Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Wonner King


A grayscale day. It never
gets better than this. While me and Zander were hanging out, sitting down onto
the brown chair behind us, we looked out onto the horizon and stared down onto
the number of dragons and hatchlings that gathered around the parkside. It was
rather peaceful with no cases involve. Birds had started singing surrounding
us, flying from tree to tree as if they were looking for something then. But
ignoring that for a moment in time, I exhaled a breath and raised my head high.
Hanging it over the edge of the seat that I was sitting upon with Zander just
staring down onto me with that cold smirk upon his snout. Yet neither of us
said anything upon the silence and we kept it like this way for the time being.


Up until, we noticed
something red and pink pairs of dragons came our way. For upon our names being
called, me and Zander shift our attention towards them. Yet it was only Zander
who smiled towards the pair who had reflected back to him. With Kyro shifting
his attention towards me and Zander, then returning back towards me otherwise,
he spoke with Natty hanging behind him. “You two are needed at HQ.” “Yang has a
mission for us?” I questioned them, while Kyro poke my chest before responding
“No, just you guys.” “Why us?” Zander frowned with Kyro saying nothing in
response. Other than a stare met upon our eyes had me and Zander drift away
from them. “Fine. Just save our seats.” “This case will take a while to
complete you know.” Argued Kyro as he hollered back towards me. But both me and
Zander ignored him, spreading our wings and took off into the grayish air as we
flew Northeast straight towards HQ.


Upon reaching HQ. Both me
and Zander had landed immediately. We were met with Ozkun and Takakri, both of
which were standing in front of the entrance. Both had glance our way. Neither
of them smiled, so neither did we as we kept eye contact for a while before
Ozkun responded to us. “Here is the case.” “You guys are handing it to us from
outside?” I questioned, glancing at the golden yellow folder in Ozkun’s paws.
“Why not.” He responded, raising and lowering his shoulders and closing his
eyes following afterwards as he smiled back for what seems to be the first time
for him, “At least we get some fresh air.” “Unlike the air condition inside
Yang’s room.” Commented Zander who was high fived by Takakri. I frowned at both
of them and shook my head immediately. Growling at the black dragon adjacent to
me, he said nothing in response back while either Ozkun or Takakri commented,
muttering to themselves about something. I ignored them and stormed the
entrance. Returning to the nearest desk that I could find. Zander followed
afterwards as he reached by my side.


We opened the folder.
Spreading the pictures out a bit. There were at least ten of them. Five
remained blanked. The other five showed our target. Our eyes widened in
surprise and I even find myself muttering because of it. “You are kidding.”
“Apparently not.” Commented Zander while keeping his eyes upon the five
pictures and taking a stab upon one of the five in particular before commenting
again, “I guess this time, Yang wanted us to bring down the five kings that
ruled this realm.” “Were they corrupt or something?” I questioned Zander who
said nothing back “I do not know. Should we ask Ozkun and Takakri about that
question?” “Should we?” I repeated him. A long silence held between us. My eyes
were met towards him as he shook his head suddenly, smiling came following
afterwards as he spoke “Nope. But lets see about the given clues that we are
dealth with.” I just nodded.


The first picture of five
showcase that nearby square that was West from our location. Closest to REC
which Vilican owns currently apparently. For those who do not know her; she is
the adoptive daughter of Doe Collax, whom mind you is the best animal to go to
whenever any of us are in trouble or have a lack of information. For she had
thousands of books owned that her place is considered to be a library or a
resource building at best. What was surprising is that she disgusted the
building as a library when in fact it was not…


I trailed off in silence,
finding myself staring at the next few pictures in tow after the first. The
second picture shows the dinner table. North from where we are and closest to
the WWA and the vacant Moon kingdom apparently. The dinner table was well lit.
Lights shone from the candles and torches that were scattered around the place.
The table itself was brown. But upon this well lit photo, we could tell that it
was more brighter than that. Onto close examination, we had found out that at a
distance from when the photo was taken, we had noticed something glowing at the
center of the table and a strange symbols was there too. I tilted my head to
one side and frowned, wondering what that strange symbol had meant. But instead
of dwelling it any longer, Zander suggested onto heading into REC to find that
resource all the while taking a look at the next few pictures at hand. I nodded
my head.


Third fourth and fifth
all depict the same environment. But all three photos were somehow taken at
different times of the day somehow. Third and fourth were taken at the
afternoon hour due to the sun hanging in the sun upon the window that was at
the distance. Rays of sun would reflect upon the photo, causing some parts of
it to become brightened and impossible to see things therein. Yet the fifth
photo was taken somewhere opposite of the two previous photos. “At midnight.” I
heard Zander muttered and I turned towards him in response as he stabbed the
fifth photo with his claw, growling “I see.” I nodded acknowledging it however.
Indeed the fifth photo takes place at midnight where the moon hangs where the
sun was once held. The entire photo was lit up thanks to the midnight visions
that whatever this photo was taken from. Yet somehow it felt dark that we were
not be able to see some things there. Regarding that, I spoke towards Zander
“Where shall we go then?” “The first two photos’ location. We can deal with the
later three with someone else.” “True, I have a feeling that the later three
describe something awful there.” “Like what?” Questioned Zander, but only I
shivered and said nothing as I take the lead, heading out the door instead of
answering his question.


