Current Track: Blabb

As I opened my eyes, I heard various noises, including the front door opening, which I bolted upright in response to, wide awake.

“Guys! Time to eat!” Ben said as he opened a cabinet and pulled out two cans.

“BEN!” I shouted as I came running out into the kitchen, dragging my pants behind me.

“Oh, hey Dallas...” He said in an annoyed tone. “I'm upset with you, you know... And what are you doing with Brian's pants?” He asked.

“I AM … THAT HUMAN!!” I said as I pointed to the pants, then to myself.

I still couldn't remember my human name? Weird...

“No, I don't think those would fit you...” He said, sighing.

“THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEAN!” I shouted, flailing my arms.

Whoa there little guy, no need to throw a fit.” He said, smirking. “I'll just get you a small pair if you really want to wear them.”

“Oh... my... ARCEUS!” I said, feeling anger run through me. I felt energy surging through me, and saw a couple of sparks fly from my cheeks.

“WHOA! NO! NO NEED TO GET AGGRESSIVE!” He yelled as he jumped back. “Don't fry me over a pair of pants!”

Sighing, I looked down. “I'm not trying to fry you...” I said, annoyed now.

“Ugh... What are you doing...” He asked as I dug through the pockets.

Aha! Here it is!

I pulled out my wallet and flipped it open.

“Oh, NO!” He said as he reached down to take it away from me, but I jerked it away.

“Hey! Now you give that to me!” He said with a stern tone.

“NO! I'M... THIS GUY!!” I yelled as I pointed to the picture, then to myself.

“What are you trying to say? He said as he looked at me with a confused look, opening a can and dumping it into Electra's bowl.

As soon as he did so, she darted over to it and immediately began gobbling it down.

“I'm him...” I said as I pointed to the name, rather than the picture, then to myself. Looking at the name, I attempted to read it. But it appeared to be just marks on a piece of paper. No meaning to them, just a series of squiggles and lines.

I has lost the ability to read.

“So... You're trying to tell me that... You're Brian?” He said in a calm tone.


I nodded.

“Oh my...” He said as he took a step back. “I have to tell Kevin... And the others...” he said as he filled my bowl, then placed the can on the counter. “YOU CAN'T TELL ANYONE!” He yelled as he ran out the door, shutting it behind him.

“Who would I tell? The magic human down the road that understands what I say?” I said sarcastically as I got down on all fours and began eating.

I listened closely as his car pulled out of the driveway and drove off down the road.

How could I still hear that? Was my hearing really THAT good now that I was a Pikachu?

I was eating quite slowly now, as I had a lot on my mind now. How would Kevin take it? Wold he open his big mouth and tell a bunch of people? Then when he tries to prove it, I act normal and make him look like an idiot.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as my tongue dragged itself across the bottom of my empty bowl. Had I eaten it all already? How long was I daydreaming? Looking ahead, I saw Electra with the empty can, licking the inside of the can. She couldn't have taken my food, she's all the way over there, so that means I must've eaten it all, right?

I sighed as I placed my right paw over my belly. I didn't even feel full at all. If anything, I felt like I hadn't even eaten yet, and judging by what Electra was doing, I could tell that she felt the same.

Walking over to the counter, I jumped up onto it and picked up the can Ben left there. I was getting really good with my jumping now, and I was able to jump over ten times my height and still keep my balance so far. Anything above that would throw me off though. That, I was proud of.

Looking inside the can, I saw that it was almost half full with meat. Ben hadn't emptied all of it into my bowl, after what I told him. He was probably too excited, and maybe shocked, and a bunch of other things, so he didn't really pay attention to what he was putting in my bowl, and what he left in the can, which is probably why he put it on the counter, knowing I'd check in the can for more.

