\n Just something I idled with, dunno if it's any good but just thought I'd share it anyway! And thanks to Foxohki for looking through it, cheers man!
\n\n A tiger walked alone on the forest floor, nothing unusual about that. He was just like any other what with his orange fur coat and black stripes that helped camouflage him when hunting. What was unusual was the slump in its shoulders as it padded along. Not with the usual grace and style of a tiger but more like a dog just freshly beaten from a pack.
\n\n He had always been unfortunate, right from the word go. Was born half dead from his mother, only her frantic licking had gotten his heart going properly again. He was always been beaten at in life, despite been three years of age now which he should of learned enough from life's lessons to learn how to take care of himself, he just couldn't for some reason.
\n\n He wasn't like the rest of his kind, been bold and brave but instead he was easily frightened off or quick to back down. Every prospective mate had been won off of him and he usually had to pick up scraps and scavenge to just get by.
\n\n He was weak, and a failure in nature and life. Even the prey knew him to not be much of a threat as they usually ganged against or paid him no mind as he wandered by.
\n\n His entire family had been wiped out and butchered by hunters or other predators, pity he was such a coward otherwise he would of at least died amongst his sister instead of been a joke of nature.
\n\n He stopped by a muddy puddle, been the dry season there was precious little watering holes, and despite his kind was very few now he still managed to run into trouble with one of his species, be it another tiger or another predator.
\n\n Peering at his reflection in the murky water, he really was a pitiful sight, he was even afraid to go in the water, afraid the crocodiles would get him, despite they never paid any mind when he came near them. As a result his fur was in a mess along with the rest of him.
\n\n As he padded towards a dirt road that ran through the forest, he almost shot a mile into the air as a loud screech sounded as a truck screeched down the path. On its back was several cages followed closely by a car with sirens and lights blaring in pursuit. One could only guess at it been poachers having high jacked a cargo of exotic animals for the black market or something of the sort.
\n\n Always been a coward, he was about to slink back into the undergrowth when one of the cages came loose and was hurtled in his direction as he narrowly dodged having his striped head taken off by the trajectory of the cage.
\n\n As it flew into a nearby tree with a smash, any other tiger would have just left it to nature. Something pricked his curiosity about this though, a scent of a sort, similar to his but different in its own way.
\n\n Creeping cautiously up to the cage he saw that it contained a cub, no more than three months old. What's more its coat was spotted with black rosettes and yellow instead of been striped and orange like his kind. Unknown to him, it was a jaguar cub, what with never seen one in his life in his part of the forest. His instincts told him to kill it or just leave it alone, the damaged part that had seen his family butchered though wanted part of that back.
\n\n In the end, it was the part that wanted his sister back. And as luck would have it, the cub was a female as well!
\n\n Going against his nature, he gently picked the unconscious cub up with his teeth before creeping very silently into the woods to find a safe shelter for them.
\n\n Setting the cub down, he gave gentle licks to her spotted head and neck to rouse her. As she slowly opened her bright young eyes, she mewled pitifully for her mother. Reassuring her with a nuzzle, the tiger made a low rumbling sound he had heard from his mother that used to sooth him.
\n\n Realising she was in no danger from this large, strange cousin of hers she explored his body by clambering all over him, giving curious licks and nips in places, her innocent cub curiosity bringing with it a sense of peace and happiness from the male. Yes, he would protect her, maybe even love her as a proper sister.
\n\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\n\n It wasn't easy finding shelter for the pair of them really; he had opted for an old fox den which he had to work at to make larger for the three month old cub. He knew it wasn't his sister but was willing to make do with a replacement. It gave the male something to fight for other than himself, even if it did net him some minor injuries in the process. Though playing parent wasn't something that came naturally to a male tiger as he struggled to keep his fangs to himself when the cub would play with his tail or pounce on him.
\n\n One day however, he was out hunting and came back with a rather small catch, a scavenged carcass really but enough for his adopted cub sister when he scented something wrong.
\n\n There was the scent of hyena near the den, and as he closed the distance he saw over a grassy verge a hyena pawing at the inside of the den and another one waiting just outside, ready to tear apart the helpless cub as it came streaking out.
\n\n The tiger had always ran from such confrontations such as this, but this time he felt such anger inside of him that he began to walk up to the hyenas, growling loudly in warning.
\n\n Turning to look at the source, they paid little mind, knowing his reputation in the forest as they went back to the task at hand. The cub's distressed cries though, brought out a strength he didn't think that he possessed as he launched himself on the tormenting hyena and pinned it whilst biting at its neck.
\n\n Startled at this sudden aggressive behaviour from the tiger, the one he was on tried to scramble away from the heavy tiger, only when its partner intervened did he get off. They took one look however at his savage look, not knowing what had got into him to make him so aggressive. They did however notice the look to kill in his face as he bore down on them with fangs bared and eyes long dead, now alight with wild killing desire as they fled his anger.
\n\n His adopted sister poked her spotted head and gave a frightened, almost mewl a she checked that her tormentors had gone.
\n\n Whipping his head round in a low snarl for her to stay in hiding, she meekly coward back into the den.
\n\n Once he was sure they was gone, he poked his head back in to see a look of fear in her eyes, of what had happened and his sudden aggressive turn.
\n\n Feeling guilt tear at him, he leaned his head in to nuzzle her. She reflexively hunched, remembering his teeth and that look before she relaxed upon his gentle nudge. He wasn't going to harm her, he was her guardian and brother.
\n\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\n\n The next few months was a real trial for the male tiger, not only with trying to keep both himself and his adopted sister safe and fed but also his increasing urge to run her off as his inborn instincts screamed for him to do.
