Current Track: Blabb

I looked out over the mass of black mortarboards trying to see if I could find where the darker-furred kitsune fox was sitting. I located him quickly. I couldn’t believe it, this was going to resemble my graduation in a few years’ time—Aubrey State’s College of Natural Sciences borrowed a lot from Colorado State, so I was excited to see my friend off into the new world. I would get to experience the graduation ceremony from both perspectives; that was intriguing to me. I had been to two commencements before as an audience member and my own high school one as a graduate. Moby Arena, the University’s basketball stadium, was packed to the brim with student and faculty and students’ parents. It was going to be a long ceremony, I could tell.


“Jeffery Pine…Nick Pink…Robert Pinkney…” The faculty member announcing the names of graduates announced and Isaac, Robert’s family and I cheered and clapped our hearts out. We’d been sitting in our seats for what felt like hours and thousands of names to finally hear Robert’s name. It was a relief. I felt like Robert’s ceremony was terribly boring, but I daren’t say a thing. It was just impolite, not to Robert or his parents, but to the school. I still considered myself a Ram even if I wasn’t a CSU undergrad any longer. I had a huge respect for the school, so I sat and watched shifting my weight and trying to keep myself from falling asleep during the ceremony.

“Dang, this certainly is a long ceremony. I forget just how long these things take.” Isaac said.

“Shut up Isaac.” I said, chuckling under my breath.

“Only if you stop shifting, Nick. It’s getting on my nerves.”

“OK, Ok! Sorry. ADD. It makes me not able to sit still. I think I’ll walk around the arena.” I said.

“Just be sure to have your phone on you so we can find you after the ceremony. You’re my ride, remember.” Isaac said.

I laughed and grabbed the special harness. “Of course. I won’t forget.” I said in mock indignation. I, then, left my seat and walked down the stairs to look around. The reason I had come was done, so now I had no reason to be watching and so I wasn’t, instead I was going to walk around for a while until Isaac called me.


After the ceremony was over, I took Isaac to the place where we were holding the graduation party. Isaac always cracked me up whenever I flew him anywhere. Partially from being a panther, Isaac would become scared if I flew at any altitude above a thousand feet. It was his thinking that panthers and felines should not fly. I thought that was nonsense. I think it was more to do with the fact that Isaac was still a little nervous around LGBTQ members and especially those who had revealed their opinions of him to him. I thought he was hot, but he was undeniably straight so I made no advances toward him unless it was in jest. I told him he was and from then on the panther never came to close to me, unless we had to fly somewhere. If we had to fly somewhere I took him by strapping on the harness. It was funny because the harness made the other person face toward the flyer as if in a friendly or loving embrace. It made Isaac nervous, so nervous, that the first time I flew him he passed out.

When we arrived Isaac took off the harness as quickly as possible. I left it on. I searched my pocket with my hand to find my cross necklace. I wanted to impress Robert’s and Emily’s parents, both sets were devout Protestant Christians, so any sign that I knew God would help put me in favor with them. I found it and put it on after screwing with the clasp a few times. I hated putting necklaces on by myself. Since I found Josef, however, I usually let him put them on. I dropped the thought before it made me hard and I walked into the building. It was a restaurant and bar which was pretty new, Herald’s Bar and Grill. Robert knew the owner really well and so when asked if we could use if for the party, the owner obliged.

I found Robert and with him, Emily and Isaac. “Congratulations, sir, on becoming a college grad. How does it feel?” I said in a mock reporter’s voice.

“I’m proud, but it’s going to be hell finding a job in this economy.” Robert replied.

“Not if I can help it,” said somebody who had come in the door just seconds before. He was an aging weasel of middling height and slightly heavyset, “Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Steve Ballmer!”

I then recognized the voice, “Mr. Ballmer, it’s an honor to meet you.” I said, barely containing the enthusiasm in my voice. Robert and Isaac just laughed. I glared back at them before walking up to the Mustelid and offering him a hand to shake. The weasel was the current CEO of one of the largest technology companies in America, Microsoft Corporation.

“And you are?” He said as he shook my hand.

