The morning came and Chad just came out of the cave, he let out a big long stretch and yawned.
Christa came to him with a glare and said, "Hey the king wants to talk to you."
Chad looked at her, "What for?"
Christa never softened her gaze, "You'll see, just go talk to him."
Chad glared at her as well, "You know you better get over your attitude, because one day I will be king, and you better obey me. Or else otherwise, I'll make your life a living hell, got it?"
Christa rolled her eyes, "Please, you'll never be king, not while Leon is in the picture." Christa then turned around and walked away from him.
Chad said to her while she walked away, "We'll see!" Then he sighed and went to look for Bron. When Chad found Bron, he saw him chatting with the other lionesses of the pride.
Bron heard Chad coming and he turned around with a grim expression on his face, "Chad, I need to ask you something."
Chad sat on his but and said, "What?"
Bron said, "Have you seen Aisha? She was one of the lionesses I sent looking for Jade and she hasn't returned. I'm starting to feel worried."
Chad shook his head, "We all were looking for your daughter. We're trying our best, and no I haven't seen Aisha. I don't talk to her anyway."
Bron gave him a stern look, "Hmmm, You know...I'm starting to wonder if you're qualified to be king now. You don't seem too worried about my daughter."
Chad smiled, "I'm sure that your daughter is ok. In fact I think that she's with the human friend of hers, Casper right? I'm sure she's with him, she talks about him all the time."
Bron closed his eyes, "I sure hope so. I want her back. And...I want to apologize to her for everything. Including Leon."
Chad cocked his head, "What about Leon, your majesty?"
Bron opened his eyes and looked at Leon, "I've been thinking...I'm going to let Leon back in the pride and I'm going to appoint him as king."
Chads eyes went wide, "What? Him? I thought I was going to be a good king?"
Bron nodded, "Yes, but Leon has put his heart and soul into finding my daughter. Now I'm thinking...He's perfect and I was wrong about him."
Chad walked up to him with a smile, and said, "Bron, lets talk about this later. We need to find your daughter and I'll find her and bring her back, I promise. After all I do love her."
Bron smiled at Chad, "I know you do love her. And yes we'll talk about this later, for now lets find my daughter."
Chad nodded, then turned and walked away from him. When Chad was alone he growled to himself. Thinking that he is not going to be king. He dug his claws in anger, trying to hold back a roar.
I got up this morning with Jade in the barracks. I was using tweezers to pick at the stiches that I've used to patch up Jades wound the other day. It appears her wound had finally healed!
I plucked another stitch out of her skin, Jade flinched a bit when I pulled it out. Jade glared at me, "Casper, careful. I felt that."
I gave her an apologetic look, "Sorry." I plucked another one and it was the last one. I smiled and said, "All done."
Jade let out a satisfied sigh, "About time, before you took those stitches off, I feel like I want to itch at them." Then she rolled and laid on her back on my bed.
I giggled, "You're very lucky I didn't have to take them off sooner, it would have been a disaster."
She rolled her eyes, "Whatever."
I had a grim look on my face and then Jade noticed it and asked, "What's wrong?"
I closed my eyes and sighed, "I'm just trying to figure it out."
Jade rolled onto her stomach and asked, "You're talking about the notes? And who started the stampede yesterday?"
I nodded, "Yeah, I just can't figure it out. I mean I could imagine that Chad would start the stampede just to kill us. But...Jade, did Chad ever mention that he had a human friend? I mean how well do you know him?"
She shook her head, "I don't know him that well, I just know what he is. He's an asshole."
I giggled, "That doesn't get us anywhere, Jade."
Jade sighed, "I wish I could help you there pal. But I really don't know, and what if it wasn't Chad?"
I looked at her, "What do you mean? Of course it's Chad, after all he was abusive to you."
She nodded, "I know, but...I'm getting a feeling that it wasn't him. I don't know why, I just don't think it's him."
I shrugged, "Well who else could it be?"
