Current Track: Blabb

“Okay... All done.” Electra said as she tossed the last apple into the pile. “I think it looks like it'd last a good while... For Mew I mean... I'd devour it in a couple minutes...” She said as she turned to me. “Looks good right?”

“Yep.” I smiled as I placed my right paw on her head. “Hehe, it's great! I think we did a good job.”

“Yeah, but isn't it kind of... Cheating? I mean... We didn't pick them all like Mew did...” Thunder said as he looked down.

“Shut up!” Electra growled.

“No! I'm serious! Mew went through all the trouble picking it, he spent so much time on it, and then we all gather here and cheat by taking it from the PC...”

“Ah, the joys of being able to withdraw multiple items...” Bolt chuckled.

“You're stupid! It doesn't matter how we got it, it's ALL back, and that's all Mew wanted. Besides, if you hadn't dumped us here I wouldn't have eaten it. So it's your fault.” She said as she stuck her tongue out at him. “So stop complaining about getting work done!”

“Whatever...” Thunder sighed as he turned around. “I don't even care...”

“She's right though... As long as we got it back that's all Mew cared about.” Bolt said.

“You're only saying that to get on her good side.” Thunder said as he turned back around.

“Nope, I actually feel that way.” He said, smiling.

“And so does Dallas, so you're outnumbered.” Electra said as she stuck her tongue out. “Bleh.”

“Quit doing that... It's creepy.” Thunder said as he looked up. “Where's Mew anyway?”

“Well we're in his cave... He's not going to be in here... He thinks we're going to be working on it for a while.” I said as I turned toward the entrance. “Come on.”

“There he is.” Electra said as I bumped into him, frowning as I took a step back.

“Oh... He was behind me...” I said as I turned toward Thunder. “Really...”

“I did NOT see him there.” Thunder said as he looked at Bolt.

“Why are you looking at me? I had nothing to do with it.” Bolt said as he placed him paw in front of Thunder's face. “Look at someone else.”

“I-... is that real?” Mew asked as he floated over to the pile, squeaking as he reached out and touched an orange.

“Well it's there... What else would it be?” Electra asked as she sat down. “This is a real pain to just sit here and stare at it you know...”

“Mewwwwww!!!!!” He squealed as he darted down and tackled me to the ground. “This is twice as much as what I had before!!!!

“Well then... We did better than we thought.” Bolt said, grinning.

“So... Does that mean I get to eat the other half... Since it's to big?” Electra asked as she tilted her head, smiling.

“Seriously? It was you eating it that got us into this in the first place!” Thunder said. “And not to mention t-”

“I said that I would give Electra some apples... And strawberries for Electra and Dallas!” He giggled as he floated to the top of the pile. “Now that there's enough that I can! Mew never takes back what Mew says!”

“Awww Mew... You don't have to...” I said, smiling as I looked over to Electra.

“Shhhh Dallas. He wants to.” Electra said as she wagged her tail. “It's free food!”

“Just a minute ago you didn't want to eat it...” Bolt said, frowning.

“That's because I had already eaten it. And I felt bad. Everything is fine now. So shhhhh.” She giggled as she looked up at Mew.

“I think it's perfect! It's so organized and everything!” He said as he floated down and picked up two apples, giggling as he brought them over to Electra.

“Apples for Electra.” He said as he floated back over to the pile, picking some strawberries and coming back. “And strawberries for Dallas and Electra!”

“Awww thanks Mew!” I said as I picked up a strawberry and bit into it, purring as the juice flowed over my tongue. It was, in my opinion, the best tasting small fruit ever.

“Chuuuu...” Electra giggled as she walked over to me. “These are yummy fruits!”

“I know!” I said as I hugged her, then picked up the last strawberry and held it up. “Here Mew.”

“Hmm?” He asked as he looked over at me. “Ohhh nonono, that strawberry is for you Dallas.” He said, smiling as he waved his paw at it. “Mew doesn't want it.”

“I DO!” Electra shouted as she snatched it out of my paw and tossed it into her mouth, purring softly as she swallowed it down. “Chuuuuu...”

“Err...” I said as I turned to her, sighing as I poked her belly. “Heyyy...”