“Nicholas Coulter head of the Coulter Pack, and future head of technological partnerships for Koopa Suites. Our companies are going to be working with each other a lot.” I said, then turned toward Isaac, Robert and Emily, “The kitsune is Robert Pinkman, our graduate, the panther Isaac Crowder, a friend of mine since becoming a computer science major, and the vixen is Robert’s girlfriend, Emily. I’ll leave you all to talk. I have to go, Robert. The elders told me that as part of my duties, I must go and be at the den before three. Nice to meet you again Steve.” I said and turned to leave. I put on my VisARs and requested permission to take off. Then did so as soon as I was out the door.


Gye dea! Nick-orimaya, ui vertéanpa ne gaznerú?Good Day, Nick, my son, how was the party. The eldest greeted me. Orimaya was in a way much like kun was in Japanese, a form of endearment. I hated it, especially since I became the leader of the Pack, the members of the Pack, excluding the elders, should use the suffix ofíruna, or ‘my leader.’ The most respectful that the elders needed to get was oritz, or ‘my brother.’ Suffixes beginning with ‘o’ are honorifics used among Pack members or those, whom you consider close. I would continue but there are many. Anyways the fact that they were using orimaya meant that they saw me still as a child. That frustrated me. I had performed well during my Oisvandea that should have made them use at least something more akin to someone grown up, like ota, used with young males who were betrothed or engaged, but then the pack knew not a thing of the engagement, I was actually bringing it up at this meeting.

Vertéanpu ue kretz.It was too short. I growled. Eloran looked at me, he being the next-eldest, the look was more of a threatening glare. I wasn’t fazed, “Woberité vertean aine?” About what is this? I asked.

Ne yaguru lifean toribpe. Jack eralzo zif sem orimaya.” The Pack is in trouble. Jack explain to your son. Eloran said.

“Niyée!  Sez, eralzo, Eloran. U vertea porokyén?” No! You explain Eloran. Or are you a Little rabbit? I said, insulting the next-eldest may not be smart, but the man was a coward and I didn’t fear him. He got this old by standing behind the strong and letting them do the work. I hated men like him.

“Wum orimaya! Esteo! Reospo semi alderí!” My son! Stop! Respect your elders. My father yelled at me.

Aya, wum ofur. Aldana, eralzo zif wu.” Yes my father. Eldest, explain to me. I replied my ears laying back a little bit.

“Ne Medya berean wes. Ni rufeans sez vertea svina. Wu ableta niyéen gluba ne.” The media attacks us. They say you are gay. I cannot believe it.

“Wu vertea svino, Aldana. Josef i wu konotans lif naghtse Semester.” I am gay, Eldest. Josef and I are ‘knotting’ in the next semester. I replied.

“Wez? Fewez man wu niyéen erazlana oberité aine?” What? Why wasn’t I told about this? My father recoiled.

“Because, father, I respect you no longer.” I said in English for emphasis.

“Nick, if it’s because of what I said over a year ago, let it go. I knew that you two were probably going to ‘knot,’” he said, “I just thought that you’d tell me.”

Wu man.” I have. I replied coldly.

Zil nio vertean vierdoyé, wes habans nino zif oberité rufa.” If that is true, we have nothing to talk about. The eldest spoke. He chuckled, “Ivarn sem porok de shana lif onfon, Nick-ota. Ni Gutenbergyé i ni Coulteryé wireans vertea zauisyemyás. Moni wirean hafa wes.” May your prey be found in the open, Nick, the betrothed, The Gutenbergs and the Coulters will be together. Money will help us.

Wu konotan Josef niyéen fe ne Moni. Wu luban ne I’m ‘knotting’ Josef not for the money. I love him. I finished. I exited the den and took off.


“Josef,” I remarked, “we have ni Alderím support.” The elders’

“Of course. The Coulter pack as a whole is extremely accepting.”

True. I thought, “I sem Yaguru?” and your pack?

Aya. Ni verteans mas wes ia.” Yes they are with us. He replied. “Komm Nikki. Ich hab’ etwas speziell für dich.“ Come Nikki! I have something special for you. He said and grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bedroom.

