But you're okay?"

I glanced toward him and nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just got lucky the second time."

Gabe spoke grimly, focusing back over the steering wheel, "I knew this was going to happen. I should have known. This can't happen again. I'll have to talk to your parents about this."

Told ya. And just as I thought before today, this would have been the first and only straw to him. I let out a breath, putting my elbow on the door and laying my chin on top of my hand, "Look, man...I know you're pretty responsible for everybody's life, but I don't want you telling them anything. I'm fine, isn't that what matters? I don't want my parents to know I was messing around with animals or anything...They'd probably get worked up. My dad especially...He's kinda strict about it."

Gabe sighed, then stated, "I am too honestly. I can't keep anything from them, Ryan, what am I supposed to tell them?"

I actually came up a better excuse than the one already made, "Tell them...I was talking to someone on the trail. A fellow tourist, going around and snapping pictures of the wildlife. They'll probably buy that."

"Mmm...I suppose that would work..." He responded, snapping me a serious look, "But that would mean I'd be lying to them. They're my friends and you know that, right? This is serious, and I take things like what you went through very seriously. You almost got yourself killed."

Got that right, pal. I replied, "I know that. Look, you're right, it won't happen again. I won't go walking out here anymore if that's what you're really worried about. I promise. Just don't say anything to them. Please." I gave him a toothy grin as a bit of a plea for him not to do it.

Gabe locked eyes with me for a long time, till he nodded very slowly before bringing his gaze back on the terrain. He said, "Alright, fine...But on one condition."

I asked, "What?"

He told me, "Well, since I know you're kinda the adventurous type, and you'll probably feel like you've got cabin fever if you're stuck in the guest house for too long. I may go out of my mind about this, but...I MAY give you another chance to go walking out here and will not tell your parents anything serious...When I teach you how to use a rifle."

My eyes went wide, "A gun?"

The game warden smiled, "Yep. I'm gonna teach you how to use a gun. It's for your protection the next time you go wandering out here. You use it against anything that attacks you. That's it. Besides, it may make your parents feel better in the long run. I'm just hoping I'm doing the right thing and don't regret it."

I looked at him for a long time, before I actually cracked, "Well, it's better than chaining me to a bed."

He gazed at me, "No, that would be your mother's job. So...Do we have a deal? It's either that, or I spill the beans to your folks."

Well...Considering that I've encountered a couple of dangerous poachers, not to mention I've walked into a pride and almost got mauled by a bunch of lions, I suppose it probably was a good idea to bring some protection with me from now on. I never used a gun before. I never thought about picking up one. But I guess it shouldn't be too hard to use...I just need to not shoot myself in the foot. Or at least, don't scare off any animals when I'm carrying it and trying to talk to them.

It'd probably make things worse for me considering it wasn't easy for me to talk to an exotic animal to begin with anyway, but...I guess I don't have much of a choice. Besides, it'll add another straw for Gabe to let me go out into the savannah alone again. And have me get off the hook with my parents.

I smiled and said, "It's a deal."

Gabe laughed a bit, "Perfect! When we get back, I'll begin teaching you the basics of handling a rifle. I'll make a ranger out of you yet."

I know he joked there, but the thought amused me. Ranger...God. I said one last thing to him, "Cool." Then we were silent, nothing but the cool blast of the A/C and the rolling tires of the jeep outside.


The bare lands were all around me as I strolled. I was all alone, with nothing but nearby tall grass, few savannah trees here and there, a long river, and above the bright, blazing sun. My eyes trailed from left to right, seeing if there was ANYTHING at all, any animal...Anything. But, I never saw a single one. I wrinkled my brow confusingly while I continued to pace. Everything's quiet. Very quiet. It gave me the creeps. Where is anybody? Isn't this country supposed to be filled with exotic animals? I thought so. Are they all staying at home or something? Where are they?

I went for the river before thinking about looking around some more. The thirst thanks to this weather was killing me. It was making my throat so dry I can even taste my own spit. And even that was drying up. I needed something to help me stay hydrated. I was up close to the side, with the sun glazing off the surface. I dropped down to my knees, staring at my own reflection. I didn't look too bad, though my face was red for staying out in this kind of weather for too long. Typical, natural flaw like that. Come to think of it, I felt like I have walked alone in the savannah forever. I tried to piece up the minutes, but couldn't put them all together. How long did I wander out here alone? Oh well. I cupped my hands together, slowly scooped up some water and drank the liquid. It wasn't very cool water, but it was refreshing nonetheless. It made my throat feel a ton better.

Then after scooping up some more, I heard someone's voice, a woman's voice, like an echo, coming from behind me, "Ryan." My eyes widened, it made me drop the liquid back to the surface. I immediately got up on my feet, spinning around to see who it was. I expected an animal, or a person to be standing behind me. But there was no one here. I frowned. Who said that? That voice...It was familiar...

I heard it again, "Ryan." It came from a different spot this time. To my far right. I cast my gaze on it, and found to my surprise that a tall hill had suddenly formed out of nowhere. Probably while I was focused on quenching my thirst. At the top, stood a small, lone silhouette.

I squinted to see what it was. It was not a exotic animal. Not a meerkat. Not even a lion cub. But a cat. A black one with a white underbelly.

I can hear her again, speaking to me in that sweet tone of voice, "Ryan."

I knew who it was. I stared as I spoke its name, "Gypsy." I made a big, happy smile, then ran to her without putting my eyes on anything else. I suddenly had this renewed energy upon seeing her. Her form has brought this sort of happiness I hadn't felt in a long time. It was sorta exhilirating. I ran up that hill as fast as I could without stumbling. It was a bit of a steep climb, I even had to get on all fours a couple times to climb it, but I still kept going, till I finally had reached the top. Not a moment too soon, I crashed onto my legs, picked her up and hugged her so tightly against my chest. 

I didn't wanna let her go. I was so happy to see her again. I spoke while my arms still held her, "I've missed you so much..." I heard her purr, that VERY loud familiar purr. I also feel her rubbing against me lovingly.

Then shortly, I heard her voice again, "Don't give up..."

