Current Track: Blabb

Fire and Ice
Chapter V - The Fallen Knight
© Cederwyn Whitefurr
June 2003.
All Rights Reserved.

Blinking its glacier blue eyes, the Dragon stared at the burning blade that
hissed mere inches away from its nostrils, the flames sizzling against the
wet mud.

"I can not kill you.not now, and not ever." Sir Kathis wept, as he dropped
and wrapped his arms around the Dragon's neck. "I.I do love beloved,
and for what it is worth.I forgive you...Jessica."

Heaving a sigh of relief, the Dragon rolled its eyes back and shuddered,
then it froze and blinked. In a second, Sir Kathis found himself flat on
his back, as the powerful, lithe reptilian form rose to its full height,
head twisting to and fro, sniffing the feeble breeze, a look of terror
slowly spreading across its face.

"My love - what.what's wrong?" Sir Kathis asked, as he rose from the mud
with a sickening squelch.

"Trouble - " Growled the Dragon.

Without warning, a dozen Knights' astride powerful armour-clad warhorses
thundered from the forest, their lances dropping as their mounts pounded
across the clearing, mud and rainwater flying from beneath the thudding
hooves of the warhorses.

"Jessica - go!" Shrieked Sir Kathis, as he snatched up his sword and
dropped into a defensive stance.

"My love - no, I can not leave you to fight and die.I can take you with me!
I can save you" Jessica squealed, as she twisted about and faced the
charging Knights.

"Go you bitch of a lizard!" Sir Kathis screamed. "You already have, now

"My love, please! Do not send me away.I can help you!" Jessica begged,
wringing her claws together.

"Go damn you!" Sir Kathis roared at her, and then sharply slapped her

Ignoring her mate, Jessica twisted her bulk and with a roar that only an
enraged Dragon could muster, she threw herself at the Knights. Grabbing two
lanced in each claw, Jessica heaved and the Knight's shot from their
saddles, sailing over her head and slamming with satisfying crunches head
first into two massive oak trees. Again Jessica roared, and the remaining
knights whirled and dodged astride their horses, as Sir Kathis bore witness
to the full wrath of his beloved.


Without missing a step, Jessica lunged and her jaws slammed down around a
young Knight, who barely had time to scream, before her teeth sheared closed
like scythes and bit him in half, armour and all..

"Jessica - to the side!" Sir Kathis screamed in horror, as he parried a
ride-by charge from a Knight, their swords crashing and sparking.

As Jessica spun to face the new threat, she roared in rage and pain as a
Knight's lance ripped along her side, then splintered, driving the broken
lance into her side. Blood gushed from the wound, but this only served to
make Jessica angrier. Roaring, she threw herself at the knight who had
injured her and her claw flashed out, smashing the knight and horse away, as
easily as a man would swat a gnat. Whirling their near-panicking mounts,
the Knights regrouped and charged her, but Jessica was no fool. Her
powerful muscles bunched beneath her scaled hide and she leapt into the air,
her wings unfurling and beating strenuously, as she fought to gain altitude.
Her wings created a localised cyclone, so strong did they beat, that flying
mud and debris temporarily blinded the Knights and their mounts. Rising
higher and higher, Jessica performed a wing-over manoeuvre, the dived
downwards, her jaws opening and her lungs filling with air, before she
exhaled a cone of freezing artic air and ice, that swept over the knights,
slaying many of them that were not quick enough to raise their kite shields
to deflect the icy breath, others were more fortunate, but their mounts were
not - horses screaming in agony as leg's froze and joints snapped, many a
knight being catapulted from his saddle, or crushed to death beneath his
mount as it stumbled, fell and rolled over him.

At Jessica's command, the clouds rolled back in, and a thick, almost
impenetrable fog. Screaming orders and counter-orders, the Knight's whirled
and galloped too and fro, blinded by the fog.but Jessica had no such

A young knight, only just past his Squire-hood and flushed with bloodlust
and rage, spun his squealing mount too and fro, his sword clutched tightly
in a gauntleted hand, before he slapped up his visor, then screamed..

Jessica's head snapped out like a coiled spring, and clamped about the
knight's midsection, then she threw back her head and cast the shrieking
knight skywards - before she snapped down with her jaws, crushing his waist
and legs in her muzzle, before she gulped again and the screams were
silenced, as she bit down once more, then spat the mangled remains to the
ground. Her wrath growing with each passing second, Jessica moved like a
ghost through the fog, the screams of equine and human pealing forth, ending
frequently with sickening gurgles and crunches of flesh and bone. At last,
a deathly silence descended, and Jessica spun too and fro, searching for her
beloved, her heart turning to ice as she found his sword lying on the mud, a
large swatch of blood soaking the leather-bound hilt.