Tipping it upside down, I smacked the bottom of it with my left paw. A chunk of meat fell out. Again, I smacked the back of the can. Another chunk fell out. By now I just wanted it all out, so I began smacking it harder and harder, until no more came out. Turning it right side up, I gazed upon the inside of the can. There was still quite a bit of meat on the inside of the can, but I didn't really care that much. Dropping it to the floor, it bounced, then rolled right next to Electra, then rolled into her tail. She put her empty can down, after licking it completely clean. I could see inside the can. It was shiny and silver, no trace of any food on it at all. She seemed to be really good at doing that. Eating everything and leaving nothing. No trace of any food at all. Not even a crumb, or in this case, a drop of sauce. Maybe it just came naturally to her to eat every last bite, maybe it came naturally to me too, but I just didn't discover it yet.

As she picked up the can, she looked up at me and smiled.

“Thanks Dallas!” She said as she began licking the can clean.

“No problem.” I said as I smiled.

Looking down at the mound of meat, I got down on all fours and began devouring it, barely chewing it as I swallowed the majority of it whole. I didn't know why I was eating like this, I just figured it was my new instinct, like a survival instinct or something. Either way, I was downing it like someone was going to take it away from me, like it was the  last meal of my life, like I'd die if I didn't eat it as fast as I could. I was wondering how I wasn't choking on the large chunks. If I were a human, there was no doubt I would've choked by now, and most likely died on the kitchen floor... Why is it that a Pikachu can do so much more than a human? We can jump twenty to fifty times higher, eat much faster, swallow most of it whole, the majority of it that I do, wouldn't even fit into a normal human's throat, and if it did, it would definitely get lodged in it. And we're much smaller than humans, so why can we eat so much more that them? I mean really... We can run faster, electrocute things with deadly bolts of electricity, which mainly are produced to kill, or badly injure the foe. A human can't do THAT either. And we can hear and see like thirty times better than them too... Humans are inferior to us in like, every way. The only positive thing I know about them, is that they might be smarter than us. But I have yet to prove that statement is untrue also... Most humans, like Kevin, are stupid. We can easily outsmart them without even trying.

Wait, why am I referring to them as “Humans?” I still am one, right? So why am I against them all of a sudden?

Well technically no, TECHNICALLY, I'm a Pikachu, or a human in a Pikachu's body... Whichever I am, I think I like it... Well at least I think I like it more than I liked my human life... I mean, I was never this energetic, never had this sense for adventure, this curiosity to explore everything, the feeling of security, because I can protect myself. Not to mention a mate that cares about me, and can defend herself in the same ways I can. I mean, as a human, the female mate usually relied on the male to protect her, right? Well in this case, Electra had electric attacks, and iron tail, and volt tackle, and many other things I didn't have, so really, SHE would be the one to protect ME if we got into trouble.

Electra nudged me and I woke up from my daydream.

Why did she have to 'Wake me up' every time my thoughts were getting intense, every time I thought about my human life? She seemed to be good at doing that, almost too good... Maybe she reads my mind with some sort of psychic type move, and tries to keep me from thinking human thoughts? Maybe she wants me to be feral forever, forget about my human life, forget about-

Another nudge from Electra woke me up fully. “What, what happened?” I asked.

She giggled and licked my cheek. “What do you mean? Nothing happened, except we just ate all our food, and I'm still hungry...”

I nodded, placing my right paw over my belly again. “Me too...”

She sighed, and I sighed too, just to try and make her feel better.

“Well, we can just take food out of those metal things, right?” She asked, smiling now, to which I nodded. Something inside me wanted to just take the food and eat it, but my human side knew it was wrong to do, and I was stuck between two emotions, before finally...

“No...” I said. “It's not right. Ben and Kevin worked to get the money to buy that food. They work really hard for it, and if you just take it, it's wrong.” I said, frowning.

Wait, Kevin doesn't work though, he just... Does things...

Did I just say that? What am I, nuts? We're hungry, there's food up there, so why the hell did I just say no?