“What? You were giving it away anyway!” She laughed as she hugged me.

“Well, Yeah but... Whatever.” I said as I hugged her back. “You deserve it.”

“Well... What now?” Thunder asked as he looked at me, then up at Mew.

“Well as much as I want to train Dallas, I have to go do something really important!!”  Mew said as he did a little loop in the air. “I promise I'll teach you something later Dallas!”

“It's okay. I don't have to train right away anyway. It was a false alarm set up by Team Onyx.” I said as I looked over at Electra, who nodded.

“Well if we can't train right now, then I'll just be heading back to the colony...” Electra said as she hugged me, smiling. “Let's go.”

Nodding, I hugged her back, smiling as I waved to Mew.

“I'll see you later Dallas!” He said as he waved back, giggling.

Closing my eyes, I sighed as I pictured not the colony, but our home. I sighed happily as I opened my eyes and looked at Electra, who made a face at me.

“Orrrrrrr we can go to our nest...” She said as she turned around, smiling as she made her way up the rest of the driveway. “You know, you could have teleported us a bit closer to the nest...”

“I know.” I said, smiling as I leaned against her, taking her paw in mine and smiling. “But I like walking with you. It's so peaceful and fun.”

“Awww... Well that's true. It IS nice walking with you.” She smiled as she gently kissed my cheek.

“Yeah...” I said as I leaned against her, purring softly. “I wonder how Cammy and Zeke are doing...”

“Ahhh they're fine.” Electra said, laughing. “They can look after themselves. Plus Kevin's there.”

“I know that...” I said as led her into the grass, then hugged her, my tail wagging as I closed my eyes. “I just feel funny...”

“What do you mean?” She asked as I turned around, pointing to the house.

“It feels funny... I don't know.” I said, frowning as I took her paw and continued walking. “Maybe it's nothing.”

“Well your feelings are psychic, so it must me something...” She said, frowning as she squinted at the house. “Everything looks normal though.”

“I know it does.” I said as I let go of her paw, dashing toward the house. “Let's go.”

“Hey! What happened to the happiness of walking together?” Electra asked as she dashed ahead of me.

“It was interrupted by the unhappiness of the house.” I laughed as I slowed down a little.

“Okay mister!” She said as she tackled me. I allowed her to pin me down, although I wasn't really pinned. I could easily break free, but she didn't know that.

“Mister Dallas.” She said as she laid down ontop of me. I was face down, but my head was up, and I was looking at the house. Electra grinned as she whispered into my ear.

“Mister Dallas... Our happiness should outweigh all the sadness in the world! The happiness of us walking together, like you said, is really... Happy.” She said, frowning. “I don't know how to word it... Grr you know what I mean!” She said as she stood up and tugged me to my feet. “Now walk with me! We haven't walked around together in a while.”

“Yes we have.” I said, grinning.

“Not through grass.” She said as she shook her head no.

“Well... True...” I said as I looked down at the grass. “But what does that have to do with it?”

“Well the grass is green and feels good on my paws.” She said.

“Well what about the floor in the Team Rocket place?” I asked.

“Yeah, well there was the feeling of... Lostness... Whatever you want to call it. Here, the grass feels good, and I know where I am, so I can focus on our... You know what I mean!” She said as she hugged me. “I just don't want to waste this moment.”

“Electra it's raining...” I said as I pointed up to the sky, squeaking as a raindrop fell on my nose.

“EEE! Fuck the feelings! I'm not getting wet!” Electra yelled as she took off running towards the house.

“Oh, okay... So NOW you see it my way...” I said as I took off after her. “What happened to all the happy feelings of going together?” I asked.

“We can run together, SAME THING!” She yelled as she sped up. “I DON'T want to get wet! Staying dry will keep me happy! It won't be a happy walk if I'm wet!”

“You mean a happy RUN... Because we're running...” I laughed as I dashed into the garage.

“Not anymore!” She said as she stood up, walking over to me and poking my nose. “That was a happy run. Because I didn't get wet.” She laughed as she walked over to the door that lead into the house. “You should probably close the big door that goes outside...”

“Yeah, I have no clue how to do that.” I said as I walked over to her.