She looked at me, "Someone who is not a member of my pride, I guess."
I gave her a stern look, "Well...The only other lion or lioness that would want to kill us so badly would be your aunt and she's dead."
Jade looked down at her paws, "Last time we saw that psycho, we saw her fall into the raging water in the gorge three years ago."
I nodded, "That's right. So there's no possible way she could have survived." Or could she? I don't think so. She never resurfaced when she fell into the water. I don't even want to think that she survived. I looked at Jade again and said, "I still think that Chad is behind it, I mean who else would do it?"
She shook her head, "I'm out of ideas." Then she had a curious look on her face, "Well now when I'm thinking about it, who is writing those notes to you? Apparently someone knows about me and you."
I nodded, "I wish I knew. Honestly I think it's Dorland whose doing it. But I don't think he's that crazy. I mean he's an asshole, but crazy." I shook my head, "I can't picture it. Well guess what girl? I'm out of ideas as well."
Jade cocked her head, "So then what do we do now? Should we tell someone? Tell aunt Tab, or Nick or anyone?"
I shook my head, "No."
Her eyes went wide and she asked, "Why?"
"What good will that do? I mean if we tell anyone this and if somehow word gets around from one person that we've told. Then maybe the person that we've told would get hurt by whoever's behind it and that could be bad."
Jade got the picture and looked at her paws, "I...Guess you're right. So what do we do?"
I only answered, "Nothing. For right now, nothing. What can we do? We don't know who is behind it and right now, we don't have a lot of options."
Jade nodded, "Right." Then she sighed, "Boy things are starting to get odd."
I nodded as well, "Yeah and whoever it is, he knows what kind of person that I am and he's after us, along with whoever started the stampede. And I think we're right in the middle of whatever's going on."
I was walking around in the base, I was thinking about Amber. About what Jade said yesterday, wondering if she could talk to lions. My brain is kinda aching about it so I think today is the best day to ask her.
I walked to Nick and Ambers quarters, before I could reach the front door I saw Nick and Tabitha chatting on the steps. I stopped when I saw them, well they seem chubby together, I wonder what gives?
I walked to them and they saw me and Tabitha smiled, "Good afternoon, my favorite nephew."
I giggled, "Me? Your favorite? And here I thought you said before that Eileen is your favorite niece."
Tabitha giggled, "Casper, how many times do I have to tell you, both of you are my favorites."
I nodded, "We better be."
She smiled, "Believe me you are."
Nick asked, "So what are you up to?"
I answered, "I came here to see Amber. Is she here? I want to talk to her."
Nick gave me a concerned look, "Why?"
I shook my head, "Nothing. I just want to talk to her, that's all."
Tabitha nudged Nick with her shoulder, "What do you know, it looks like my favorite nephew likes your daughter."
Nick giggled, "Well just don't do anything, I wouldn't do."
I stared at him, "What's that?"
Nick gave me a stern look, "Don't do anything weird with my daughter."
My eyes went wide and I nodded, I'll keep that in mind, Nick.
Tabitha giggled at me, "Relax, he was just kidding. Nick wouldn't mind if you went out with his daughter."
I raised my hand, "Ah, it's not like that. I really need to talk to her."
Nick said, "She went out for a walk around the base. Maybe you might find her here somewhere."
I nodded, "Alright, thank you." Then before I could walk away, I grinned at them, "As for you two, don't do anything I wouldn't do either."
Tabitha and Nick looked at each other and then they both raised their hands, Tab said, "Whoah, hold on mister! I'm not-"
I interrupted her by waving her off, "Whatever don't care, it's your business. Anyways talk later." Then I walked away from them.
I thought about my aunt and Nick together. I never seen aunt Tab with a boyfriend before, not as long as I can remember. Hell she never had children, she always treated me and Eileen like we were her children.
I smiled. Maybe Tabitha finally found a boyfriend and he talks to lions like me. Lets just hope Tab can handle the marriage that way.
