Current Track: Blabb

Goddamn it, fuck them. Fuck each one of them. I tighten up the grip on the drivers wheel as I drive down the highway. This has been a shitty day. All my coworkers were making mistakes and the boss was making shitty demands. Even the people that drive on the road with me seem to just make me almost fly into road rage. I just want to be at home and just put an end to this long suffering day.

I pull into my parking spot and turn off my car, my fingers aching from holding the wheel to tight. I gather my stuff and slam my car door shut as I get out. Any normal day I would have been aghast doing that, but now I don't care. I stomp over to the door and open it with much more force then was actually needed for it.

“Hey," I hear Alvin say from the couch.

I just turn to him and glare, like he was just another problem of the day.

Alvin's body tense up under my cold icy glare like he was a deer in headlights.

“Shit sorry," I turn away and try to relax my face, but I can still feel my scowl. He really doesn't deserve to be glared at just because I have issues.

“Rough day?" he asks with noticeable concern.

“That's one way to put it," I toss my stuff onto the counter, keeping my face turned away from him, “just shit kept happening all day. If it was not from a coworker distracting me for minor reasons, it came from the supervisor shitting on me for falling behind in my work. This was not my day, plain and simple."

“Aw, I'm sorry babe. I'm here if you want to talk about it."

I shook my head,“I really don't want to talk about it. I feel like if i did speak of it, it would just end up with me yelling at you." I walk past Alvin and into our shared bedroom, “I'm going to lie down and try to calm down that way."

As I closed the door, I roughly took my clothes off and threw them into the hamper. I flop onto the bed in my underwear, pulled a pillow to my face and screamed. Fuck them. Fuck each of them. I toss and turn in the bed, growling and making noise. After a while, it was still clear I haven't calm down even a little. I still am an upset man who wanted to cry and shit, like a child throwing a tantrum.

I hear the door to the room open. “You okay?"

I didn't even look back at him, just groan into my pillow that covered my face.

“Well, I know something that always helps you."

“What?" I say without removing my face from the pillow.


I lift my head from the pillow, “Well what is it?"

More silence

I turn around, “why don't you-oh."

At the doorway was not my normal human looking boyfriend, but his gray furred anthro wolf form. While him going anthro is not unusual for me, it was odd he did it mid conversation. As he told me, Werewolves can't speak normal words in that form. The only way he can communicate in that form is through ASL, which he has been teaching me.

“So why are you like that now?"

Only thing he did was move his hands close to where his heart is then pointed to his wrist.

It doesn't even take me a second to know what he was saying. “No," I say, “no it is not cuddle time. Stay back."

Alvin, doing what I assume is a smile, lifts his hands and makes a grabbing motion towards me.

“Stay back, I am warning you," I grab a pillow and throw it at him.

The pillow just bounce off him as Alvin slowly and menacing approach the bed.

I back up to the wall, “Alvin, I really am not in the mood for cuddles right now."

The bed squeaks as Alvin puts his weight on the bed.

“Alvin do-"

Before I could say anything else, a pair of furry arms pulls me into his chest and thick grey fur. I try to pull away, but Alvin's grip is like steel and doesn't budge as he maneuvered his body so that I would lie on top of him on the bed.

I huff, “Alvin come on, I am not in the mood for your games now."

He just snorts as he pushes my head down into his thick fur. The lavender smell of his conditioner fills my nostril as much as his fur does. I manage to stretch out my arms and try to push off of him, but that only seems to make his grip on me tighter. He is adamant that I am staying put and cuddle with him.

“Alright you win," I mutter into his fur, giving up on ever escaping his grip.

I hear his tail thumps against the bed at his victory over me. He is certainly pleased with himself for this. 

So we cuddled in relative silence for a while. The only sound I heard was the TV in the other room and the beating of Alvin's heart underneath me. I close my eyes and just focused on the rhythmic beat of his heart. I didn't feel angry or upset at all the shit that happened today. Just at peace being held by the loving arms of my boyfriend as he rubs my back and listening to his heart beat in his chest. I'm just content.

After while more, Alvin moves me off his chest and sits upright. “You feeling better now?" he sign with his hands.

“Yeah," I answered, “I'm better now."

He snorted, or maybe tried to laugh, before continuing, “Cuddle time always works on you. Why do you keep fighting it?"

“Well, I don't know," I answer, “maybe I am just not used to it. My family was not the hugging kind."

Alvin changes back into a human, “it's a shame since you pretty much love it."

“I do not."

“Yes you do, stop denying it. The way you just relax when cuddling proves it. Werewolves are very sensitive to body language, remember? You practically go limp less than a minute in."

My face goes red with embarrassment, “I don't go limp."

Alvin laughs, “Alright then, you are a big strong man who don't need no cuddles. We might have to stop cuddling altogether then since you don't need it."

“Wait, I wouldn't go that far."

Alvin kisses me on the lips, “of course you wouldn't."