Current Track: Blabb

Eyewatch: Fider Fox


“So… this is chaos realm then, huh?" I started, firing off the silent conversation as the rest of my unit stared at me before breaking off and looked upon the horizon. I frowned, folding my wings behind me, and exhaled while closing my eyes as I opened them, I turned my attention towards Doax and Lutica and started speaking to them. Their heads turned to meet my eyes as I swiftly smiled at them, they said nothing in response. Here we are upon the inside of the Chaos realm, of an unnamed city of the realm. The only city that houses the famous R7 and its antics. It was not what I had expected, however. There were tall intact vacant buildings all around us. The streets were beaming with foxes from all sorts of species and colors that it was almost hard to tell which was a regular citizen or an R7 member. Deciding not to stall and dwell upon the spots we were on, I started speaking to the rest of my unit. “We all know the plan now and why Yang wanted us to head over here…" A couple of nods confirmed this, “Regardless, our questions remain and we still need to find where the R7 lives." “And the answer to the dragoness chef problem," Doax remarked which Lutica nodded with a smile upon her face, nodding in kind. I nodded also in response before assigning everyone to their jobs.


If I had recalled, I had assigned Doax towards the missing bodies because, following the interview between Rinichi and Yang, there was a claim that the population of foxes was decreasing because of the dragoness chef. So, on that logic alone, I expected that the foxes and other species be terrified by Doax and us as well. When Doax heard about this, he frowned but stayed silent. A slight second nod escaped from him as his eyes break away from me. His wings lowered before raised once again, he turned around and started spreading them, before Lutica and Quichie stopped him and pointed to the crowd up ahead. Blushing, he nodded as he folded his wings. Next came the conversation with the R7 and I thought that Quichie would take the job alone. She was ecstatic upon hearing it and flew off before I had a chance to explain it. Lutica wanted to take the flashing trees that the foxes and the R7 were complaining about recently and I allowed her to take it despite my protest on wanting to do so. Which left me the blood and certain order; but I was never good in logic anyway. So blood was alright for me.


As our assignments were passed and readied, my eyes snapped back into the reality of things and glanced upon the surroundings before me. I had noticed Doax chatting about with the foxes striking conversations as he could while scribbling something upon his yellow pad. His voice was still, never rising or fall of volume which was unnerving for me. But I try to not pay any attention to it and kept focus on my assigned job. Quickly, my eyes peeled off from Doax and the gathering foxes around him and turned my interest towards some buildings that were adjacent to where I was. Knowing that the walls were smooth to the touch by the time I threw my claw upon the surface of it and the walls started shifting. I flinched in response and stepped back, allowing the wall to do its thing as I watched it turn halfway. Revealing something that was inside, curiously I entered in. Darkness welcomed me in.


A frontal office it seems. There was a desk across the room from where I was standing. A palm tree to its side. A chair behind the desk. A computer on top of the desk. Someone was sitting upon the chair, I could not tell who due to the darkness. Regardless, I walked calmly upfront and looked a second time. There I saw, another vixen. Dead with its head face planted upon the keyboard. The computer in front of the vixen was blanked, perhaps the power was cut off. Surrounding the face was dry blood. Pure red it was as I stared at it momentarily and in silence before making my move. I shoved my right claw into my pocket, grabbing a tube with no label upon it. I dipped my claw a second time inside and pulled out what seems to be an eyedrop instrument used to suck up samples. Since the blood was dry, I decided to spit upon the surface of it. The blood slowly turns liquid and continued dripping from the table's edge where it made a huge pool below the feet of the fox as I grabbed some samples and place them inside the tube. Squeezing the eye drop to make sure everything was inside.