I searched all over for Amber and finally found her looking out at the savannah through the fence. She had her back turned to me. I walked up behind and poked her shoulder, "Hey."
She jumped when I poked her, "God! Casper! You scared me!"
I shrugged, "Uh, sorry."
Amber crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes, "What are you doing here?"
I took a step toward her, trying to think of a answer, "I...Came to talk to you today."
Amber softened her gaze, "Oh...Sorry about my attitude, you scared me."
I laughed, "Don't be sorry. I should have made more noise."
She nodded, "You should have."
I had a curious look on my face, "So what are you doing right here? Staring out through the fence?"
She turned around to look out at the savannah again, "Nothing. I'm just enjoying the view, I hardly ever go out there."
I looked at her. Why am I getting the feeling she's not telling me everything? I mean, the other day I thought me and her were about to kiss, but she ran off without telling me why.
Nick did tell me that Amber's shy, but I didn't think she was that shy. But still...Why am I getting the feeling she's lying to me about something? Like what is she looking for really out the fence? I need to know, but how can I ask her without offending her? I'm her friend and I don't want to hurt her.
I stood beside Amber and looked out at the savannah as well. Just standing here with her. I sighed.
Amber looked at me when I sighed and asked, "What?"
I shook my head without looking at her, "Nothing."
Amber then had a thought and said, "Is it about us the other day?"
I finally looked at her and said, "One part of it yes. The other part well...." I trailed off.
Amber gave me a concerned look, "You alright?"
I nodded, "I could ask you, are you ok?"
Amber nodded and then she gave me a smile, "Yeah, I'm great."
I stared into her eyes, "Then what happened the other day? I mean I thought you were interested in me and then the next thing I know you kinda ran off, like you were scared or something. So...What's up?"
She sighed, "I'm sorry Casper. I...I didn't know what I was doing."
I frowned, "Huh? What do you mean?"
She looked down at her feet, "I mean...Look I never did anything like this before. I mean, I never really kissed anybody before. I mean it just...Feels new to me, I mean I know what I said to you the other day, and I meant it. You're kind and sweet, and understanding. But...I just don't know what I want."
I stared at her while she was looking down at her feet. It definitely looks like she was hiding something and she doesn't want to tell me. What really? That's what I'm wondering.
She finally looked up and said, "Casper....I'm sorry. I didn't mean to run off. I just got so nervous I thought I was going to puke."
I could see it again, another lie. She's making an excuse and she doesn't want to tell me the real truth. But what? I walked to her and said, "Amber....You don't have to be nervous."
She nodded, "I know. But I can't help it. I just...Don't want to hurt you."
That seems to be an honest thing she said to me yet. She really doesn't want me hurt, but why?
Before I could talk to her some more, Jason came to us and said, "Hey guys, whatcha doing?"
Me and Amber looked at Jason and I smiled, "Hey Jason, nothing we're just talking."
Jason walked to me and put his hand to my shoulder, "Well sorry for interrupting, but tomorrow night the mess hall is holding a dance party and all of us marines are inviting you two to come join us."
Amber got nervous and she said, "Ah no thanks, Corporal Rivers. I don't dance very well."
He waved her off, "Ah come on, it'll be fun." He looked at me, "Right, Casper?"
I smiled, "Sure! I like dancing! I'll come tomorrow night."
Jason beamed, "Great! Well I hope you get to come too, Amber. Can't wait to see the Captain's daughter to get her groove on."
Amber nervously looked at her feet, and only muttered, "Right."
Jason said, "Well I better get going talk later." Then he left us alone.
I waved at him, "Bye!" Then I looked at Amber and said, "Well what do you think? How about this? How about we go dancing together tomorrow night? It'll be fun!" I smiled at her.
Amber looked at me and said, "I don't know, Casper. Maybe I won't go, I'll...Talk later, ok?" Then before I could answer she took a fast stride past me and kept walking without looking back.
I watched her go, feeling concerned. What's wrong with her? Is she hiding something? Is someone...Threatening her?