“You guys figure out
where to go?” Asked Ozkun which both of us nodded our heads while Zander handed
them the later three photos that were in their possession. “But at the same
time, can you three go to this place for us and figure out what was there that
is scaring my partner from being able to go there?” “You are scared?” Ozkun
asked with eyes raised in surprise. I never said anything back as I kept a
blush and felt something warm heating at the back of my neck. With Zander and
Takakri giggling in the background like school children, Ozkun exhaled a breath
and nodded his head. Taking the three photos from Zander before responding to
me, “Fine, you cry baby. We will head straight there.” “Find out if there is a
cursed ghost there!” Exclaimed Zander which I growled threateningly at the
black dragon. But he had already fled from my sights with me following far from
him. North, heading straight towards the square.


We had arrived promptly
upon the square which we had touched down immediately. As the grounds shook
beneath us, we glanced around the square. Noticing that some dragons were here,
gathered or spread apart amongst themselves. Some were chatting, having long
conversations about certain topics. Others were just moving about, flexing
their feet and wings as they came across some other dragons. So few of them
were sitting down. Staring down onto the fountain at the center of the square
our outside towards the plains beyond their visions, and outside of Vaster of
course. All in all, the place looked somewhat mildly busy while I take a glance
towards the skies. Noting that the sun was hangway from its apex and the
horizon and I sighed, taking a breath. “We should split up then. Find something
inside the square. But do not act too suspicious for the citizens to take
notice-” I started with eyes closed, but opening them afterwards and shift my
attention towards the side where Zander was supposedly. I had noticed him gone,
already heading down the fountain to check upon something there.


I shook my head and
remained silent as I turned around and stepped towards the outer parts of the
square and headed left from there. Thereof, I had traced around the outline of
the square and hanged my head while doing so. Looking upon the grounds beneath
me, I stared looking for anything that seems a bit interesting. But after my
walk, nothing. For the floor was clean as if someone had dust it all down. By
the time that I had stopped walking, Zander had already caught up towards me.
His head was shaking, though his scales were moist and dripping with water. I
looked at him with concerned, but he responded to cast it off “Some hatchling
thought it was funny to dump some dragon’s head into the surface of the
fountain.” “No wonder it caught onto some faces.” I responded, glancing as some
who were looking my way. Zander just frowned, shaking his head afterwards as he
walked by me instead. Leaving me alone upon the square as I glanced and
observed around the place, searching for something.


Perhaps I had already
found it. Otherwise, I would just keep on looking. But something caught my eye.
A yellow piece of square note paper. It was hanging upon the fountain, above
the surface water and the four black holes surrounding the pipe. There were
even some written words upon it too which I stepped and walked forward to it
for a closer look however. Walking towards the fountain in front of me, I drew
closer towards the note and stopped immediately when I had reached it.
Squinting my eyes despite other dragons glancing my way, I read what was
written onto the paper.


“Higher up. God amongst
the dragons. Yet only one of five.”


I tilted my head to one
side in wonderance, pondering deep in thought. Wondering what this had all
meant. But Zander’s voice had stopped me immediately as I turned around to face
him and back towards the reality of things too as I find myself glaring at him.
“Zander!” “Sorry.” He responded immediately following me as my hardened face
relaxed as another exhale of a sigh came from my snout. “What is it?” “Some
citizens were willing to talk about it.” “Talk about the note?” I questioned,
Zander shook his head responding “About the case we have. You know, the five-”
“I know I know.” I responded, groaning for emphasis however as the black dragon
just smiled back towards me. Turned around and lead me straight back towards
the group of citizens that were waiting for us there. For too that note, the
group led us into a dark alley where only the voices would be able to carry
from left to right and vise versa. I raised my head high, glancing at the two
buildings in between us and noticing how neither of the two had any windows,
which makes it clear that this alleyway was an safe one however.


I just frowned. Yet I
lowered my head and leveled with the citizen in front of me. He was an blue
scaled dragon. Sharper wings and pointy edges. His face was normal like the
rest of the dragons in Vaster. With his underbelly being a brighter blue or
white, I could never tell the different, the dragon spoke explaining everything
that he had saw or something that he had witness while walking about.