The blood inside the tube turned dark red, there were even hints of purple which astonishes me. As I was mesmerized by the sight of blood, I pondered why the dragoness never bothered to take the corpse considering that she needed foxes of all species to make the fox strew, right? I frowned on this thought before turning my head to the fox again. Something tugged against my heart, urging me to answer this problem. I gave in. Slowly, I stretched my claw outward to the fox and grabbed onto the arm. Turning the body over, it flopped to the grounds below me whereas the arms stretched upward as if he was stretching My eyes widened in surprise, I knew why she did not take him. The fox was smaller in size; its arms and feet were smaller too. But the tail was a bit bigger and fluffier than a normal fox. Judging that, I concluded that the fox was perhaps a freenick or something along those lines as I turned around and headed back through the hole. Exiting as I pondered what would be my next move.


It would take way too long to examine everyone. Regardless of living and death as my eyes stared off into the distance. My mind pondered a strategy. Yet a second later, my walkie came to life urging me to answer it as I snatched the walkie from my pocket before raising it to my mouth. Pressing the button, I answered. “Hello?" “Ling? Good, I got some answers for you." Doax started, “Same!" Lutica remarked following the black dragon. I smiled hidden at them both in silence, coaxing them to explain themselves. “Some foxes have reported this. But there was a reason why the bodies were missing and everyone called for vengeance on whoever had done it. It did confirm what Yang said earlier before we had left. Every body killed is thrown into the pot for stewing. It is also the main reason why the dragon kids loved it so much too." “Alright, so some foxes have indeed called to arms against the dragoness because she killed them first to make the strew, anything else?" “Well…" Doax trailed “There is one other piece of information that none of the R7 knew about." My ears perked up in interest and my eyes widened slowly as I questioned him, “What is it then?"


“The dragoness in question is not an actual dragoness. Rather a main rival to the foxes, based on real life. What they are trying to say was, 'the dragoness is some other species who is a predator towards the foxes and just them. No one else.'" “Just a predator?" I quoted him, there was silence on the other end confirming it as Lutica coughed before reporting “I can back that up with evidence, Ling." “Speak," I responded interested. A short silence followed before the dragoness responded afterward, explaining “I just spoke with the R7 recently and they did confirm about some species being a predator towards them. Despite the faction trying to protect their citizens, Tuwil reported that the species is black fur and scale all over, wings, tail, horns and breaths poison." “A dragon wolf?" I questioned, “We are dealing with a blizeon, damn I did not see that coming." Commented Doax as Lutica answered back to him, “Yeah. I was rather surprised when I heard it too. But this does confirm such things." “But how does it go for the theater massacre that happened two weeks ago? Was it the same blizeon who planted see in another fox or dragon, transforming him or her into a tentacle monster?"There was silence on the other end and I frowned in response, desperation was in my tone of voice as my wings frantically spread and withdraw as I urgently questioned them. No one answered.


Giving up the antic, I told Doax and Lutica to meet one another in the shortest building rooftop that is concealed by a taller building surrounding it. I knew that they would know what I am talking about since they were here before in earlier times. But disregarding that thought in my head, I turned around and started walking back to the building I had left opened earlier. Instead of entering in, I stopped upon the edge of the entrance and kept my eyes upon the dead small fox at the desktop before me. I exhaled, turned my attention elsewhere, and spotted another pathway towards my right. Intrigued, I also noticed that it was a trail of blood leading somewhere deep upon the halls. I walked slowly towards the hallway and peered my eyes towards it. Glanced to the horizon was where I spotted the green glowing sign saying 'exit'. At first, I was confused by it before peering a bit closer and quickly noticing that a white arrow was pointing this way. Where I was standing. A gulp escaped through my throat as it vibrated inside before completely dropping onto my stomach below, I fetched for my flashlight and turned it on at the start of the button. With the bright circle light shining ahead, I was on the move. But stopped afterward and thought of something clever. A smile escaped and warmed my face, setting down the flashlight upon the grounds was when I stepped back from it to give the distance. I waited.