I saw her ears go down, and I knew she didn't like what I just said. I also knew that I didn't like it either. “Well... I never thought of it that way...” She said quietly. “I didn't think they worked for it, I thought they just gave the other human green paper and they gave us back food, which makes no sense. Why would someone want green paper? And why would they give someone else food for it?”

I smiled at her. “That's called money. It has a value to it, depending on the... Picture that's on it... I think... I'm not sure anymore, I forgot... Don't you have something that you trade in to get something else where you come from?” I asked her, wondering if maybe she knew a little about money.

“Actually, back in this colony I used to live in, we had Pokey, and we worked for it, and traded it for human food, is that what the green paper is for?” She asked.

Amazed, I nodded. “You have to take me there sometime...” I said with a smile as I hopped down off of the counter, Electra doing the same.

“You know... I want to get to know you Electra... What kinds of foods you like, what you like to do, what you don't like doing, that kind of stuff.” I said nervously.

“Why would you need to know that? We like the same foods Dallas. Meat, apples, seeds, nuts, things we find laying around that isn't all gross, anything like that... You mean you don't know what foods you like?” She asked. “I personally will go after anything I can fit in my mouth and swallow, or in some cases, anything that hangs out of my mouth and I can swallow. Like a Seviper or something. As long as it goes down my throat, it's food to me. As long as it's not nasty and stuff of course.” She smiled.

I just stared at her. “You eat random things off of the floor?” I asked. “And Sevipers?”

“Well, yeah, why not? It's still food, right? As long as it isn't rotten or covered in something nasty, why not eat it? It's not like we'll die if we find something good on the ground and eat it.” She said, looking down.

She did make a good point. If I found something yummy on the floor, why not eat it? I mean, I WON'T get sick from it. I guess our bodies are designed to handle a lot more germs than a human's can... Yet another benefit... How many more are there? Will I ever find a DISADVANTAGE?? And why am I even considering eating off of the floor? Man these Pikachu thoughts are really getting to my head...

Electra walked into the living room, and I watched as she hopped up onto the couch.  “What's that?” She asked.

“What?” I asked as I walked in, to see her right paw pointing to the stereo. “Oh, that's something humans play loud music on.” I said. “It cheers us up sometimes.”

“Well, can you play some for me? What does it sound like?”  She asked.

Walking over to it, I giggled. “There are many types of music Electra. Some are light, some are weird, some I can't stand, some I love, some are heavy, some are fast, some are slow, some make you want to throw up, some make you want to cut off your ears and stuff them in your eardrums, anything you can think of.”

She nodded. 'What kind do you have there?” She asked. “Hopefully not the ones that make me want to cut off my ears...”

“Well... I can have any kind on there, but the kind we like is called metal, and power metal, and rock, and hard rock, and... Um... things like that.” I said, smiling.

“You can listen to metal? You mean that hard shiny stuff? And rocks? Why would you want to listen to that?” She asked as she tilted her head to the right, confused.

I laughed. “Not that kind of metal! Just listen.” I said, still giggling, as I walked over to the stereo.

Hmmm... I know for a fact this one turns it on... And by twisting this knob I can make it louder, but I can't read the markings... Which one starts it? I asked myself, trying to find the play button. AHA! The top one I think!

I pushed the power button, then the top one.

It began playing one of my favorite songs, Through The Fire And The Flames, by Dragonforce. Smiling, I turned to face her.

“I love this song.” I said as a smile spread across my muzzle.

She looked at me with her head tilted to the right in confusion. “What is this?” She asked as I turned toward the stereo and twisted the knob, making it louder.

“This is music.”

I began to sing along.

“On a cold winter morning, in the time before the light... In flames of death's eternal reign, we ride towards the fight...

She looked at me and frowned. “This is weird Dallas.”

I ignored that comment and continued singing along.

“As the darkness is falling down, and the times are tough alright.. The sound of evil laughter falls around the world tonight! Fighting high, fighting on for the steel. Through the wastelands evermore. The scattered souls will feel the hell. Bodies wasted o n the shore.”