“Well you have to jump up and press that button...” She said as she hopped up and pressed the button on the wall. I perked my ears up as the garage door began to close, and I gave her a confused stare.

“What...” She said as she pushed against the door that lead into the house. “It's not hard...”

“Well I guess not...” I said as I watched it close, then turned to look at the door Electra was pushing against.

“I think we have to just wait... Because we don't have our collars...” I said.

“Nope.” Electra said as she walked to the left, smiling as she dropped down onto all fours. “Here.”

“Oh yeah...” I said as I followed her inside the little doggy door, smiling as we both stood up. “Those things are everywhere, I forgot...”

“I didn't.” She said as she walked across the room. “Let's get food.”

“Of course...” I laughed, walking over to her and hugging her. “You and your food.”

“Hey! It would make me even happier if I ate!” She laughed as she pointed up. “We have to go up though.”

“Yeah...” I said as I looked around. “I can't find the thingy...”

“Over here!” Electra laughed as she grabbed my paw and tugged me to the right.

“Oh yeah...” I said as she jumped up and pressed the button on the elevator. “I forgot about that...”

“How could you forget? We've only been gone for like a couple days.” Electra said.

“Nono, I didn't forget, I just... Drew a blank...” I said as I shook myself off, as if I were shaking off water. “Ugh, I feel better now.”

“Dallas you're funny.” She laughed as she sat down on my back. “Give me a riiiide!”

“Um...” I said as I took a step forward, frowning. “Walking on all fours is weird for me...”

“It's weird for me too! But let's have a little fun! Come on, there's going to be a real big fight soon, we all know it's coming. Let's at least get a little play in before the serious stuff happens.” She said as she reached behind me and grabbed my tail, laughing as she pulled on it, then let it go. “Come on Dallas! Run!”

I laughed as the elevator doors opened, and I walked inside.

“Well I have an idea! I can give you a ride on all fours, no problem!” I laughed as I floated up a little, giggling as I pressed the the topmost button, laughing as the doors closed.

“I'm riding SuperChu!” Electra laughed as she grabbed my ears and tugged on them. “Pika!”

I laughed as the elevator doors opened, and I flew out, my paws out in front of me as I flew around in circles. “SuperChu flies through the room!” I laughed as I swooped down and grabbed a bag of food.

“SuperChu gathers food for his mate! And saves the day!” Electra laughed as she reached forward and grabbed the bag. “Because if his mate doesn't get any food, then someone better be willing to give themselves up for my ravenous ways!” She laughed.

“Ahaha!” I laughed as I gently landed on the floor, grinning as I walked over to the window and lay down on my belly. “SuperChu needs a nap.”

“Awww come on, I was having fun!” Electra laughed as she got up off of me and pulled me to my feet. “No naps! We have to um... Eat!” she said, smiling.

“Mister Dallas isn't hungry.” I laughed as I lay back down. “Mister SuperChu is sleepy.”

“Well I think mister Dallas needs to eat.” She said as she ripped open the bag, laughing as she poured it over me.

“Aaaahhh...” I laughed as I was covered in a pile of food. “Electraaaaa! You're making a mess!”

“Am not! I'm going to eat it!” She said as she tossed the empty bag aside and took another small one, laughing as she ripped it open and poured it on me again.

“Awww come on...” I said as I wiggled, the mountain of food ontop of me falling to the floor as I stood up. “You're going to get the little crumbs in my fur, and then I'm going to smell like the food, and you're going to eat me.” I said as I brushed off my belly.

“I'd probably lick you clean... Give you a bath... But yeah, trying not to eat you when you smell like that is going to be pretty tough.” She laughed. “I hadn't thought of that...”

“Well... We have to get rid of this mess...” I said as I looked at all the food around me.

“No problem at all!” Electra giggled as she scooped up a pawfull and shoved it in her mouth, giggling as she swallowed it down.

“Um... Yeah this would be a lot easier if it were still in the bag...” She said as she picked up one of the empty bags and placed it on the floor. Using the flat end of her tail like a broom, she pushed the food into the bag, but it all kept escaping through the little notch in the end of her tail. Growling, she turned to me, then pointed to the food on the floor.