“Was passiert dann?” What’s happening then? I questioned.

Du wirst sehen.” You’ll see.

I thought about what was going on and just let it happen. After all, we were together, I trusted him. Soon after I reached the conclusion to just let this happen, we reached the bedroom. Josef sat me down on the bed. I looked at him perplexed, what was this all about, I wondered.

Mach deine Augen zu!” Close your eyes. He said.

“OK.” I said and obeyed.

I stared into the black abyss that hid behind my eyelids for what felt like ever. Then I felt Josef again take my hand. This time he tugged it toward him, opened it and set something in my hands, “Öffne sie!Open them. He said and I looked at my hand and inside my hand was a key to an Audi.

I looked up at him and stared, long and hard, “Ich habe schon ein Auto.” I already have a car. I said.

“Ich weiß. Ich habe ein besseres Auto finden versuchen. Ich hab die Familie Koopa lieb, aber du musst Geschenke von Juniors Familie annehmen stoppen. Das Auto, das außerhalb dieses Hauses ist, ist ein gutes Auto und funktioniert jetzt, aber du heiratest einen Gutenberg, Nikki. Wir haben Standards.“ I know. I tried to find a better car. I love the Koopa family, but you must stop accepting gifts from Junior’s family. The car that’s outside of this house, is a good car and functions now, but you’re marrying a Gutenberg, Nikki. We have standards. He replied.

“Welchen Wagen gabst du mir?” Which car did you get me? I asked.

Komm nach Rückseite Hauses! Sieh für dich selbst!“ Come to the back of the house. See for yourself. He answered.


I looked at the car with my mouth fully opened in shock. Sitting it the yard, with a corny bow on its roof, was a 2014 Audi R8 V10 TFSI Quattro, my dream car. I turned to Josef, “Ich kann dies nicht akzeptieren.” I can’t accept this. I said.

Josef whined, “Look Nick, I special-ordered this directly from Audi. It has you written all over it. Consider it your wedding gift. We’ll still need the Passat, but this is your special car.”

I nodded, “OK. Thank you!” I walked toward the red beauty of a vehicle. I knew it was mine, but I still didn’t want to touch it. It was all I could do to put my hand on the door handle. I wanted to drive it, but it was still foreboding as I looked at the pristine racing-red coat. “Wanna join me for a test drive?” I asked him.

“Of course!” He responded with a smile. He got in on the other side.

I finally got up the courage to open the driver side door. I got in and put the key into the ignition. I turned the key. The engine roared to life. I shifted into reverse and gingerly backed out of the ‘yard’ and onto the alleyway behind our house. I idled to the main street and waited for my chance to turn right. I saw it and pressed the accelerator half way down and the car jolted forward throwing me and Josef into the back of our seats with the amount of acceleration. “This…Is…A-fucking-mazing!” I exalted. I relieved the pressure on the accelerator so that I wouldn’t get a ticket. “Someone’s getting special treatment tonight!” I exclaimed half joking. I winked over at Josef.

He laughed. “Eyes. On. Road.” Josef said.


I took the car around the block before returning to the rear ‘yard’ of the house. When we arrived, Junior and Gian were both standing at the door. Gian’s fire eyes were on again. What’d we do this time? I thought as we walked up to the door.

“You idioti! Why didn’t you lock the back d—Oh wow! Whose car is that?” He looked at the vehicle dreamily.

“Mine.” I said.

“What about the Passat?” asked Junior.

“Josef gave me this as an early wedding present.” I said tentatively before walking past them to leave the situation as quick as possible.

“You’re lucky.” Gian said, “Junior has a thick shell, Nick, but your snooty fiancé is making him feel inadequate.”

I laughed, “Do you fight all his battles, Gian?”


“And I don’t fight my boyfriend’s either. If you wish to complain speak to the one whose family bought the car.” I said and walked upstairs. I was in no mood to deal with Gian right now. Josef would just have to cook dinner on his own.


“Thanks for leaving me out to dry back there, Nick!” Josef said indignantly.