Sir Kathis had disappeared without a trace..


Sir Kathis, weak, bloodied and beaten, had been knocked unconscious by a
mace to the back of the head, that had very nearly crushed his skull. When
he dropped, two Knight's had seized him between them, and as their
companions fought and died, had galloped for all they were worth, out of the
forest and back towards the Capital. Pushing their exhausted mounts until
they literally dropped from exhaustion, the two Knight's bound Sir Kathis in
ropes and force-marched him back into the city. Here, he was put in irons,
then dragged away to the King's dungeons, held without trial and without so
much as a chance to explain his actions.


For months, Sir Kathis languished in the dank dungeons, and every day, he
prayed his beloved mate, the Whitetail/Dragon, Jessica..


Finally, six months after his capture, Sir Kathis was dragged from his
cold, dank cell. His hair and beard were long, filthy and unkempt, and he
cried out in pain at the bright, torches the jailors carried.

"On your feet, scum." Snarled one, as he sunk his hobnailed boot into the
fallen Knight's ribs.

Sir Kathis shrieked and rolled away, his eyes wild and feral looking, and
he cowered helplessly, weakened by months of cruel torture and bad food.
Finally, he was clasped in irons once again and then dragged from the
dungeons, and paraded like some sick, scrawny prize before the hostile
masses that had gathered, and as Sir Kathis' eyes adjusted once again to the
light of day, a sickening horror came over him, as he realised he was being
led to his own execution..

He was paraded down the main streets of the city, peasants, merchants
nobles and even fellow knights jeered and pelted him with refuse; rotten
vegetables, stones and even manure, as the guardsmen tugged sharply on the
chain that was affixed to the disgraced knight's neck by a thick metal
collar. His head hung low, Sir Kathis stumbled and fell, but was cruelly
jerked back to his feet once more and forced to stumbled blindly onwards,
towards the waiting stake and pyre that loomed before him. The guardsmen
stopped as a bear of a man, dressed in gleaming, ornately engraved full
plate armour stepped from the ranks of the seething, murderous mob and
positioned himself before Sir Kathis' execution party. Grateful for the
momentary reprieve, Sir Kathis looked up and hope sparked in his eyes, as he
met the cold, flinty stare of the fellow Knight.

"Sir Pellanore, please, my brother, you must believe me, I did what I did
because I know the truth."

Silence descended over the crowd as they quietened and watched the
disgraced Knight and the other who stood before him, almost like a living
statue, so still did he stand. Stoking his long, luxurious beard with one
hand, then he leaned back and smashed his fist into Sir Kathis' face, the
steel plate and chain mail gauntlet crushing Sir Kathis' nose and opening a
gash across his right eyebrow.

Sir Pellanore snarled. "Who is this filth that dare address me as

"It is I, Sir Kathis, brother - listen to me!" Sir Kathis gurgled as he
spat out blood onto the cobblestones.

"By order of his Majesty the King, you have been found guilty of crimes
against both King and his people, and are hereby sentenced to death by
burning at the stake. Your crimes are treason, conspiring with an enemy of
his Majesty, and having wilful relations with a beast!"

"Lady Jessica is no beast!" Sir Kathis snarled, his anger rising and his
manacled hands clenching. "She is the one who freed me from my bonds of
false servitude. I know the truth now, I know what I had done in the past,
under the false guise of honour, valour and glory were a lie!"

"Silence!" Screamed Sir Pellanore. "Be silent dog, or I'll cut out your
tongue here and now! I will not stand to hear you utter such heresy. We
have witnesses who seen you engaged in fornication with that...beast...that
creature spawned from the darkest of evil magic's, that is neither human nor

"Damn you brother, I will not be silent!" Roared Sir Kathis. "She was once
a beautiful, proud and kindly noble. Her and her mate once sat at court -
at the King's very table...."

Hushed whispered rippled through the crowd, and even Sir Pellanore took a
step backwards, his face turning white as the truth of Sir Kathis' words
rang like bells.

"Yes, our own Majesty had two Dragon's at Court. Yet did he acknowledge
them? No - he could not, as they knew, as I do now, should their secret be
revealed, that they would surely be put to death. They took the form of
Buck and Doe, and sought to live amongst us peacefully, doing good and
helping those of lesser status."