“Get over here Dallas! My tail is a girl tail and has a dent in the end! All the food keeps escaping through it! I need your flat tail.” She said as she picked up the other bag and placed it next to the first one.

“Err... Okay...” I said as I lowered my tail to the floor, giggling as I pushed the food toward the bags, then up into them as Electra held them in place. When most of the food was back in the bags, Electra sighed.

“You know, I'd much rather have the bags of food poured all over the place like this... So I can roll in a floor full of food...” She said as she folded her arms. “But there's two problems with that. One, I can't eat it fast if it's in a pile, and two, it gets yucky when it stays out of the bag for a while. And it gets yucky even when the bag is left open. Sooo...” She said as she picked up one of the semi-full bags. “See, I wouldn't be able to do this if it was in a pile.” She said as she closed the bag and stuffed one end of it into her mouth, closing her eyes as she gulped hard. As she swallowed the first half, the other half of the bag was pulled into her mouth, and she gulped it down, sighing as the little lump the bag made in her throat disappeared as it got to her belly area.

“Um... So... You're eating it... In the bag... Without opening it...” I said as I looked down at the other bag, then frowned.

“Well yeah, why not?” She asked as she placed a paw over her belly and smiled. “The bag is papery, and I've eaten tons of paper before. It melts in your mouth when it gets wet and falls apart. No difference in my belly!” She laughed as she wagged her tail. “It will fall apart and the food will spill out. It's a faster way to eat.”

“Well... I guess you're right...” I said as I looked around the room. “I mean, I'm not going to stop you from eating whatever you want to eat, but I'm just wondering... Is there... A limit... To what you can swallow whole?” I asked as I tilted my head. “I mean, what's the limit? You've taken down whole Pokemon that are bigger than you are...” I said as I looked down at the little pile of food that remained on the floor. “How much bigger does something have to be before you have to tear it into chunks?”

“That... Is a GOOD question.” Electra said as she scratched her right ear. “I have NO idea... And I also have no idea what I can test that on.” She said as she looked around the room. “I've swallowed things bigger than everything in this room...”

“Put together!?” I asked, my ears perking up as I stared at her in shock.

“No silly... I mean there's nothing in this room that's bigger than the biggest thing I've eaten whole.” She laughed as she poked my nose. “Silly 'Chu!”

“Oh...” I said as I looked down at the little pile of food on the floor. “Um... Zeke is a wolf... And dogs eat off the floor a lot...” I said, looking up at Electra.

“Well Zeke is a wolf, and I've never actually seen him eat off the floor... Besides, he's smart.” Electra said, smiling.

“Well yeah, but... He can't use his paws to grab things... He can only use his mouth... So if there's a pile of food on the floor he'll go after it because it's easier to get to...” I said.

“Well yeah... And wolves are well known for gorging themselves every chance they get...” Electra laughed.

“Well... So are you...” I chuckled as I picked up the bag of food.

“Am not!” She argued.

“How so?” I asked as I placed the bag back down, laughing.

“Well, to gorge yourself, you have to eat and eat and eat until you're full, and then keep eating... Since I can't get full, I can't gorge myself. And plus, I hold back on eating excessive amounts of food because, whether I eat a lot or a little, I'm always hungry afterward. So I settle down for a couple apples and oranges and stuff, something small.”

“That's not small...” I laughed. “Small would be half an apple...”

“Well you eat normally! Small for me is a Pokemon or two. Tiny is a couple apples and stuff. I'm equally hungry afterward, no matter if I devour ten Charmanders or three apples. So I settle down for three apples because there will still be food left for me to eat later. I only eat tons of food when I'm given the opportunity to, and I'm told to, or when I'm just being mean. I don't want to be greedy unless someone else tells me to be.” She giggled. “Like back at Mew's cave. I was fed Mew's whole WINTER food supply! I just devoured the whole thing. A stack of food so big, it would have lasted the whole Winter. And I ate it all in like three minutes. And I was still just as hungry after I was done eating it as I was before I even started. You see, I could eat like that every time I go to eat, but food would disappear from the world pretty quickly if I did. And it wouldn't even help my hunger.” She said as she looked down at the bag of food. “Now, I considered the Winter supply to be just a snack... Mainly because it had no affect on me whatsoever, as far as hunger... Anything that doesn't decrease my hunger at all is considered a snack to me. Which is pretty much everything. Now if I were to gorge myself, there would be NO food left in the world. And no Pokemon and humans left either! I'd devour them all in one sitting! So no, I don't gorge myself, and I'm not known for it. I'm known for being able to eat with basically no limit. Being able to eat other Pokemon whole, and my passionate hatred toward Team Onyx. And my “Special ability” and “Rareness” That they keep mentioning.” She said.