I don't want to think she's lying, and I certainly don't want to think that she's being threatened by someone as well.
But still something is bothering her. I could feel it.
I was lying on Casper's bed. Just sleeping with my eyes closed. I could lay here forever and not have a care in the land.
My thoughts went to Casper, I still didn't tell him about....My baby. I mean I want to tell him but how can I tell him.
I mean if I can't be with Leon, then I need Casper's help with the baby. I don't want to raise it on my own.
I sighed, and that's when I heard someone come into the door. I rolled over fast to take a look and it was Nick who came in.
I smiled at him, "Hi Nick!"
Nick smiled at me, "Well hello girl. Did I interrupt anything?"
I shook my head, "Not really. I was about to take a nap, but you woke me up."
Nick sat down beside me on the bed, "I wouldn't recommend sleeping on the bed for now if I were you."
I cocked my head, "Why?"
Nick looked at me, "Because a marine saw you last night and freaked out. He came to me this morning saying that he saw you and Casper alone together."
My eyes went wide, "So...What did you say to this marine?"
Nick smiled, "I told him, it was all in your head and it was nighttime when you saw it. It was just the night playing tricks on you."
I let out a sigh, "Well good. Cause I don't want any hunters trying to hunt me down. I mean I don't want to get shot at and die."
He rubbed my back, "If they did, I would court martial them. Right now if they killed you, that would mean murder to me."
I smiled at him, "Thanks. You know, you just remind me of Casper, you know that?"
Nick giggled, "Well me and you don't know each other that well. Except he told me that you ran away from home."
I nodded, "Yeah it's a long story."
Nick shrugged, "I don't have anything better to do. Except to talk to my daughter, but she's on her own right now."
I had a glum look on my face, "I...Really don't want to talk about it."
He nodded, "I understand."
I looked down at my paws and said, "It's just...The reason why I ran away from home is because...I was in love with someone but my father didn't want me to be with him. He wanted me to be with someone else, his name's Chad."
He pressed me, "You don't like Chad?"
I shook my head, "Lets just say...He hurts me, physically and emotionally."
He had a sad look on his face, "I'm sorry. I won't ask another question about it."
I waved my paw at him, "No, it's okay. I had to let it out sooner or later." Then I looked at my paws again. I want to tell him the other reason why I ran away from home. Because I'm pregnant and I don't want Chad to hurt my baby. I mean I'm sure it's Leon's baby. I'm sure of it.
And I'm also sure that I am pregnant, I felt a kick a few times already ever since I came here. I'm sure I have a baby in me.
But I still couldn't tell him, I don't know why, I just couldn't.
He kept staring at me and I looked at him when I felt him staring at me, I playfully said, "You enjoy staring at me? I know that my dad said I was beautiful, but geez I didn't know that I was THAT beautiful."
Nick laughed, "No, it's not like that."
I cocked my head, "What is it?"
He had a sad look on his face when he looked at me, "You...Remind me of someone."
I felt his pain and asked, "Your friend from years ago? The lioness that you've met?"
He nodded, "She looks a lot like you. I could tell by the color of your eyes, they...Look like hers."
My eyes went wide, "Really? I didn't know that."
He shook his head, "There was no way you could have known."
I asked, "What was she like? Your friend I mean. Was she...Like me in a way?"
He smiled and then he stared at the wall when he tried to remember something about her, "Well....In a way she's carefree, kind, sensitive, caring, always cared about her family and friends. In fact she was actually a queen before she died."
My eyes went wide, "She had a family? And did you say she was a queen before she died? Talk about being friends with royalty."
Nick giggled, "Yeah, that's what she told me. Me a human, friends of someone who is royalty. Who knew right?"
I giggled, "Did you ever meet her family?"
He shook his head, "No, but she talked about them a lot. I remember her telling me about her grandma and grandpa, her cubs, even her mate. She really has a close family."
I asked, "How many cubs did she have?"