“Oh come on, love! I’m sorry, but Gian is not whom I wish to speak with. Besides, you’re going to forget all about that in a moment, my succulent orange.” I said, giving him a seductive look.

He sighed, “Not tonight, Nick. I’m tired and we’ve got shit to do tomorrow.”

“I know.” I said, switching back to German, “Aber ich bin sehr erregt. Können wir etwas machen?“ Bur I’m so hard. Can we do something?


I gave him my pouty face. He palmed his face and shook his head, “Nikki, ich liebe dich, aber ich muss schlafen. Wir nehmen eine Pause von Sex für diese Winterpause. Verstehst du mich?“ Nikki, I love you, but I need to sleep. We’re taking a break from sex for this winter break. Do you understand me?

“Die ganze Pause?“ The entire break? I asked. I was a little confused. I didn’t understand why he was doing this, but love wasn’t just about sex, it was about compromise and understanding each other on a deeper level than anybody else. That was what love was to me, anyway.

Die ganze Pause.” The entire break. He repeated, but as a statement.

I nodded. I knew it would be difficult, but I could do it. I had been having sex nearly every other night during the semester. So I could see this being something of a detox for the both of us. “Ich verstehe. Kein Sex für fünf Wochen.” I understand. No sex for five weeks. I replied. This would be interesting to be sure.

Josef came to bed and gave me a kiss on the top of my head, “Gute Nacht! Mein Süßer,” Good Night, my Sweet. He said and lay down to sleep.

He was asleep in minutes. I was actually not too far behind him. I was more tired than I thought.


The next morning was upon us and Josef shook me awake. “Wach auf!” Wake up!

I looked at him and looked at my alarm clock, “Wirklich, Josef? Es ist zu früh für mich.” Really, Josef? It’s too early for me. I said and rolled over.

„Wir haben Scheißer zu machen. Wach auf“! We have shit to do. Wake up! He replied and shook me again. “Besides, if you’re speaking German to me than you’re more than awake enough to get the fuck out of bed. Come on, Nick. I need your help today deciding on parts of the wedding in which we have a say.”

“Ok! Ok! I get it. I’m up! I’m up!” I said and sat up. I looked down at my groin. I had morning wood. I looked over at Josef.

He sighed, “Geh und dusch dich!“ Go and Shower. And shook his head. I got out of bed, completely nude already. I walked to the shower and turned it on. I looked out of the bathroom and looked at Josef, “Wasch dich!” Wash yourself! He gave me a stern glare.

Ich denke, dass du es schrecklicher als ich will willst.“ I think that you want it worse than I do. I said and stepped into the shower. I started to wash myself almost immediately. I listened carefully to hear what Josef was up to. I couldn’t tell but it sounded like he was jerking off. I chuckled quietly. I could’ve taken care of that, Josef. I thought.

After my shower, I left the bathroom and looked at Josef. Sure enough, the fur on his belly was matted and I laughed. “Wenn du jeden Morgen masturbierst, statt jede zweite Nacht mich fickst, stoppen wir dies heute!“ If you are masturbating every morning, instead of fucking me every other night, let’s stop this today. I said, laughing.

Wir können dies machen, Nick. Ja, ich habe nur masturbiert, sondern ich will nicht ficken.“ We can do this, Nick. Yeah, I did just masturbate, but I don’t want to fuck. He replied.

I laughed, “Wir werden sehen.” We will see. I got dressed and went downstairs.


Die nächste Entscheidung ist der Kuchen. Schokolader Kuchen oder Engelskuchen?“ The next choice is the cake. Chocolate or Angelfood Cake? Said an older snow flit wolf bitch. She might have been in her late 30s at the youngest and early to mid-forties at the oldest. I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was disgusted with me and Josef.

Ich denke, ob ich gut genug meines Verlobten kenne, dass wir schokoladen Kuchen möchten.“ I think, if I know well enough my fiancé, that we would like chocolate cake. Josef replied.

“Herr Coulter?”

“Schokolader Kuchen ist richtig. Ich liebe Schokolade.“ Chocolate Cake is correct. I love chocolate. I replied.