"Lies!" Sir Pellanore snapped. "Those dragon's were responsible for
ravaging the Kingdom, slaughtering dozens of Knights, raping, pillaging and

"Listen to me!" Sir Kathis coughed, and then his voice grew stronger. "You,
all of you, have been blinded to the truth of it. Yes, I do not deny, that
they did turn away from goodness and honour, but not before her very own
offspring, only an egg, was stolen from her! They only sought the return of
their offspring that was stolen from them. Had it been returned, then they
would have spared others, and lived their lives alone and without harming
another living soul. It was one of our own, a human, that brought their
wrath down on our heads."

Sir Kathis paused, and let his words ring out over the crowd, who fell
quiet and listened, even Sir Pellanore grudgingly gave ground.

"I was quested to find and slay the Dragons, I found the male and put him
to the sword, as my King demanded, then I have spent the last twenty years,
hunting the female! Twenty years, I sought her out, twenty years of my
life, and never once, did I wish to reclaim those years! No - I befell
astride the beautiful and lovely young Lady Jessica, and it be true I had no
knowledge of what she was. Why did I spare her life, when she finally
confessed to her crimes and laid herself at my feet, willingly giving her
life to me? Why? Because I came to realise, it was not she who was wrong -
but I myself."

"She had lost her only offspring, and by my hand, her mate. At any time,
could she have slain me as I slept, yet what did she do? She took me into
her tiny, dismal cottage, gave me food and lodging, and with the God's
graces, came to love me, and I to love her. Yes, I do no not deny that I
lay with her, as would a husband with his wife, and I was determined, to
take her paw in marriage. It was us...who drove her and her mate to commit
the crimes that they did, and I felt, and still do, that she has suffered
more than any of us can ever comprehend. I ask you this, who has suffered
more? Yes, we have suffered at her paw - once."

"Who here has not suffered?" Roared Sir Pellanore.

"I say, is it not she who has suffered? Is it not she who has suffered
more than we ourselves? For after the death of her mate, by my hand, she
resigned herself to fate and stopped her murderous ways. Now, she only
wishes to live in peace and harmony with nature, and to be left alone. For
over twenty-five years, has she once raided your livestock? Murdered any of
you? No. All she wants is to be left to her grief. Is that too much to
ask?" Sir Kathis shot back scathingly. "She forgave me for murdering her
mate, and gave me her word, that never again, would she harm another human.
For the five years I spent with her, she lived up to that promise. Now, I
ask, can we not do the same? If a cold heart of a dragon can find it in
itself to forgive, then surely, can we ourselves not do the same?"

Almost magically, the crowd moved, forming a aisle down which strode a
dozen of the Kings personal guard, their crimson cloaks flicking and
bellowing in the cold winds that eddied and whirled across and through the
square. They parted and snapped to attention, as a regally dressed young
human male, astride a coal-black stallion rode forwards. He was an imposing
figure, dressed head to foot in incredibly detailed plate armour, his
visored helm shaped to resemble that of a snarling wolf, the eye's of blood
red rubies and the canines of polished onyx. He stopped a handful of paces
away, then as a page clasped the reigns of the trembling and snorting mount;
the man reached up and slid off his helm, then tucked it beneath one arm.
Mutterings and astounded gasps swept over the crowd as they recognised their
Prince, then with a loud rustle of robes, clothing and armour, knelt on one
knee before him, his cold, dark eyes sweeping over the assembled crowd.

"I bring sad news," Spoke the prince, his voice quiet, but somehow carrying
to the most distant ends of the square. "My father, the King, lays dead."

Wails and dark mutterings swept across the crowd as they cried in

"I was with him at the last," Continued the Prince. "I held my father's
hand as he passed into the next world, and I am the new King. His final dec
ree was that this...this thing before us - was to be put to death, as per my
father's order. I am here, to personally witness this foul wretch's

Anger once again boiled up from the crowd and they resumed jeering and
pummelling Sir Kathis as he was yet again dragged towards his inexorable
doom. He did not bow his head this time, but shook the guard's hands off
him, and with dignity and honour, marched of his own accord to the stake and
pyre. Here, he was bound to the stake and a hooded and cloaked executioner
held the burning torch, as he glanced at the Prince.

"Hold - " Called the prince, as he dismounted and approached. "I will do
the honours myself."

Startled gasps rippled through the assembled crowd. As the Prince took the
torch from the executioner, who bowed deeply and backed away, the Prince
moved in close and stared into Sir Kathis' eyes - and Sir Kathis gasped, as
he seen the dark, soulless eyes of the prince flicker and change to a deep,
silvery colour, then just as quickly change back.