“Well... You have a point...” I said as I picked the bag back up. “But then again... Well you're right I guess.” I said, frowning. “But... I bet you'd get full if I stuck my paw down your throat and emptied the PC into you... Pokemon, items, everything... Then you'd be full I bet!”

“Eh, doubt it.” She said, folding her arms. “Although that's in interesting idea... How about I stick my own paw down my throat and do that then?”

“Nooo don't...” I said, laughing. “Just forget I said anything about it.”

“Well... If the world ends because of mewthree's fight, I'm going to do it... Since the world is going to end anyway, I want to experience the feeling of fullness before I die... And I doubt I'd even be full after THAT.”

“Well yes, if the world ends I'll allow you to do it.” I chuckled as I held out the bag. “Here.”

“Eh...” She said as she took it from me, then looked out the window. “Eating extra doesn't help...”

“It helps you get stronger. The more you eat, the more weight you'll put on, making you tougher.” I said, grinning. “Come on, we have PLENTY of food.”

“Don't have to tell ME twice.” She said as she tilted her head back and poured the contents of the bag inside. I watched curiously as she emptied it into her mouth. I knew she had to be swallowing it, because the bag was three quarters of her height, but I didn't see her swallowing the food... When the put the bag down, I picked it up and looked inside. It was empty.

“Um...” I said as I looked at her, then the bag. “How did you just...?”

“The foods inside are small. I don't have to swallow them, I can just pour them into me.” she laughed.

“Well... That explains it...” I said as I placed the empty bag down. “Um... The big bags are like, twice your height... I've never seen you eat one...” I said as I scratched the back of my head.

“Well I do, when I come up here alone.” She said. “I don't want to eat more than two bags because then the food disappears quicker...”

“Eat as much as you want! Kevin can buy more in a heartbeat!” I laughed.

“As much as I want huh? Dallas that would be all the food in here times like a thousand.” She laughed. “There'd be no point!”

“Well what if... One day you woke up... And had this uncontrollable urge to eat everything in sight... No matter what it was? And never wanted to stop eating?” I asked.

“Dallas I already have that urge... You're making it worse... I'm trying to keep it under control... Trust me, you don't want to see this 'Chu when that urge takes over!” She said as she placed her right paw over her belly. “So stop encouraging it.”

“Fine fine...” I said as I walked over to the elevator and hopped up, pushing the button. “No more food then.”

She walked over to the elevator, and I walked over to the pile of food on the floor. Sighing, I scooped up a pawfull and stuffed it in my mouth. It tasted like bacon... Smiling, I looked over at the bag that I thought was full. I sighed as I looked inside the empty bag, my ears drooping to the sides as I remembered that I had Electra eat it... And it was such a good kind too!

“Dallas what are you doing?” Electra asked as the elevator opened. “The elevator took a while to get here so someone was using it.”

Paying little attention to her, I scooped up pawfulls of the food and filled up an eighth of the bag, before picking it up and dashing over to the elevator, sighing as I ran inside.

“This is good.” I said as I took some out and stuck it in my mouth, smiling as I chewed on it.

“Well yeah...” Electra laughed as she pushed the “2” button, then smiled. “I literally just ate a bunch of that. It's really good.”

“How did you even taste it...?” I asked as I tilted my head, a little confused.

“I snuck some more when you went to the elevator.” She laughed. “I tasted it on the bag, so I took a pawfull out of the pile.”

“See, I told you there's no harm in eating another bag...” I laughed.