He answered, "She said she had two of them. Both of them are girls."
I smiled at him, "Did you know her mate's name?"
My eyes went wide, my father? I only said, "What?"
Nick saw my expression, "You ok?"
I ignored his question and just asked, "Was her name....Amara?"
Nicks face went wide and then he said, "Yes."
I gasped. I only stared at him for a moment and then looked away from him, "No way."
That's when Nick's face went wide again, "Wait a second. Jade...Jade...Jade! Amara told me she had a daughter named Jade. And...You're her."
I nodded, "Yeah."
Then his face went soft and went to pity, "Jade...I don't know what to say."
I shook my head, "You don't have to say anything. My mother died a long time ago, when I was a cub."
That's when he said, "After your sister, Ruby died by your aunt?"
I looked at him, "You know about that?"
He nodded, "Amara told me. She was...Deeply saddened by it."
I looked at my paws, "We all were." Then I had a feeling that he wasn't telling me everything. Then I looked at his eyes and asked, "Did you know...How my mother died? Were you there?"
Nick looked down and said, "I was."
I put a paw on his lap to comfort him, "You can tell me. I won't mind. I...Just want to know. I feel like I want...Closure."
Nick took a deep breath and then he said, "Well...After your sister died, your mother wanted to get away. She wanted to find me. One night she...Snuck away from your pride and tried to search for me. I tried to look for her as well, she...Told me to find her before that night happened, but I didn't know where to look for her. Finally when I did find her, it was too late."
I cocked my head, "What happened?"
He sighed, "I saw another lioness, on top of Amara. And it turned out it was your aunt, Karone."
I nodded, "Casper told me three years ago that my aunt killed her."
Nick looked at me, "Casper met your aunt?"
I nodded, "She tried to kill him, because he was friends with me, she wanted to take over my father's pride and lands. But three years ago, she died."
He smiled at me, "I'm glad you weren't hurt."
I smiled back, "Me too."
He giggled, "Because if you died, I would have never have kept my promise."
I stared at him quizzically, "Promise? What promise?"
"The promise I've made to your mom."
My face went wide and then I suddenly felt something broke inside me, "You talked to her before she died?"
He nodded, "Before Amara died, after Karone left her for dead. I went to her, tried to help her, but I...Couldn't. You see she was dying, there wasn't anything I could do, except comfort her. She was so happy to see me and I was happy to see her."
Nick closed his eyes and sighed, "She even knew she wasn't going to make it. So before she died, she made me keep a promise. A promise....To find you. To find you all grown up and alive. To see you happy with your life. And...To be with you. Just like I would be with your mother. You see that's why I came back here after all these years, because of a promise."
Suddenly I saw a few tears coming down his cheeks and then he said, "I'm sorry Jade. I...didn't save your mother. If I did, then she would be alive right now."
He feels guilty. I shook my head, "You can't blame yourself. It was never your fault, it was my aunt's. She never cared about anyone, but herself. She never even let go of her past and in the end it destroyed her."
Nick started to cry, "Casper told me you were alone for a long time. You didn't have anyone to talk to except your father. But he didn't understand you." Then he put his hands to his face and started sobbing, I heard him say, "I'm sorry."
I felt so much pity for him. I moved a bit toward him and then I sat up to his level. He looked at me and I smiled at him. Nick smiled back and he said, "You really look like her."
Then after he said that he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me and started sobbing some more, he sobbed into my neck. I returned the hug by wrapping my paws around him. I started to cry as well.
You've kept your promise, Nick. You've kept your promise.
Thank you mother....Thank you.
It's nighttime in my barracks and me and Jade are sitting on the bed, watching a movie together.
You're probably wondering, how did I get the tv? Well for some reason, Nick gave me a tv from his quarters and had me and Robyn carry it all the way to here. He even gave us a movie to watch. It was Titanic. God I love that movie, how I love Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet on that movie together. I haven't seen that one in a long time and it's a sad one as well.