“Five kings have indeed
came here always before sunrise. They seem to be in a meeting somehow and this
was the logical place to take it in.” “But why here? They are expose to every
dragon and the outside world. Not to mention the winds can carry their messages
and words towards outer seas.” I protested. But neither the blue dragon or
Zander had any answered. I just shut up afterwards and allowed the dragon to
continue. “They always seem to be talking about the canine realm. Something
about keeping the other canines in line just by eliminating one species from
that pool.” “Fox.” I and Zander mouthed which the dragon tilted his head to one
side, questioning us. I explained to him about how the fox species was always
found missing upon the canine realm after the fox and the lizard had been
jailed and all that previous events that I will not mention at all.


For onto this, the dragon
in front of us nodded his head, satisfied and acknowledging it while continued
whatever he was saying. “There were some foxes somewhere within the two realms.
Yet neither Canine or Reptile knew where they are. Rumors were spread from the
North, claiming about a fox that is living inside WWA searching for them.
Additionally, there are rumors from Canine about a group of anti foxes
searching for this fox to kill before allowing him to find the rest of the
species.” “Were the fox species killed off after the fox and the lizard
escaped?” I questioned, the dragon shook his head and frowned “No one knows.
Not even WWA or REC however either.” “Drat. that was where we suppose to go to
second.” Growled Zander immediately, interrupting us as both me and the dragon
shift our attention towards him.


With a pause, I
questioned the dragon “Now. Due to this rumors, what does that have anything to
do with the five kings?” “The five kings?” Questioned the dragon, a bit
confused about the sudden change in topic. We kept staring at him for a little
longer before he nodded his head rapidly and smiled rather brightly. ‘A
suspicious smile however.’ I thought to myself, hardening my face as I find
myself staring at him. Yet he ignored it and went on to explain, “Now thanks to
these rumors. The five kings are actually on the move. Their movements are a
little awkward however and resources had said that they were moving from Canine
to Reptile and back again. Their trips are very long. Seemingly covering both
realms for some reason.” “But they never covered REC or WWA?” “They do not know
where either of them are. Although the knights perhaps knew and you knew how
that went.” I nodded my head, ‘ Of course we knew what happened to them.’ I
thought in my head while Zander pipped into the conversation.


“And where are the
knights?” “In Canine. Extreme south apparently. Remember, thanks to your,
Canine’s Hunter pack and Hourans, they were disbanded from the kingdom at the
North and drive straight here now.” Both of us nodded our heads, thanking him
for the information. For we both turned around, departing from the square
suddenly. Heading Southward towards HQ by sundown where Ozkun and Takakri was
added by Kyro and Natty. All four of them were gathered at the entrance it had
seemed by the time we had touched down to meet them all. Upon both me and
Zander reaching and landing in front of HQ; Kyro and Takakri turned their heads
around and faced us. Yet it was only the latter who raised his claw towards me
and smiled faintly before responding, “What happened?” “How was the trip
there?” Questioned Ozkun adding in the conversation.


“Went well. We got vital
information about the five kings and some rumors that were now spreading across
the two realms currently.” Upon mention of the rumors, all four remained silent
as if they were struck by something and that caused both me and Zander to tilt
our heads glancing at them as the doors in front of us opened up suddenly.
Submerging from the shadows of the cool cold environment was Yang as she
glanced at each of us in response before exhaling a sigh for a moment. She
cough following after the sigh to catch our attention as our eyes shift towards
her suddenly. For then she immediately went onto to explaining things while
shifting her attention towards us last. Then handed the paper afterwards before
departing back inside.


All of us glanced at the
papers we were holding. But it was not all written, rather it was a drawing of
some sort. Detailing of Vastertown with strange five colorful arrows slithering
across the streets. Towards each of their destinations somewhere whether it be
Canine or Reptile however. A long silence fell before us before each of the
dragons shift their attention towards me for I was the last to look up from the
paper and towards each of them. For with a nod from my head, the eight of us
split. Me and Zander were suppose to tail the first suspect; Kyro and Natty the
second; Ozkun and Takakri the third, Abavina and Rivrock the fourth and Maruja
the last.


“Who is Rivrock by the
way?” I wondered to myself glancing back towards HQ behind us as Zander shake
his head and frowned in response towards me, neither of us had any clue what it
was. But could we had known about him better? “Despite that newcomer, we got a
job to do Ling. Best stick to it for now. We will question about the newcomer
later on.” Zander responded, I nodded my head at him and exhaled a breath as we
continued beating our wings upon the following sunset.


By the midnight hour; me
and Zander had arrived upon our starting spot. We landed upon the rooftops
while we folded our wings then. Zander stepped forth towards the edge of the
building and looked out towards the horizon. Whereas buildings’ lights shine from
the interior of the windows and there were thousands of them too. A smile came
from his lips as his wings ached from extensive flight. I turned my attention
to him then shortly pulled away afterwards and just glanced down onto the
rooftop’s grounds. Staring down onto the paper that was laid out in front of
me. “So according to his paper.” I say as Zander shift his attention towards
me. “We are to turn the corner at the third street Westwarad from here. Meeting
up with the fourth, then second a few minutes later upon that intersection.” I
pointed towards the intersection far from where we are which was closest to the
other factory building far away. In Between the factory and ourselves, were two
other lines intersection with our own. These were the second and fourth, just
as I had said however.