I jerked a bit in bed, letting out a tiny gasp. I was laying on my side in my own bed in the guest house...Seeing outside has gone a bit dark, the sunset still there but barely gone. I let out a breath, blinking a couple times, then slowly sat up to rub my eyes. Shoot...I should have known...It was all just a dream. I was enjoying that one. Of course my heart didn't think it was. It was still pounding in my chest from all the happiness I had. But then the reality finally settled in, and made it disappointed at the same time, and slowed to a few steady beats.

I was dreaming about Gypsy...In Africa. I smiled to myself a bit. I never had that dream with her there before. Usually my dreams about Africa were supposed to be with exotic animals, not an ordinary cat. It was weird that a cat would have been in Africa. Almost seems out of place. But in my mind, I didn't care. She was there...And I was happy. Strangely I thought I could feel her fur still on my arms.

Such a lovely dream. Too bad it had to end.

Honestly, I haven't had a dream about that cat for a while. I can't remember the last time I had that sort of dream with her in it. It's hard to remember. I lowered my head, thinking about Gypsy's form...Her face floating around in my head. Then grief had sank in like it had done so before. If you were wondering who Gypsy really was...She was my pet I had for years, ever since I was a kid. We were close...Very close. Actually, we were best friends. The only best friend I had growing up. I remembered I could always talk to her about anything. She was always there for me. She was the one who never judged me for who I am. True, I was the only human who ever actually really talked to her in a conversation...But she didn't care. She was never like my dad or my mom, or anybody really. She never judged me. She truly accepted me.

But then...The sad part happened. About a bit over a year ago...She died. I remember finding her in the apartment I was living in in Atlanta...Lying there in her bed. It was the most devastating thing that has ever happened to me. I couldn't believe she was gone. I admit, she was old, and I knew she was gonna be gone someday...But I guess I wasn't ready for it. I STILL didn't feel ready for it.

I let out a sad sigh, my eyes almost close to misting. Come on, Ryan. I scooted myself to sit at the side of the bed. My head was down when I pushed this grief away inside me. You know you can't keep feeling sad for her. She wouldn't want you to do that. I took a deep breath, held it, fighting back the tears till they never formed. I finally released my air, then raised my gaze to the window, seeing the stars about to form in the sky and hearing the crickets chirping outside. 

When I got home with Gabe earlier, my parents had wondered with worry what happened with me in the savannah. I never told them anything of course, and Gabe told them the lie I made up for him. I think they bought it without question, seeing Gabe would never have lied to them...Even though he did. They didn't question him at all. After that, I did go practice shooting his rifle like I agreed to do so. It wasn't as hard as I thought, though the recoil after firing at a practice target caught me off guard. But I quickly got used it after firing some more shots. Gabe thought I did a fantastic job. After practicing he even let me have his spare rifle he had in his house, for safe keeping for my walks. I didn't mind keeping it. After all...I probably needed some after my close call with Sayde's pride.

After that, I felt like I was tired. I think all that excitement today has worn me out. I did eat a bit before deciding to take a nap in here. When I did, I was in a deep sleep. From what I can tell, I slept for a few hours. I lowered my gaze, thinking back to earlier with Sayde. I still had a hard time accepting to let her go. It was still hard...Just like with Gypsy. I was really starting to like her. I have a feeling that I wouldn't let her go throughout the entire season I'm staying in this country. True, I sorta became friends with a giraffe, which was still by luck...But Sayde...I really like her. I think she was a bit more entertaining, to say the least. Then again, I don't really know either of them, but still...

Then Gypsy's words in my dream echoed in my head.

Don't give up...

Then, a bit of hope and determination emitted inside my chest. Those words meant something. They were the kind she had told me before years back. I remember that conversation well. It was something I had held on to, when it came to trying to make friends. Now thinking about it...I think that's what that dream was all about. Crazy as it sounded, not like I haven't gone crazy today, but I think Gypsy came back from the great beyond just to tell me those words. Even though the advice is somewhat crazy because of what Sayde told me to do. I brought my eyes back to the window once more. I didn't care if it was crazy. She was right...I shouldn't give up on Sayde. I still should give it another go. Sayde and her pride should give me a chance to trust me, regardless of their feelings. I should talk to the pride, mostly Sayde again.

I let out a whine, "Naargh." If only I knew how to do that. It won't be easy. They all seem to have their minds set on not having me around. There has to be a way. I have to find a way to talk to Sayde again. But how? Just find her out and about alone and talk to her and work my way up? I guess that's a good way to start. 

Still...It won't be easy.

Well, I don't think I'll be able to do that tonight. It's getting late. Maybe I'll give that a try tomorrow...Or sometime. I still have the whole summer ahead of me...I think I'll still have enough time to do that.

I popped off the bed, stretching up my arms a bit. I strode to the window, staring outside into the night. I don't feel like resting anymore. I can't sleep. I think I'm in the mood for another walk. I'll just have a night walk this time. May be a bit better than during the day. I'll take a flashlight with me too so I can probably see better out there. I turned around to listen to any noise outisde my bedroom. I don't hear anything...Which means that either my parents are talking with Gabe at his house, or they turned in for the night here. I let out a eager breath. Well either way, I wanna get outta here. I'm tired of laying around.

A moment later, I picked up the clothes I already wore today off the floor and put them back on. When I was dressed, I dug through my dresser and found a flashlight I had packed up from home. Then I grabbed it, shoved it in my pocket, then headed for the door. But as I got halfway to it, I caught sight of my new rifle propped up againt a wall. My eyes solely focused on it when I nodded. I'll just take that with me, just in case. Just gotta be careful with it...It's loaded. I quickly grabbed the gun and left my room.


In a starry night, a roar was heard from a distance. It was my father calling me to return home. I let out a playful sigh as my paws padded over the ground. I mumbled, "I'm coming, dad." I was already on my way, already have my stomach filled from my lone hunt. It was my second lone hunt since I was let off from my harsh punishment dad gave me a couple nights ago. I never felt more happier doing this on my own and not letting anyone bring food and feed me like I was a cub. I ain't no cub after all. It was just another simple hunt. Nothing tough came with it. Least nobody else fought with me while I was trying to kill them. I still had that zebra on my mind and it was making me cringe. I was SO not in the mood of getting hurt again. No way!

I smiled to myself. Least I can go home with no injury, no ZEBRA kind of injury, and dad wouldn't have to bring more embarassment to me by telling the pride about it. During the trek back home, someone's face shortly appeared in my mind.