Electra gave me a stare, like I was crazy for knowing the words, or that it was weird what the song was singing or something.

“This is weird... I don't like it...” She said, frowning as she hopped off of the couch and walked over to me.

I just continued, knowing she'd give in eventually.

“On the blackest plains in hell's domain, we watch them as they go. Through fire and pain, now once again we know... So now we fly ever free, we're free before the thunderstorm. On towards the wilderness our quest carries on. Far beyond the sundown, far beyond the moonlight... Deep inside our hearts and all our souls...”

“Stopppp...” Electra whined. “I don't freaking understand what's going on...”

“You're not supposed to, you're just supposed to listen to it and hear the sounds and stuff. Don't focus so much on the words.” I said as I continued singing it. “So far awaaaay we wait for the day... For the light source so wasted and gone... We feel the paaaaiiiin of a lifetime lost in a thousand days. Through the fire and the flames we carry on!!!”

I was playing an air guitar now, and Electra was just staring at me, frowning.

“I like this music, but I don't know the words like you do...” She said, giggling. “It sounds so dark and fast and stuff, it makes me want to dance around and stuff... Hehe...” She giggled as she hugged me.

“I knew you would...” I said as I laughed and hugged her. We danced together, and replayed the song about twenty times, dancing for a full two and a half hours, as the song was almost eight minutes long. It was on repeat, so I didn't have to fiddle with the buttons. By now, Electra knew most of the words to it, since Pokemon learned way faster than humans, which makes no sense to say that humans are smarter, yet another advantage on my side, and we were dancing around the room like we had way too much coffee or something. I honestly didn't care what I looked like, until Ben and Kevin walked in and saw us.

“Yep, that's definitely Brian...” Ben said, grinning, while Kevin just stared at us in disbelief.

“I-is that really... HIM?” He asked. Ben just nodded. “That's what he said, well... Showed me...”

I stopped dancing and looked at Ben, who walked over to us and shut of the stereo.

“HEY!” Electra yelled. “I was listening to that!”

Ben looked down at her and frowned. “Sorry girl, maybe later. I have to talk with Dallas...”

Electra nodded, her ears going down. “Fine...” She said as she walked out of the room. I was about to follow her, until Ben kneeled down in front of me.

“How did it happen?' He asked.

“I don't know...” I said. “It just happened... It hurt so badly though...”

Ben frowned. “You'll have to show us where it happened someday... But for now, go play with your girlfriend.” He said with a grin, to which Kevin laughed.


Ben laughed. “Denial...”

Kevin grinned. “Don't you think you should like a HUMAN girl?”

Ben nodded. “Yeah, you are still human you know.”

I flashed them a retarded look. Are they serious? Still human? No, no I am not... I am in no way, a human ANYMORE. Being with a human girl would make her look like an idiot.

I growled. “Are you two kidding me? Can a human do this?” I asked as I shot a series of sparks off of my cheeks.

“Whoa there, no need to get all defensive. You can have her if you want her, I was just thinking you'd prefer a human is all...” Ben frowned.

I slapped myself in the face and turned towards Electra, who waved and smiled. “C'mon Dallas, don't listen to them. They're obviously stupid. Thinking you're human like that...”

I smiled and ran over to her. Looking back at Ben and Kevin, I gave Ben the finger chuckling as I ran off with Electra.

“You know, we are going to have to find a way to change him back...” Ben said with a sigh, to which Kevin nodded.

I followed Electra upstairs and into my bedroom. She giggled and jumped up onto the bed, so I jumped up onto the bed too. I giggled as she hugged me, her warm furry body felt so good, so warm, so comforting...

I laid on my back and sighed, and Electra laid next to me and giggled. It felt so good to be with her... I had so much on my mind now, so much I had to deal with, I had no clue what to do...

Sighing, I turned my head and looked at her, smiling as I put my arms around her before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

------END Chapter six-------