Schokolader Kuchen, dann. Ok, weiter, haben wir den Tagungsort.“ Chocolate cake, then. Ok, next we have the venue. The white wolf stated.

Der Rudelbau der Gutenbergs für die Rudelehe und die Familienehe.“ The pack-den of the Gutenbergs for the pack and family weddings. Josef said.

“Beste Männer?“ Best Men?

“David Ramsey für Herrn Coulter. Für mich, Jordan Drakon.” David Ramsey for Mr. Coulter. For me, Jordan Drakon. I was letting Josef handle all of this.

Of course, the problem was the wedding planner, “Herr Coulter?”

David Ramsey wird mein Ehrenmann sein, Frau Göthe. Jetzt darfst du nur Herrn Gutenberg fragen. David Ramsey will be my Man of Honor, Ms. Göthe. Now you may just ask Mr. Gutenberg. I said, getting slightly annoyed with the female. Josef just grabbed the scruff of my neck. I whimpered. Just as with feral wolves, this was a very common punishment for bad behavior or acting out of line. The thing that Josef refused to do is throw me to the floor. This was still a proper, acceptable way of punishing somebody. “Was?” What? I looked at him.

“She’s doing this for us, Nick. She’s only trying to make sure your voice is heard in this. This is about the both of us, so both of us have a say in it.” He said, growling the last few words. I shrank back.

“Relax, Wolfy. I just know that you know me well enough to answer her questions. That’s why I’m letting you answer for me.”

“Oh Nikki…stop being difficult. Antwort ihre Fragen! So wir können ausgehen.” Answer her questions. So we can go. He put his head in his hands.

“Ok. Sollen wir fortsetzen?” Shall we continue? I replied.

Deutsch oder Englisch?” German or English? Frau Göthe continued.

“Deutsch” German. I replied.

Josef chuckled. “Dieser Wolf hat seine Muttersprache nicht lieb. Deutsch ist es.“ This wolf has no love for his native language. German it is.

“Wir sind fertig. Die Rudel gibt Ihnen in fünf Wochen das Datum.” We’re done. The Pack will give you the date in five weeks. The planner replied and got up and left.

Dankeschön!” Thank you much. Josef and I said at the same time.

Gehen wir nach Hause!” Let’s go home. Josef said. I nodded in response and walked up to him. He just sighed again, “Nikki, wann lernst du, mit anderen auszukommen?“ Nikki when will you learn to get along with others?

“Josef just stop. I’m perfectly capable of getting along well with people, but that woman hated our guts, could you not tell?” I replied.

“Let’s just go.”

I reminisced back to asking the two anthros who were our Best Men.


Jordan looked over at Josef, a little shocked, “You want me to be your best man?”

“You and I are as good of friends as you are with Nikki.” Josef replied.

“I’m honored. Nick and you are two of my closest friends.”

Jonny started bouncing, his tail wagged, a large smile upon his face as he exclaimed, “We’re going to Germany! Yeah!”

“Yes Jonny, That’s true. I’m sure you’re excited to be going back to the land of your mother’s forefathers.” I replied, smiling. Quickly fading when I realized my mistake, “Jonny, You know I didn’t mean it that way…right?”

Jonny laughed, “Meine Mutter kann gehen, um sich selbst zu ficken!” My mother can go fuck herself! He shook his head and waved me off, knowing full well why I’d impliedly apologized.

Jordan just glared at me. His eyes screamed ‘Careful.’ His nostrils flared and bellowed smoke, almost setting off the smoke detector. Telling a dragon’s mood wasn’t difficult. You just looked at the amount of smoke pouring from their nostrils.

I laughed nervously. “Thanks for accepting.” I said and got up moving to leave.

“Nikki, what are y—“ he stopped mid-sentence after looking at my tail, my ears and my shoulders—all screamed scared or sad. He got up to leave as well. He came abreast of me and put his arm between my wings and my shoulders and brought me close, “Thanks again. I much appreciate your participation.”

Niyée trupplánè” No trouble. Jonny responded for the still fuming dragon.