My smile faded off my muzzle. I've been thinking about him since we last talked. Even my heart was tugging along and urging me not to turn my back on him. But my mind was already set. It was kinda annoying that he was bothering me all day long...Even when he wasn't around. Even my dad was still bothered by it. More like worked up about it. Not sure about everyone else though since he calmed them all down after the human's arrival, but him...He still has his worries. He was worried about me wandering off all alone again, thanks to my capture by the two leggers. But I promised him that I'll be fine, and it won't happen again. And I would make sure of it.

I was still very wary of Ryan most of the time. But then I also start thinking I'm wrong about him. It's been very conflicting. He was telling me the truth, I can feel it like I did before...But I don't want to take any chances. It's very risky. The memory of being trapped in that thing his kind has called a pen flashed in my mind. My breath quivered when I let it out. I've gotten in trouble thanks to his kind...I don't want to go through all that again. I don't want to be kept away from home. I mean for goodness sakes...How am I ever going to be queen if I'm taken away from home?

My heart told me to give him a chance once more, but I was shaking my head, forcing the feeling away. I can't do it...I can't. Besides...What good is having him around anyway? He'll get eaten by my pride if he does the wrong thing. He has to stay with his kind...And away from mine.

I moved along in silence, trying not to think about Ryan anymore. The crickets were kinda a big help a bit. It almost seemed to be working. Before I could even wipe the image of the two legger out of my mind, I heard something rustle nearby.

My ears flicked, then I froze. I shot my gaze to the tall grass nearby. I faced towards the grass, waiting for something else to happen. What was that noise? I could've sworn I heard it.

Then it happened again. I can see something moving in there.

I squinted, strugging to see what's in there. Could it be two leggers again? I pulled up a furious glare, taking a strong stance on my fours. Well, I'm ready for them this time. When the form in the grass moved again, I called out, "I know you're there, asshole. Come out and let me see you!"

The figure actually cooperated, and slowly came out of the edge of the grass. Turned out it was something on four legs. Not a human.

It was another lion.

I frowned, then asked as they came toward me, "Dad, that you?"

It was another lion all right, a male lion no less, but it wasn't my father. Not even Aren or Makena. Turned out it was somebody else. Nobody I know. When he got up close, he was smiling at me, a wicked one from what I can tell. He announced when he came up close, "Not even close, good lookin'."

I was frowning suspiciously without taking my eyes off him. I never changed my stance. I demanded, "Who are you?" His mane looked a bit roughed up, and his body didn't look too well either. Other than he had a bunch of scratch marks, he looks like he hasn't ate in days. And the way his eyes appeared...They looked a bit crazed. Since I never seen him before, I quickly took a guess as him being a rogue.

What's he want? I pressed, "I said who are you? You don't seem to belong here."

The rogue shook his muzzle, his crazy looking eyes not steering away from mine, "You're right. I'm not from around here."

"Then what do you want?" I growled, "If you're here to cause trouble..."

He stated adamantly, "Nah. I'm not looking for trouble. Although I did ran into some the other day...With another lion. He was a strong one. Stronger than I was. Gave me quite a fight...I think he lives here with you..."

I was confused. I started to ask, "What are you-" Then I actually realized who he was talking about. Aren did say he had a fight with a rogue a few days ago. I think I was looking at the same rogue Aren fought off. He hasn't left these lands. Then I shook my head, catching something else he had said, "Hold on...How do you know HE lives with me? Were you watching us?"

I sucked in a quiet breath when he advanced a bit and I backed away. He remarked, "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. But someone's gotta see what routines and tactics all of you follow. After all, someone DID take a beating. You know how humiliating it is when you lose a fight?"

I narrowed my eyes, "That's not my problem."

"I bet you don't like to lose a fight either...Or better yet...Lose some food."

"That's not my problem either."

Then he took some more steps toward me. The rogue wickedly said, "You never had a problem in your life, have you? Always living with a pride, always living under royalty. You probably never had a problem before...Until maybe now." He let out a sly, devious chuckle.

I threatened him with a growl, "If you're thinking of getting back at Aren for besting you, you can think again. I can fight too."

The strange lion replied, "I love a sexy lioness who can...But that's not why I'm here. I ain't looking for food, nor trouble...You can say I'm looking for...Something else, at the moment."

I raised a brow, "...I don't follow."

For some reason, he started to circle around me, eyeing my body mostly, "Well, right now I'm looking for other desires to fill other than just my stomach. I know I'm hungry, but I think that can wait a LITTLE longer. After all, they haven't been filled in ages." I actually caught him staring at my rear end, "And you, well...You might help me FILL them."

I know what he's thinking! The thought mortified me, but I didn't show it one bit. I snapped at him, sharply having my lower half away from him, "Wildebeest shit."

He eyed me menacingly, "Oh no, I'm serious...In fact, I never been more serious. What's the matter, princess? Don't like shaking your tail to a handsome stud?"

He's disgusting! I said defiantly, "I will never give in to you. You can just move downwind back to wherever you came from."

"Hmmm...Wish it was that simple." His eyes really showed some craziness when his paw made another step. He sneered, "But I'm already too close..."

That's when I had it. I raised a paw and slapped him across the face. He cried, staggering back. I screamed, "Get back or I swear I'll kill you!"

But he didn't back down. After rubbing the pain away with his paw, his expression finally changed to furious anger. He growled deeply, "I love a girl that fights...But this time it's making me upset!" He jumped, roaring when he attempted to claw me.

I dodged to the side, backing away from him. We were both circling each other, not taking our threatening eyes off each other. I knew he wasn't gonna give up without a fight. Well I'm gonna give him one! My paw swiped at him, but he quickly moved out of the way. Then I lunged, landing on top of him, slashing him with my claws. He snarled in pain. But for someone who was kinda weak, somehow he was stronger than me. He kicked me off him, sending me flying till I landed on my back with a loud oof.

I rolled onto my feet, baring my teeth with very furious eyes. The rogue dared, "That all you got!" I hissed in reply. Then I charged straight toward him. But he was a bit too quick for me. He moved a bit, leaving me a bit caught off guard, then swung down his fierce claws at my side. I cried when he left some bloody marks. I returned the favor, hitting him across the chest and possibly leaving him another scar. Then he went at me again. The two of us both stood up high on two feet, going head to head with claws slashing, teeth biting. I left him a couple wounds, but he was getting me too. Probably a bit more.