“Yeah? Well you're right!” She said as the doors opened, and we stepped out. “I th- what the hell...” She said as she took a look around, frowning as she sniffed the air. “Wow, Zeke and Cammy are MESSY!”

“Yeah... What the heck?” I said as Zeke ran over to me and licked my face excitedly.

“Oooooohhhh Dallas I missed you so much!” He said as he wagged his tail, then turned to Electra.

“Don't... Even...” She growled as she held her right paw in front of her.

“Awww I missed you too Zeke.” I said as I hopped up onto his back and hugged him. I was smiling, until I noticed there was a strange aroma lingering around him... Hopping off of him, I walked over to Electra, who took a step back.

“Zeke you smell like pee... What did you do, pee and roll in it or something?” Electra asked as she waved at the air with her tail.

“Nope! It's Cammy's pee! I let her use me as a bathroom!” He said cheerfully.

I looked at Electra, and she looked back at me. I knew she didn't want to make any comment, and neither did I, because we'd done it before too. But not like this...

“Zeke you need to take a bath. It's raining, go outside.” Electra said as she waved her paw.

“Okay Electra!” Zeke smiled as he dashed towards the elevator.

“Oh, hey Dallas... Starlight showed up here... Somehow... And she's kind of looking for you. I left her with Kevin.” Cammy said as she walked over to us, smiling. “How have you two been?”

“Fine, fine...” I said as I took a look around again. “You're kind of... Messy...”

“Yeah it's gross.” Electra said.

“Ohhhh nonono, that's all Zeke's part of the floor. My half is spotless. I gave Zeke the big room and I took all the smaller ones.” She chuckled.

“Ah...” I said as I looked behind her. Sure enough, the room behind her had the door wide open, and I could see inside. And it really DID look pretty clean.

“Well your part looks clean...” Electra said as she hugged Cammy, smiling. “I knew a fellow 'Chu wouldn't be all messy!”

“Yeah.” I said as I joined the hug, smiling. “I knew it too.”

“Well Starlight is looking for you... I thought she was the enemy though. So if she's coming here it must be really important.” Cammy said as she wagged her tail. “You should go talk to her.”

Nodding, I took Electra's paw and we both made our way to the elevator. Out the window to the right, I could see Zeke running around in the rain.

“Hehe, look at him...” Electra laughed as she turned around. “Hey Cammy, we should spent more time together... You know, I still love you.” She chuckled. “And whether you know it or not, we've mated. Or, I've mated with your body on Dallas... So we're best buds now!” She laughed.

“Well I like hanging out with you too Electra.” Cammy said, obviously avoiding that statement. “Um, yes! Definitely! After you go talk to Starlight we can all go out and do something together, just us three 'Chus.”

“Yeah!” I said as I wagged my tail. “We'd better get going though!”

“Yeah, see you later!” Cammy said as she picked up a piece of a torn up box, sighing as she tossed it into a little pile. “Zeke... What am I going to do with you...” She sighed as she turned around.

“Heheh, I missed her.” Electra said as she pushed the elevator button, frowning as it immediately opened.

“Zeke has a habit of pushing random buttons on the elevator when he leaves... Most of the time it's the 2 though. Convenient this time because we're on floor two, and it opens right away, but... Annoying when he does it when no one's up here... Because then it takes longer for it to come down...” Cammy sighed.

“Oh...” Electra said as she entered the elevator. “Well, see you later!”

“Yeah, see you!” I said as I waved, smiling as the doors closed, and I pushed the “1.”

“She's so awesome...” Electra chuckled.

“Yeah...” I said as the doors opened, and I walked out, followed by Electra.

“Hey, we walked out here before, how come Starlight wasn't here THEN?” Electra asked, frowning. “That doesn't make sense...”

“There's more than one elevator.” I laughed.

“Oh yeaaaah...” She said as we both made our way over to Starlight, who was just sitting in the middle of the floor. It seemed as if she were staring into space. But what threw ME off guard, was the fact that there was another Pikachu sitting next to her, a male.

“What the... Fuck?” Electra asked as she looked at me, then back at Starlight. “Is that...?”

Equally speechless, I nodded as I looked back toward Starlight.

That Pikachu was Stryder!

--END Chapter Twelve.--