"I know who you are." Sir Kathis gasped, his face paling.

"Yes, I know." Whispered the Prince as a cruel, predatory grin spread
across his face, then vanished as suddenly as it had come. "I smell on you,
the scent of that bitch who laid me...tell me - did she please you? Did she
give you all that your heart and body desired? Did her warm, furry form
bring you pleasure?"

Sir Kathis growled and struggled against his bonds as the prince smiled
again, his silvery eyes blazing with cruelty and hate.

"I can not but help wonder, what it was like to bed her as a Doe. Indeed,
I will find out, alas for her sake, I will not bother masking my true self
when I do. I expect her pain will be unbearable, to say the
least...wouldn't you say so?"

"For the love of God," Sir Kathis wept. "She is your mother...she has
spent over forty years, seeking for you!"

"God?" Snorted the Prince contemptuously. "I am no child of that sad,
misguided Deity. I know my wretch of a mother has sought me, yes, I know,
yet for what ends? To teach me how to be kind, noble and gentle? I am a
Dragon, not some lovesick dog that will lie obediently at my master's feet,
awaiting a pat. No, my dear, misguided human fool. I know what my heritage
is, and my future will be glorious indeed. I do expect this shall be most
excruciatingly painful my dear Knight, me a favour and
scream...scream long and loud, this is going to be most unpleasant for you."

Without further words, the prince stepped back and touched the torch to the
bone-dry kindling. As the flames caught and began to work their way up, Sir
Kathis grit his teeth and his gaze swept the bloodthirsty crowd...and he
seen the heavily cloaked and deeply hooded figure standing nearby. It's
eyes sparkled silver, and crystalline tears dripped from the corners of its
eyes then shattered as they struck the cold, uncaring cobblestones. Sir
Kathis grimaced and set his face like that of a statue, a look of resolute,
even calmness overcoming him, then he was wreathed in flames. Never once
did he utter so much as a single whimper, much to the Prince's anger.


A hundred years had past since Sir Kathis had been burned at the stake, his
charred skeleton mysteriously disappearing the following night, and was
never recovered. Only one creature knew of where it lay, and it was this
creature that even now, moved into the large tomb it had carved by its own
hoof-paws, as a final resting place for her beloved. Jessica walked slowly
into the incredibly detailed and carved tomb, her hooves clicking softly
against the cold stone floor, as she approached the large funeral bier. On
it laid a magically carved and shaped human-figure, which had been made to
be a stone copy of Sir Kathis. It lay on its back, dressed in fine full
plate armour, its arms folded across the kite shield that lay on the
statue's chest, the foot of the shield pointing down towards it's feet.
Hands were clasped over a stone hilt of the sword that likewise pointed
towards the feet. Biting back her tears, Jessica loving laid a wreath of
wild roses on her lover's tomb, as she had done, every year, for the past
century. Grief overcoming her, she dropped to her knees and clutched her
head in her paws as she wept unashamedly.

"My love, I miss you more now than ever, for it was through you I learned
how to love again. You taught me the values of honour, valour and virtue,
feelings and thoughts I had turned my back on, but only you had the courage
to make me face my crimes, and the heart with which to forgive me and spare
my life. Would I, if I had been able, would I have spared you from your
fate, and I begged for you to stay by my side, and not to return in shame
and dishonour. I did not understand why you did back then, but now, I
finally understand."

Jessica rose, and then walked back towards the entrance of the tomb, before
she paused and bowed her head. Her faded robe split and tore, as her body
humped and writhed, bone crackling and reconfiguring itself as her form
rippled and ran, soon materialising as a large, silver dragon, her eyes like
pools of liquid mercury. Her wings stretched out, then folded back over her
silvery scaled back, before she looked down and at a single whispered
command, made his Sword appear before her, floating magically in the air,
its cold, blue flames rippling along its exposed length, it detecting the
presence of a Dragon.

"My love," Jessica sniffled, her tears turning to crystal as they slid down
her cheeks and tinkled to the cold stone floor. "You said to me once, that
Dragon's do not cry. They do my beloved, it is just that no-one ever see's
us do it."

Clasping the two handed blade in one massive clawed paw, Jessica hefted it
easily, feeling the agony as the magical blade seared her scaled palm.
Carefully, she sat up, then entwined her paws around the hilt...and plunged
the blade deep into her scaled chest. As the blade seared into her heart
and her black blood gushed from the wound, she uttered a soft, sobbing cry,
then slumped forwards, the sword slamming itself deep into her body and
snuffing out her life like a candle extinguished in a sudden cold draft of