The savage rogue hit me again with a paw, knocking me away. I was now so hurt, it was now making me hard to walk and fight him. But I gotta keep trying! I groaned in pain trying to get up, but he was already right on me. He pushed his foot down on my back, holding me in place. Then he dug his jaws into my shoulder, blood oozing out. I howled from the immense pain I haven't felt before. This was even worse than getting kicked by a zebra. But then I managed to roll out from under him with quick reflexes and swung another bloody paw at him. It clawed him across the face. I think it hit him in the eye. 

He jerked back a few feet, clutching his face, snarling. I cried, trying to get up once more. But I weakly fell to the earth, shutting my eyes from the pain. No! Get up, Sayde! You can't let this bastard win! Get up! I quickly shot them open to see he kinda recovered. His eye seemed fine, but I did manage to claw NEAR it. Blood dripped down his face when he advanced toward me with a menacing, twisted grin, "There's no running away now."

I tried to move some more, trying to get away this time since I don't think I can beat him. I tried crawling, but he was right on top of me, literally. I rolled to my back, staring up at his ugly, now scarred face.

He had me now.

"So..." The rougue sneered, "Thought you could best me in a fight, eh? Well, look who's on top."

Despite my pain and loss, I still held my defiance, "Fuck you!"

He growled from his own sick pleasure. He declared, "YOU'RE MINE." I imagined his cock was growing between his legs and he was about to do...You know what. But since his forelegs were near both sides of my head, I stretched out my neck, and actually had my teeth right around one of them. I bit down on it hard, tearing off the flesh. He roared, then slapped me across the face with his other foreleg. Having me let go. He raged, "BITCH!" I was dazed from the pain I held, my vision all blurry. He yelled out this, "Now you're gonna pay ten-fold!"

I blinked a bit getting my sight back. Then that determination came back. I didn't want to give up. I thrashed underneath despite my injuries. I desperately screamed for help, "HELP! HELP ME! SOMEBODY!"

The rogue ordered, "Shut the fuck up!"

But I didn't give in still, "HELP ME! HELP!"

"You're really making this hard! Now hold still!"

But before he could do anything else, a loud bang rang out. I gasped, so did he. It sounded like it was close by. Very close by. It sounded like one of those stick thingies the humans have. 

There's a two legger nearby! How much more trouble can I take?!

The rogue wasn't gonna stick around here anymore. Despite I bit his leg, he actually managed to have surprising strength to dash outta here, leaving me behind to take the fall.

I moaned, trying to move but couldn't do so far, "Noooo..." I can see someone coming. The two legger was on his way here. There was even a light shined on me, probably thanks to something the human was holding. I didn't know what it was, but it was a bit bright for my eyes. But I didn't even want to find that out. I breathed heavily, with a lot of fear. When he was so close to my form, I screamed in pure terror, "NOOOOO!!!"

I heard his voice call out while I freaked out and tried so desperately to move again, "Wait! Stop! You're safe! You're safe!"

I stiffened up, staring up at his face, my chest heaving with loud gasping breaths. That voice... And that's when I recognized his face. That old familiar face.

I bellowed, "Ryan!"

Ryan looked at me. He seemed to recognize me too, "Sayde? Is that you?"

I laid my head down on the dirt, breathing out a bit of a sigh of relief, "Oh...Ryan...You came back."

Ryan said, as he looked right at my injuries, "I think I'm glad that I did. What happened?"

I groaned when I shifted a bit on the ground, "Oh...A rogue came and fought with me. He wasn't a real pushover. He was a real bastard."

He commented after crouching down, "Damn...Looks like he had some fun with you all right."

I coughed out, "Trust me...You have NO idea how much fun he wanted."

Ryan nodded a bit at the statement, "Right. You ok?"

I whined, "Oooo...Do I look like I'm okay?"

"No, not really." He placed that weird light he had in his paw on the ground, then reached out and laid it on my chest. He said to me in a soothing tone, "It's ok. It's gonna be alright."

I chuckled weakly, eyeing at the stick thingy he has in his other paw, "Gosh...I wish you had put me out of my misery with that...Thing in your hand. I'm really hurtin' here."

He gazed at the stick thingy then brought it back on me, "Oh, hush...That's not gonna happen."

I stated factly, "You're right...I never wanted to die anyway."

Ryan smirked a little, "Figures." Then he seriously asked, "Can you walk?"

"I don't know...Let me try..." Ryan picked up the light and stood back up to watch me. I shut my eyes tight as I groaned very loudly, slowly rolling around and getting up on my fours. I pushed myself weakly off the ground, till I managed to stand to my surprise. I thought I would never stand. 

I let out a long sigh as he praised, "Good job."

I said in gratitude without glancing at him, "Yeah, thank you." I eagerly started to limp my way back to home, "I have to get back to my pride..."

"Sayde, wait!" He rushed over till he stood in front of me. I shot up him a glare, but he didn't back down.

I said, "Ryan...I appreciate the help, but can you let me through?"

He told me with a worried face, "No, Sayde, we have to get your wounds healed. Some of them look bad."

I rejected, "I can take care of myself." I tried moving past him, but he blocked me. I growled at him for defying me.

He warned, "Listen to me, Sayde. They could get infected. If you don't die from blood loss, you'll most likely die from something else. Trust me, if I don't do something, you'll probably die. The pride cannot help save you, only I can. I'm probably the only person out here who can. Please...Let me help you."

I said shortly in bit of irritancy, my legs sorta wobbly beneath me, "Haven't I already taken enough of your time?"

Ryan shook his head, "I haven't had anything else to do. I wouldn't worry about it. Besides...Helping out someone is what I'm made for." He waved the strange light in his hand, urging me to come along, "Now, please...Come with me."

I gaped at the human in front of me. I decided I have to trust him now. If he truly can save me that no one else can't, if he can save me from an inevitable death...Then I guess I have no choice. I winced when I felt some form of pain. I think he's right though...Some of those wounds might be bad. I let out a huge sigh and gave in, "Alright fine. Let's go." I limped along with him as Ryan led the way to...Wherever it was he was taking me.

Like before with the zebra, I just limped along across the savannah, while also having some blood flow off my injuries. I chuckled when a thought popped in my head. Ryan glanced at me, "What's so funny?"