\n\n But as he continued to resist the wild instincts, he began to develop more of bond with his adopted Jaguar sister, and vice versa as her own nature seemed to be re-written thanks to the gentle tiger's upbringing.
\n\n It was when she was finally big enough for the female Jaguar to hunt with her brother that the biggest changes happened. They had just brought down a deer together, two mighty and fully grown big cats such as themselves made it such a simple affair that they was none the worse for wear as they sat down and indulged each other to a spot of after lunch grooming of each other's coats when they heard a gunshot fired as mud sprayed out around them.
\n\n Whipping their heads round they saw three hunters with rifles, one of them had but one eye who spat in anger at his bad shot.
\n\n Tearing off in two directions they split apart, an orange and yellow blur as they made to divide the poachers.
\n\n Using a big tree to try and keep some distance between him and the hunters, the tiger searched frantically for his adopted sister when he heard a gun shoot in her direction, followed by silence.
\n\n The tiger assumed that they had been successful in killing his sister and in that moment thought only of one thing as he lunged from his cover right at the poacher who had been carefully creeping on him. Having broken cover for him so unexpectedly he was caught by surprise as the tiger went for his throat and ripped it out in a gory mess.
\n\n By now his partner was aware that his friend had been killed and hoped his other mate that shot the Jaguar would be back soon to help. Upon seeing his friend's corpse, he let loose a volley of shots from the hunting rifle, with one catching the tiger in his leg as blood sprayed forth from the wound, giving a deafening roar of pain.
\n\n Just as the human stared at the tiger, a maniacal grin on his face before a roar sounded from behind him as a Jaguar, blood streaked and furious attacked the human from behind.
\n\n Whipping his gun around with a curse, he fired but went wide as the gun was knocked from his hand as the male tiger used the distraction to bite the human from behind, the human's neck soon breaking under the tiger's powerful jaws.
\n\n As the tiger let go, he tried to put weight onto his wounded leg but it gave in straight away as he grunted in pain. His adopted sister then began licking at the painful wound to try and aid the healing of the open wound.
\n\n His instincts told him to go and slink off somewhere to die peacefully as he made to get up, only to be shoved back down again. She growled at him in warning as she painfully bathed his blooded leg, the pain easing as she cleaned the gory wound. She then lay down beside him as if to say "you took care of me, now it's my turn". He looked at her through eyes glazed with pain but also a new found love and together they slept, a bond stronger than that of what was natural and they knew, together they was stronger.
\n\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\n\n The next few months tested the pair's new bond as the tigers adopted sister played the role of hunter, with him trying to help but only been in the way as she let him know with side swipes and threatening growls to do as his told. It was her turn and he wasn't going to mess it up to protect her adopted brother and if anything, she was a lot better than he was at hunting to his shame.
\n\n Coming back with her last catch been a baby impala, the female Jaguar saw that her brother was up and walking on his legs now. She was also starting to feel something else as she was entering her first heat and her brothers usual scent was making her feel strange for some reason.
\n\n Walking up to him, instead of her usual greeting nuzzle, she started with it and then ran her whole body length up his, ending with her vent near his nose.
\n\n Wondering as to his sister's strange behaviour until he sniffed under her tail before he took a quick step back.
\n\n He had scented it before, similar to other females he had smelled before but not this fresh and up close. Though different smelling of her Jaguar lineage, she still smelled heavenly to him as his head became all light and he started to see her now not as his sister but also as a partner as they began courting each other.
\n\n Returning the gesture, he rubbed his body all up hers, almost knocking her over with his size and gave a warning growl to be more gentle as they began licking and grooming each other and rubbing round as they exchanged nuzzles.
\n\n Rolling on her back, he nuzzled her belly with his nose, breathing in her scent. They had done similar things before but not with as much purpose or meaning to it.
\n\n After a little more courting, the Jaguar shot up and presented herself to her brother/mate as she lifted her tail high and made a deep throated rumble with her scent hitting the tiger with the force of a hammer.
\n\n With closed eyes, the tiger lapped at her vagina as he emitted a deep rumble, sort of the big cat version of a purr, as he lightly worked her up for what was to come.
\n\n The female Jaguar let out a fainter rumble, as she opened her mouth to pant and waved her tail at the feeling of having her brothers/mates rough tongue lightly teasing her sex.
\n\n Pulling away, the tiger exchanged nuzzles and licks with the female Jaguar a last time as they continued to rumble happily before she gave him a slight nip, growing frustrated with her heat and wanting relief.
\n\n Jumping back, he got the message as he made to mount her. Slowly he got himself into the position needed as he held his cock at her entrance. Giving a quick thrust into her, she roared as she felt his barbed penis grip her pussy as he made to grab her by the scruff of her neck to stop her attacking him.
\n\n Eventually, it got too much for her as she roared and broke his grip to swipe at him, just for him to jump backwards, a pleased look on his face as she rolled on her back to assist the fertilisation of her eggs.
\n\n Feeling elated, she jumped up and rubbed frantically round the tiger as they crossed and rubbed faces and necks with little licks in between as she signalled she was ready to go again. And he did so gladly as they roared and mated for the next few hours to come.
\n\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\n\n As they lay there, tired after the days mating he looked up after drifting off, worried he might find the absence of a yellow spotted coat, but was glad to find she was near him still and fast asleep.
\n\n Happy but puzzled, they usually left after mating but she had stayed. However, the Jaguar opened her eyes briefly to look at him that spoke more than human words ever could of a bond that was unnaturally deep for their kind. In her yellow, amber eyes the look told him "I won't leave you, I'll look after you". And with that the future of their cubs was doubled with the pair of them to look after them in the future as he pressed his striped, orange coat up to her spotted yellow fur as they both made deep happy rumbles and growls as they slept soundly with the forests problems seeming minuet in comparison to their strength and dedication.
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