We just got done watching the end of it and I turned the tv off. I looked at Jade and saw that she was crying. I giggled.
She looked at me perplexed, "What?"
I told her, "You're crying."
She wiped some tear stains on her eyes off with her paw, "So? Can a lion cry?"
I shrugged, "Well I never really thought you would cry. I mean I know it's our first movie together and of course you never seen a movie before. But I thought you wouldn't understand what the actors on the movie are saying. So now I'm wondering, why are you crying?"
Jade looked at the tv, "Well...It's because at the end of the story, it looked like a lot of humans have died. On the place called Titanic." She looked at me and cocked her head, "So you told me that the story about Titanic was real? Did it really happen?"
I nodded, "Sometimes something like that happens to my kind. It's not really all fun and games. I mean there's 9/11, Titanic, World War 2, Terrorism, that kind of thing. Our kind sometimes deals with it."
Jade had a sad look, "I'll be honest, Jack and Rose should have been together. I mean it was pretty sad that Jack died, it wasn't fair. In my opinion, love should always be alive, no matter what happens."
I smiled at her. That was beautiful. "Where did you come up with that?"
She giggled, "Honestly, it was Leon who said it. Just because he's a male doesn't mean he's not smart."
My face went wide, "Wow, I never knew he was...Poetic."
Jade smiled at me, "He can be, in a way." Then she looked down at her paws with a sad look on her face.
I gave her a concerned look and asked, "Jade? You still upset? Look it won't happen to me, nothing like the Titanic will happen again. I'm sure."
She shook her head, "It's not about Titanic."
I frowned, "Then what is it?"
Jade looked at me finally and said, "Casper...I miss Leon."
I nodded, "Yeah I know, you love him."
On the bed she took a step toward me, "It's more than that. I mean....Look this movie you had me watching with you, it made me think about him. I mean what if Leon dies and I might never see him again?"
I shook my head and put my hand under her chin, "Jade, he's not going to die. We both know Leon, he's tougher than you think."
She said, "But even he has some limits. I mean he won't be strong forever, I mean he's probably worried about me right now."
I reminded her, "Jade, the reason why you ran away from home, is because you wanted to get away from Chad. He was tormenting you! You said so yourself. And also too, if you ran away to Leon, Chad would still find you and we both know it."
She shouted, "I know Casper! But it's just...It's just so hard! I mean I feel more alone and I don't know what to do! I mean I'm supposed to be queen right now, but I'm not. I feel like I'm just a runaway who doesn't know what to do."
I gave her a comforting voice, "Jade listen, you're not alone, you will never be alone. I'll make sure of it."
She gave me a scared look, "But for how long, Casper? How long would you be here until you're gone again? I...I don't want to lose you again. I don't!"
So that's what this is all about? She's afraid I'll go back home again? I don't blame her. I sighed and said, "Jade...Remember what I said to you before? That I will always be with you, forever. Even in your dreams."
Jade looked down again, "But even dreams are not real. I mean....Sometimes I feel you laying close to me, but when I wake up, I don't see you."
I felt so bad for her, I didn't know what to do. But to talk to her the only way I know how. "Jade I get it, you want me so badly, you want me to be your friend forever. But just remember I will always be with you. Just like your mother would."
I could see her tears falling on my bed. I gasped, oh no she's crying. I put two fingers under her chin and lifted her head to look at mine. That's when I could see it in her eyes that she wants to tell me something.
What is it? It's the exact same look she gave me when were in the savannah, before the stampede started. She didn't want to talk about it, but now I think now's the time.
I looked into her eyes and asked, "Jade...What's wrong? I've known you for one whole summer three years ago to know that something's bothering you. Please Jade...Tell me. If it's bad I won't get mad, but don't keep it inside you."
Jade tried so hard to put it in words, but at first she couldn't. Then she finally said a few words, "I want Leon, but I can't be with him. It's not fair. Why should I be alone that way?" She shut her eyes tight and started sobbing.