I told him after having a breath, "I just realized...This is actually my first real fight with another lion. In a bloody fight, I mean. I never fought one like that before."

Ryan smiled. He said as he strolled beside me, "That's a first."

"Yeah. It's...Kinda sad that I lost."

He reassured, "There's nothing wrong with losing sometimes. You don't have to win all the time."

I groaned, "Yeah, well, not when my life depends on it. That bastard could've killed me. Actually...He might've."

He asked, "So what did happen?"

I replied, "Basically, he was crazy and hungry, but that wasn't the only thing. Let's just say he wanted to have his way with me, if you catch what I'm saying. Makes me more glad that I'm not in heat."

Then he mentioned, "But he probably would have killed you anyways."

I let out a huff, "Tell me something I don't know, human." He giggled. I gazed and reminded him, "You just scared him off with that thing. Why didn't YOU kill him? He wasn't a member of the pride, he was just some crazy, asshole rogue."

Ryan stumbled a bit when he tried to think an answer, "I...I didn't think of it. When I heard you fighting with somebody and found him on top of you...I just fired a warning shot. Perhaps I was afraid to hit you by accident."

I rolled my eyes, "That's comforting. But he deserved to die. No sympathies from me."

Ryan apologized, "I'm sorry."

"For what? For not killing him? Listen, I ain't mad, I'm just surprised."

"I know...I'm just sorry you're hurt."

My face made a tiny smile when I winced when I felt another twitch of pain, "Thanks." Then I pressed him, "Can I ask you something, Ryan? Why are you out here? Didn't I tell you not to go near me or my pride?"

Ryan shook his head a bit playfully at that, "So much for gratitude."

I shook my head with curious thoughts shone through my eyes, "No, no...I'm just asking. What are you doing here?"

Ryan responded with a shrug of his shoulders, "I was just out for a walk away from home...Like the one you first caught me on that day. I was out on that trail where you first met me...And I heard you and that guy roaring from a distance. I wasn't really planning on meeting anyone." He eyed me playfully, "I was still abiding to your concerns. I wouldn't sneak out to where you live at night just to ask you to be my friend again. I'm not a stalker like you."

I brought one thing up, "I wouldn't go that far with that stick thingy in your hand."

He was frowning at that, "You're bringing up me carrying sticks again...What in the world are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the thing you scared the rogue off with. You know, the thing with a loud bang."

Then he caught on, "Ohhhhh....You mean a gun."

Really! First I find out two leggers are called humans, then the thing I was trapped in is called a pen, now this! I rolled up my eyes, and scoffed, "Oh, perfect, so that's what they're called! Give me a break!"

He laughed, "You could've just asked."

I snapped my knowing look at him, "Well, they look like sticks, and I wasn't even curious if they had ANOTHER name for them."

He giggled, "You'd be surprised."

"Whatever...I'm not the one still trespassing around here."

He playfully said, "That a bad thing?"

I sighed, smiling at him now, "Not exactly. You're lucky I'm glad you saved me."

The human remarked, "Hey, I owe you one for earlier. We're even." Then he shot his head to the right, "Well, we're NOT totally even..."

I remarked, "Feels like we are to me."

"But I still have to patch you up. Make your wounds heal with...Human stuff."

I was limping still while wary of what he was saying. I showed in my voice, "Why do I not like the sound of that?"

He waved me off with that weird light in his paw, "Don't worry about it. It's practically harmless. Do you a lot of good."

"I hope so." Shortly, we were in silence for a little bit. Then I asked him a curious question, "Hey Ryan...How come you're carrying that...Gun anyways? You SURE you're not up to something?"

He answered plainly, "Nope."

I pressed in total caution, "Are you lying to me? Because...All my kind, and everything else in these lands, has feared and loathed these things for generations. It's always been that way. We always viewed them as a terrible sign of the two leggers. Makes them a bit unstoppable. Kills anything they see. They always make them look hateful with no sense of remorse and care. Makes them take anything they want. Makes them all look like...Monsters."

Ryan replied with a question, "Do I look like a monster?"

I told him, giving him an accusing stare, "You tell me."

Ryan paused for a moment, then finally replied, "I'm gonna tell you this once, and you can make up your own mind about it. I'm not. I wouldn't be one at all. I think you know by now that I'm not. Truthfully, not all of my kind are. We may look it, but sometimes there are reasons for carrying one. Reasons that are a bit complicated to explain. They do cause pain, yes...But they can also protect. Sometimes it's for good, sometimes it's for bad. It depends on how we use it, how we choose to use it. Normally I don't like carrying a gun. In fact, this is the first time I'm ever carrying one, if you can believe that. For the record...I'm only carrying this with me...For my own protection. I walked into your pride without it...I just didn't want to take any chances."

I looked down as I continued to hobble beside him, "Like me."

Ryan said, "Exactly. You're not the only one with worries and concerns. I am too. But I choose not to judge you and your kind...Because I understand why."

"...I don't think you totally do."

"Maybe I don't. But I ain't judging you and the pride regardless. I never even thought of thinking your kind as monsters. I'd still want to be your friend, Sayde. Nothing more. You just have to stop judging someone that isn't like you...Cause like I said...You'd be surprised...Once you get to know someone that isn't a lion."

I just padded in limps, silent after that. Hmm. Not judge you...Because of what you are.

....I think you were probably right before, Ryan. You were right all along. Maybe we are judging you for nothing.

I...Think I'm starting to really trust you.

After a tiny bit of trekking, Ryan and I were close to where he was taking me. I recognized that place a mile away. It was the place I escaped from last night. My heart pounded a bit in nervousness as I hopped a bit. Never thought I'd come back to this place. I almost thought of running away despite my injuries. I did trust Ryan more than I ever had before, but I was just afraid of that place...Especially that wall thingy I was trapped in that night. I hope Ryan doesn't put me in that...Thing again.

I let out a quivering breath as we edged closer to that area. It was loud enough for Ryan to hear. He asked, "Are you ok?"

I said with that bit of nervousness leaking out in my voice, "I didn't think you were gonna take me back to that place."

Ryan said, "Well, yeah. Where else am I going to help you?"

I stopped, shaking my head nervously and my words trembling as they strem along in sentences, "It's just I hate that thing you guys put me in. I don't wanna go back in that thing."