During the waiting period, I heard updates from Doax and Lutica. From Doax, he told me that the R7 was planning to attack Balance for keeping the blizeon in question in luxury and free will which I could approve if it were not for them to start massacre everyone there for vengeance. I sighed and shook my head, answering Doax “Do not let them. They will go angry at you but this vengeance thing is not cutting out for the frustrated R7. Seal them or isolate them if you have to. Convince them-" “Alright" Interrupted Doax as he went silent. Next was Lutica who explained, “The R7 are not responding to any more questions and were resorting to invasion towards a different realm than their normal group." “Just help out Doax, alright?" I ordered, “10-4." Responded Lutica. The rest of the time went silent and peaceful for me as my eyes grew heavy upon standing still in one spot of the room. My legs and feet were growing pains that I would need to walk them at times to rid the pain within them. Upon the next hour, I saw something in the distance. A box of some sort that was pushed forward into my view. Curious but nervous, I slowly walked to it while snatching my flashlight from the ground and walked to it. Slowly approaching, I reached out with my arm and grabbed upon the flap of the opened box. I pulled myself closer and looked inside. There was where I spotted an organ of a fox.


It was still beating and pumping blood. Yet the said liquid was pouring out from the thin long rod sticking out from it. I swallowed anything that was inside my throat and set aside the flashlight before picking up the organ. Rose it out from the box, I stared at it. I had noticed that the organ was spitting blood faster than it could pump which meant that something had struck it. I pondered over that statement while turning the organ around; something came up. A white note, a nail stabbed against the organ and the paper as I ripped it from where it was attached to and dropped the organ to my feet. On the note, it said “As of today after the massacre in Neither realm and the attack on Chaos; the number of foxes dead was enormous. Resulting in a higher rise in blood which was sold for exchange within the illegal markets and amongst other stuff…" My eyes went wide and repeated the sentence several times. Thus afterward, I snatched my walkie and rose it to my mouth shouting at my teammates “I have our answer to the first three clues. Come to the rooftops, we will meet shortly." I turned around and flew off towards our designated meeting spot.


I arrived late, having not known where the meeting spot was regardless of where I had specified. As I landed, everyone else was already there. My cheeks became warmed as I met the eyes of smiles and sometimes laughter as I growled at them silencing them before taking up my spot within the broken circle that my teammates had made. With the silence came my voice as I started the conversational meeting with them, opening up the statement with the organ I found shortly before my departure. I held it in the air and dangled it like a fish inside a net. Everyone else was disgusted by it, their faces showed it. I smiled faintly a bit, flapping my wings while I set the organ to the side upon the ground adjacent to where I was standing as Doax remarked, “Where did you get such a thing? It looked so real." “From the building where I last left off from," I replied without hesitation or missing a beat as the black dragon nodded carefully and silent keeping his eyes on the organ. My mouth split opened and I stepped forward towards the center of the circle, growling to keep their eyes upon me while I started. “Alright., so we only have a bit of information listed in finding the clues towards the case we were presented with." “Right." Barked Lutica agreeing with me while Doax and Quichie just stared at one another then to Lutica before setting their eyes to me. I resumed, “Hopefully they will point towards the right culprit and not the culprits that the foxes claimed it to be. What have you all gotten for us today, class?" I questioned with claws behind my back and stood up straight perfectly while keeping my eyes trained upon my teammates.


Neither of them said anything for the first few seconds. The silence was our first presentation, but I did not care for it at all. I shattered the silence with a few words from my mouth as Doax stepped up and spoke, “Sir, there is a track of blood upon the grounds of where I was at. It had led me to one of the closet bunkers. Upon opening it, a note was inside. Here." He ended, shoving his claws inside his pockets and fished for the white piece of note before pulling it out. He threw it upon the flooring which I picked it up. And rose it into the air just inches away from my face as I slowly opened the crumbling paper before me. Words were written on it as I scanned the paragraph before my eyes before raising them towards Doax, a slight nod in response before handing the paper back towards him. He set himself back while I exhaled responding to the silence again. “Doax has found a note containing a hint as to where we would find the fox. Rinichi was captured recently and place in the Chaos realm. His fellow teammates does not know of it as well so we are on our own here." “So guess this means we will have to find him huh?" Lutica asked, I nodded. “Indeed. Without the help of the R7 or other officer units, since of course they are far from where we are as of right now." I explained. “Right…" Trailed Quichie as her wings dropped and she stared back upon me, “Anyway. We have the information, so we need to find where this bunker is that Doax had entered into." “I think I know," Lutica replied, catching the eyes of the others including my own as we all stared upon her, she smiled before spreading her wings. “Northwest is the position of those bunkers. That was where Doax had come fr-" “No." Doax interrupted, shaking his head “Northwest was where I had arrived from. I had another stop after arriving into the bunkers." I looked at him with curiosity as he coughed and explained where he had gone.