“Guess that means we are
meeting up with Kyro, Natty and Abavina, Rivrock.” Responded Zander as his eyes
drift towards the streets below us. I nodded my head silently before the
ringing in my ears surfaced once again. It had taken some thirty minutes or so
before we heard a door opened and close immediately afterwards. Immediately, I
rose to my feet and rolled up the paper that was laid upon the flooring of the
rooftop building that we were on. Meanwhile, Zander kept his eye upon the
street. Spotting our suspect already. For he turned around towards me just as I
walked to his side, he raised his claw and pointed towards our suspect which I
nodded my head, frowning as I muttered “Alright, lets tail him now.” A nod of
response came from Zander as he and I spread our wings suddenly and take off
upon the midnight cold air surrounding us.


Just as planned. Our
target had indeed met up with the fourth and second onto a few minutes in
between of each interaction. Onto that moment, me and Zander met up with Kyro
and Natty and Abavina and Rivrock. All four had exchanged information with us
and compared some notes therein for a little moment. But amongst the
information, I had noticed something was a bit strange however and I requested
Zander upon returning his eyes back towards the map. For we knew initially that
all five were heading in different destinations. Some in Canine, others
remained here in Reptile. But something about the destinations that each of our
suspects would be landing on, never made any sort of sense. But I exhaled a
breath, recognizing that I was just gripping a long straw and going for a
target that seems too impossible however. For immediately, I had dropped it
when our suspect had departed from the second and fourth, continuing his path
as indicated upon the map we were holding.


Onto this; me and Zander
waved silently towards Kyro, Natty and Abavina and Rivrock. We all departed
immediately and went our separate ways however. Me and Zander continued heading
west following the suspect down as he reached the next intersection ahead of
me. Here was where we hovered for a moment while the suspect turned its
attention towards the right and left of both paths before heading down the
indented path that the map portrays. Zander chuckled silently to himself with a
small smile drifting from his snout but I silenced him as we continued flying
and tailing him down.


Later on towards the
second half of the first hour in the morning came the third and fifth suspect.
They met in front of a pet store, adjacent to that was an attraction park which
was closed due to repairs because of something that had happened to one of the
rides. We never knew the details of it however. But that was never important
right now. For currently when we landed; we were met with Ozkun and Maruja.
Additionally, to our surprise we also caught up to Yang who was also in this
too. For upon the initial surprise, we glanced towards the dragoness in front
of me. She only smiled, winking at me before returning to her serious look. We
compared notes afterwards. What was interesting was that Ozkun and Maruja’s
notes detailed about their suspect heading into a crown store, following
afterwards was a scepter which the third suspect was holding right now in his
right claw. I hummed in response, mentally noting it however before shifting my
attention back towards Yang who responding upon the silence.


She had noted about hers
having a treasure chest. The most expensive one that a dragon could buy. It was
glittered in gold, sparkles of jewels and pearls and among other stuff too.
With silver or gray chains surrounding its front, both me and Zander had pondered
about such said chain. Yet neither me, Zander or Yang could ever figure it out
however. So with that, we had departed just as our suspected had parted from
the third and fifth suspects respectfully.


Upon the end of the
second hour, we had arrived upon our destination. Both me and Zander raised our
heads high to level with the building that was in front of us. To our surprise,
it was a small building. Half the sizes of the normal buildings that were around
Vaster. It was pure white; but due to the darkness surrounding us, it was
grayish or something more darker than that however. Upon both me and Zander
landing at the rooftop closest to this small building, Zander leaned forward
and glanced at the edge of the rooftop. Looking down where he had noticed
someone there, lurking in the shadows somehow. Whose eyes were pointing
straight towards the suspect in front of us, he or rather it had decided to
move forward. Bearing a knife.


Immediately, me and Zander
tackled him onto the ground. Exposing our cover while the suspect just heads
straight into the building without hesitation or stopping at all. For the door
behind him closed and locked preventing anyone from entering right onto in. In
the meanwhile; me and Zander had apprehended an assassin. Perhaps. As he
continued struggling in my arms, Zander growled and grabbed onto his chin.
Immediately ripping off whatever was covering his snout as he stared at him
widened eyes. The struggling had ceased. I let him go as he dropped onto the
grounds. Unconscious. But how? I never knew the answer to that. With something
seeping from the corpse between us, I nodded to Zander as we flew off into the
air. Regroup Eastward straight towards HQ. Yet I cannot shake the feeling that
something bad had happened.