He pressed, "You talking about the pen?"

I was rambling non-stop, eyes going wide, one paw raising up, "I don't care what that thing is called or how much I'm hurt. NO WAY I'm going in it. You can't make me. I was left in that thing all alone. I felt so trapped, so scared. I was trapped in that thing with no food or water. I thought for a minute that thing took me away from home. Oh, I can't bear it! I'm so close to panicking!"


"I can't go back! I cannot! You left me in it! You left me-"

Ryan immediately went and crouched right in front of my face. He dropped the things in his paws to the ground, and placed them on my shoulders. He locked his reassuring eyes with mine. He spoke to me as calmly than I ever was, "But that's not...What I'm gonna do." He gave me a sincere smile.

I asked, still a bit wracked by my past emotions, "You promise?"

He responded, "Trust me. Just take a deep breath, and keep going. Alright? Do it with me." He sucked in air, I repeated the same. We both let the air out our chests. He said, "There...That better?"

I admitted, "Kind of." After we stared for a moment, I returned a small smile, "...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Don't worry, I understand." He instructed, "Listen, just don't think about the pen now. You ain't going in it again any time soon. I swear. I'm only going to put you near it once we get close to my house. Ok? Sound good?"

I nodded a tiny bit, putting the total trust I had for him now into use once more, "Yes." 

He nodded too, then picked up his things and stood high on his legs, "Great. C'mon." 

We resumed our paces. I asked him as we went along, feeling intrigued, "So...That thing you humans live in is not called a den...It's called a house."

Ryan concurred, "Yup."

"Wow...I really am surprised."

Ryan chuckled, "Trust me, lady...You don't know the half of it." Soon we were near the thing that was the pen. Ryan urged me with a hand to have me lie down on my stomach close to it. He said, "I'll be right back to get things I need to help you out. You wait here." I nodded in agreement, then he left me alone when he went dashing out of my sight. I stared at the pen beside me, smiling to myself at this revelation. I should've known he wouldn't do that. Can't believe I've let my anxiety get the best of me.

Then I let out a sigh as I patiently waited for the human to come back. I kept an eye for any other human in this area, remembering the fact that Ryan's not living alone around here. There were two of these houses from what I can see, just the same ones from last night. I can imagine there weren't so many humans living in one area like the place me and those two meddling cubs wandered into that day. I'm kinda glad Ryan doesn't seem to live there. No wonder he seems different than those two leggers. They were CRAZY! But, I wonder how many humans live here. Is it just Ryan and his mother and father, I suppose? Does he have brothers? Or sisters? Any siblings?

Other than all that though, I also wondered what he has in store for me. I was more curious of how he was going to help me with my injuries. Is that really possible? It sounds like it. And I trust him for it.

Finally Ryan came jogging back, carrying the things he needed under his pit. I watched him crouch down on his knees in front of me, opening and digging into something that he had with him. I frowned, "What's that?"

He told me, "Something to help you out." He picked up a few things out of that large thing he had carried. He talked to himself, "There we go." I think he ripped something open.

Suddenly, some strange smell caught into my nostrils. I drew in the scent, and my face wrinkled. Jeez! What's that smell? I was furiously shaking the scent out of my nose. I asked when I stopped with a disgusted face, "Whoa...What the hell is that? I can smell something."

Ryan giggled at my reaction, "I think you can smell the alcohol."

"The what?"

He finally answered, "Long story, but let's just say alcohol is gonna help clean up your wounds. I'm actually pulling out some disinfectant wipes. They're simple enough to use. Once I'm done cleaning them, I'll put bandages on you."

I gave him a knowing look, "Funny, doesn't sound better than letting someone lick ya."

The two legger wrinkled his brow when he stared back at me, "You thought THAT'S going to help you?"

I replied, "Hmmm...I don't think humans lick each other, do they?"

He was a bit flabbergasted at my question, "No!"

I laughed under my breath. I shook my muzzle, "I didn't think so."

Ryan grinned a little bit. He grabbed ahold one of those disinfectant wipes he brought up and instructed, "Hey, it's either this, or there's some African custom for medicine you lions know about. Just hold still."

Now I was the one who was frowning, "I have no idea what you're- Ow!" I jerked my body a bit when Ryan rubbed that thing on one of my wounds. It stung really hard! I hissed, "That hurt!"

Ryan apologized, "I'm sorry. I should've warned you. It's supposed to sting a little."

I remarked, "Felt like my fur was burning."

He commanded, "Maybe you should hold still like I told you instead of complaining."

"It's not my fault it hurts. This is a bunch of elephant crap."

"It's supposed to help you remember? Just give me a few minutes. Please, Sayde. It's the only way."

I breathed in through my nose, before I softened up my expression. I sighed, "...Get it over with." He went back to work, and I went to hold down my pained cries while he went at it. Those little things still burn me a bit. But luckily the burning sensation didn't last long. It just surprisingly hurts!

Ryan then said during his time with me after letting out a few giggles, "You know...I just realized something."

I replied with an impatient look, "What?" He was wiping away yet another injury on my shoulder, and I shut my eyes tight and held back the cry, "Umph!"

Ryan went on, "About saying that we were even on things...I don't think we are."

I whined, "Oh great. There's more you have to do to me. Haven't I gone through enough pain already?"

He giggled, "No, no, it's not that. Actually I think you owe me twice."

That made me frown quizzicaly again, "What you talking about?"

He explained in a bit of a playful way, "Well, think about it...I saved your life last night, then twice tonight, and you only saved me ONCE from your pride. So that means we're not REALLY even."

I gave him a playful glare, "Oh, now, come on, Ryan!" He laughed. I protested, stomping my paw, "That ain't fair! I was just unconscious when you saved me once, and I wasn't in REAL PAIN here! Besides, I let you live again that night, remember? Doesn't that count for something?"

Ryan was just smirking as he shook his head, "No, not really. All you did was not kill me."

I spat, my tail smacking against the ground, "Fuck you, we're even."

He shrugged after he was done cleaning my shoulder wound, "Whatever you say. But I think you still owe me one."

I rolled my eyes, "Great, my name was within your sights, and now THIS is within your sights. You ain't gonna let that go."