“I had come from the R7. I had wanted to know a bit of information about the bunkers that were located west from where they were." Doax explained, “As it turns out, they were using these bunkers in case they had no more room to sleep in. Or they were farther away from their home building." “Was it not closer to where they were? Man… They are lazy." I commented which Doax nodded in kind, smiled a bit before it disappeared as he said to us. “Yeah, it was near. About two miles at max to say the least. Guess they did not want to position the bunkers further off in case they were picked off by something overhead." We all went silent, but I decided to speak for the group. “And where is this bunker that had the information needed?" “Isolated and away from the rest." Doax answered, adding “It was weird for that isolated bunker to be away from the other bunkers. My initial thought was that it was the leader's bunker which was Tuwil and Rinichi." “That cannot be," Lutica commented, interrupting the conversation as I and Doax fell silent, shifted our eyes over to her as she resumed,


“I was just talking with Tuwil about the isolated bunker. She claimed it to be isolated because of the white note found inside of it. The door was locked, the key was safely stored somewhere that no one else would find it." “How did you get in, Doax?" I questioned him, raising a brow as he sighed collected himself before admitting “Through the window." “He dug himself a hole." Admitted Quichie with a small smile, Doax glared at her but she ignored him while she continued “He clawed at the ground and dug himself deeper inside, eventually popping into the underground of the bunker. Trespassing inside of it." I rolled my eyes while Doax angrily grabbed Quichie but she was too quick for him. She ducked underneath him and snickered quietly as an amusing dragoness watched on. I coughed, growling at the three of their silly game depriving them of any relaxation while we were on the job. They compelled seconds after and stood at attention while I ordered, “Guess this means, we will be together in one group. Everyone follow Doax towards the bunkers." They all nodded as Doax remained blushing and embarrassed as he turned away from us, spread his wings, and flew off. So did we.


Arriving onto the bunker, we landed on the ground. Before us were many bunkers all scattered in every direction upon the horizon. All of which were the same color as before. We stayed in silence, our wings folded behind us while I turned my head over to Doax who stepped forward and squinted his eyes staring. For a few seconds afterward, he pointed to one of the bunkers and spoke “That one." We stared at him as a result, switching our visions from the black dragon to the opened bunker before us. Then I sighed and shook my head before leading the way forward. We walked the distance until we reached the bunker that Doax was talking about. Opening the door, we walked inside. It was not what I had expected at all. The bunker was empty and cleaned off of any dirt or blood therein. A new paper was settled upon the white clean grounds, complete with tiles that shine upon the lightbulb above of it. Saying nothing, I split from the group and walked a bit to the white paper. I grabbed it, rose it to my eyes before looking at the paper. It was a drawing of a fox looking out from what seems to be a jail room. Yet there were no silver bars or his paws, just his yellow eyes that narrowed, unnerving me a bit. I handed the paper to Doax and pointed at the drawing. The dragon shook his head, “I do not know where this is." “But I do." Declared Lutica, as our eyes looked at her. “Come on!" She demanded, taking the lead this time as she fled out from the door and took to the skies once again.  Disappearing before our eyes, the remaining dragons left upon the ground stared at one another before quickly following the dragoness. Wondering curiously where she was leading us.