My heart felt like it cracked. Jade....
I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. I felt Jade moving around in my arms and realized she pulled away from me to look at my face. I looked at hers as well.
Me and her were like this for a bit. Her eyes still wet with tears. Then suddenly without warning, she pressed her lips to mine. I grunted in shock when she kissed me. Then I put my hands on her chest and pushed her slightly away, "Jade, I can't-" Then she kissed me again.
Then she pushed me onto my back and kissed me deeply some more. While she was on top of me, I pushed her head away from mine and said, "Jade? What are you doing?"
Jade with tears in her eyes, looked down at me and said, "I'm sorry, Casper. But I...Still love you. I loved you for three years. What's the point? Leon can't be with me, I'm alone now. You even told me that Shawna isn't with you anymore, after I came to stay here with you. Casper....I'm sorry, Casper. I know that you're a human, but I don't care anymore. I don't EVER want to be alone again. I've been alone for years, without my mother. I don't have a pride now. I...Just want you to be my mate. I know you don't want it, but I know you feel it as well. Please Casper...Don't reject me."
She spoke truer words than everything she has ever told me. Even her eyes tell me the truth.
It's true, I'm not with Shawna anymore. But still...I can't do it. That's not who I am. I need to set her straight. I sternly said, "Jade...Get off of me."
Jade shook her head, "No....I love you!" Then she put her mouth to mine again and kissed me deeply.
I thrashed underneath her and pushed her head away, "Jade, I can-" She put her lips to my mouth again, then I pushed her away, "Jade, I really can't-" She did it again and I pushed her away more harder than before, I shouted, "Jade NO!"
Apparently it was too harsh for her taste. She finally stopped and looked down at me with a pleading look on her face. She started to cry again.
I had an angry look on my face and I looked up to her while she was still on top of me and said, "No, Jade. I...Don't want it."
She gasped and then she closed her eyes. Finally she stepped off of me and started sobbing again. She got on her belly and buried her face in her paws, sobbing more loudly.
I sat up on the bed after she got off of me and glared at her, "I won't do it. I care about you, but I won't do it."
Jade said while she was crying in her paws, "Please don't say that."
I raised my voice a little, "Don't say that? Jade, how can you still think that way about me? We have been over this three years ago. I'm a human and you're a lioness. It can't happen."
Jade finally raised her head from her paws and looked at me with a pleading look, "But I love you!"
I shook my head, "No Jade, you love Leon. You have always loved Leon. I won't betray him."
She shook her head as well, "But he's not here, Casper. He won't know about us."
Finally I've had enough and yelled, "Are you kidding me?! How can you betray Leon like that?! No Jade, I won't do it! I won't hurt my friend!"
She yapped back, "Don't you get it?! I'm alone! I want to be with you!!"
"And I told you we can't! Why can't you get that?! I mean what do you think will happen? I mean...What do you want from me?!"
She sobbed and then she tearfully said, "Casper....The reason I don't want to be alone...Is because..." She trailed off.
I angrily asked her, "What Jade?! What is it?!"
She cried out, "It's because I'm PREGNANT!"
After she said that, all of my anger washed away in a blink of an eye. I stared at her, with shock, "Jade..."
Jade lowered her head to cry in her paws again. Crying in loud sobs.
I never felt so much guilt in my life. No...What have I done? That's why she wants to be with me, because she's pregnant. She doesn't want to raise the baby alone. Without Leon, she wants me to help her. She...wants a mate to help her. That's why she came here, to find me.
Now I understand.
I know I can't be with her like that, but that doesn't mean I can't be her friend and help her. That doesn't mean I don't care about her, I do. I will help her, I know I will.
I crawled on my bed toward the crying lioness. I put my hand on her back while she was sobbing and then I said, "I'm sorry...Jade. I'm so sorry."
She looked up at me and tearfully said, "So am I. I...I'm sorry too."
Then I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. She wrapped her paws around my body and cried in my neck. I sobbed alongside her.
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