"Damn straight." Then he dropped the used bloody wipe down along with the others he already used. He told me, "There. Almost done. Now it's time to patch you up."

I stated with little enthusiasm, "Can't wait." He was starting to put all those white things on me next, which I assume are the bandages he mentioned. He applied them, sticking them to me like they were ticks or something. They didn't feel as painful as the wipes. I think the worst part was over. A bit later, he was done patching me...And now I kinda felt itchy...Probably thanks to the bandages.

Great, I traded one annoying thing for another.

Ryan wiped his paws together, seemingly admiring his work. He asked, "All done. How you feeling?"

I simply stated with an annoyed look, "Itchy. Can't you just take them off?" I tried to get one of them with my teeth, but Ryan stopped me with a paw, forcing me to look at him.

"No, leave them on." He said, dropping his paw off my face down to his side, "They'll help you stop losing blood and keep your wounds clean. They won't be on forever. Maybe for a couple days."

I whined, "A couple days?"

He let out a giggle, then nodded, "Like I said. You won't wear them forever. I probably would have to replace them every day till your injuries are looking better, but...I guess one time will have to do..." Then he gestured to me, "You ready to go? Probably homesick now, aren't you?"

I groaned when I got back up to my feet, "Yeah..." I still felt pretty sore, which means I'll probably still limp for a little while, but I can manage. I looked up at his face and said, "I seriously better get home. My pride has probably started looking for me by now."

He nodded, "I agree...Uh...Mind if I walk you home, or...?"

I was a little hesitant to accept the offer. I stated cautiously, "I don't think my parents would like it, but..." I let out a breath with a small smile on my muzzle, "Sure. Least protect me from whatever else that might harm me...Like you already have done."

Ryan had a bit of a surprised face, "Aren't I supposed to stay away from your home?"

"Does it sound like I care about that anymore?"

Then he asked, "Does...Does that mean you trust me now?"

I gave him a full sincere reply, "I think I already have. You're alright. You were right all along...I was stupid to think otherwise. You've possibly risked your life to save mine...Put so much care into me...And here I am...Wrong about you. My pride all were wrong. You were right, Ryan...You're not a bad two legger after all. You were telling me the truth. You were...You ARE my friend."

Ryan smiled at me fondly. He said, "...Thank you, Sayde...That means a lot."

"I know. But you shouldn't be thanking me...I should be thanking YOU. Thank you, Ryan." I winked, then shortly gestured with my head towards home, "Well, come on. Let's go home. When we find the pride, we'll just tell them everything. Don't worry about it."

He nodded at the statement, "I'll take your word for it. But give me a minute. I'll be right back." I didn't reply. He picked up the things he helped me out with and ran back to his house and disappeared. Then he quickly came back with his stick thingy in his paw till he came to a stop in front of me. He said with a breath let out, "Okay." His other paw pulled something out from...Wherever, and held it. Suddenly that bright light I saw before came out of nowhere in it. He added, "Let's go."

I frowned, "What is that thing anyways...And WHERE did it come from?"

Ryan answered, "It's a flashlight. It's something that you see in the dark. I pulled it out of my pocket."

My head shook slowly at that with a smirk. I complimented, "Your kind is strange."

He cracked, "Yeah? So is yours. Let's get outta here." I laughed a little bit, hobbling beside him as we wandered on the trail and soon wandered off it. I was leading the way, ahead of him a few feet, since I knew where to go. 

I was smiling still along the way, happy that I wasn't wary of Ryan anymore and relieved that I was probably going to live. I wasn't lying of what I said. There wasn't any doubt in my mind now that Ryan was a friend all along. He did care about me, and the pride. He would never do anything to harm all of us. I was wrong for doubting my heart as well. It was putting me in the right direction with him the whole time. Part of me can't believe he saved my life like this as well, but he did. It's like when I first saw him in my dream a couple days ago...But this was no dream.

Kweli and Asha will NEVER believe this...

Oh heck, Makena's NEVER gonna believe this...

I sighed as I pushed on with my limped strides. I hope mom and dad will listen to me about him. I honestly hope they don't fear the worst if they see me with him. Ryan's not who they fear. He is different. Like it or not...He's become my friend. 

Even though I don't know him all that much...But his actions were good enough for me to accept him.

I hope they can let me see him again. He is...Pretty interesting.

Sure enough, somebody from the pride had found me with Ryan. I heard Dahlia's voice from a good distance to our right, "Guys! I see her! She's over there!" Me and Ryan stopped in our tracks, and see Dahlia, and our parents rushing to meet me. They didn't seem focused on Ryan at the moment, but they will I bet.

Dahlia stood near with what looked like a relieved smile. Mother was the same way, as she nuzzled me lovingly against my face. She cried happily, "Sayde! You're alright!"

Dahlia said nearby, "Thank goodness she's safe. Are you ok, Sayde?"

Dad came up and asked as well, noticing my body was covered a bit in bandages, "What happened to you?" 

I insisted, "I'm okay. Really, I-"

That's when he snapped his fierce gaze towards my newfound friend, "Did YOU do this to her?!"

Ryan's face went pale. He was denying it, backing up a step, "No!"

I let out a gasp, when mom growled at him as well as she stood protectively in front of me, "My thoughts exactly. And what are you doing here with that THING?" My sister growled too. I knew she was talking about the gun in his paw. She must have saw him holding it...Like everyone else by now.

"Wait!" Ryan was shaking his head in response to the accusations, "I never had anything to do with it!"

I tried to intervene, "Guys, listen-"

Dad raged at the human, "You don't belong here!"

Ryan begged, "Please...I don't want any trouble."

Dahlia roared, "You shouldn't have come back!"

I tried again, "Wait, everybody-"

Dad yelled, "I should've know YOU would do this to one of MY daughters!"

When dad advanced toward him, Ryan drew up the gun and aimed it at him, "Get back!"

I screamed at the human, "Ryan!"

Mother snarled while dad screamed, "How dare you! Now it's REALLY confirmed!"

Ryan was yelling at them, trying to implore them to stop, "Look, I don't wanna do this. I don't want to pull the trigger but don't push me! I mean it!"

"STOP!" With a lot of urgency and some good strength I had left, I pushed through my mother to protect Ryan.

Mom yelled at me, "Sayde!"

Dahlia screamed too, likely out of fear, "Sayde come back!"

