Current Track: Blabb

I followed Oliver into Ms. Young's house, making sure I narrowly avoid his tail as I walked. “Alright he is how it goes," Oliver spoke, “you will search though a 'few' rooms only. Any evidence you find must be handed to either me or any of the other officers here. Any questions?"

So many flaws right off the bat, “how many is a few, specifically?"

“Three," so I can only look though four rooms. One I have to get to is Xander's room, so what about the other two?

“When you say evidence?"

“Anything related to the crime."

“And the crime is?"

“Breaking and entering, assault or battery, as well as possible theft," Oliver didn't seem confident with the theft.

“Assault or Battery, is that what happened to Ms. Young?"

“Yeah, did you just realize that?" I was relieved; at the very least I can confirm that Ms. Young is at least alive.

“Yep, one final question though before I start looking; how did you know the crime happen?"

“That is not something I can reveal." I guess I would have to figure it out myself.

“Fine then," I know what other two rooms I am going to investigate later, “I would like to look at where you figured the criminal broke in as well as the room you found Ms. Young in."

“What makes you think we ever found the point of entry?"

“You said 'Breaking and Entering', which means you at least of some evidence to prove someone could have broken in."

“Fair enough," I followed Oliver into the living room. It seemed to be mostly unchanged since I saw it yesterday, I say mostly because there is a hole in the glass door which wasn't there yesterday. “This is where we figured they entered from."

I got on the floor and scanned the area, “So did your crew already collect the glass or was this all?"

“So you notice it as well."

“It is easy to notice something like glass missing." I knew it wasn't faked as there are still some slivers of glass on the floor. The person definitely broke in to enter the house and they used tape to prevent glass from flying everywhere. I looked out the window and saw another house. It was a few hundred feet away, too far to notice anything. They couldn't be the ones to tip off police about the break in and it is impossible to see this area from both of the houses next to it. That means that Ms. Young had a security system and that was what tipped off police.

“Get up Isaac," Oliver's annoying voice brought me back to reality, “I don't want you to get comfortable here. I want your info then gone."

“Sorry," I got up from my crouching position, “I would like to see the place you found Ms. Young."

“Follow me," I followed Oliver into Ms. Young's bedroom, “this is where we found her." The room was well-organized, the placement of the furniture as ideal to a room as this size. The floor was carpeted with a tan brown shade witch didn't do much for the blood staining it.

I focused my thoughts on my job; I needed to help find anything that can help the police find the criminal who did this. I took a deep breath and clear my head of all distractions. I scanned the room and picked up on a few things.

The first thing was the bed, part on the covers were tossed to one side. From what I can know about Ms. Young, she doesn't seem to be the type to leave the bed like that. “She was ether attacked either late at night or early in the morning." I said that in mind that Oliver was next to me. On the nightstand was her cell phone. It didn't looked disturbed and it was aligned with the edge of the nightstand, “she heard a noise from within the house and left her room. She didn't bring her phone as she thought it was nothing." My eyes returned to the blood stain, “however she soon discovered that they were people in her house and try to lock herself in her bedroom. But the burglars caught her then," I stopped myself there.

“That is the sum we think happened."

“However they left," I said, “they left after they attacked Ms. Young."

“What makes you say that?"

“Well, look at the blood stain. If all that blood came from the head you can figure out how her body was positioned. The stain was in between the bed and the dresser. There is not a lot of space to swing a weapon at the head; they would have to stand over Ms. Young to deliver any blows if they were trying to kill her."

“True but what if their weapon was a knife?"

“I don't think so, all the blood is all in one spot. If a knife was used then there should have been a blood trail somewhere close by."

“Fine but that doesn't explain why you said that they simply left after the attack."

“Think back on our training, think about how much blood would be dripping off their weapon after the attack. If they went past Ms. Young after assaulting her, there would be large stains on the other side of the bed with them ransacking the room. But it is pretty clean on the other side, so they must have left after the attack." Oliver checked the other side of the bed then turned to me, “I am guessing you didn't think about that."

“We didn't, but that isn't any reason to get a big head over it so wipe that smirk off your face."

“Fine then," that should be enough help for the police with their work. It was there turn to help me, “I would like to check Xander's room."

“Xander, is that the name of the kid?"

“you didn't know that?"

Oliver scowled, “again, do get a big head about it. Just follow me," I followed Oliver upstairs, “you know which door it is?"

“Yeah I know which one it is," I reached the door handle but Oliver grabbed my wrist, “what is it now?"

“I think is best if you come clean about how you know which door leads to Xander's room." Oliver had a tight grip on my wrist and staring directly in my eyes, “in fact why do you know the layout of the house? What reason is there?"

“I am a private Detective now Oliver, it should not be odd if a client takes me to their house if that was their wish, is it not?"

“But what for, what were you hired for," Oliver tighten his grip on my wrist.

“Oliver, all I am saying is that Ms. Young hired me for a job, any info beyond that is not something I am going to release without ether Ms. Young's permission or a warrant saying to give you the info." Oliver released my wrist, allowing me to open the door.

I wasn't prepared for what I saw happen in Xander's room. It looked like a hurricane just passed thought, the floor was covered with stuff, both his shelves and bed are a mess, and the desk looked even worse. Everything on it looked ether damaged or outright broken, even the laptop I came here to look at. I tried to open and turn it on but it didn't respond. “Shit!"

“Are you more open about it now," Oliver spoke up," this room was the only one ransacked in the house. You knew that Ms. Young had a child as well as where the room was. You know something about Xander don't you?"

“So what if I did? This still doesn't prove anything," I countered. “The only thing you proved is that I know Ms. Young and the layout of the house, which is not enough of a reason to tell you anything."

“There is more to it than that. When you first entered, you went to the computer to check if it stilled work. That is not something a normal person would do and it isn't something you would do without a reason. So tell me what you know." I remained silent, “being defiant aren't you," He took the laptop and turned away, “let hope this thing is more cooperative than you are."   Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a photo on the floor. It wasn't there yesterday so on impulse I slipped in my back pocket. Oliver forced me out of the house, “I wish to say it was pleasant working with you, but I dislike lying."

“Don't worry, the feeling is mutual," there weren't many people as out as before. Guess they have lives to live.

Niko ran up to me as I ducked under the police line, “Isaac, what the hell?"

“Hi Niko, were you able to find Vul's house?"

“No, I wasn't, he might not even been there anymore."

“Great, just one thing after another today and it is only," I pulled out my phone, “9:30, I still have thirty minutes to find him." I pocketed my phone and sprint down the road

“Isaac where the fuck are you going?"

“To Vul's house, a few houses down!"

“In which direction," I stopped. I had no idea which direction Vul's house was.