I looked at my laptop screen. It had been a few months since I had last spoken to the cougar with whom I was now Skype-ing. His style was still the same, but he had something different about him. I couldn’t place it, but he seemed happier. He laughed, then in a mock ‘butler’ accent he voiced, “Ah hello, my good lupine fellow, I haven’t seen your face in a while.”

“Mhmm, I apologize. Busy couple months. I had a question for you.”

“Ok, ask away.” The feline stated.

“Would you be my best man at…Josef’s and my wedding?”

“Hmm…Well you know my opinion on the matter of gay marriage, Nick, but I understand that lupine culture is more accepting. That is the lupine culture that already existed in this world before the Event, of course.” He said, flatly. I couldn’t see it, but I had a feeling his tail was swaying with annoyance.

“Look man, can’t you at least be happy I found someone? I’m getting tired of the subliminal unacceptance I keep getting from you. I know you won’t voice your complete opinion on the matter, but I can tell you are trying very hard to ‘hate the sin not the person,’ but if hating the sin affects the way you treat the person your failing very much so at hating the sin alone. The wolves have a saying ‘Lubà vertean Lubà, niyée zhiandír u spazì.’ I believe the more vulgar feline equivalent is ‘fhaz d’asibb d’osibb.’” I explained. While felines had a family—as in taxonomic family—specific language, idioms varied between species. Cougar was the most vulgar of the idiomatic dialects. Most of their expressions revolved around the Feline word ‘fhaz’ which meant almost literally ‘fuck.’ Every feline species’ idioms were relatively vulgar if translated, but that was just because of how cats were. Whereas the Wolfyr expression translates as love is love, no gender or species, the Feline expression translates literally as fuck whatever wherever.

“Why bring up the most sinful idiom of my species’ culture?”

“Well you know you Christian felines and panthers translate the word fhaz as love, don’t you?” I eyed him, truly curious. And it was true that the Christian influence on our culture made the translation of many Cougar expressions less sinful sounding. Though cat’s genetic understanding of their language meant that they knew what the words really meant.

“Ok, so what? Nick, whether you like it or not, God considers this a sin. I know for a fact that I don’t have to recite the passage which references it, but it’s in the Good Book, so it must be a sin.”

“Tell me, Nodieghh, does Jesus ever say it? Does Jesus ever imply or outright state that being a homosexual is a sin?” I asked.

Hokieto. He doesn’t.”

“’Therefore I say unto you that a man shall love as he pleases as long as that love stays within the Ten Commandments. I say unto you that marriage is a statement of My Father’s most divine love between him and Man. I tell you now that it matters not whom you take as your partner in matrimony as long as sex stays in marriage.’” I said to him.

“Where’s that from?” David looked at me questioningly.

“This is from a journal never put into the bible by the early Catholic Church because it didn’t go along with their ideals of what they wanted religion to be. It’s from the Roman commander’s point of view. Part of Jesus’s last unheard sermon. The sermon he gave right before he was arrested by the twelve that included Judas.” I explained, “’Speak you of men with men or women with women? Do not blaspheme, Jesus of Nazareth. You have posed as rabbi for too long. You shall pay for your crimes.’ Said one of the Jews.

“‘I speak only the truth.’ Replied the one we were there to arrest, ‘Those who are in love with the same gender are no more sinful than those who fall in love with the opposite. I say unto you that love is not something my Father takes lightly. Truly there exists love within the same gender.’” I finished the entry, “The love that the soldier used is agape not storge or eros.

“So in other words if what is said in that Journal is to be believed, God doesn’t think gays ‘are abomination?’”

I nodded my head. I sent him a photo of the journal and the translation. It was dated to be around the same year Christ was supposed to have been arrested.

He sighed, “I still am not sure I believe it. However, I agree to be there. Nick you are my friend, and though I may not agree with who your marrying, I’m glad to see you marrying at all.”

I laughed. I bade him farewell and closed out Skype.

I looked behind me on the bed was Josef He beckoned me to bed with him. I joined him and relaxed as he scooted closer to me and draped his arm over me. I shut my eyes and fell asleep.