I quickly got in between dad and Ryan like I already had done earlier today. I roared, "No, everyone!"

Father ordered, "Get out of the way!"

I didn't budge. I spoke not taking my eyes off any of them, "I won't let you kill Ryan!"

Dahlia called out, "Are you mad?! He's hurt you!"

I denied the fact, "No, Dahlia, he hasn't!"

Mother accused, "I suppose he's got you lying for him now?"

"No, you got it wrong!"

She then threw that question at me, "Then what happened to you and what's he doing here?"

I cried, "He was saving my life!"

All them were bewildered.

I took a deep breath and finally explained, "Listen...I was on my way home from my hunt and ran into a rogue. He was crazy, me and him ended up fighting and I lost. I was about to die...Then Ryan came out of nowhere and rescued me!"

Dad still had his eyes narrowed when he brought up, "Then what's with all the white stuff on your body? Are they hurting you?"

Gee, I think Ryan was right before...Us lions ARE taking this paranoia to the extreme. I countered, "No. Hear me out. Ryan used these things to help me. They were covering up the claw marks I had from the rogue for them to heal!"

Mom actually had her eyes widen up in surprise. She perked her head in confusion, "He did?"

"Yes! If he hadn't done it, I would've died from my wounds! He was trying to help me! Ryan saved me...Again!"

Dahlia was a bit surprised as well on her part. It's like they were both believing it, other than surprised. Dad, well, he still seemed a bit suspicious of Ryan. He asked the human behind me, "You saved her again? Why?"

Ryan replied, lowering his gun to the side, "Because I care for her. I couldn't just let her die."

Then he demanded, "And you're still here...You were supposed to leave...Why'd you come back to these lands in the first place?"

The human answered honestly, "I...Only came back...To be Sayde's friend. I...I humbly ask, to stay in your lands to be with her."

"No!" Dad ranted, "Two leggers are not allowed in these lands! So you can scram!" He let out a threatening roar that echoed across the lands he spoke of.

Ryan yelped. I yelled, "Dad!"

Mom tried to interject as well with a calm but stern voice, "Jabari!"

Father then spoke with a growl, "I told you to scram, two legger. I don't believe this is what's happened."

I was just standing there with a glare. You've got to be kidding me. What more do you want?!

Ryan fought back with words, "Your majesty, she's telling the truth!"

He demanded once more, "Then where is this rogue my daughter fought with?"

I answered loudly, "He's not here! Ryan scared him off with his stick thingy!"

He sneered, "How convenient. Two leggers don't scare animals off, they kill them!"

"No, he really did! Listen to me, it was the same rogue Aren fought with a few days ago. He was watching us and that was why he met me!"

Dahlia, apparently knowing what I was talking about, perked up her head and ears at the statement, "What?"

Mom inquired, "Are you sure?"

I plainly said, "Yes."

But dad still wasn't convinced, "I don't believe this!"

That's when Dahlia spoke up, joining up beside him, "Wait, dad." Dad snapped his gaze toward her and she explained, "Aren told me he fought off a rogue recently. Sayde's telling the truth. She ain't lying to you." I stared at her for what she did, a bit surprised, and a little impressed. Huh...For once, I guess I'll give her kudos...Maybe.

Mom recalled this to him on her end, "He did have those scratch marks." She came up a bit too with a calm expression. She asked, trying to confirm everything from Ryan, "Sayde was telling the truth all along...Was she?"

Ryan nodded a bit, "She has." He let out a breath, "Look, everybody...I would never hurt Sayde. I was only protecting her. I saved her, like she said. I may be a...Two legger...But I think you can say that...I'm a rogue. I ain't like the other two leggers. And you shouldn't have to worry about the...Stick thingy. I could care less about that thing. The only thing I care now, is Sayde. Because I'm her friend. And I would like to be her friend from this very night...If you'll let me. If you don't believe us, ME most of all, then fine." I watched him eye towards my dad who still looked a bit stubborn and suspicious, "Then judge me now...For who I am...But I can assure you...I did not commit the crime. I'll be blamed, but I can guarantee nothing will change."

My father snarled, spinning away to pace back and forth. Mom tried to insist nearby, "Jabari..You owe him your daughter's life." He stopped to glare at her. She went on, "The two legger is right. And so was our daughter. I can see it now. We are wrong. Nothing is gonna change...Except he'll be gone if you force it. He saved her, twice, while we weren't around to do so...That's more than we could ask for from everybody. Do you absolutely want that to be gone?"

Dad looked at her for a long time, then glanced at me and Ryan. He glared at Ryan mostly for a long time, till he took a deep breath and spoke to him personally, "...I won't harm you, two legger...Against my better judgement. But for now, I reserve it. I shall let you stay in these lands, and I shall let you visit our home. And I shall let you see my daughter, and take care of her in her time of need, till she heals." With that, he spun around and began pacing away from all us. His voice carried over his shoulders, "We'll see who you really are."

I beamed as he was going back home. We did it! I looked at mom who came to me to nuzzle me. Dahlia was stunned at the news. She spoke while she gaped at Ryan, "Wow...Father's letting a two legger stay in our lands. I can't believe it."

Mom said to her when we were done rubbing each other's faces, "Believe it, dear." She focused on Ryan now and apologized, "I apologize on my mate's behalf. And as queen...So do I."

Ryan smiled, bowing his head a bit, "Thank you."

Mother asked, "I suppose we'll be seeing you tomorrow?"

Ryan straightened himself before he answered, "I'll try to be there."

"Perfect." Then she turned me and Dahlia, "Girls, let's go home. This night is over." She went to follow dad. My sister still stared at the human in disbelief, but she went to catch up with her. 

I looked at Ryan now, with a happy expression on my face. I said, "I can't believe it worked."

Ryan agreed with a nod, "It did."

"So, uh...Will I see you again?"

He insisted, "Definitely." His paw motioned to my family, "Better go. I'll see you later."

I went up and rubbed my head against his belly. I felt Ryan become stiff, it almost made me giggle. Then I withdrew, backing up away till I spun to limp after my family, who were waiting for me to catch up. I shot a glance back at Ryan as soon as I caught up, who was waving his paw from the distance. I smiled at him then returned to gaze ahead as I now head home.

Looks like something else has changed after all. I'm glad.

Like dad said...They'll see who he really is.