Eric beat down another slime, “This is what I get for going through a basic area…” His party easily destroyed the monsters, not even bothering to use any techniques his party destroyed each with one attack. “Beat them all.” He chuckled, even though they were the base enemies, he still found it fun to defeat the enemies.
“Eric! Stop play games, you need to get some sleep for school!” His mom called up, Eric frowned. He could say yes, and his mom wouldn’t believe him, even when he really did go to bed. “I swear the boy’s becoming nocturnal…”
The teenager sighed, he was a senior in high school, but he really didn’t care. All he wanted to do is stay in his room, play games, and ignore the world outside. He continued to play on his PS3, his mom had used to force him to go to sleep, but she had given up. Now she just let him stay up, even when he said he didn’t want to go to school, he would leave earlier than the rest of the family.
Playing the rpg, Eric had his character go into a cave. There he started to get assaulted by hordes of bats, “Heh, I’m not the nocturnal one mom, these bats are.” He smirked, slicing the little winged creatures up in the game.
He had been playing the game for weeks, he could defeat the final boss right now if he liked, but Eric enjoyed doing the menial side-quests that the game offered. Right now he was doing a monster collection quest, and the king of the bats was the very last enemy he had to defeat before he finished up the quest. Traveling through the caves, Eric saw many different types of bats, though he’d defeated them all in some area or another.
The bats weren’t all that hard, and Eric wasn’t expecting that much from the king either. The cave was really long though, Eric hadn’t been expecting the dungeon to last much longer than twenty minutes at the most. But this cave was expanding beyond even the final dungeon of the game, Eric felt his stomach rumble. “Well, can’t defeat a boss on an empty stomach.” Eric muttered before hopping up and walking out of the room.
As the teenager snuck downstairs, his TV’s screen started to flash odd colors, a shape appearing in the room before fleeing to the corner of the room to hide.
A moment later, Eric entered with a bag of Cheetos. “Nothing like the food of video games.” Eric said with a grin on his face, picking up the controller once more and continuing the dungeon, chewing noisily on the chips. As Eric continued through the dungeon, he started to grow irritated, the cave was annoyingly long, he had started the dungeon three hours prior, and he had yet to find the king, instead he fought some really odd sub-bosses that winked strangely at his screen before being defeated.
In the shadows of Eric’s room, a being watched the sub-bosses be defeated with an ominous smile on his face. Finally, Eric’s screen showed Final Floor in the corner of his screen, the teenager set his Cheetos aside and got into his “serious position” of gaming. He walked in until he found himself at the center of an enormous room, but… there was nothing there!
Eric grunted in annoyance, “Where is the boss?” He sent his characters around the room, but he couldn’t find the boss of the bats.
“I’m right here.” The voice in the room caused Eric to jump up in shock and smash onto the floor with a pained grunt, there was a deep chuckling noise. “Nice jump, though if you want more air time, all you have to do is not run.”
Eric looked up in horror, hanging in the corner of the room, was a silver bat, his eyes shining a devilish red. “Wha… what are you?!” He hissed, barely bringing himself to say the words.
The bat chuckled, “I am the king of bats, the one that you were sent out to kill. Little did you know that my quest has never been beaten, you see all who have gotten to this point willingly became my pawns. All those bosses that you fought, they were once humans like yourself.”
The human gulped deeply, “Wh… why would you change them?!”
A devious grin spread across the king’s face, his gleaming silver body sent a shiver down Eric’s back. “Well, I don’t want to die you see. Not like the other bosses in that game, and also, I want to help gamers like you, those who have to be stolen away from the video game because of life. I can help you get away from it.”
Eric felt an odd feeling grow in his chest… hope? “How would you do that?” He asked, a little too quickly.
The king’s eyes narrowed in glee, “Well, as I said. I can make humans into bats, and you can be another one of my subordinates. All you have to do, is give yourself to me willingy.”
Eric wanted to say no, say that he loved his life too much, say that he would prefer to live in the real world. But he couldn’t, the idea of living in a video game forever and never having to go to school again… it was too much. “Yes.” He said simply, the king grinned.
“Good, now look deeply into my eyes.” The evil bat said, and Eric did just that. As he looked into the red eyes, he felt the world swirl around him. His mind fogged, small ideas of fighting heroes came to mind, not overwriting who he was, just poking him into the new lifestyle that he was adopting. His body started to shrink, black fur spreading over his arms and body, folds of flesh appearing under his arm as his clothes disappeared to make way for the new bat body.
Eric’s face slid into that of a bad, his nose changing shape as his ears became pointed and started to pick sound up far easier than before. He could hear his parents… the humans inside of the building snoring downstairs, his eyes changed into the same red color of his king’s.
Soon, the human was replaced with a new bat, the new subordinate of his master. He could remember his human life, it didn’t mean too much to him now, but he could remember. The bat screeched his pleasure, though he thumped against the floor a few times as he tried to learn his new wings. But his king picked up him, “Don’t worry young one, soon you will learn how to speak once more, as well as fly. I will help you with this.”
The new bat grinned as he flew into his TV, being sucked into his new world, the world of heroes, monsters, and villains.
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